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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 01-22-2011

**Incoming Transmission**
**Hollweg, Ernst; Flieger**
**Patrol Report**
**Establishing Uplink**
**Data Uploaded**

[Image: transmit.jpg]

Meine Herren,

Here the patrol and engagement report from today. Unfortunately the pictures from the Omega-11 patrol have been lost due to radiation damage.

The Admiral ordered all available Truppen to the Strausberg this evening.
Following his call were: Leutnant Kreuzchen, Feldwebel Austerlitz, Flieger Nelson, Rekrut von Reims and myself.
Leutnant Meyer joined us later when he was available.

I was ordered to form up on Leutnant Kreuzchen for a patrol in Omega-11 and Omega-7. Rekrut von Reims joined us on the patrol. Our Gruppe started moving immediately and arrived at Omega-11 without any incidents. Once we were there we patrolled the whole system and except the radiation slowly eating away our hulls nothing worth mentioning in this report happened. After the Omega-11 patrol we moved to Omega-7, getting our hulls fixed at Schlachtschiff Karlsruhe on the way. Feldwebel Austerlitz joined us for the Omega-7 patrol, which should not be as quiet as the one in O-11. We got readings of two unidentified ships on our scanners somewhere in the mining fields so we flew in to investigate. These contacts revealed themself to be Rote Hessen fighters. Leutnant Kreuzchen, Feldwebel Austerlitz and Rekrut von Reims engaged them while I stayed above the fight monitoring the scanners for further contacts and ready to assist if necessary.

[Image: fight1d.jpg]

The Admiral and Flieger Nelson joined us during the fight. In the meantime we had split up, Leutnant Kreuzchen and Feldwebel Austerlitz were going after one of the Hessen, while Rekrut von Reims fought the other one. The first Hesse was destroyed but the other one fleed after the Admiral joined the fight.

After the Hessen have been pushed back, the Admiral took the lead of the first Gruppe, now consisting of Leutnant Kreuzchen, Rekrut von Reims, the Admiral himself and me. The second Gruppe (Leutnant Meyer und Feldwebel Austerlitz) was to further Patrol the Omegas, Flieger Nelson signed off. First Gruppe then moved to a frontline patrol in Hudson and Bering.

[Image: hudson.jpg]

In Bering we then received via comms that second Gruppe was in trouble.

[Image: bering.jpg]

We made our way to assist the second Gruppe in Omega-3 on the double and when we finally arrived we were welcomed by two corsair gunboats, one corsait bomber and a corsair fighter.

[Image: incf.jpg]

The Admiral gave the order to engage and both Gruppen attacked the targets.

[Image: screen17e.jpg]

During the following fight my Wraiths hull got severly damaged and I had to eject, but not before one of the enemy gunboats went down. After the fight had dragged away from the location of my escape pod, I was picked up by one of our support vessels and brought back to Schlachtschiff Strausberg.

Flieger Hollweg signing off.

[color=#33FF33]**Terminating Transmission**

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 01-22-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Karlsruhe, [color=#33CC00] Stuttgart System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00]Medium, port RM-CH-HC-1488-M.


[Image: Voelkel-transmission.png]

[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol report database.
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol report, 22.01.819.

A little extension to the report of Hollweg, regarding our duty for Queen Carina:

By the time the second wing arrived to Omega-3 at 21:13 SMT, Feldwebel Austerlitz has already taken down a Titan and was working on the second one. We read four contacts; two gunboats, a fighter and some sort of Kusarian bomber at combat readiness.

At first the Corsairs appeared to be preparing to hit the nearby asteroid field and I was willing to let them go, but after a few minutes of hesitation they seemed reluctant on leaving the area so I ordered the wings to dispose of them. The Corsair gunboats headed for the asteroid field regardless, whether they were retreating or it was a bad taste of tactics to take cover in the field with gunboats, it is unknown to me.

[Image: rm91.png]

We lost the fighters of Hollweg and Reims in the first few minutes, then we took down one of their Imperators, labeled "Shaulanca's revenge 20" successfully. As we were heading for the gunboat Revenge 1, which appeared to contain some sort of leader figure, we also lost Leutnant Kreuzchen in the process.

[Image: rm92.png]

That was three unexpected casualties in the first few minutes, so far the wing's performance was disappointing, and in the meantime an additional Titan fighter arrived, so the opposing force outnumbered and outgunned the surviving three vessels; that being me, Leutnant Meyer and Feldwebel Austerlitz.

We couldn't make any notable progress with the gunboat from there on, its gunners were rather efficient by spraying projectiles at us with a speed that's rare to encounter. I gave orders to destroy the Kusarian vessel, labeled Revenge 16, so we took it down successfully.

