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Liberty Navy [LN] - Printable Version

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Liberty Navy [LN] - McNeo - 07-26-2009

When it was discovered that people can easily get around this by quickdocking and logging off.
It was also said that a report on the situation (charge would be ooRP docking) was both hard to compile and more effort than it was worth.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Heartless - 07-26-2009

I have to say, I feel a bit of... hostility towards me whenever I'm on my indie libby gb.
I fly around rp all the time, and when there are LN in space, I always say something like "Washington standing down, awaiting further commands Mr. *LN's name*". Basically, I'm putting myself at the service of any LN I see in space to cooperate with them. I figured you'd enjoy this, until I get a response. I either get called a waste of money or that I'm not needed. I'm rather insulted by this and find it offensive.
Why should I bother rping with the LN and listening to what you say if you'll smash talk indies who have good rp and are trying to play with you guys? I might as well shoot whoever I want and just ignore whatever the LN say since they apparently can fight every hostile in liberty space on their own.

Liberty Navy [LN] - casero - 07-26-2009

From my personal experience, I can tell that it's not so easy to pay attention to everybody around you while you log with your [LN].
I always get PMs from lot of people, from texas, cali, colorado, NY, so if I ignored you sometime (I actually don't recall if I did), I'm sorry, but it's not always so easy.

What do we do, normally? We patrol on our fighters/bombers, if we find a big target that has to be handle with something bigger, we call the LNS ships around to take care of it.

That's how I feel we work, I've never been told by higher rank members to don't call LNS for patroling, but I feel it out of place.

We appreciate you playing with us, but we don't it mandatory, the only thing we demand is common sense.
The common sense that makes you capable of being in your own giving fairplay and having fun, and letting people have fun too.

But, if you are concerned about it, I'll try to pay more attention to this, and call you more often (I don't have your number:P)

Also, send me your skype.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Jihadjoe - 07-26-2009

Heh... Well I completely forgot about this to be honest. I'd been far too wrapped up in just trying to stay sane to think about it honestly.

Quorg, I'll be sending you a PM about that incident. If you could remember who it was I would be really grateful.

n00bl3t, we ceased bothering with the licencing for weapons dealers when I took over. We've not charged since then. (Just a note, when it was in effect, I payed up... Shoulda waited huh?)

SwissScorch. As I'm sure you know, the speed at which situations can change in Liberty is astonishing. If every last gunboat in a system flew into a fight already in process, then we'd have what we commonly refer to as a cluster-*ehem*. The [LN] have a policy whereby we strive to keep situations where shooting is involved comparatively fair. This means that more people have fun.

I appreciate you roleplaying as you do, I know you're more than competant, however you have to apprecaite that often a gunboat can turn a fair fight into one which is heavily one sided. If you have been dismissed in a hostile way then I appologise, that shouldn't be the case.

Often I attach a gunboat, or indy caps or whatever to a patrol going on.

I suppose this "get out of the fight" thing is a bit of a knee-jerk reaction in many ways due to the number of times a week I get someone from an unlawful faction, or a group of unlawful players saying "We just got sat on by a heap of indy caps, do something about it."

I'll work on finding a compromise between the two extremes. If I were to not request that people sit out of fights, then we'd have a lot of unlawful players having a really rubbish time, but I'd avoid comments like the one you just made. If I were to carry on as I do, I'd have a happier group of unlawful players talking to me after fights, but I'd receive comments such as the one you made frequently. It's a very hard balance to maintain.

As for the idea that we can handle every situation in Liberty, well... Often we can. We have a lot of manpower. However, I will go a lengths to get my folks to sit out of situations that could be dealt with FAIRLY by the various indies. But I'm really not going to tell them to just sit out of everything.

I'll work on the compromise. I hope you can do the same.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Heartless - 07-26-2009

absolutely, I completely understand that. I know the swarm of pm's that can come at you just because you have an official faction tag on you.

Funny, just today I found out an Order| member which I know is also an [LN] member which was nice.

I guess I'll still play along but maybe take some more independance rather than just sit around and wait for someone to tell me what to do.

Thanks for the responses and I'll see you in space:)

Liberty Navy [LN] - Jihadjoe - 07-26-2009

' Wrote:Funny, just today I found out an Order| member which I know is also an [LN] member which was nice.

Sead is a really good guy. I think we're both pretty lucky to have him in our respective factions.

Liberty Navy [LN] - tansytansey - 09-29-2009

Just thought I'd bump this thread with some -- unfortunately negative feedback.


I wouldn't be surprised to see an independant flying to Alcatraz to pew pew some Rogues, but it disappoints me to see the official faction showing no respect for the hidden RP of our bases. Quite frankly it's meta-gaming. I think it's time you reminded your people you don't chase pirate to their bases, you don't chase them into the Badlands and in general you don't fly to their bases for any reason.

In short: You do not come with in 15k of Alcatraz looking for a fight. Kthxbye.

Liberty Navy [LN] - teschy - 09-29-2009

Erm, most likely he was dragged there. That's not meta-gaming, that's poor roleplay from the people that lead him there. It's not his fault the pirate couldn't shake him off, and docked on the station instead. Remember what happened in the first single player storyline mission ? Yeah, they bombed the station.

Situations like these occur, and I'm not really delighted by them either, but please, understand that game limitations are double edged.

Liberty Navy [LN] - tansytansey - 09-29-2009

' Wrote:Erm, most likely he was dragged there. That's not meta-gaming, that's poor roleplay from the people that lead him there. It's not his fault the pirate couldn't shake him off, and docked on the station instead. Remember what happened in the first single player storyline mission ? Yeah, they bombed the station.

Situations like these occur, and I'm not really delighted by them either, but please, understand that game limitations are double edged.

No. We were sitting by Alcatraz talking to that Destroyer when they suddenly showed up on scanners. No one lead them there.

If someone had lead them there, then it would be them I would be displeased with.

Liberty Navy [LN] - Irra - 09-29-2009

We moved into cloud by the tip from freelancer with me , yes i know about many bases and i couldn't see Alcatraz from where we were (didn't showed up on scanners)... you told to leave i said why , no or something and you engaged and killed us all so whats problem?:Dwe never found out about it , don't worry.

Edit: Tell me you didn't have fun? I respond to every tip i got about pirates today and not everyone was lucky as you guys where, that gunboat was good.

Edit2: What ship is that Nighthawk it looks nice ... didn't have much time to have a better look or scan it.

Edit3: Picture of my map from bomber ( see no Alcatraz there link Cali map and that somewhere middle of that cloud)
I think this was area where we had fight