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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Ivan - 07-04-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Derby]
[CommID: Lieutenaunt-commander Thomas Eliot]

-- Black Box report, 04.VII.--
My ship engines are burning and ship is about to blow up, so I'm recording final report.

Approx. at 4:15 I've launched from planet Leeds to repel Gallic raiders (2 fighters, Thomas Leveque and Camil Rocherre) and defend one of our bombers. They disengaged shortly and started to run to Edinburgh. I pursued them deep into enemy territory, which became fatal mistake. During brief shootout one of them managed to blow up my right engine.

I'm going to eject, but I don't think I'll get out of this alive. It's starting to get hot here-
[End Transmission]

This box was captured by group of privateers from Dublin, led by Milton Carrson during raid on the same day.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 07-06-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: High
From: Commodore George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Macduff, New London System
Subject: Illegally Constructed Space Station

[Image: freelancergeorgerichard.png]

I've launched my Templar from the Macduff yesterday in order to reach planet Darlington and enjoy in the view and a cup of tea alone. Without anybody, nor anything to bother me. Finally.
After I had relaxed, I decided to take a look at that ancient mine field in sector C5, since it wasn't far, and maybe study what could be studied. I've never had enough time for that before. They weren't alone, though. Somebody has built a base a few hundred meters west to the field. The base is called Empire Station, it has a core level four, three anti-snub weapon platforms, it doesn't let Armed Forces ships in, and it is not on the list of legal bases. I suggest contacting the owners and forcing them to legalize it, since it wouldn't easy to successfully besiege it. Here is an image of it:

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - The Black Death - 07-16-2013

//incoming transmission//

From: Ensign Richard T. Skene
Subject: Post-Action Report

//begin transmission//

Ensign Skene here, Fresh out of medical on the Nagasaki. I was on a routine patrol in the Leeds system when, first, one of the Flares reared its ugly head. I requested that it leave Bretonia space and it - shockingly enough - complied. Soon afterwards a Liberty Police vessel crossed my path, what it was doing in Bretonia I do not know, and I scanned it only to find it was using illegal Corsair weaponry. I confronted the vessel and attempted to fine it, but a Reaver (Carnelian.Reaver) then decided it was a good time to engage me. After a long, heated battle I sustained critical damage and was forced to eject. I was picked up by a good samaritan and taken to the Nagasaki where I received medical treatment. Er, requesting some sort of pickup, please?

//end transmission//

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - img.kent - 07-17-2013

The escort of the 41st|Battleship-Iowa

The day had been hard after another battle and another victory, at Leeds, against the Royal Gallics. I was doing a patrol of the New London system, with my Templar ship, when i received a message from the Dundee system.

- We need an escort of the Battleship Iowa, from Dundee to Southampton Shipyard at New London.
It was the Vice Admiral Johnathon Winchester

I took the Jump Hole to the Dublin system. There, after crossing the independent gold field and the Hood asteroid Field i took the JumpHole to the Edinburgh system.
This path can be the fastest but also the most dangerous. Edinburgh is occupied by the Royal gallics and an interception of my ship could happen anytime. Finnaly i took the Jump Hole to the Dundee system where the Iowa was waiting for me.

- We cant wait more time, we must proceed as soon as possible. We can meet the other escort ships later, at Newcastle or at Leeds.
For the Vice Amiral Johnathon Winchester, it was important not being intercepted by the enemies of Bretonia and the trip was the safest possible. The secrecy that surrounded this mission was absolute and only he knew its reasons.

We jumped to Newcastle and there we took the lane, near the Battleship MacDuff , to the Leeds Jumpgate. The mission had reached its most critical stage. The Leeds system is under constant attack of the Royal Gallics.

To prevent the detection of the Iowa i went ahead, scouting the lanes to the New London system.

- Hello there Roger Kent, greetings Vice Admiral, its me Christina.
The escort reinforcement had arrived. Christina is the Captain of a BAF Capital ship.

After jumping to New London system we took the lane to Southampton Shipyard.

- Well done, thanks to you the Iowa has arrived safely to its destination.
Finnaly, the Iowa docked at the Southampton Shipyard

- Goodbye Roger, im docking too. I think i go to the bar.

The mission was accomplished.

signed: Roger Kent

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 07-18-2013

---Incoming Transmision---
---Opening Video Feed---

-Video Link Successefully Connected-

[Image: Cdr_zpsc706a1ff.jpg?t=1370011221]

*Robert whistles while coming to the office where he will make his report. There is a wide smile on his face and he looks satisfied.*

Good day to all members of Headquarters of Bretonia Armed Forces. This is Commander Robert Dzeferson speaking.

I am pleased to inform you that yesterday we had a very successful operational war day. Let me explain it a bit. I am certain that you are a bit confused.

As always I got call from one of the members from our Auxilary fleet. That was Mr. Camwell. On our side were multiple forces consisted of various ships. And I must say I was very surprised, as much as you will be now. So please sit down a bit and take a glass of water or tea.

