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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 10-18-2013

[Image: zF9gMX1.jpg]

Commodore Jeff Bloom,

*he salutes respectfully*

I have arrived at the Battleship York, as requested. The gunboat is moored to one of the docking corridors outside. I await further orders sir, i guess you sent me here for a reason.

Regardless, the crew is ready, i have some of the ships crew sorting a Templar and Challenger for me. Should be completed shortly sir, and i'll be home in time for tea.

*he smiles mischievously*

In the meantime sir,

Lieutenant Commander Jack Briggs,
Bretonian Armed Forces,
Signing off.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 10-19-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Leviathan]
[CommID: Admiral Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: ijZYauE.png]

This is Charles Davis to the Bretonian Armed Forces Admiralty Board.My ship managed to return to charted space and I am requesting to be reinstated to active duty. I will debrief with you once we arrive on New London.

Davis Out.

[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 10-19-2013

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...
[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: High - To: Admiral Charles Davis CC: BAF HC
Priority: high
Subject: Welcome back sir

Afternoon admiral

Your message has reached us and we await your arrival. You may moore the Leviathan at The Bridge. I will send one of our trusted pilots in an armoured transport to pick you up.

He will take you to the main command bunker on New London. A debriefing is scheduled for tomorrow at 14:00. You are hereby formally invited.

It is good to see you admiral.
Welcome back.

For the Armed Forces Admiralty Board
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Commodore Jeff Bloom

.Decryping Complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
....Transmission Terminated....

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 10-19-2013

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...
[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Internal Channel :: To: Briggs, Jack
Priority: Standard
Subject: Standing orders

Mister Briggs

Good to see you found your new nest.
The York, she is an old but though lass. Familiarize yourself with her crew and COs.

I will have a full set of orders for you soon. Standby in the meantime and use that gunboat of yours to escort whatever goods that need to be transported from and to The Bridge. We need the York ready for action again as soon as possible.


There is a ... job for you. I will not disclose much at this point except this.
The 358th ...
Look up its history when you are not on escort duty or getting to know your new snubs.

That is all for now.
Stand firm.

For the Armed Forces Admiralty Board
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Commodore Jeff Bloom

.Decryping Complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
....Transmission Terminated....

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Connor - 10-19-2013

***Incoming Transmission***
Daniel Mathews***
***ID: Bretonia Armed Forces***
***Location: Battleship Essex, Medical Bay***

Sir *He says weak and tired*

Dublin today, I don't know what happened. They were here, there and everywhere. I've seen nothing like it, nothing that big before. It was blue, no pink, no purple and large *He stutters* Very, large. It came out of nowhere and attacked us. As soon as it appeared it disappeared leaving my ship in such a critical state. I had no engines, no shield and life support was failing.

All of a sudden, 3 order fighters appear and i try to request help. A few communications were thrown back and fourth, then it appeared again. *He takes a deep breath, pauses and then carries on talking* It appeared out of no where, right behind my ship. The order was given to abandon ship. Everyone took to the escape pods. Me and my officers were one of the last to eject. I looked out upon the shuttle craft and i saw ejection pods and space craft getting blow to bits by the thing. Then, all of a sudden it disappears again. *He starts to shiver* I have never lost so many men under my command. One seventh made it back alive. Things i saw are things a person should never have to see.

I and my fellow crew members that survived are recovering slowly after the traumatic experience. I do not think i will be on active duty for a while. One of the other survivors was my friend, Lieutenant Commander Pearson. She survived and is also recovering from her injuries. Listen to this chat log from the black box. See what you can make from it

BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: Mayday Mayday this is Captain Daniel Mathews of the HMS Hunt. Engines and shields have failed, Hull is at critical. Many holes are int he sides of my ship. Is anyone out there?
141|Hemuset-4: *static*
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: I repeat, Mayday Mayday This is the Captain of the HMS Hunt, we are in *Comms suddenly ceases*
141|Hemuset-4: *static noise is heard, nothing else*
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: Unknown ship, Identify your self
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: This is Captain *The comms breaks again*
141|Hemuset-4: *silence*
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: They were here, No, there. No Everywhere
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: We didn't have a chance
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: Unknown Vessels, please, respond
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: * A voice is partially heard. The only words people could make out was "Nomads" *
Order|Wasp.: You're pretty banged up there, Hunt.
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: WHo is that? My Radar is down and comms are only just holding up
141|Hemuset-4: *the static is broken* Nomads?
Order|Wasp.: Who we are is of no importance. What is, is that we might be after the same hostiles. We need to-...

BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: Are scanners are going haywire!
Order|Aelita.Stone: Oh hell
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: oh my! There it is!
K'Hara|Harbinger: ***escape delays inevetable...
141|Hemuset-4: Bretonian battleship. Get moving!
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: Thats the Thing!
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: Our engines are down!
141|Hemuset-4: #4 here. Ready to roll
Order|Wasp.: Aelita, return to base and inform HC we have a big problem.
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: It's not engaging for some reason!
Order|Aelita.Stone: Roger!
141|Hemuset-4: Loading weapons. Wasp, shall we go in?
141|Hemuset-4: What is..going on here?
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: *Daniel shouts down the comms to all his crew*
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: Crew, abandon ship. We have nothing left here
Order|Wasp.: #4, try drawing some fire away from the Hunt.
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: *Small shuttle craft apear to be leaving the ship, only to be blown up by the nomad*
141|Hemuset-4: Roger
141|Hemuset-4: I am going in.
BAF|A-HMS-Hunt: Daniel: Crew! Abandon ship! Arghhh [Static is heard from then on out]
Death: BAF|A-HMS-Hunt was killed by K'Hara|Harbinger

I bid you all a safe night.

