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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Araevin Teshurr - 03-17-2011

---Incoming Transmission---

Target Recipients:Rheinland High Command

Guten tag,
Today I completed my first patrol in the primary fleet and am glad to report on it.
I took off from Planet Hamburg and made my way to Stuttgart. Upon arriving there I noticed little activity, except for when I reached Freiburg station, I noticed an IC| official with Vacationers. I demanded he dock and sell the vacationers. He complied to my demands and also payed a standard fine of him as per usual. And then I deposited the money in the bank.
I then proceeded to Omega-11 and found much the usual, Dauman miners about and such. I did a sweep of all the mining areas then proceeded to take the Omega-7 jumphole and began a patrol there. No hostile sightings at all. After that I began my return flight to Hamburg. On the lane from the Stuttgart gate to Bonn station I encountered an Outcast, but unfortunately he escaped.
I was about to make my final approach to enter the Hamburg system when I found an Agiera trader, naturally my curiosity was piqued. I followed him and ordered him to halt for scanning. He complied.
Unfortunately he was carrying neon.
I ordered him to sell it on Essen, where it would be properly disposed, and he complied. I finally made it back to Hamburg where I am now filling out this report.

Fur Rheinland
---End Transmission---

Rheinland Military Message Dump - ChillerMiller - 03-18-2011

[color=#009900]---Incomming Transmission---
[Image: subsign2.png]

[Image: RMpic.jpg]

Vivien Schmitt
[color=#009900]Rank: Oberfeldwebel
[color=#009900]Target: RM Oberkommando
[color=#009900]Subject: Destruction of LNS forces

Guten Tag,

Today the LNS invaded, or better said tried to invade Rheinland, wehad collected sufficient defense forces and awaited them near the Bering Jumpgate. I was flying the Blitz-1, a Fafnir heavy bomber. We opened fire on the enemy capitals and were able to destroy one LABC, before they all started to retreat to Bering. We immediately started to chase them and smashed another LABC in the Bering system. The chase continued into the Texas system, where their remaining capitals tried to ambush us near the Bering Jumpgate. It clearly failed and all their remaining forces got destroyed by our forces.

[Image: RM34.jpg]

[Image: RM35.jpg]

[Image: RM36.jpg]

[Image: RM37.jpg]

[Image: RM38.jpg]

[color=#009900]---End of Transmission---

Rheinland Military Message Dump - ChillerMiller - 03-18-2011

[color=#009900]---Incomming Transmission---
[Image: subsign2.png]

[Image: RMpic.jpg]

Vivien Schmitt
[color=#009900]Rank: Oberfeldwebel
[color=#009900]Target: RM Oberkommando
[color=#009900]Subject: AGS meeting and Texas visit

Guten Tag,

This evening the AGS showed themselves near Planet Hamburg, insulting the nearby Polizei officers, it was a group of 5-6 fighters. The Polizei started to shoot them after some time, while we looked at the situation to decide if our help is necessary. Didn't take long before Vizeadmiral Weissmann ordered the attack. It was a balanced battle in which we slowly gained the upper hand. The first one of the AGS exploded after hitting his own mine, the second one we were able to destroy after some minutes. Heavy ion storms appeared after the second one of them got shot down. They caused us to abort the battle.

[Image: RM39.jpg]

Later that day we launched another attack into the Texas system and we encountered the usual ammount of enemy cap ships, gunboats, some random fighters but the majority of them were cap ships. They are cowards if you ask me, hiding in their command bridges, failing in the attempt to damage us. We were outnumbered from the very beginning but we were able to destroy a lot of them, mostly gunboats and pilots of the secondary fleet.

[Image: RM40.jpg]

[color=#009900]---End of Transmission---

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 03-26-2011

--Transmission lost---

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 03-27-2011

--Transmission lost--

Rheinland Military Message Dump - SpaceTime - 03-30-2011


[color=#000000]Source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin
Submitter: Carl von Manstein
Recipient: Rheinland Military High Command
Subject: NR-113, NR-117, Patrol Reports & SW-03 Report
Encryption: High
Priority: Medium

[font=Times New Roman]~ Uploading file ~

[Image: ulFrm.png]

Guten Tag, Das ist Gefreiter Carl von Manstein of the 88th Rheinwehr Brigade. Hier I will analyze 2 old patrols und some brief intel about SW.

