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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 05-02-2013

---Incoming Transmision---
---Opening Video Feed---

[Image: LtCdrRobertDzeferson_zpsd409a6af.jpg]

-Video Link Successefully Connected-
*In the distance pale man appears and he looks terribly tired. As he gets closer to the video feed, a sharp face lines can be recognized. It was Lt.Cdr. Robert Dzeferson*

*Then he quietly whispers unaware that the feed began*

Ah damn it. I should have known about those things earlier.

*Then he looked up on the camera and started his statements.*

Good day fine gentleman from the BAF HQ. Today I present to you a very tricky report and situation. But firstly lets take some order of the events. As always launched my ship from the planet of New London and I took some flight to Leeds orbit. I heard news that there was some pirate lurking around. Unfortunately I couldn't find myself catching him due to the fact that he had a cloaking device.

Anyways he dropped since I raised activity of BAF, ensigns Ben Merchant and Liam Johnson. When they joined me, the pirate scattered away.

Then we did a fast sweep of the surrounding systems, all were clear but we had a small mess in the Snowdown. There was some Corsair at Freeport. Codename

So I asked him what was he doing there, he said that he is awaiting for his milk. And by this way I want to make some influence on captain of the HMS-Thunderer, that he should provide what he has promised. While I cannot get why did you promised milk upon Corsair, still we are a men of our words.

And all the troubles started there. Bloody hell that was a very tough day I must say. A hole bunch of BHG appeared and started asking questions and making problems. I told them that I don't care what will they do with the Corsair, just do it out of the No-Fire zone. But they are stubborn

Next thing you know they are asking me am I threatening them. I found myself very surprised and offended, I must say. I told them only to move out of the Freeport if they want to make troubles with that Corsair. And like the situation wasn't hot enough, another Corsair pilot appeared. Now we had two Corsairs.

But we were damn lucky since the other one was a bad pilot, and he was going on the nerves, if we put aside BAF and BHG, he nerved his Corsair friend out. So they popped out.

In the meantime the only reason why I didn't order a retreat from the snowdown, is Bowex trader. He was on his trade routs there and that is why I order men to hold there as much as we could. Later we left the place of that event and left for New London. Well at least I did, and I gave "Dismiss" command to ensigns.

For the end I would like to ask BAF HQ to reconsider the treaty of the Snowdown, and at least give us partially, if cannot full, untied hands for fighting invaders on Bretonia. And I would also like to ask Zoners if they can raise activity of their patrols in the area of Freeport.

With all due respect LtCdr. Robert Dzeferson.

---Terminating Transmision---
---Closing Video Feed---

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 05-03-2013

---Incoming Transmision---
---Opening Video Feed---

[Image: LtCdrRobertDzeferson_zpsd409a6af.jpg]

-Video Link Successefully Connected-

*As the video link appears, a sound is to be heard from the back chambers. Then Robert is seen coming towards camera, while whistling his favorite song*

Hello there gents'. How are y'a doing this fine day?
Well lets start then shall we? Launched, uh as you suppose, from the New London planet. Did some patrolling around and found nothing, so I said to myself: "Why don't I visit Leeds system, was a long ago since I did it last time."
So I was off to Leeds and there I found amusement for me. I found miss

I was there for a fair bit of time talking with miss, and I cannot deny that it was pleasure. But lets leave that aside, next thing I did was check upon Leeds, and I find quite well the things I saw and how they stand now. You can see for yourself.

As you can see everything was in order with those, and i haven't seen some activity of the Frogs that is worth mentioning. But then I have some other guy that wants to play with me. I found him at Leeds planet. He was coming from the New London Gate. I told him to stop, he moved on. I said it again but he moved on. After that I gave last warning with notice that I will treat him as a combat target. He didn't listen. Then he landed on Leeds. I waited patiently and when he came out he went for Tau-31. So I went along. And his luck betrayed him and I claimed the kill and the justice! He was toasted!

With all due respect LtCdr. Robert Dzeferson.

---Terminating Transmision---
---Closing Video Feed---

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 05-15-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Very High Encryption =-

Priority: Very High
To: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Commodore George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Macduff, Newcastle System
Subject: Our N.A.P. With the S.C.R.A.

[Image: freelancergeorgerichard.png]

I'm sorry for letting you know this late. Somebody else was supposed to do it, but it seems that one can't even remember where is their own head. It's not a Commodore's job to do some mere report, really. I'm not a herald.
So, the bullheads leading the Coalition have broken our non aggression pact. Just like that, without any prior message. They came to Newcastle, passing trough our defenses as "friends", met with our patrol headed to Dundee, and gave us an outrageous demand for replacing the Queen and the Parliament with a communist government. Because we couldn't accept something that absurd, they started doing something probably representing their attempt to force us. Our forces were consisted of two Templars and one Paladin, while they had at least six snub craft at the start. We won, thankfully to some Colonial carrier which just came out of nowhere. However, they have blasted the ships flown by Lieutenant Commander Thomas Eliot and Ensign... no, actually he's a Lieutenant Commander, somehow... I'm afraid I can't pronounce his name.
I advise contacting the Coalition Revolutionary Army for this. They said they had a change of leadership, but it's also possible that what we've met was only a terroristicaly tempered renegade wing.