*He then takes some tea and prepares to continue his report.*

Okay the strange thing is that we had help from, so far, hostile forces. Mollies helped us to remove Gaul forces from Leeds. Believe me I was as damn surprised as you are right now, I suppose. But it was their free will and I didn't want to put an end to their wish, so I allowed them to join our formation and act as our forces.

Our forces:
BAF|Cdr.R.Dzeferson- Survived
BAF|Ens.Roger.Kent- Disabeled
BRF|HMS-Nuneaton- Survived

Thunder.Bluff- Survived
Terminator- Survived
Cpt.Flint- Survived

Enemy force:
RNS-Tonnant- Disabeled
SC|Alex.Hache- Disabeled
Fierbois- Taken prisoner

And I will take my free will to think that you are very surprised that we got a prisoner. Unfortunately I tried to hold her ship in our possession but it got destroyed in a later incident, but I managed to retrieve her pod and take it to Newgate prison in Manchester, so I leave it to to you whether you will notify BPA) about that or you will interrogate it yourself. I left miss Fierbois there. And I think that she is willing to co-operate.

Just to notify, Mollies were attacking RNS-Tonnant along with BRF|HMS-Nuneaton, except for Cpt. Flint. He was engaged in a fight with SC|Alex.Hache and Ens. Kent, while I was fighting with Fierbois. In that fight our Ens. unfortunately didn't make it, but he gave a good fight to those intruders.

With all due respect Cdr. Robert Dzeferson.

---Terminating Transmision---
---Closing Video Feed---

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 08-04-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Very High Encryption =-

Priority: Very High
From: Commodore George Richard Hall
Location: Southampton Shipyard, New London System
Subject: The Nomads Have Recovered

[Image: u4a4.png]
The signal is visibly flawed. George is on a verge of collapse, his voice is shivering, devoid of the confidence it is so famous for, but retaining the insensitive coldness, resembling the wind which dismally scrapes the ruined pillars of some once great, ancient wonder.
"We have been crushed... utterly... absolutely defeated... undeniably.... For we were far from ready for what has happened! I thought they were helping us... the giant, blue ships. They have moved to Leeds and purged it from all the Gauls. They even listened to my command to move out of the system! The plan was that they exit into Omega-49, by Dublin. And they did enter Dublin, all five giant ones, one cruiser-sized, and a fighter-sized one. But they went to Chester. One of our Redemptions went inside with them. Within moments, the ship was blasted. A whole battleship! Within moments! I saw that as a declaration of war. I ordered some scouts into the system. We had the Order, the LSF, and the Vagrant Raiders with us. All five enormous blue objects were almost touching the hole with their tips, like they were preparing an ambush. More snubcraft was ordered into the system, for the purpose of making them wander away from the hole. A few minutes later, I got a situation report from the Raiders. "They are slowly getting further", they said. The next report was "4.4K away". Nothing else. I asked them to confirm, but I received no response. Thinking they are too busy to answer me, I decided to risk. They are either 4.4 kilometers away, and will be crushed, or they are still there. We could lose two Dunkirks and one Redemption, while they could lose five of the huge ones and one cruiser-sized vessel. Our fleet jumped in. I wasn't as surprised as I was desperate. They were all at about a kilometer from the jump hole. They targeted the Thunderer, but seeing she isn't as easy to hit as they probably thought, they blasted the Redemption. Captain Darrow's Juggernaut somehow managed to get some distance, but too late, it seems. We were the last, the Thunderer, and we were soon showered by their fire from all possible sides. For no obvious reason, after depleting us of nanobots and shield batteries, most of them just left. We were now fighting a huge one and the cruiser-sized one. The Thunderer managed to deliver heavy damage to the huge one, which also seemed to have spent all its repair material, but not as she was damaged herself. One of the big ones, not the one which we were engaged by, was blasted by our bombers a few seconds after the Thunderer was disabled. I have lost all 100 units of tea I kept in my ship's hold."
The icy blizzard in his eyes melts in this moment, and turns into a raging thunderstorm of apocalyptic intensity.
"And I am mad. Angry. Wrathful! And vengeful."

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - vincent camwell - 08-08-2013

Priority: Medium/Low
From: Captain Camwell
Location: Southampton Shipyard
Subject: Severely damaged vessels
This is Captain Camwell of BRF|HMS-Dreadnought and BRF|HMS-Nuneaton. Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that now both my assigned ships are severely damaged and sitting behind Southampton. I'm sure you are already aware of the Dreadnoughts tragic moment, when it was swarmed by Gallic capitals in Leeds. Now the vessel I donated my own money for, the Nuneaton, has also been crippled. I hope you will not be too harsh on me for what happened. I admit, I was indeed in charge of the vessel at the time of it's crippling, but, it really all comes down to my head tea maker. It happened during a routine patrol of the Leeds system. I was sitting in my chair by the main controls when my afternoon tea arrived. I sipped it, but then, did that great sin and spat it out; it was about 50 degrees too hot! (My tongue is still recovering from this as well) Anyway, I spat it out in front of me, where, tragically were my controls. And so the ship went out of control, and flew into battleship Derby (which was unharmed due to those amazing Bretonian shields) However, it overpowered the Nuneaton's shielding, which caused a main reactor explosion. This is indeed much more severe than what happened to the dreadnought, but those bright engineers at Southampton say they'll get it fixed...after a long time.
I am however glad to inform you that I will personally fund for yet another backup ship; a gunboat, and that will be ready for action within a month.
That concludes my report.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wiz - 08-08-2013