[font=Times New Roman]NR-113

Ve started from Stuttgart System und moved to Omega-7 system. Right after we jumped, ve found a Outcast gunship. We opened a communication line with it, but it was reluctant to reply back und that resulted in it's termination.

[Image: asparuh.jpg]

After we checked the rest of Omega-7, I moved to Omega-11. There, a DHC vessel reported me about a Hessian gunship in Dresden, so along with it we moved to that system. I must say this hessian gunship always survived in our previous encounters so it was more than a pleasure watching the fireworks it created in the end.

[Image: shaf.jpg]

The rest of zhe patrol was conducted without any obstacles.

[font=Times New Roman]NR-117

My unit got a distress call about a Gallian capital ship in Frankfurt System. I answered the called und moved there. When I found this unknown, Gallian vessel more RNCs came und created a perimeter around it. Apparently, as the kaptain told me, it was a Cruiser Class vessel from their Royal Navy. I double-checked the database in case it had granted access, but I didn't find anything.

I asked the reason for being hier in Rheinland und he told me that his aim was to reach Gallia. Unfortunately, our transmitters were very different so we experienced many difficulties in the communications, therefore the interrogation lasted very little. However, I got some photos from the unknown vessel.

[Image: rnscruiser.png]

[font=Times New Roman]SW-03

The intel of this mission will be given directly by the SW-03 leader to the High Command. However, I must inform you about 2 smugglers which we accidentally found in Hamburg, Bering und Hudson systems. All the informazion were transmitted to the Polizei regarding these crimes, but no other informazion were given about the nature of our operation.

The SW will hopefully soon be complete und I would be able return to normal duties. Das ist all for now. Für Rheinland, für Kanzler !

[font=Times New Roman]Gefreiter Carl von Manstein,
Signing off


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Major Harkonnen - 04-01-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System.
[font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Medium, port RM-SS-NPR-STB-FR


[Image: 001.png]

[font=Verdana][color=#C0C0C0]SUBMITTER: [color=#999999]Major Einar Harkonnen, Rheinland Military.

[color=#C0C0C0]RECIPIENT: [color=#999999]Rheinwehr High Command.
[color=#C0C0C0]SUBJECT: [color=#999999]Notice.

Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando,

As requested, I have apprehended and arrested former Flottenadmiral Gunther Rall with success. He surrendered after a short notice of fire exchange above Planet Hannover, Hamburg. After landing, Rall has been transferred to Cell 14 in prison block 8/8 on Vierlande Station where he is safeguarded by Black Legionnaire troop 6.

During the course of the arrest, Valkyrie Staffelkommandant Ritter also neutralized a Reaver mercenary who was possibly contracted by Rall for his own defense. The mercenary is presumed dead, Rall is unharmed and is standing by to face the judgment of the Oberkommando.


Major Einar Harkonnen,
Kriegsmarine Division 8,
Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.


[color=#666666][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#C0C0C0]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Major Harkonnen - 04-01-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System.
[font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Medium, port RM-SS-NPR-STB-FR


[Image: 001.png]

[font=Verdana][color=#C0C0C0]SUBMITTER: [color=#999999]Major Einar Harkonnen, Rheinland Military.

[color=#C0C0C0]RECIPIENT: [color=#999999]Rheinwehr High Command.
[color=#C0C0C0]SUBJECT: [color=#999999]Ausländer invasion.

Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando,

Some disgusting Kusarian freaks caught two of the BDM vessels operating in the Sigmas and decided to carry out a retaliatory strike against the defenses of our glorious Vaterland. When the BDM Königsteiger showed up near Fulda with a fighter escort, it was only tailed by three fighters, in a course of two minutes, the number of the enemy force escalated to approximately ten. With this rate of multiplication, similar to that of rabbits, they quickly infested the whole area of the jump gate, still occupied by heavy commercial traffic. A communist Unioner traitor also decided to take arms in the assistance of the Ausländers, what a miserable act of heresy.

Severely outnumbering us, they forced the Königsteiger gunboat to dock and shot down its escort fighter, in addition to one out of two Polizei vessels arriving to the scene. Once their act of foreign terror was carried out, they fled in cowardice. It's only a shame that I couldn't personally fry these inhuman interlopers.

The Rheinwehr backup in the person of Leutnant Landers also arrived on the scene with a considerable delay and we lost contact with Feldwebel Von Geusau during her flight to the area of combat. I suggest employing disciplinary measures, perhaps even conducting a hanging of these two individuals.

