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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 12-09-2008

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Incoming Transmission: ID Lt. Blake Owen::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I had two consecutive engagement a few days ago, here's the report.

My self and captain Mainwaring engaged two Mollies, one was "GhostFace" (interesting alias) of the MR, and the other was an independent Molly supporter. We engaged them near the Dublin jump hole in Leeds, where I succeeded in destroying GhostFace's craft with a somewhat lucky supernova hit.


The other Molly retreated into Dublin and we decided to break off pursuit to deal with an incoming Corsair threat. I joined with Commodore Mckenna at Planet Cambridge, where a small Corsair task force awaited us.

Myself and Commodore Mckenna engaged the Corsair force consisting of two gunboats and two fighters. By the time we had finished the gunboats, a Mandilorian joined the battle and helped us with the fighters, as we where flying bombers. The Corsair's Titan was too much for me and I was picked up after it was destroyed and the other fighter chased away.

In summary: 1 Molly ship destroyed, 2 Corsair gunboats and 1 Corsair fighter destroyed.

:::::::::::::::Owen out:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 12-11-2008

The duty officer manning the transmissions monitoring station at the BAF Defence intelligence Staff looked worried. "Run through the transmission again, I want to be sure of this..."

--Printing Transcript of Transmission--
Time: 15:53
Location: New London System
Picked up by: Southampton Shipyard forward antennae

[Image: conversationic2.jpg]

With a grim face he turned to the monitor showing the last data recording received from the nav computer of Captain Nelson's ship. D.02-3.14. Critical hull damage. None of the scout patrols sent out had been able to locate the Captain's escape pod, and the final transmission sent out on his hand-held emergency communications device made for unpleasant reading. The Officer brought up the display showing the report from Thames Outpost on the ship commanding the Kusari strike force that had attempted to raid New London earlier in the day.

[Image: shipdh6.jpg]

The vessel had been positively identified as the Destroyer, Ai Keiko, accompanied by a fleet of Katana escorts. The solitary BAF officer in his Challanger never stood a chance, why had he not pulled back earlier? Exacerbated, the Duty Officer had little choice but to accept what the evidence before him indicated. That one of the BAF's leading officers was either dead, or in Kusari hands. He could not decide which option he considered to be worst...."Compile a report on this Jenkins, I'm going to have to see the Fleet Admiral..."

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MarvinCZ - 12-12-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Nobby Preston, Privateer]

Uh, hullo there.
I remember when Admiral Stuart got me in his bunch, he said something about reporting military actions or somethin' such. I helped the regulars today a bit, that could qualify, eh? An' this seems the place to report it, see? Well, here it goes.

So, the BAF called they have some Kusari-supporting traders right in Bretonia. So I thought, that's my job, isn't it? I loaded up my babe and went to meet them in Leeds. But the buggers wouldn't show up, so we thought they scented us and legged it off.

I went to check Dublin, Commander Redmond followed me. We didn't find any smugglers, but a bloody Molly! Insulting an' such, said we can't drink. So I shoved some antimatter up his backside. Easy stuff. The git managed to call a gunbaot before he blew up, and that came round in a moment. That was a tough cookie, gave some serious kicking before we popped him too.

[Image: Nobby_kills.png]

I thought it's all over and prepared for my way back to Taus, when Lieutenant Owen called for help from New London. There was a nasty gunboat in there. Owen had to retreat before we could get there, so it was up to me and Redmond again. After Dublin, this was just a simple game. I believe Redmond got that kill.

After some patching and paintwork on my bomber I departed back to Taus.
Tha't about all of it.

[Transmission terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 12-12-2008

Fleet Admiral Percy Nelles dropped the memo in shock.

His face was blanched, and he looked up at the grim Ensign who had brought him the messege.

"Has this been confirmed?"

The Ensign nodded.

Nelles face collapsed into his hands. Of all people. Captain Nelson.

"Get MI6. Tell them to find out where he is."

Then he stood, his face in a scowl.

"Then we will get him the HELL out of there!"

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MarvinCZ - 12-13-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Commodore Mark McKenna]

Engagement report

Upon receiving intel on a prepared Corsair incursion to Cambridge, we formed a small group to face the enemy. We had the Steadfast with Commander Harper, Lieutenant Hobart and Ensign Trotter. After some waiting a Corsair force really arrived.

We echanged a few pleasentries and engaged. I picked one of the Praetorians and he went down before he knew what hit him.

[Image: th_freelancer2008-12-1221-59-44-25.jpg]

Then it changed into a more prolonged fight. We lost Trotter in the scramble, I believe a rescue party from Norfolk picked him up. Corsairs lost a fighter, Hobart got him. Then the Steadfast joined in and we battered Asno, the enemy gunboat. It eventually fell to our fire, but at great cost. Steadfast took serious damage and the two remaining bombers finished it, the crew were forced to abandon their ship.