[Image: rm93.png]

With the arrival of a Daumann escort vessel, we shifted fire back at the gunboat, but the pilot was reluctant to hit the designated target and instead started dueling a Titan which shredded him to pieces.

What happened afterwards was a stall in combat. We were making minor damage to the enemy fighters and in turn the Corsair gunboat was firing at us, so we had to concentrate in surviving long enough for reinforcements to arrive. As opposed to our expectations, only a third Corsair fighter, a Gladiator arrived and entered combat, no allied vessel signed in until little before 11 PM. At that point, our fighter wing was heavily damaged.

Eventually, we picked up the comms of two Armed Forces patrol vessels, parallel to it Gefreite Reginleif and Vizeadmiral Putzkammer also singed in. They arrived to the scene little after a fifth Corsair ship, a Black Sails bomber designated as Vasquez did and engaged the hostiles.

We destroyed the gunboat which appeared to have shocked the enemy force, then the Sails bomber. The remaining three vessels put up slight resistance then fled the area.

[Image: rm94.png]

[Image: rm95.png]

[Image: rm96.png]

Well, the engagement could have been more successful and would have been resolved more efficiently without the premature loss of literally half our wing. Our recruits obviously need more training at handling live situations, the Omega sector has been exceptionally cruel and we don't want them to get demoralized by mere pirates and marauders.

I also believe the Armed Forces pilots were impressed, I do hope it occurs to them that it's not only their part of the Omegas that needs additional attention.


Admiral Alec Voelkel,
Oberkommando der Rheinland Militär.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DeathSpirit - 01-22-2011

[Image: schoon.png]

.:Reading Data:.

To: Rheinland Military High Command
Priority: Normal
Subject: Patrol Report

Guten Tag Pilots,

Our daily patrol today, showed us again that the Piracy in Frankfurt System really rises. Today our comrades and I went to Frankfurt because we heard about Pirates in the Area between Mainz and Manheim, many Miner report us about them, and so Marinenachrichtendienstofficer Martin Trauer and the Wing Pilot Alpha-5 of the Westliche Rheinland Flotte move to this Area. After our Group arrive we got 3 Hostile Contacts after a long discuss it came to a fight. At the Fight all 3 Hostile Unioners left.

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Then at the way back get involved in a Fight against the Red Hessian Army, there was a big fight. After most of our Fighters get destroyed we must Retread.

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Signed Laura Schoon

[Image: schoonend.png]
.:Connection Lost:.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - mayu20 - 01-25-2011

----Stand By----

FROM: Of.Otto.von.Marck
SUBJECT: Patrol report #17

Guten tag!
Today was a nice day in Rheinland. We had to patrol all systems of Rheinland. So on my way to the RV point I found a pirate, a Corsair ship. Ze admiral watch the fight. It wasn't a long fight since that Titan doesn't had any armor upgrades. So we split our wings and start patroles. Me, Admiral and Gefreiter Sasha Reginleif patroled New Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen and Hudson. On the way back Admiral had to leave the patrol for some paper work, so me and Gefreiter continued the patrol of Frankfurt and Sigma-13. No conflicts except the corsair ship.

Corsair Titan

Kill confirmation


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 01-25-2011

**Incoming Transmission**
**Hollweg, Ernst; Flieger**
**Patrol Report**
**Establishing Uplink**
**Data Uploaded**

**Encryption Level: VERY HIGH**

[Image: transmit.jpg]

Report about the MND incident in Omega-3

Meine Herren,

As requested by Admiral Voelkel I present the report about the strange encouter with the MND in Omega-3 today.
The Admiral was leading patrol Adler Eins through Omega-3 when we picked up a distress call from an unknown vessel. It was apparently under attack by Rotfront units who responded on the comms, too. After the location of the fight had been transmitted, the Admiral ordered us to move there and check what was going on. When we came in visual range the ship identified itself as an Agent of the Marinenachrichtendienst, so we assisted against the Rotfront forces, who were trying to talk us into believing the Pilot of the ship was "alien". During the fight another MND Agent showed up, apparently belonging to the one who send the distress call. Being no match for our military might the enemy retreated quickly and the two Agenten were saved.

**Changing Encryption Level**
**Encryption Level: HIGHEST**

Here is the attachement containing the comm logs of the talk after the fight. The two Agenten refused being escorted back to Rheinland with their...special cargo...and just vanished without the permission of the Admiral. Even though we could reestablish comms to them in Omega-7 they again flew out of range shortly after. For further information about the cargo contact Admiral Voelkel himself.