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 05-19-2013

-[Incoming Transmission]-
[Image: BAF_Logo.png]

Attention! The following members of the Armed Forces are promoted to a higher rank due to their long and continuing service:

- Connor Sharks, Angus Graham, Liam Johnson, Ben Merchant - to Lieutenants.
- Robert Dzeferson - to Commander.
- Hugh Darrow - to Captain.

Congratulations to the officers. Your country is proud of you!
To all others, a lot more is to be done and in time a lot more are going to be promoted for their bravery.

Admiralty Headquarters, Battleship Harlow
Secretary of the Fleet Admiral.

-[Transmission Terminated]-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Highland Laddie - 05-23-2013

Incoming transmission:
Encryption level: VERY HIGH
To: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Lieutenant Angus Graham

Greetings Sirs,

I had a disturbing incident the other night whilst on patrol in the Leeds system. Long-range scanners detected a massive ship build-up in the Magellan sector. I noticed the HMS-Argosax had headed in the direction to investigate, and he had alerted me for assistance.

When I arrived at Freeport 4, there was a large number of warships present from various factions, ranging from Liberty, Council, Colonials, and even Order vessels. In the midst of the meeting was a Gallic Valor and an allied repair ship. I was requested to hear what the Gaul had to say by Admiral Baker of the Liberty Navy. We then moved the meeting to a secured location in the California system.

The Gaul's name was Lalouche D'Aramis, or something to that level. Claims he was a former Minister of Intelligence for the Gallic Crown, and that he wished for a sort of amnesty. He says that Nomads have begun infecting Gallia on a scale not seen since the last Nomad war, and sent warning that they would be invading Leeds soon.

As I had no real authority to grant anything, I decided to speed this word on to Admiral Havering and the rest of High Command so that you may establish contact with the higher ups and decide where to go from there.

End of Report.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 05-25-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Commodore George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Macduff, Newcastle System
Subject: Battle Report

[Image: freelancergeorgerichard.png]

I'm afraid our defenses in Leeds are getting weary. Our defeat yesterday could serve as a proof.

I ordered three of our Dunkirks, which were all we had, including two bombers, to make an equilateral triangle around planet Leeds docking ring. Distance between each ship was no more than three clicks. The Dunkirks were H.M.S. Illustrious, from the secondary fleet, and H.M.S. Juggernaut and H.M.S. Thunderer, both from the primary fleet. A huge Gallic fleet, comprised of four Valors and two cruisers, could quickly be seen from our posts. I saw only one cruiser of theirs, along with a Molly Scylla, but other eyewitnesses claim there were two Obstinates and two more Scyllas. We were shortly engaged by all of them. At first, everything flowed as planned, but still inexperienced captain of the Illustrious considered charging into the whole fleet a good idea. Their fleet was now, after disabling the Illustrious, all crushing onto the Juggernaut. The Thunderer, not yet having received any serious damage, managed to flank them and inflict it to a Valor, which will later be the only one down, disabled by the Juggernaut. However, the Juggernaut, seeing all possible ends as fatal, now turned and rammed the mentioned Valor, crumpling her bow as it was made of butter. Sadly, that also made the end to the Juggernaut. Not after that, two more Valors uncloaked at the Thunderer, one in front, and the other one behind. My ship was severely damaged by the initial attack, but I managed to direct her towards the front Valor's top blind spot. The other one stopped shooting, as she was hitting her ally more than the Thunderer. I managed to cause a lot of damage, but the cruisers swarming around us proved to be fatal. One of two bombers which remained, a Colonial one, was shot down. Our forces were utterly crushed.

Abandoning Leeds and turning it into an enormous minefield would be a good idea. Before that, please send a message to Southampton. Tell them to boost their shipyards to maximum capacity. We need our three Dunkirks repaired.

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 05-25-2013

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Admiral Mike Havering
Source Location: Battleship Harlow
Encryption: Medium
Priority: low

[Image: 28lyrt5.jpg]

Right I'll be dropping something aswell.

Earlier this day we had some Corsair with rather big ships sitting in New London, most probably waiting for some poor lad to pirate.

A Cruiser named Lupus Album with a Gunboat friend with an equally special name Drummernaught, were waiting for us and didn't bother to pay the fine as I expected.
Eliot in his Fighter and myself wouldn't have managed to take down both of those things alone, luckely enough we had two Mollies Bombers which had the feeling that the Sairs are the bigger problem than we are and assisted us.

