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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 10-31-2010

TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Commander Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: General Report

First, I would like to apologize for my lack of reports, I've already informed Commandant Warner of what happened, so I feel no need to re-iterate. I'd like to thank the Coalition for awarding me a promotion to Commander and assigning me the Trotsky. A fine vessel, it has a lot of memories for me as well. It was the ship that was present during the incident that lead to my joining the Coalition, and it is the ship that I answered questions that decided my future. To commemorate my new assignment, I saw fit to launch for Dublin with an escort of Fighters and Bombers. We proceeded to Dublin where we found a sell-sword Gunboat. Comrade Captain Alvarez ordered it's destruction, to which the gunnery crews happily obliged. Next, we encountered a swarm of Indians. The Trotsky was attacked, and had to retreat, but it survived. Following that incident and after the Trotsky had a few dents fixed, myself and Ethan Scott decided to take our respective commands for a hit and run. The Trotsky and International moved into Hamburg where we had received a tip about a Rheinland Cruiser. The International went ahead and lured the Cruiser out into the open, thinking it had only the International to worry about, the Cruiser attacked. Little did it know that the Trotsky was bearing down from above. Mortar after Mortar connected, leaving the Cruiser heavily damaged. More Mortars followed and together the Trotsky and International overwhelmed the Rheinlander. The Trotsky suffered not a scratch and the International suffered only moderate shield damage. A complete victory. Following the raid, we returned home as our scanners detected several vessels bearing down on us. We returned home safely.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 10-31-2010

TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Commander Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: Good News

First, I'll get the less important thing out of the way. I encountered a Gunboat of Corsair design in Dublin. It was committing piracy and even killed a trader in front of my very eyes. I would not let this stand and I opened fire. My guns ripped him apart, his shield and hull no match for the superiority of the Red October. hit after hit sealed the pirates fate.

Now, the more important thing. I was contacted by a Mandalorian who did not reveal his name. He gave me this message to relay to high command.
[Image: screen9.jpg]

Apparently this Mandalorian captured Commissar Bethune from his previous captures and wants money, of all things. That's to be expected of a Mercenary of course. While he gave no guarantee that he did in fact have Bethune, the Mandalorians aren't particularly known for being liars. It's atleast investigating. I'm awaiting further orders on how to deal with this issue.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 10-31-2010

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Commissar Yuveraj Khan
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Promotions/awards
[Image: khan.jpg]

---Communications Opened---


For completing the pilgrimmage to the Hispania, and for logging your name for posterity, Sub-Lt. Igor Boklov is awarded the Hispania Memorium.

The Commissariat also names Lt. Commander Santorini to its ranks as Commissar-Lt. Commander. She will take her place in the civilian Duma as all Commissars do, and her word is that of the PARTY. Do not disobey her will.

She will instill discipline and order in the ranks, or she will empty the ranks with her pistol.

Trust the Party
Respect the Party
Obey the Party

For Katz, the Premier, Comrades!
Khan out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Rodent - 10-31-2010

[color=#000000]Incoming Transmission
Transmission Source: Francesca Santorini, Commissar-Lieutenant Commander
Transmission Recipients: Coalition Databanks
Transmission Subject: Trust bestowed.

It is with great pride and honour that I take a place in the the Civilian Government, and I would like to thank the Commisariat for bestowing such trust in me, and I will do my best to enforce the will of the Coalition, of the party, and of the Premier.

[color=#000000]End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 10-31-2010

[Image: 300px-KWCABAL.jpeg]

BAAL Interface Active

As directed by Commandante Warner, Scans of the Gallic Battleship "Cassard" have been taken for the Commissariat and Engineering Corps to determine feasibility of recovery. Unit afterwards returned to Omega 52 and powered down.

Guncam Images below.

Disengaging Link.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Wolfs Ghost - 10-31-2010

[Image: rsz_1levesquea1.jpg]
Comm ID: Arthur Levesque
Location: Coalition Peoples Warship, The De Gaulle


After much debate amongst the crew of the De Gaulle itself, we've finally finished moving it across Sirius to the dry-docks in Omega-52. On board there is One thousand, One hundred, and thirty men and women who've stayed under my command and agreed with this motion. We've also brought along an additional three hundred to four hundred civilian personnel who will be taking shuttles off the De Gaulle and moving down to the Republique Democratic de l'Acadia isles. I've gave my personal crew shore-leave for the time being.