I also suggest severing all ties with our Kusarian "friends" seeing how they are utterly unable to control their crime rate to a level that their criminals are reigning terror in our Vaterland, leaves me with the suspicion that they may even openly collaborate with these ruthless Ausländer terrorists and their communist allies.

[Image: rm107.png]

Mit Ruhm und Ehre,

Major Einar Harkonnen,
Kriegsmarine Division 8,
Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.


[color=#666666][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#C0C0C0]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wulven - 04-02-2011

-))[color=#000000]Transmission Incoming-))

Origin : Billy Watzmann
Subject : Whats happened today

Today a trader came by and told me about a Corsair pirate in Frankfurt, Ich and Heinrich Steinweg went only to find the pirate being attacked by three traders, It was easy to see das out come.
-))Pirate's Death-))

After that I scanned all the traders and they had nothing so off they went. I went back to Frankfurt and found a small convoy made up of one transport, one freighters and a Fighter. Eventually they all turned around.
-))Transport Haul-))
-))Transport Papers-))
-))Freighter Haul-))
-))Freighter Papers-))
-))Fighter Papers-))

Later on me and Heinrich met up again and we ran into a Civilian in a Mjolnir Super Heavy Fighter, After I asked him how he obtained such technology das ship thief didnt respond and made a run for the Frankfurt gate. Me and Heinrich stopped him just before he got into Frankfurt.
-))Illegal Weaponry-))
-))Ship Thief's Death-))

After that I decided to stop and rest at Alster Shipyard, and write this report.

Signed by

Flieger Billy Watzmann

-))[color=#000000]Transmission Lost-))

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Major Harkonnen - 04-02-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System.
[font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Medium, port RM-SS-NPR-STB-FR


[Image: 001.png]

[font=Verdana][color=#C0C0C0]SUBMITTER: [color=#999999]Major Einar Harkonnen, Rheinland Military.

[color=#C0C0C0]RECIPIENT: [color=#999999]Rheinwehr High Command.
[color=#C0C0C0]SUBJECT: [color=#999999]Cleansing.

Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando,

In the past few days, several unwanted elements met their doom under the iron fist of the Kanzler's finest, the Rheinland Military. We've done an all out cleansing of communists, anarchists, rebels, smugglers and other unwanted Ausländer parasites in the Vaterland, in addition to Rheinwehr Pilots, MND and Valkyrie Division Einz fighters provided assistance.

Our first victims were Red Hessian capital ships, first spotted in Hamburg, then attempted to escape to Stuttgart. The SMS Graf Spee and the SMSK Fulda were intercepted along the trade lane to the aforementioned system in Berlin, and were swiftly dispatched by the Kanzler's arriving forces. While I'm certain some of the communist crewmen managed to escape, I can say that the death toll of the enemy crew was luckily high and higher was the damage measured in resources.

[Image: rm108.png]

[Image: rm109.png]

The second target was an Ausländer gunboat, one they say to belong to an organization labeled 'Corsairs' or 'Cannibals' though they're not any worse than the other Ausländers we're pressed to welcome in our Heimat. I decided to show mercy and instructed him back to whichever rock he came from but after a few minutes of pause he still made no response. I ordered the three soldiers present to cut him down and so they did with success.

[Image: rm110.png]

Today morning we had a smaller incursion from our favorite neighbors, I am of course referring to those drugged, fat, corrupt Libertonian pigs with a tone of sarcasm. A gunboat and an Avenger were wiped out by our defense personnel, the latter was finished by Agent Zaehler from the MND single-handedly in under a minute.

[Image: rm111.png]

The sole enemy I found more challenging met his doom this evening. While doing a routine sweep of the Omega sector, I stumbled into a wing of communist traitors, prospecting for their Ausländer overlords by undermining Rheinländer trade and the work of our Arbeiters. They intended to lay claim to Omega-7 (as usual) and after disappearing from the area, left a sole fighter to conduct my elimination. I dispatched the fighter they left behind, not without suffering considerable damage myself though.

[Image: rm112.png]

I'm more than suspicious of the fact that the Red Hessian Army is indeed trained by Ausländers with military experience. I would again take the liberty of proposing to annex Omega-3, in order to extort pressure on their obviously Bretonian supporters, seeing that no one else has interest in that area.

Death to all who oppose Rheinland.


Major Einar Harkonnen,
Kriegsmarine Division 8,
Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.


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