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Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Printable Version

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Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Klaw117 - 05-25-2009

//Apologies guys. I had baseball today til 2200 GMT. In fact, I doubt I'll be able to make anymore races. Since I know the time is hard to change, I'll be willing to withdraw from the tournament.

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Andrew_Bonesovich - 05-25-2009

//I was a bit busy in RL this weekend, sorreh. I should be able to make it next time. Btw, how big issue would be making it half an hour earlier? 1830 GMT instead of 19? It would be more comfortable :P it takes some time before people come, so basically, it would be the same

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Banza - 05-25-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Sick old bat
Subject: Race

"I knew...Rats! Bloody rats."
"Sir, you should get back to the bed."

Hehe. Oi there lads. My dear sir, mister Ambramovich is feeling sick today, so I hes job today. Oh and... my name is Drago. *Cough* Yep. And I hate my parents for such name.
Uh. Georgy was..ehm..he could came last with..
Point is, he couldnt come, but he is live and well! He never feel so good actually! to I?
Smoke first! Suprise...
and Zane second...

Yada yada

=CR=Smokescreen -------- 90 + 10 = 100 (Congratulations)
Velox (Robert) -------------- 63
Tobias ----------------------- 61
Stone ------------------------ 57
Hakkinen -------------------- 45
Carlos ----------------------- 32
Liam ------------------------- 22
Onyx (Zane, Evans ...) ---- 22 + 7 = 29
Jason Smith ---------------- 7
Gazella ---------------------- 4
Acheros --------------------- 4

Using simply math...if Smoke in next race take just three points, he will be champion before the official end of race event.

Signed by: Drago

...End Transmission

Okay. 18:30 or 6:30 PM GMT0.

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - swift - 05-25-2009

*bows slightly*

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Irra - 05-26-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: Marsel***
***Location Unknown***

Well ... so time to race ... i might join you ... i need to get some info too i will be at BS Hood.

***Transmission Terminated***

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Banza - 05-26-2009

Drago starts reading message.
Drago laughts.

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Drago, Georgy's slave
Subject: Racer Marsel

Better late than never lad! Oh my. I am still laughting. All informations can be find in first transmission.
But, to save your time, I will just say most important things.
Dublin system, Hood field, Sunday, 18:30 SMT, the only thing that you need to know.

As for Dublin race. Since we came almost to the end...
My master Abramovich already planned next round, which will be something different than current system of races.
But, he will explain that later... Drago whispers If he dont die in meantime.

Signed by: Drago, Abramovich left hand.

...End Transmission

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Banza - 05-31-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Georgy Abramovich
Subject: Race

Live and well, again I am! Georgy laugths. Drinks on me, Hood pub that is. Dont drink too much now, save something for later. And, get out of pub on time. Warm your engines, 30 minutes till the race start!
That would be all for now. Catch you in space.

Signed by: Georgy

...End Transmission

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Banza - 06-01-2009

Hood pub, Sunday 31. May

Damn good race again Thorpe! Georgy raise bottle and salute 'best flier'.
Ten points in the last race made you filthy rich man dear lad. Spend coins wisely, and fast. Georgy winks.
Dear racers! After 15, more or less races, I must say, it was great fun to watch how my coins leave my pocket. Many of those coins ended in Thorpe pocket again. Georgy sighs. There was some good promesing fellas that show real race skill, like that Molly kind, Tobias. Or 'Sair racer, strage sight eh, Carlos. Robert also had some good moments.
There were also many others, of course, but history will remember only the best ones.
To continue...That fella over there Georgy point at Thorpe won almost every bloody race that he was racing in. Others racers couldnt catch him today either, so he bloody won again.
Ten points so he earn, and I must say this...he won the CUP! Other racers lost even math chance to remove him from first place in cup point standings. Georgy pulls out of a box strange thingy.
[Image: 2nta8si.jpg]
Dublin race cup
We should all salute to him! Come here Thorpe. You earn this Cup.
And now lads, enjoy in drinks and some girls! Dont be shy lads! I will leave you for now dear lads. We will meet again! Once more time, I promise you that! Georgy walks out of pub.

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - Andrew_Bonesovich - 06-01-2009

Tobias watched the "ceremony". All the races made him a bit richer, but still, the biggest prize escaped him. After Georgy handed over the cup to the champion, he stood up and went to congratulate his opponent. Then turned around and gone to take some drinks.

He smiled when he watched Thorpe celebrating his victory.

Im getting old for this racing, he thought for himself. He earned enough money anyway, and had lot of work to do for the Republic.

Dublin is full of gold after all, he smiled for himself as always.


Tall, young man was present in the bar when the celebrating was going on. He didnt really know what was that all about, so he asked nearby man in Molly "uniform" which was just a miner jumpsuit, with some Molly republic shamrock insignias.

"Oi well, Dublin cup just finished t'day lad, and the Colonial pilot overthere won the first prize.", smiled the Molly, a bit sadly.

"Ah... interesting. My name is Richard Moore, poor freelancer, looking for a place where money could be made." said Richard.

"Tobias Long my name lad. But some people call me 'smile'" - It was obvious why, thought Richard - "... and if ye are lookin' for money, well, ye can try bounties 'round here, or racing. Georgy is probably preparin' another cup or somethin', I'm too tired of racing to care 'bout it"

"Bounties would not be bad if I had better ship for that task", laughed Richard, "I have old rusty starblazer you know"

"Well, I guess I could sell ye my racing Arrow then", Toby shrugged.

"And I guess I dont have enough money to buy it sir"

"Ye dun need it lad, if ye promise ye pay it as soon as ye make some money, I will gladly give it to ye. But dun try to fool me lad, I could take it very personally. Mollys can get angry fast, and I have some contacts from my past that could make life hell for ye."

"Seems like we have a deal then", smiled Richard.

They shaked hands, and just a few minutes after that, Richard was sitting in his new Arrow.

//To put it simply, Toby=Richard Moore. RP reasons

Dublin 6400 Race Cup - sobuor - 06-02-2009

i'm confused do it cost anything to enter this race in the frist place ?
let me know thank you people