Following this, yesterdays operation in Burgundy:

While captaining the CPR-Kerimov, I moved into the Gallic systems via Council territory and began a small operation, while at first reinforcements were enroute to aid my vessel in disabling or destroying two Royalist cruisers, however one of the vessels apparently dry-docked. Upon moving through towards the Lorraine system, I encountered the RNS-FireBird, after a brief discussion, we immediately engaged and destroyed it.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Cond0r - 10-31-2010

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Igor Boklov]

Priviet comrades!

Today was a hectic day. We received word of a Wild threat in Omega 41. After a relatively close encounter the large ship proceeded to flee from us. We immediately blockaded the system with the help of the Havana and Karl.Marx command. We also had help from The Order, who rushed to scour the system with us, in search of the threat. Sadly, the "thing" was too cowardly to face us, and eluded our sight.

Shortly after the first "encounter", while comrade Orlov and myself were blockading one of the exits from the system, we were disturbed by two Legate class warships. The Captains of these two ships had the nerves to molest two snubcrafts, well they were in for a surprise. After the Havana and the Karl.Marx joined us, we opened fire on them. Since our warships were in good hands, the Corsairs were taking damage fast..

Attached File:
[Image: legatereport1.png]

[Image: legatereport2.png]

After a while of exchanging fire, the foolish Corsair Captains realized this encounter was their end, but it was too late for them to escape. We finished them off quite fast, and my guncam even managed to catch another perfect picture of the fools explosion.

Attached File:
[Image: legatereport3.png]

After that we flew back home since our primary goal was nowhere to be found anymore.

For the Revolution!

[Transmission Terminated]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Cond0r - 10-31-2010

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Eagle-7]


I was out on patrol with Wolf squadron leader. While we were sweeping the Omega 50 system we found an intruder. As Wolf-Lead was getting closer to investigate this signal, I was still on approach from Omega 52. At first, it looked just like some ordinary Freelancer that had lost his way, but we found out the situation was more complicated than that...

It turned out to be a Mandalorian Mercenary, who had some very interesting cargo aboard, well, a person, more than cargo. This Mandalorian had captured Commisar Bethune, and it looked like he came here to collect ransom for him. Can you imagine that? Collecting ransom for a captured Commisar, in our front yard [he laughs]. Well we had other plans for this foolish mercenary. Since we found out who he was holding, I immediately opened fire upon him.
Attached File:
[Image: mmreport1.png]

Since he was alone in a bomber, he was taking damage fast. After all, the mighty Kalashnikovs tear through a bomber hull extremely fast. After a while, his ship fell apart completely.

Attached File:
[Image: mmreport2.png]

We successfully secured the Commisar from the burning wreck of the Mandalorian ship and we returned him home safely.

Attached File:
[Image: mmreport3.png]

That would be all comrades.

For the Revolution!

[Transmission Terminated]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 11-01-2010

[Image: redstar.jpg]

[Image: norman.jpg]

Bethune took a deep breath and stepped out of the airlock, onto the People's Warship Havana, wearing a smile of pure satisfaction.

He was greeted warmly by the Captain, and he responded in kind.

"Alvarez! Good to see you, Comrade!"

"And you also, Commissar. Your uniform suits you."

"Nonsense. It is too loose. I lost weight. The Bretonians are not interested in feeding prisoners well. War on, and all that."

They began strolling sown the hallway. The Commissar turned to Alvarez.

"Tell me, the man who captured me, is he with the Mongolian yet?"

Alvarez nodded. "Yes. Has been for four hours. Why?"

The Commissar paused. Then the Mandalorian likely still had his limbs. That usually didn't change till the second day. "They will learn nothing from him. Take me to him."

Alvarez shrugged, and led the Commissar to a side corridor and gestured to the third door on the right. "In there."

