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Wiki - Feedback Thread - Igiss - 09-23-2008

Nikolaus Reinhardt becomes Chancellor in Rheinland, eventually transforming the government into a fascist police state. - Who included this? Any basis for this info?

I'll ask in other forums.

Wiki - Feedback Thread - Cawdor - 09-24-2008

well ... thats what virus did to rheinland after he got the lead of RM a while back. Rheinhardt is his char.

Wiki - Feedback Thread - chovynz - 09-24-2008

Ok.. I'll repeat this as some people missed it.

' Wrote:Wiki update - Wiki list sorting screws up when prices do not have the "$" in
front of the price. Please add the dollar sign to all price lists and cost fields.
I know we are using "credits" ingame, but if you look at the prices ingame they are using dollar sign as well. Please put the dollar sign at the front of all prices. For some reason wiki price sorting fixes itself when theres a dollar sign, but screws up when there is no dollar sign.

Pages for comparison:

Wiki - Feedback Thread - looqas - 09-24-2008

' Wrote:Ok.. I'll repeat this as some people missed it.
I know we are using "credits" ingame, but if you look at the prices ingame they are using dollar sign as well. Please put the dollar sign at the front of all prices. For some reason wiki price sorting fixes itself when theres a dollar sign, but screws up when there is no dollar sign.

Pages for comparison:

So to clarify: We should put ALL prices with $ even in those articles where prices are not in a sortable list?

Case in point as well as most of the ship pages: (in the Cost row)

Wiki - Feedback Thread - MarvinCZ - 09-24-2008

I changed the Ship infobox to show the '$' sign, feel free to revert if it isn't what you wanted there:)

Wiki - Feedback Thread - chovynz - 09-25-2008

' Wrote:So to clarify: We should put ALL prices with $ even in those articles where prices are not in a sortable list?

Case in point as well as most of the ship pages: (in the Cost row)

Yes please to "$". It makes for ingame and wiki consistency. (Even though they are credits. Blame Microsoft for the inconsistency -.-)
Thanks Blodo. Looks good.

Wiki - Feedback Thread - MarvinCZ - 09-25-2008

' Wrote:Thanks Blodo. Looks good.

I'm not Blodo, but you're welcome anyway:P

Wiki - Feedback Thread - chovynz - 09-25-2008

Yes I know your not him. I was thanking him for...being....Blodo.:$


Thank you Marvin. I was in a hurry and had Av and Sigs turned off and misread the name..
I tried replying to you and thanking Blodo in the same post. Next time ill make it more clear:D

Wiki - Feedback Thread - looqas - 09-27-2008

Important discussion:

Should we change the commodity section of the Planets (and the templates too) to be the same as in Bases?

Compare e.g. Planet Cambridge and Vogtland Base.

How about ships sold? Should we remove the ships sold from planets and stick with the precedent set by Igiss in Disco Readme just stating the system where the ship can be bought?

Wiki - Feedback Thread - xSecret01 - 09-29-2008

I was reading the wiki about class 5 turrets and I found something really weird. :crazy:
Quote:Note that the three top ones above are hard to obtain because they tend to be in bases whose interests are hostile to most of Liberty, Breton and Rheinland. However, unless you shoot indiscriminately, Gas Miner Naha should be moderately within a new players reach. Of course, another way is to shoot all the police craft and go straight to Crete or Cadiz, assuming you survive the journey and have enough cash.
I don't think that's a good 'RP' way to get them especially if you're a lawful. :sleep:

Oh and in the class 10 guns article it states that the Nomad Energy Blaster and Nomad Energy Cannon belong to the Nomads faction. The guns are in fact human-modified and I think they should belong to the Order because they are the ones who applied the technology on human ships.