The Cruiser was the first to go being the fatter target, one of the Mollies got shot down rather fast.

As the Gunboat was meeting it's doom a Sails showed up and dueled Eliot.

I after the done job with the heavies the remaining Mollie retreated and I changed gear so to support Eliot, who didn't need the help.

And then we've had a major buildup of Mollies forces in Dublin, about 3-4 Cruisers and a few snubs.

With me were Eliot, Ensign Kent, Seargent DaPilla and a Bountyhunter in a bomber, we didn't really stand much chance in the fight, managed to take down one Mollies fighter, after ensign Kent had to get into his Escapepod.

As we were retreating to Essex a lone Valor of the Gauls joined the fray against the Mollies. *chuckles*
I didn't even bother to check how it ended, I'm happy enough that they shoot each other instead of banding together.

That would have been all for today.

Signed: Mike Havering

...Transmission lost...

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kiith - 05-26-2013

Message Type: After-Mission Report
From: Ensign Karlsson, Marylin
Location: Southampton Shipyard, New London system

[Image: tve62997-20050916-1646.gif]

Ladies and Gentlemen,

this is Ensign Marylin Karlsson, handing in report 001. I really have to say, there are quite a few things going on in my home country, but we would not be pilots of the Armed Forces if we could not deal with it!

Well, however, after all the formal stuff was dealt with and I was given control over some combat vessels, it was time to get familiar with the real equipment, not only all the training ships and such. Thus I decided to launch my Challenger from Planet Leeds, to check the vessel's systems, try out some maneuvers and to do a little patrol.

More or less surprisingly, it was not quiet long enough so I could follow these plans. It did not even take ten minutes, when another pilot contacted me. Well, not just another pilot, but Admiral Havering himself, when he informed me about two Corsair cruiser class vessels blocking the Jumpgate from New London to Leeds. We both were aware of the fact that it would be a little piece of work to fight two cruisers with two Challengers, and I did not really expect me to be skilled enough yet. But as it is my duty, I immediately headed to the location were the two vessels named „Drummernaught“ and „Maximus_Aurelius“ were already waiting.

Not long after my arrival, the cruiser captains started to act hostile towards the first transports, and we had to move in. During the battle, another Ensign, I think his name is Kent, joined the battle, and our chances to defeat the Corsairs raised dramatically.
In the end, I can say that we were able to cripple both cruisers, one of them even was disabled by one of my torpedoes! Guncam proofs are attached to this file.

Unfortunately, another torpedo severely damaged my Challenger before we were able to get the second Cruiser down. My thanks to the Admiral here, who picked up the escape pods of me and my copilot! That would not have been a good end if I died on my second day as a military pilot.

Drummernaught - destroyed

Maximus_Aurelius - destroyed

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 05-27-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Commodore George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Macduff, Newcastle System
Subject: Battle Report

[Image: freelancergeorgerichard.png]

Fortune seems to have finally returned to our side. It will hopefully stay there longer than we'll need to get even for Leeds three days ago.

After the Thunderer was repaired, I decided to free the dry docks on Southampton and take her on a patrol at once. When I finished Leeds, I decided to search trough New London. The trade lane from Leeds jump gate to Southampton was clear. But Southampton was under attack. By Gallic ships. Gallic ships! How the devil did they pass trough Leeds, its defenses, and the mighty Thunderer!? Were those ships we've lost three days ago the only ones defending it!? Well, they might had somehow passed unseen trough Leeds, but now I got them. There was a Valor named Veit and an Obstinate named Icedragon. Some puzzling names. Or rather results of the people in charge for naming them having a jolly good time at the party the night before. I wouldn't disregard the possibility that they were named during the party itself.
So, they were now in range of the Thunderer's mighty, and now also angry cannons. They gave a few punishing hits to the cruiser, but then the ion storms, somehow so common when we are winning, decided to intervene. I lost all the system for two minutes. When they were restored, I saw the Gauls escaping towards Leeds. I started to chase them, but the ion storms seemed to be unhappy about their first attack. When my systems were restored again, no Gauls were in sight, so I presumed they were in Leeds already. Prepared for facing a Valor from close, I also entered Leeds. None of them were at Durham, so I took the lane towards the planet. They were there. I fired a Mortar at the Valor and continued pounding her with Tertiaries and Cerberuses. Their defeat was certain and they couldn't escape now, as a bomber filled with cruise disruptor missiles was around. I noticed my shield status isn't changing a lot, so I decided to do some experimental maneuvers and play with them until it's over. That was the moment when the Thunderer's shield fell and she received light hull damage. Well, at least it will keep the chaps on Southampton fit. As her shield was restored, I decided to finally end it, so I fired a Mortar at the Valor. It missed. So I fired another one, which hit. But it hit her shield. So I got annoyed and fired two more, both of which hit and made two enormous, gaping holes in her plating. During the skirmish, the cruiser managed to escape, but was caught by the bomber shortly after. I didn't see her as a great threat to the Thunderer, so I used only my Mortar against her. It wasn't just amusing, my gunner needed some practice, obviously. I left the cruiser with 10% hull integrity to the bomber, took a cup, poured some tea into it, relaxed, and watched. It didn't last long, unfortunately.

BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk) - Lightly Damaged;
Tyrone.Thomas (Challinger) - Status Unknown, Presumed Unharmed.

Veit (Valor) - Disabled;
Icedragon (Obstinate) - Disabled.

I later went on a patrol trough Dublin, where a bounty hunter disabled a Molly snub near the Hood. Ensign Kent's Challinger was disabled by the Hood's Razor after he hit her with a cruise disruptor, the same thing I told him not to do a few seconds before. Too late, perhaps... He might tell you more.

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Apollon - 05-31-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Captain H.D 'Ghost'
Location: H.M.S. Suffolk, New London System
Subject: Patrol Report

[Image: OiT9KFv.jpg]

It's Really Beautiful to see Bretonian Space Clean from all evils

Last Night,The H.M.S Defiance Received a Distress Call from Lieutenant Commander Eliot,It was about a Corsair Cruiser Named "Drummernaught",H.M.S Defiance Converged on His Position Near Leeds Jump gate in New London system ASAP. We were soon engaging it conflicting heavy damage to its hull,In the end, it was turned to dust.
The H.M.S Defiance headed to Southampton Shipyard for repairs and fuel.
Now to the nice part...*Reloads his Rifle*
In recommendation of Admiral Sir Firmus Piett, I ordered a Light/Standard patrol as following:


- Captain H.D 'Ghost' -Templar-
- Lieutenant Commander Thomas Eliot -Templar-
- Lieutenant Angus Graham -Paladin-
- Lieutenant Liam Johnson -Templar-
- Ensign Roger Kent -Challenger-
- Judge-Interceptor-1 -TigerShark-


New London-->Manchester-->Leeds-->Dublin-->New London-->Cambridge-->Omega-3


-[New London Patrol]-

We Grouped at Southampton,While we where standing there, a Judge AI codenamed: "Interceptor-1" asked to join us on our patrol, we let him in.
I with the Lieutenants patrolled the lanes between Keingston and Southampton, While the Lieutenants Saw a Freelancer IDed Bison that needs to Change the ID and They Had to Escort it to Waterloo, I Went to Manchester and Patrolled it, then Came Back to Cambridge Gate then to Planet New London and met the Lieutenants there.
Lieutenant Commander Eliot With the Judge and Ensign Kent Patrolled Leeds Gate, New London Planet, Dublin Gate then Cambridge Gate in the End we Regrouped at Southampton. and the Judge Left us for some Business

-[Leeds Patrol]-

We jumped to Leeds system, Lieutenant Commander Eliot Too Ensign Kent and Lieutenant Liam Johnson with him to Edinburgh Gate then Secured the Perimeter of Dublin jump hole, While me and Lieutenant Graham Patrolled Stokes, LD-14, Tau-31 Gate, Everything was Clear and we Rved at Dublin jump hole.

-[Dublin Patrol]-

We Jumped again to Dublin, Me and Lieutenant Graham Patrolled the Way to Battleship Hood and Went again to new London jump gate and Waited for Eliot's Patrol, Lieutenant Commander Eliot took Ensign Kent and Lieutenant Johnson with him to Graves station then Back to New London Gate, Everything was Clear again. We Headed To Cambridge Through New London.

-[Cambridge Patrol]-

I Took Lieutenant Johnson With me Planet Cambridge thento Leeds jumphole behind Planet Cambridge After Hearing many smuggling operations using it, Then back to the Planet mentioned Finally Battleship Norfolk then Omega-3 jump-gate, while Lieutenant Commander Eliot took Ensign Kent and Lieutenant Graham with him to Cardiff then Battleship Norfolk then to Omega-3 jump Gate and I ordered them to Stand-By there for us.

-[Omega-3 Patrol]-

I ordered Lieutenant Commander Eliot to take with him Lieutenants Graham and Johnson to Patrol the Area of : Port Tablot, the Comet, Douglas Base, Ragen Base then to head back to Omega-7 gate, While me and Ensign Kent went to Freeport 1 then to Aland Shipyard, Finally to Omega-7 Jump-gate, were we Regrouped there, and Our Patrol Ended

the Lads made Bretonia Proud of them, They Made Me Proud of them.

After that We All hit Norfolk's Bar and had a Drink on me

Attachments: -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7-

- Message Over -