***Incoming Transmission***
From: Lieutenant Connor Sharks
Priority: High
Location: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge

***Video Feed Begins***

[Image: 1RWkJBU.jpg]

Greetings Gentlemen, Lieutenant Connor Sharks here:
Just a little while ago, I received a distress call from our secondary fleet about an Outcast Dreadnaught in the Dublin system and a Hessian Cruiser in Omega-3, I decided to head to Dublin first as it was closer to my position.
I arrived there, but the Outcasts managed to escape our presence.
Though this is not the reason why I am transmitting...
As we were looking for that Dreadnaught, I received a call from one member of the Artificial Intelligence Consensus, I'll upload the "Chit-Chat" we had to the database....:

Quote:[AI]C-Anomaly[E]1: :::Greetings:::
BAF|Lt.Connor.Sharks.: Good day.
[AI]C-Anomaly[E]1: :::this_unit "Wishes" to apologize for the events which took place a few months ago in Newcastle:::-:::The Consensus never apologized for the BAF fighters it shot down during that event:::
BAF|Lt.Connor.Sharks.: I personally accept your apology, but you should speak to our admirals about this, just to make this formal.
[AI]C-Anomaly[E]1: :::'I" was hoping you would record this conversation and present it to your superiors as this _unit has been unable to contact:::-:::And if you could excuse me for a few minutes; a battleship of Nomad origin has just attacked this _unit:::
BAF|Lt.Connor.Sharks.: Roger that, I'll make sure my superiors know of this, good hunting!
[AI]C-Anomaly[E]1: :::Thank you:::
A few Seconds later...
[AI]C-Anomaly[E]1: :::By the way, the Nomad battleship has been dealt with as for now:::-:::"Goodbye", sir:::
BAF|Lt.Connor.Sharks.: Good to know, safe flying!
[AI]C-Anomaly[E]1: :::You too!:::

I leave this case in your hands now...

And as for that Hessian Cruiser, its callsign was Terminus|RHC-Strudel, after arriving in Omega-3 with a strike force, we ordered it out of the system, and it left to Omega-7...

Safe Skies..

[Image: wViEYRO.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Blitzmoez - 08-08-2013

Incoming from Lieutenant Ando Jack

After I recieved a message of a Gallic Valor in Leeds I hoped into my Bomber and started the engine. Out there looking for a bit I finally found him 14k above LD-14.
With the help of Ensign R.T.Skene we took on him. It was a real fistfight between our Novas and his flak. With the combined power of the Novas to get his attention on, we succeded to land enough with our Antimattercannon to make him flee. But because a Bounty Hunter was on its way to reinforce our firepower, I went on to get him back to fight. We then hammered his hull until he break apart. Sadly before his hull was leak he landed a lucky shot on our Ensign. But no need to worry, we got him safe back to Leeds Hospital in his pod.

[Image: 4aakafhx54q4.jpg] [Image: izd9wnb9sb6.jpg] [Image: 8baa6r4zba8q.jpg]

Leutenant Ando Jack signing off...

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - The Black Death - 08-08-2013

//message incoming//
//encryption detected – protocol BAF-2134A45IEP//
//decryption completed//

FROM: Ensign Richard Timothy Skene
LOCATION: Leeds system

//opening message//

Ens. Skene here. Compiling this report from, uh, in my lifepod. Once again. Reported for duty under Lt. Ando Jack this afternoon. Made a routine patrol of the Manchester and New London systems. Absolutely nothing of interest to report from the initial patrols but upon entering the Leeds system I intercepted a transmission from a Gallic vessel, the RNS-Valor. As seems to be the Gallic way, the vessel's captain was taunting Lt. Jack. I rendezvoused with him at LD-14 and he succeeded in locating the vessel, which was flying far above regular tradelanes. As we both were flying Challengers, we immediately engaged the Valor. This being my first non-simulated combat in my Challenger, I took far too many hits and wasted precious Nova torpedoes early on but eventually found my rhythm in the battle. Lt. Jack was a magnificent presence, torpedoing the Valor from long range while I alternated between Novas and close-range SNAC fire. The battle dragged on quite a while, though we wore the Valor down. Eventually it tried to run, almost escaping but for some masterful use of CD’s by Lt. Jack. The captain of the Valor now spitting and frothing at the mouth, we moved in for the kill. At this point a BHG vessel, BHG|Moshu, joined the fray and proved a decisive factor in the battle as we were able to bring it down. Though I over-extended myself with my severely damaged Challenger and was forced to eject in the closing stages of the battle. I would like to commend both my superior and Moshu for their excellent performance in the battle. And I’d also like to appeal to one of them to possibly pick me up? Getting cold in my pod. I have one guncam shot I was able to take during the battle and will attach it to the report.

Ens. Skene, Signing Off.

//end of message//