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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 10-16-2010

[Image: SCRALogonoGlow.png]

Comm ID: Commander Nagama, CPW Lithuania

Hispanic Armed Forces today, Bretonian fool yesterday

"Priviet Comrades, I would like to report two kills towards the Lithuania and her crew.

Yesterday while hunting in Dublin I came across a Bretonian Gunboat, I intercepted and dismantled the ship, it's helm now hands on the wall of my quarters.

Today I intercepted and destroyed a member of the Hispanic Armed Forces, a Imperator, he attempted to lose me through a Jumphole to Leeds and cloak ( // F1 ) on the other side, before he could complete his proceedure the Lithuania opened up on his ship with Pulse cannons and a couple shots from the Light Mortar ended his ship.

Let me just say comrades I am proud of our work as the Southern Wolf, may our hull never be blemished with weapons fire and our guns true."

===Guncam=== ((Attempt at cloaking)) ((Destruction)) ((Bretonian Gunboat exploding)) ((Destroyed Target))

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 10-16-2010

COMM ID: Commander Ethan Scott

The International underwent a refit today, receiving 6 Red Hessian cruiser turrets to complement her anti-capital capabilities. It joined the Lithuania for a shakedown cruise and to test her combat effectiveness.

In Omega-5 the wing ran into a Corsair cruiser called The_Pride. Commander Nagama offered the captain of the Corsair ship a chance to surrender, however after trying to flee the order was given to open fire.

The cruiser was taken down with rather ease under the combined firepower of both the Lithuania and the International. The killing blow can be attributed to a well placed Light Mortar shot from the International's gunnery crew.

On a side note, this is the second time I have personally ran into a Liberty Rogue smuggling convoy near our space. I suggest the Blue Troll Squadron be placed on alert should they dare come so near again.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 10-18-2010

[Image: SCRALogonoGlow.png]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Commandante of the Fighter Corps

[Image: 2wrotqq.jpg]

"Comrades, High Command requires the skill and courage of the Fighter Corps once more, we have several missions that must be undertaken for the good of the Revolution.

Let us show the Premier that we are still up to the task of accomplishing anything he sets out for us to do, show the people of Sirius itself we are not afraid!"

Mission Board

Mission Codename: Boom Fishing


Comrades, it has come to my attention that the Pirates within the system of Dublin have once again rose to attack and steal from if not outright murder the hard-working people within the Gold Fields, Corsairs, Independent Pirates and even the occasional Hogosha. Your Orders are simple; Destroy any non-Molly caught in the act of Piracy within Dublin.

Reward: Anyone who acquires 5 Kills shall receive the Dublin's Savior medal, go out there Pilots and show these Pirates how cruel we can be to murderers and thieves!

Mission Codename: I Spy

Details: Privet Comrades, we need to know what is going on within the Omicron Alpha system, I want you to sneak in and listen in on enemy comm-traffic, but take great care not to be caught, any findings of importance are to be delivered to the Commissariat whom shall scan through your recordings for any information of use.

Reward: The Intelligence Merit Badge shall be awarded to those whose information proves to be valuable to the Coalition's Intelligence Division.

Mission Codename: Warrior's Fall

Details: Comrades, the Indians have been a nuisance within Bretonia and the Borderworlds, I want you to seek them out and destroy them wherever you find them, be sure to let them know "The Coalition shall not Abide Your Crimes Anymore".

Reward: Any man or woman who kills three Indians in the same battle will receive a People's Valor pin for your collar, for those who stand up against those who think they are above the laws of Humanity by murdering and stealing from anyone without consequence.

Mission Codename: Frog Legs


"WARNING, Lt Or Higher Ranks only"

My Comrades, I want you to head into Gallia and acquire samples of some of the local resources there that are not found in Sirius proper, such as this "Oil", I want you to bring it back to Omega-52 and turn it over to the officer on duty, if there is not an officer on duty at the time use S.K.Y.P.E. Protocals to request one to take the item(s) off your hands.

Be warned comrades, the Gallic Royal Navy and Police will likely shoot you on sight, so avoid them whenever possible. How you acquire the items should be done morally, no stealing from the citizens of Gallia, we are not pirates afterall.

Reward: The gratitude of the High Command and perhaps a favorable outcome during the next round of promotions should you finish this with positive results with the locals.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nosferath - 10-18-2010

[Image: transmission2.png]
<Incomming Transmission>
<Source: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 System>
<Comm. ID: Alexei Eristoff>

Priviet, tovarischi!