[Image: mnd0t.jpg]

[Image: mnd1.jpg]

[Image: mnd2.jpg]

Hollweg Ende.

[color=#33FF33]**Terminating Transmission**

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Denelo - 01-26-2011

Incoming transmission...
... Unpackaging...
... Decoding...
... Decrypting...
... Disinfecting...
... Complete.
Opening transmission...

Transmission open.

Communicator Identification:
Flieger Wilfried Herrman
Target Identification: Rheinwehr Oberkommando

voice transmission...

Reporting zhe brief patrol lasting from 2305 hours to 2335 hours zhis day.

Zhe patrol was surprisingly uneventful. Zhere were very few ships flying through zhe Vaterland today. Most of zhe few greeted me cordially. However, at zhe end of zhe patrol, zhere was an Interspace vessel who was flying through zhe Vaterland with zhe banned goods! Zhe vessel in question, zhe Black_Gold, was hauling a load of Neon through zhe Vaterland illegally. However, zhe ship vacated zhe area before proper evidence of zhe transgression could be gathered. I suggest an eye is kept in zhat ship.

Zhe patrol route was as follows: Zhe patrol started at zhe Planet Hamburg and continued to zhe New Berlin system. From zhere, zhe patrol moved to zhe Bonn Station, and on to Stuttgart. Then, zhe patrol proceeded to zhe planet Baden Baden, and zhen back to zhe New Berlin system. Once back in zhe New Berlin, zhe patrol returned to Hamburg by way of zhe Brandenburg Border Station and zhe Planet New Berlin. Zhe Interspace ship was encountered upon entering zhe Hamburg system, but could not be pursued due to fuel levels. I zhen returned to zhe Planet. Several pirate and other criminal pilots were captured; zhey are awaiting transport to zhe Vierlande Prison.

Transmission ended.

Closing transmission...
... Closed.
... Repacking...
... Saving...
... Transmission stored in archives.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 01-26-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Karlsruhe, [color=#33CC00] Stuttgart System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00]Medium, port RM-CH-HC-1488-M.


[Image: Voelkel-transmission.png]

[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]All Rheinwehr comm frequencies.
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Orders update.

Achtung, Soldaten!

Here's the pre-February update on operational orders, read and follow carefully; I don't want any incidents.

First of all, trade. As most of you have obviously been notified, Bretonia is not receiving military vehicles from Rheinland due to security reasons. If anyone asks what that exactly stands for, tell them to complain to the High Command, miss Kirsch will address their issues with a nice cup of subtle violence.

In short: Confiscate all military vehicle shipments heading to Bretonia.

Secondarily, Kusarian traders, especially Samura and Kishiro should no longer be touched if they ship military vehicles or light arms back to Kusari. Our pleasure ride to Kyushu had its feedback, and it is long from over, so try and play nice with any Kusarian ship you encounter, unless of course it's trying to run the embargo to Liberty.

In short: Samura and Kishiro is allowed to ship military vehicles to Kusari, let them do so.

Also, we've been having a helluva last few weeks down in the Omegas, as in literally. We all know the Omegas are hell, but the corporates decided that it would be the most wise to set up a mining op in there and the Bundestag demands that we do our best to protect them. Some of you have done well but it's not enough; we need to continue making checks into Omega-11, Omega-7 and occasionally Omega-3.

Make sure you re-read the flight manual concerning; Corsairs, the Red Hessian Army, combat among natural hazards, gas pockets, the treatment of burning, the effects and treatment of radiation poisoning and lastly, how to give our engines as much power as possible.

We have an awful lot of work to do, but hopefully the SEK in the area and an extra bunch of mercenaries will give us a hand, so with time and hard labor, things will get back on track in the Omegas too.

In short: We'll be intensifying our patrols to the Omegas, make sure you have your final testimony written.

Last but not least, Leutnant Meyer also is arranging some sort of training, along with Vizeadmirals Putzkammer and Weissman. If all is well, the training is scheduled to 8 PM SMT on every Saturday, hopefully we'll also be getting a visit from war veterans like Otto Bachmeier and Alana Schueman. We'll be learning about flight maneuvers, group fight tactics, weapon handling and such. It will be held in Braunschweig, as always.

In short: Training every Saturday at 8 PM SMT, attendance is mandatory.

There may be two further issues coming up, one concerning H-fuel, the other is something I will not yet disclose.

Augen zu öffnen, Waffen immer bereit.


Admiral Alec Voelkel,
Oberkommando der Rheinland Militär.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chenzo- - 01-26-2011

***Incomming transmission***

Guten tag ! Heir Hoffman reporting!

