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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 09-02-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Ark Royal, Newcastle System
Subject: Medal Awards

[Image: eaps.png]
"I must, unfortunately, inform the Armed Forces that Commander Robert Jizz... Dge... Sh... *George takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and puts his glasses on* Dze-fer-son... oh, dear. What a hideous surname... So, Commander Robert, Captain Hugh Darrow, certain Edmund... *he closes up the paper* no, Esmond, Esmond Hargrave, and whoever piloted the Dethroned at that time, have been awarded for who knows what, with a Courageous Action Medal each. Congratulations for your exceptional luck, gentlemen. You probably even think you have deserved them. Well, you haven't, but the high command have voted for the opposite, and have even forced me to tell you the news.
However, we couldn't find who exactly was piloting the Dethroned, so that nomination was withdrawn. Sorry, whoever you are. Contact us, and we will decide what to do.
Others, you may wear them proudly and impress as many cheap whores as you can. If you want, you may try to prove that you are really worth them, but I advise you not to, because you will probably die."

Those Who Have Been Awarded with a Courageous Action Medal:

- Captain Hugh Darrow;
- Commander Robert Dzeferson;
- Mister Esmund Hargrave.

The Medal: [Image: BAF-CAM.jpg]

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 09-03-2013

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[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Internal Channel :: Scrambled to non certified personell
Priority: High
Subject: Announcement #180141 to All shipcaptains of secondary fleet and reserves


Shipcaptains, I direct myself to you right now.
Yesterday’s display was appalling one and unacceptable for the Armed Forces, unacceptable I say!
If only word gets out of our latest so called victories … we run the chance of losing all public support in this war. Our house is tired… very tired of these conflicts and rightly so.
Yesterday’s assault from the Gauls bore down on us like a fist whilst our defence looked like a tap that was leaking Dunkirks off the wall!
2 disabled Valors against twice the number of Dunkirks rendered useless without repairs is something you and I both know we cannot afford! Not even to mention the deployment time of several Dunkirks…

We are therefore issuing the following orders:

1. Have your comms array checked out at once! The chaos and static I perceived yesterday was something I have never seen throughout my military nor civilian career. Step into my shoes: When the order is issued: Get to Leeds with all speed. Well… the I’m not expected to give that same order 6 times! Use your comms log! It is there for a reason! Should your bridge personnel find that funny, either sack them or get them to push paper.
2. Which brings me to point 2, the deployment orders. ALL capital ships in Leeds sector or defending it will Moor, dock or anchor right outside the Southampton Shipyard or Border station Durham. This goes especially for members of secondary HMS-Fleets. So that when you reach the planet it will be as a group! Bombers will cover you from Newcastle, Ark Royal and Planet Leeds itself. Auxiliary will attack via Magellan Jumphole.
3. Stop relying on our allies to defend our House for us. We welcome their help, but to rely on them entirely is like leaning on your cane waiting for the nearest Gaul to kick it away from underneath you. Our allies are a given, an addition. One day we are expected to defend our house by ourselves again. Do not take them for granted!

This is it Ladies and Gentlemen, follow these orders to the letter and give our hard working people, your people, our house… the victory that it deserves!

And stop losing them Libertonian ships, you’re making us look like downright


.:Transmission interrupted:.

For the Armed Forces Admiralty Board
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Commodore Jeff Bloom

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mister_X - 09-04-2013


SENDER ID: Lieutenant Liam Johnson

LOCATION: Battleship Suffolk, New London

[Image: Flight%20Lieutenant%20Chris%20Gordon-1781283.jpg]

Greetings *salutes*
This is an action report for the past 2 days of my patrols...
Yesterday I was called up to Leeds due to a large gathering of capital ships, both our own and those of our allies...Once I arrived I was informed that there was a large Gallic invasion force inbound...I quickly landed my Templar on Leeds and took one of the rapid response bombers available....The battle was a hard and long one since the Gallics indeed deployed a great number of Valors, at least 6...We suffered some heavy losses due to a lack of communication between our fleet, but the invasion was repelled and all the Valors were destroyed in the end.... I ap uploading my guncam images, they might be the best, but sadly that is all I could have done during the battle...


After the battle I landed on Leeds to return the craft and take my Templar....This will show the Gallics and the rest of Sirius our dedication to defend our country untill the last drop of blood.... CARINA, REGINA, IMPERIATRIX !!!!