Me and Hobart were left, against two enemy bombers. Together we brought down the first of them, a supernova shot tore the ship apart. My ship received a series of blasts and I lost most of my equipment, including shield. Then it was just easy for the enemy to take me down. I believe Hobart got the bastard in the end.

[Image: McKenna_2kills.png]

As much as I hate to say it, I doubt Commander Harper is the right man for Steadfast's bridge. He may just need some time to get used to his role, but I fear it could cost us a few lives. We need Stanley back, very soon. I'm including a comm log supporting my point.

[Image: Calling_tragets.gif]

[Transmission terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 12-14-2008

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::High Priority Message::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

From: Lt. Blake Owen

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 12-14-2008

Today I had the most riveting experience in Cambridge. As soon as I launched, I was informed of a Rhineland Battleship in Cambridge! I went to investigate and found the vessel.


Scans showed his ship with proper ID and licenses. The captain rarely responded to hails, claiming he was outfitting his ship. I told him I was not aware of any authorization to enter Britonia by high command, and escorted him to Omega-7. As I returned, scanners showed Corsairs, Mollies, and Colonial Remanent in Dublin. I entered and found them at the racing gates by The Hood where they where all participating in some sort of quasi-legal race. I obviously didn't attack, being outnumbered dramatically, and I was told by the race organizer (Georgy.Yacht.Eclipse) that I could supervise but not take any action. During the race, a Gaian [(Gaia)-Fire] came and was destroyed by one of the referees (Pavel.Dmitriev).

Participants in the Race where

1) [MR]-Liam.Mac.Ceallach

2) =CR=Smokescreen

3) WRST-DRT-Velox

4) [+]Carlos.Rivera.LF

I didn't know quite what to do, so I let them go with a warning that I would report them to my superiors. I would like to know the proper procedure for dealing with these races in the future.

-Owen out

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 12-15-2008

::::::::::::::::::::::Incoming Transmission::::::::::::::::::::::::::

From : Lt. Blake Owen

I just returned from patrols in New London and Leeds. At first it was looking dull, then Ens. Noel Oliver contacted us about his recruitment. Myself and Captain Mainwaring outfitted his shiny new Templar with a Mini Razor and some Nomad-based guns from the research station. The technicians are still working on the IFF as far as I know but soon he'll be fully outfitted. I haven't got a chance to spar much with him but hopefully we can familiarize him with the Templar's control suite ASAP.

Also, myself and Lt. Hobart engaged the Molly Baile Ryan outside planet New London. After a short battle he fled and a Mandilorian gunboat helped us chase him away.

-Owen out

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 12-16-2008

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Incoming transmission::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Notice to all ensigns, officers, and privateers.

All those in the service of The Queen should familiarize themselves with new Bretonian laws and regulations here.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::End Transmission:::::::::::::::::::::::::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Husher - 12-16-2008

A little nerves Ian starts typing.

This will be his firsts official report he will file.

**Incoming messages**
**message uploading**
**100% complete**

Quote:Goodday sirs.
Last night i was flying in my templar in New london.
When i was on my way too leeds too join the patrol there i passed Southhampton shipyards.
When i entered the Tradelane my shipscomputer detected a ship launch from the station and did a automatic scan.
It was one of oure gunboats but it had a weird name.

A little suspicious i made a emergeny jump out of the lane and returned too Southhampton yard.
There the GB was still preparing to go on his way so i took the oppertunity and did a better scan.

[Image: screen67mw7.png]

I noticed the Capt. and crew had no ID on it what was very rare.
Also the name was not a official Bretonian one.
I ordered the captain too stop his vessel for a further investigation, i found out it was a zoner who was on his way to leave Bretonia.
He bought the boat because it seems Zoners dont have that particular class of ship.

Seems the captain wasnt a patient one because 5 min later he simply starts flying and goes too Pl New london.
Also he kept pointing his frontal guns on me the whole time we were talking, so i kept flying slowly around him.
By than i was informed by my commanders that this pilot had too deliver this boat back too the shipyard, because BAF doesnt sell its boats too a zoner.

He tried too run for cambridgegate he was lanedisrupted by 3 corsair light fighters (Can you believe it?) when i ordered him too return he had only one answer NO.

Suddenly he opend fire on me luckly i knew how too evade his fire and used a CD missle too stop him and preventing too flee.
Soon i was joined by a bomber and together we took him down.

Later i heared he bought another boat at Southhampton.
How could he do this falsing ID??

There are some more photo's availeble i will store them for now.

Well for the rest it was a quite patrol.

Ens Driscoll signing off.