Ich was on duty, when Ich came across 2 ozeh members of ze rheinland militry forces.

Zeh ver engaged in combat with ein unionor unt ein brandschuh.

Ze unioner seemed have have hit ein ION storm and dissapeard, the unioner fought on, head to head with heiren Schoon, she fell pray to ze unioners guns and had to eject, however Ich tracors her pod and took ze brandschuh on.

Ich will let ze guncam recording tell ze rest, uploading ze file!

**Uploading File**

**Upload complete**

-Displaying Data-

As you can see, ze thug took heavy damage then decided to flee. Ich ist sorry for failing to down ze enemy, reguardless, Miss schoon was returned unharmed to base.

Hoffman out.

***Signal Lost***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - mayu20 - 01-26-2011

----Stand By----

FROM: Of.Otto.von.Marck
SUBJECT: Patrol report #18

Guten tag!
Today when me and Of.Laura Schoon start our patrol noting was going on. We headed in Stuttgart, then Omega-11. There we found 2 Unioners but they ran away. After that we headed to omega-7. When we were about to jump the two unioners showed up. They ran onace again. We followed them. In our way to Hamburg we meet the leader of Volksfront. Moments later the two unioners showed up again. After some change of words thy engaged us. I manage to shoot down one of them but the tird one escaped, as the Volksfront leader.

CumGam proof
The unioner ship and the Volksfront leader in combat


Rheinland Military Message Dump - SpaceTime - 01-28-2011


[color=#000000]Source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin
Submitter: Carl von Manstein
Recipient: Rheinland Military High Command
Subject: NR-82 Patrol Report
Encryption: High
Priority: Medium

[font=Times New Roman]~ Uploading file ~

[Image: ulFrm.png]

[color=#CC0000]--- CLASSIFIED ---

Any non MND or High Command member is not allowed to read the report

Guten Tag, Das ist Gefreiter Carl von Manstein of the 88th Rheinwehr Brigade,

This is a report about patrol NR-82. The patrol started in Battleship Strausberg after a few delays for technical reasons. The patrol consisted of Flieger Hollweg, Recruit Reims und me. We patrolled the New Berlin System and then we continued to Hamburg System. There, we checked the trade lanes and all the installations for pirate and Libertorian presence and after we didn't find anything suspicious, we jumped to the Bremen System. In Bremen, we patrolled around Munster and then we proceeded to Battleship Westphalia. Fortunately, everything was fine and no presence of LN activity was reported.

Our next stop was the Frankfurt System. After we jumped to Frankfurt, we took the lane to Mannheim Station. When we were travelling in the trade lane, our scanners picked up a red contact at 14K distance. After the trade lane I ordered Flieger Hollweg to get on the lane and in the point where we found the contact to check the area west of him und Herr Reims to stay around Mannheim Station and check the incoming ships. I cruised and search the west part of the trade lane.

After some minutes I detected the red contact and the distance I had from it went below 10K so I was able to track down it's exact position and transmit it back to my 2 wingmates. Naturlich, I ordered them to immediately come in the coordinates I gave to them. I didn't know what was that vessel and my computer didn't have any information about it too. Judging from it's size I guessed it was a gunboat vessel, but I didn't have time to call for bomber support. I requested from the captain of this vessel to identify himself und the same time I started a scan analysis on it. The responce of the vessel was very confusing and unique... and that made me suspisious that it was a Wild vessel. After it's responce, the Wild vessel opened fire probably because it knew that my wingmates were coming.

I evaded most incoming fire and yelled in the radio to my wingmates to go faster; I didn't know the abilities of this large vessel. Fortunately they arrived in time, so I ordered them to circle the vessel and attack it primarily from behind. With a force consisted of 3 Wraiths, this tactic worked and steadily we inflicted severe damage to the vessel. Here is a photo from my guncam showing the Wild vessel.

[Image: closeencounter.png]

The vessel's armour plates were very strong as it can be seen here.

[Image: cauy.png]

Even though all our ships inflicted damage, we managed to take down the hostile vessel without losing any wingmate.

[Image: deathh.jpg]

After the destruction of this vessel, I tractored all the important equipment and headed to Schatten where I handed them over to the MND and the researchers. Here's what I tractored.

[Image: equipmentq.jpg]

There we had also some brief repairs und then we returned to New Berlin System where I released the fliegers from duty und I headed to Battleship Strausberg to write my report. Das ist all for now. Für Rheinland, für Kanzler !

[font=Times New Roman]Gefreiter Carl von Manstein,
Signing off