Today as I was starting my patrol of New London I was called for what seemed to be an incident with some Outcast vessels...Indeed when I arrived near planet New London there were 2 outcast dreadnaughts near the planet...Just to be on the sure side I landed and took yet another rapid response bomber available...I tried contacting one of the vessels to ask what they were doing here and got no response...After several more attempts one of the captains simply replied "None of your business and opened fire on one of our patrols...I ordered all units to open fire and after a surprisingly brief battle both ships were destroyed...After that we were contacted by a member of the Contari family, apologising for the actions of those 2 captains explaining how they were not registered in their naval records...Whether that is true or not I leave for you to decide...I am uploading the guncam images from the encounter


Johnson out


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mark_Brown - 09-12-2013

[Image: baftransmissioncopy.png]

=Incoming Message==

=ID; BAF|LtCdr.Jason.Charles=

=Subject; Returning out of Retirement=


Dear Admirals of the BAF.

I Sir Lieutenant Commander Jason Charles wishes to return out of retirement to full active duty.

It has come to my attention with the amount of piracy within Bretonia and the amount of Gallic invaders hitting our hometown can no longer be shoved away off my shoulder.

I want to join the fight side by side with The Queen's greatest.

I hope this request is allowed due to my age, but my experience on a battleground has its history well within.

For the Queen, My duties are reported as ordered.
Lieutenant Commander Sir Jason Charles

[Image: baftransmissionendcopy.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 09-12-2013

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...
[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Internal Channel :: Scrambled to non certified personell
Priority: Standard
Subject: Reinstatement

Good evening Sir Jason Charles

I have the pleasure of accepting your return to the Armed Forces. Since the command tree is thin near the Lieutenant Commander line I will permit you to uphold your old rank.

Personally I look forward to receiving your action reports as well as your insights.
Prove your mettle once more sir!

Welcome back!

For the Armed Forces Admiralty Board
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Commodore Jeff Bloom

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 09-17-2013

---Incoming Transmision---
---Opening Video Feed---

-Video Link Successefully Connected-

[Image: Cdr_zpsc706a1ff.jpg?t=1370011221]

Okay I am going to start thinking that I am the only one that gets involved in huge scale battles, on purpose. I cant even have 3 bloody days of peace. I just bump myself in fights, and they grow and grow and there is no end to them. Damn this universe. I could get myself killed or worse! But well I didn't.

*Then he stops for a minute a looks at the previous line and then he bursts out of laughter.*

Okay so this is what happened. I got call, like always, that Gauls took a hike trough Leeds. So I went out to hike with them. That turned out well. There were multiple targets in Leeds and all were nervous. Like I was in a mood, right.
I got to the RV point and formed with Sir Bloom, and Lt Liam. Then we headed out towards Gauls and Sir Williams. So there were 4 of us against 6 of their fighters along 2 Gallic Junkers, one Reaver and a Valor.

Soon enough we lost Lt Liam in that hustle so we were left with 3 fighters against all of them. Unfortunately Sir Bloom was also put under the line due to very heavy fire that was pointed towards him. So only Sir Williams and myself left, along with one indie pilot Evans and HMS-Argosax who came upon to help us. So I was tired of evading, and I turned the course of the battle. I've putted Lambard out of service and we started dancing. Then Mr Evans took down one Gallic Junker, and Mr Williams taken away Reavers ship, leaving his pod lurking in space. And HMS-Argosax removed Francis Drake, so he was out of service too. But then we lost Mr Evans and we got two more Gaul bombers inbounding the sight of the battle. So you can imagine how happy I was.

*Then he grins his face and looks above his shoulder and then he shouts on the people behind: Stop screaming y'a bloody fools, I am giving a report here! Then he turned towards the camera and continued speaking*

Sorry about that, some rats were behind so I needed to scare them off. Anyway let me continue, ah yes there were 4 fighter left along with 2 of their Bombers against 2 of us, and HMS-Argosax. So we started to lead a real warfare. But soon enough they needed to break off and they were crushed in their own assault. Well not literally crushed but still they fled. With a tail between their legs. So another Bretonian day and another win. But I am afraid that this wont be enough since they are sending more and more fighters and bombers and Valors and bloody pilots and everything they have, and they have a lot. But till they kill me I will keep fighting for the crown! Long live Bretonia, long live the Queen!