Bethune looked into the room, grimaced, drew his sidearm and entered. The murmured words "Thank You." could be barely discerned, followed by the sharp retort of the pistol. He left the euphemistically-named 'interrogation clinic', and Alvarez quickly led him down the corridor. The cursing of the Mongolian faded away as they moved farther away from the mess that had just been made.

"I did not know you were sentimental", mused Alvarez.

"I did not do it for him.", said Bethune in a tone of voice which left no doubt that further explanation would not be provided.


Jordan Hett looked into the mirror and adjusted the new Mandalorian tunic which he wore quite loosely.

His apartment was a disaster, not that it mattered. He lived in the capital of Planet Leeds, and if the bad side of town had a bad side itself, and that part had a seedy neighbourhood, and that neighbourhood had an area with a particularly bad reputation, his apartment would be the last choice of domicile there. In any case, he would ship out soon, and was not particularly interested in packing much. Not that he had much.

It had been a month since his father had returned from patrol, and in the dead of night smuggled a man into that apartment, and insisted that Jordan watch him at night, while he watched him by day. The man had not said much at first, and Jordan did not volunteer conversation in any case. Jordan did not know what his father was up to, but knew damn well better than to inquire. He did not even ask their 'guest' his name.

But after a few nights, the man began to speak to him. He told stories about the bygone struggles of the Alliance and the Coalition, in the Sol system. Struggles which were destined to become irrelevant just as they were about to be resolved for good. He told stories of more recent struggles, great battles in the Sirius sector, which continued that old rivalry into the present.

He spoke to him of a very old creed, Communism, and of men with names like Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. The ideal of equality sat well with a young man who had always known he would forever have nothing, in a society which still practiced the aristocracy of lineage, in defiance of the presence of all the other aspects of modernity.

Then one day, about a fortnight ago, his father, tight lipped, left with the man who had been their unwilling guest. He did not see his father again. And he knew, somehow, that he never would.

Yesterday a different man came to the door with news. A Mandalorian, with information about the wreckage of his father's ship, found in the Omega 50 system. The worst was implied. The Mandalorians, knowing that the boy had no other family, offered to be that to him, in accordance with their traditions. The boy had accepted. What other options did he have, in any case?

Jordan Hett knew that there was at least one man out there that knew what had happened to his father. The man whom he only knew as "Commissar".

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Rodent - 11-01-2010

[color=#000000]Incoming Transmission
Transmission Source: Francesca Santorini, Commissar-Lieutenant Commander
Transmission Recipients: Coalition Databanks
Transmission Subject: The Great Word

The Commisariat has discussed and deliberated over a pressing matter at hand, our word does not spread quickly enough. We need to act on that quickly, and the result is this assignment, called The Great Word.

The details are enclosed in this datafile, below.

Quote: The Great Word.

Objectives- To spread the idealogies, the goal and the true story of the Coalition in all five houses, to seek out able recruits for the cause, and to secure men and material and ideological support in the houses.

Mission Details-

Groups of Three are to proceed to the houses of Liberty, Bretonia, Rhienland, Kusari, and Gallia, and to spread the word there. House capitals are to be avoided, because they are deemed dangerous for such a propaganda mission, and they have already been covered numerous times in previous forays. Our goal is to spread the Coalition Sirius wide, into systems we do not explore normally.

The word must be spread, and reactions be gathered, and then reported to the Coalition Headquarters.

Mission Reward-

A Comrade which has successfully been involved in spreading the word in all Five houses, stands a chance at being promoted in the ranks of the great revolution.

A Comrade successfully spreading the word in one or two houses, will be awarded as per follows. Medals normally reserved for intelligence gathering will be opened up for this assignment.

Kusari- Red Claw.
Bretonia-Royal Crown.
Liberty- Blue HalfStar.
Rhienland- Rhienland Cross
Gallia- Croix De Guerre commendation.

This assignment is deemed as highly important, and if you fail in spreading the word in the right manner, Tor-One awaits you.

See that it is done Comrades.
Santini out!

[color=#000000]End Transmission