This is a report of something that happened about a month or two ago, but I wasn't able to report it until today.
That day I received information on several cannibal (or Corsairs) ships in Dublin. It seemed something big since there were also many BAF, so I decided to go and investigate. When I arrived, half of the ships were gone, and I tried to find the remaining but I couldn't find them. I sat in space to watch the jumphole to Leeds, and something grabbed my attention: A female pilot being asked to drop a gaian animal by a BPI. The animal was supposedly her pet, and she refused to drop it, so the pursuit started. I started following from a safe distance. While hearing them both discussing, a Gaian appeared. Since I was bored and I didn't want to return with my hands empty, I told the Gaian about the pet. He almost peed his pants of excitement after hearing that "Gaia needed his help". We both tried to follow the tracks of the pilot, but we lost her contact. While talking to him, he revealed me (while talking about many things) that he was the Gaian who told me about the location of the jumphole leading to Lewis. He was glad to hear I still keep the promise of not telling the location of it to anyone. After that, he had to leave, so we took separate ways.
No corsair blood was spilled sadly, but it was a friendly encounter. I will take this in count if I ever see a Gaian again.

That's all, tovarischi. Dasvidanya!
<Transmission Terminated>

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-23-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Operation TRIAD

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, Comradas!

Hermanos, we have scored several key victories today. The Havana, along with elements of the fighter corps succeeded in destroying an Outcast Dreanaught of superior firepower and armour in Omicron Theta this morning.

Added to this victory was a second over a Corsair taskforce in Omicron Gamma, where a Corsair cruiser was pulled down by sustained fire from the Havana's primary batteries.

A third victory was added when the Battlecruiser LNS Yakuza was caught and neutralized by the Havana. Unfortunately the full might of the Libertonian fleet LNS-Eagle Eye (Dreadnaught) LNS Constitution (Assault Cruiser) and the LNS Executor (Battlecruiser) supported by a bomber wing managed to cripple the Havana and caused her to limp for home out of action.

The Liberty Navy's tactics in this fight are not to be underestimated. They showed a marked improvement in efficiency, and ability to cover one another's assualt. It is wise that we continue to monitor their tactics and adapt to them.

Of note was Comrade Dimitrov and Wolf Leader Commander Nagama, both of whom deserve commendations for their actions.

For the Revolucion, mi comradas, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Rapur - 10-23-2010

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<
Comm ID: Nikolai Moskvin

Location: Zvedzny Gorodok, Omega-52 System

[Image: 300px-RA3U_Moskvin.png]

Priviet, Comrades!

First of all I'm sorry for the late report of yesterday's patrol, I got delayed by some personal matters.
The patrol started as any other, comrade Orlov and I undocked from Zvedzny Gorodok and proceeded to Dublin but we took a quick stop in omega 7 system after we recieved reports of corsair movement in the area. A gunboat of theirs were terrorising the peaceful hardworking miners so after a small converstation we opened fire at him who also had a merch as an escort who seemed to be mentally unstable and screaming the monkey word all the time. We managed to destroy him but the gunboat fled after we damaged him critical. After returning to omeg-52, Cougar-4 joined our patrol and we flew to the Leeds system together.
After we arrived in Leeds we noticed a peaceful trader being harassed by some Armed forces there led by an Adimral of theirs who tried to get money from the poor pilot. Several warnings later they still didn't listen to us, so they left us no other option but to engage them and asking to trader to run. He managed to escape and after a bloody fight ,with the Armed forces and Police plus a merch who thought helping the corrupt pigs would be a good idea, we destroyed every hostile unit without any losses and returned to Zvedzny Gorodok.

Omega-7 guncam

Leeds guncam

Moskvin Out!

>>>Transmission Ended<<<

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Pacific - 10-23-2010

COMM ID: Luitenent Petko.Dimitrov
LOCATION: Zhukovski Station
TARGET ID: Coalition High Command
SUBJECT: Mission Completion Frog leg's
[Image: petkoscomm.jpg]

Zdraveite once again comrade's. My One week Mission in Gallia is Now over When I stared it I didn't figured I will make it but here I am giving the report. When I entered Gallia I started to Look for traders, The thing that amassed me is the Number of wreck's traders ships Council ships Junker's can make fortune. But No traders the first day. All were in Hiding or dead. The Second day I meet up with a GRN hunting pack's witch were after me. Most of them were Comprised of GRN Secondary Pilots and Police ones. The third day I meet up with a Brigand transport and I offcer'd him a great price if he help me out, So we Went around Gallia he buying and buying. When He was abut to trade the good's with me I realised that was no ordinary Brigand its was Part of the Legion of Dammed and it was a Gunboat Before I saw some fighters but they were with no Hostile Intention but I received a very Warm welcome. They help me get all the Sample's except wine witch was sold on Never a Royalist Police Hole. So I stand down for a Moment went to an asteroid fiel and waited to see a wine trader. 4 days Pass'd No trader's no nothing I was beginning to lose hope for the Completion of this mission. But All changed when I was Contact from the Leader of the Legion name Enzu du Stabre Funny name for a Alliance. So I went to Valencia base to meet this guy. He give me permission to dock but I ask'd for him to meet me in space. He came out with the Gallia Version of the CSV. The guy had to deal with something so he had to make it quick. We discussed that he Is interested in a Possible Alliance Between SCRA and the +LE+. I leave to you high Command to decide or not to make this Alliance a reality. As a Gift He Give me 2 Bottles of wine, and he left. I jumped on my fighter as fast as possible. And Made my way to Omega-52. I had no problem's when I was returning to our Home system, no one fallowd me. The setback i had that was there was no officer on duty. So I decided to spent my knoght in the Siberia Field. it was very cold and dark. The oder day I nearly froze. Was Contacted by a Commissar from Thor-One. he told me To give the Cargo to him. Wich I did and reported to captain Alverez for combat duty. So I went to regroup with him at the Freeport-9 in the Theta system. We went to Gamma were the Comrade of The Wolf lead Already engaged. The fighter decided I was a easy target in a Last Desperate act it try to kill me I give it a Burst with My Kalashnikov's and blew it to hell. next was a Navy fighter In the Kappa system Me and a Blue squadron fighter engaged. We chased it to the Gamma system were I killd it only with 2 razzor shots. So in short Mission went well and We have a Fraction and some Gallia people who want an a Alliance with us . Now Puting up Pictures and Gun cams.