***Ending Transmission***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 10-20-2013

[Image: MoMb13N.jpg]


He sits in a chair in a intricate office, clearly that for an officer ranking above Lieutenant Commander...He puts his feet up on the desk, his boots, luckily, still clean

I see why you gents like to stay on your battleships now... Mighty impressive if i say so myself..

He closes the brown card file that sits infront of him

Not unlike the 358th wing. Mighty impressive it is, and some high end missions indeed. Seems my old mentor, Captain Wolf, served under them. Glad to know i was under the command of a capable officer, but i don't see how it affects me. Perhaps if you could shed some light sir?

Until then sir,
Lieutenant Commander Briggs out.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 10-20-2013

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...
[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Internal Channel :: To: Briggs, Jack
Priority: Standard
Subject: The 358th

Mister Briggs

I see you have been studying, good.

I have sent you a hard copy of all that needs be done. You should find it in your quarters tomorrow morning. All the details are in there
I hope to see the 358th in action soon. As it just so happens, the LSF is forming a mixed taskforce as well. Look to them for joint operations.

Should there be further questions you may turn to me or Admiral Davis who commands the York fleet.

Good luck

For the Armed Forces Admiralty Board
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Commodore Jeff Bloom

.Decryping Complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
....Transmission Terminated....

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Exploration - 10-22-2013

Incoming Transmission..
ID: Lieutenant Commander Zoe Avant
Location: Magellan, Open space. Patrol path "Delta Echo Six"

The fighter cockpit can be seen as Zoe stares into the camera

Figured I should check in with how operations have been going in Magellan. As of late the Gallic Naval presence has become almost constant. Every day I see a Gallic frog trying to get the drop on us out here. Seems they got lucky and damaged the Conqueror. The ship is currently immobile about 20 clicks from the Freeport. Despite this, ill quote this from Brandon

A Voice recording is played

"So what? They shot the engines out. They can shoot the guns out for all I care. Ill just end up leaning out a window with my sidearm and start firing!, No way are we abandoning ship now. We will hold this area. I don't care how either".
The Recording ends

As you can see, Captain Johnson is quite stubborn. However he is a dear friend of mine and I support him as best I can. Anyway, like was saying. The Punishers are the main presence of the battlefield, their ships are crawling out the woodwork like smog from Stokes. The Liberty Navy have been a fantastic help to us out here.

She laughs

Anyway. That's all I have for now. Ill keep you posted as operations progress. In the meantime..what in the name of..
"Incoming Missile" Is heard before "Shield failure". Static shortly fills the comms and the connection is dropped.

Transmission Lost..
Trying to Reconnect..

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mister_X - 10-30-2013


SENDER ID: Captain James Richard Sterling

LOCATION: Southampton shipyard, New London

[Image: ucYWgXO.jpg?1]

Hello there *winks*

This is Captain James Richard Sterling, OH YEAH....Contacting you to report from our last patrol around Leeds...We went in there to do a sweep of the system, and it was as dull as ever....I was finishing up my tea, and just as I was about to go take my beauty sleep, the whole bloody ship started ringing and sounding around...
McNeil caught a Valor on long range sensors...We intercepted and exchanged a few pleasantries like proper gentleman that I am *smiles and winks*...Anyway, it lead up to a fight, as usual, and we engaged...After a few minutes of fighting we were able to drop their shields, but then the cowards engaged a cloacking device and disappeared...


1 2 3 4 5

After that, a freelancer contacted us over private channels, claiming to be bringing help to the Leeds ressistance, and asked us to escort his ship, so we did...


6 7

AFter that, we resumed our patrol, but were detected by a group od gallic ships including a Valor, a bomber and a fighter....We managed to do quite a lot of damage to the Valor but in the end our ship was damaged badly and we had to abandon it.... Luckily we were picked up by a BAF patrol, and the ships hull which by some miracle remained relatively intact was toed to Southampton for repairs....

This little battle was perhaps lost but I am still sexier than that gallic captain so don't despair...Just to cheer you up, here's a singed picture of me...OH YEAH....

[Image: 0jqIzMV.png]


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 10-30-2013

[Image: ZSx0wFN.jpg]

Captain Sterling,

Congratulations on a good hunt. I expect to see much more coming from you.

You activity in the field has come to my attention, and having read reports on your work in the field, i am happy to, as of today, promote you to the rank of Bridge Officer, with transferal to the Auxiliary Fleet under my full command. I expect reports of your work, and many prizes brought back from your hunts.

Congratulations once more,

Yours, in service to the Realm,

Commodore Michelle O'Brian,
CO of Bretonian Royal and Auxiliary Forces.