With all due respect Cdr. Robert Dzeferson.

---Terminating Transmision---
---Closing Video Feed---

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Connor - 09-29-2013

***Incoming Transmission***
Heather Pearson***
***ID: Bretonia Armed Forces***
***Location: Planet New London***

[Image: heathe10.jpg]

G'day Gents

So, i have some strange events to report here. I was heading out for a patrol in New London, then all of a sudden i was called out for help in Leeds. 2 Valor's and a couple of fighters were were in Leeds and the Navy needed some help so i went. The fight was quick, and it ended in a win.

I then got another call out of Magellan, where we had a Bretonia Battleship that was apparently infected by nomads. That Battleship was under the name of HMS-Derbyshire. They also destroyed a council battlesip. I have records of this. Admirals, you may want to take a look.

Lieutenant Pearson out

***Ending Transmission***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Exploration - 10-17-2013

Incoming Transmission...
ID: Lieutenant Zoe Avant
Location: BAF|A-HMS-Conqueror, Magellan System

She sighs tiredly as the crew busy themselves behind her

Well time to inform you all of a battle in Leeds, yesterday though. Was too tired after that to even think about transmitting this

She pauses to compose herself

Yesterday, we had word of the location of some straying GRN Fighters on the far side of Leeds. It was decided myself with the help of Tator.Salad we should strike and remove all hostile contacts. However this did not exactly go to plan. Shortly after we were engaged multiple Cougar bombers all under the tag of Punisher| joined the combat. It soon became a mess. Two Allies versus six. They even called a Valor RNS-Tonnant to assist in removing us from existence. For approximately three hours we held our ground and dealing serious damage to the enemy forces. By this time, support had arrived and several BAF fighters turned up to assist including SFC|Patrol-4. I thought it was lucky, I was fresh out of ammunition and with four of them on my tail, things were looking grim. Though once the enemy fled and the Valor disabled, I returned to the Conqueror.

She takes a breath

That has got to be the most heated situation ive been in my entire life.
Well, that's all from me chaps.
Zoe out.

She sips from a glass of water before turning the camera off.

Transmission Terminated

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 10-17-2013

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...
[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Internal Channel :: Scrambled to non certified personell
Priority: Standard
Subject: Announcement 201005 :: October Promotions

Good evening members of the Armed Forces

Times are hard there is no denying it. On this thursday night I bring you news of members who continue to stand tall amongst us and deserve our every respect.
  • Miss Avant, Zoe
  • Miss Pearson, Heather
  • Mister Johnson, Liam
We hereby promote you to Lieutenant Commanders.
  • Mister Briggs, Jack
Your resourcefulness, initiative and tactical insights have proven their worth on multiple occasions in the Auxiliary Fleet. The recommendations written for you have not gone unnoticed to us.

Therefore... Welcome to the primary fleet. You are awarded the rank of Lieutenant Commander. You may moore with the York near the Newcastle gate. They are expecting you and will provide you with everything you need.

Congratulations and keep those feet on the bulkheads if you please.

Because as you all know our test is not over. Far from it...

Strenght, Honour and Persistance. Think of these words as you think of home ... Our home.


For the Armed Forces Admiralty Board
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Commodore Jeff Bloom

.Decryping Complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Exploration - 10-18-2013

Incoming Transmission..
ID: Lieutenant Commander Zoe Avant
Location: BAF|A-HMS-Conqueror, Magellan System

She looks up at the camera, as it statics into life

Greetings chaps,

Today my patrol was quite amusing, again making a daring move to enter the Leeds system alone. And I came upon besides the hundreds of patrols. A Punisher by the name of BlackSword.

She laughs before continuing

A long argument occurred, some insults thrown back and forth then I decided to remove him from existence. So the combat began. It continued for about 30 minutes before forcing the target to dock
At that point I met a Colonial bomber and decided i'd best make my exit before large numbers become aware of my presence and it become out of hand. So i returned to New London.

A few hours later I was called to assist Admiral Hall in removing two Molly Destroyers. The first went down rapidly as shown Here
The second was destroyed after several more allied vessels showed up to support, together destroying the second and final destroyer.
Well, two Destroyers down. Many more to go chaps.

That's it from me chaps.
Zoe Out.

Transmission Terminated