Meeting +LE+ Trader

Moving to a Safer Location

Trade's ship

Scan Log 01

a Brigand Bomber craft + a detail scan

Brigand Base 1

Comunity's Oil.Prometium,Criotubes,Tabbaco Transfer Log

Meeting with Enzo Du Sabre

Enzo giving me 2 bottles of Wine

Transfer to thor One log

Battle logs after the Mission

Gun cam shot 01

Gun cam shot 02

Gun cam shot 03

Gun cam shot 04

Dimitrov out

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционна Армия на Коалицията във Сириус


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Rodent - 10-24-2010

[color=#000000]Incoming Transmission
Transmission Source: Francesca Santorini, Lieutenant
Transmission Recipients: Coalition Databanks
Transmission Subject: Big Booms in Delta

Buenos Dias Comrades. Today I, Comrade Petko and the Crew of the Havana, led by the Captain Alvarez made a foray into Delta, where we found large forces of the Core lurking. We spread out throughout the system and in the process located several Craft.

The Havana had already taken out a Mako, later Identified as Catapulta before I entered Delta. With the help of an Order vessel callsigned Fury, we found and attacked a Core gunboat, callsigned SeaFalcon. It was quickly destroyed with no losses.

Comrade Petko then assisted the Havana in taking out the second Mako, Callsigned Righteous.Fury. Some static erupted from the ship shortly before it's demise. We strolled up to the freeport and requested docking rights, which was granted by the Zoner ship Glorious Advance. Guncams following.


That will be all. Lieutenant Santini out!

[color=#000000]End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 10-24-2010

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Commissar Yuveraj Khan
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Promotions
[Image: khan.jpg]

---Communications Opened---


Lt. Santini and Dimitrov for actions in the field, over an extended campaign, under the watchful eye of High Command. You are here to fore promoted to the ranks of Lt. Commander, and assigned Storm Class gunboats. Your training on these vessels will commence immediately.

Captain Alvarez, it has come to high Command's attention that you and the Havana have successfully scored 20 confirmed Battleship kills over a six month period, not to mention the myriad of cruiser kills over the same duration. It is the opinion of High Command that you should be promoted to the Rank of Admiral... however we know that you will refuse this promotion as you did the promotion to the rank of Commodore. Instead we grant you the full privileges of an Admiral, tactical command over the theatre of battle, and continued operational command of the CPW-Havana, knowing that although you don't bear the title, you will bear the duty and carry our battle standard to further glory.

Learn from them, Comrades,

See that it is done!!

For Katz, the Premier, Comrades!
Khan out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Pacific - 10-24-2010

COMM ID: Luitenent-Commander Petko.Dimitrov
TARGET ID: Coalition High Command
[Image: petkoscomm.jpg]

Comrade Khan I thank you for your promotion and gladly accept it. Now back to work. Today I participated in the Operation Triad 2. Were the Havana Scored 2 Battleship kills. I Contribute to the Last Mako Kill. When I Intercept it and Stop'd it, and let the Havana do its Job. And it Did quite well. We went to th Omicron gamma system were we Intercepted a enemy Cruiser but it managed to dock on Tripoli ship yard and get away. Because of a Laser hit my Gun camera was damaged. Now I went today to see if there were any Gunboat's out from the Production area, I was holding the Approval Documents hard when the officer in charge took em he sead " Ohhh You Must be Comrade Dimitrov. Come this way Comrade your Crew and Ship await for you" So I fallowed the Man to a storm class GB. He sead " This is it comrade" was shocked when I saw my 20 man crew. Pulled up in a Lane ready for orders when I saw the GB'name I was shocked, The CPW-Vodka. I told the man why is it named like that, He responded quite well "Because we use'd to Transport Vodka with it" I sead to the Guy that the name Is going to change. I went to the Registry and Ask'd for a Rename the officer was nice enough to grand me my request. So I rename'd it the
SCRA|CPW-Botev it's named After a Bulgarian hero who died for his Mother land, He is one of the great heros of my Old Home but I stll remember him and respect him. The gb os ready for Training Sessions and for Active duty.

Dimitrov out

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционна Армия на Коалицията във Сириус