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To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Printable Version

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To hell with Armor Upgrades! - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 02-07-2009

Hm, if ships had less armor, then we would face more lucky instant kill PvP fights. And I dont think we want this, becouse it screw ups the tactics. What did you never acidently jumped on nuke with sabre , no matter if you are a skileld pilot? Imagine the same if you jump on single cannonball, I think we would have even more complains then "too long fights"

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - El Nino - 02-07-2009

And fights are bloody fast... they are only long if you are a nub and can't hit... In that case get a full kraken loadout... I don't know why my fights don't last long, but i know why they used to last long.

Between the mines the guns, and a few jousts, your opponent gets pretty killed. The good thing about long fights is that skill takes more and more effect than the ship.

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Grumblesaur - 02-07-2009

' Wrote:Kurosora, if it is unresonable then why do so many people buy cap8 and not just have many cap7's for the same money?

In the light of Offer/Demand it's very resonable, to price it very close to 1bil limit (that's the highest price of any sole item)....

Anyhow armor upgrades will be looked in to a bit more, for 4.86 with agility and such, but really that needs more public debate. And careful balancing that we don't have time for.

For exapmle cap 8 armor might kill strafing on a battlecruiser but a battleship would function with the same mass without as much as a 10% diffrence. becouse BC's have 800 mass and battleships 15000... so it will always be a problem, (or not)

Likewise LF's have 75 mass, while VHF's 150, if you give mk8 armor say 100 mass, that will greatly nerf the LF's agility, thus LF's will have to wear tinier armors, and be more vulnerable to damage then, if they intend to keep their good mass advantage over VHFs... so it requires a lot of balancing...

The limit is 2bil.

If everyone uses the highest armor, everyone has essentially the same agility nerf, and therefore, there's no real difference.

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - swift - 02-07-2009

But everyone will not use the same upgrade. That's exactly what that'd do.
I know I prefer agility over armor.
Vipers are slow:(

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Grumblesaur - 02-07-2009

' Wrote:But everyone will not use the same upgrade. That's exactly what that'd do.
I know I prefer agility over armor.
Vipers are slow:(
Well, if you're that agile, when you get hit, you're toast.

When you're that heavy, you take more hits, but you can withstand them.

Or we could leave it as it is.

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Cyro - 02-07-2009

' Wrote:Or we could leave it as it is.

I prefer it as it is too.

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - pieguy259 - 02-08-2009

Armour upgrades are only a pain when you don't have them.

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - El Nino - 02-08-2009

' Wrote:Well, if you're that agile, when you get hit, you're toast.

When you're that heavy, you take more hits, but you can withstand them.

Or we could leave it as it is.

Nonsence, you can make sure you don't get hit in an agile fighter... you have a choice. In a brick you get hit weather you like it or not...

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - MarvinCZ - 02-08-2009

' Wrote:The limit is 2bil.
There is 2bil limit on player cash, 1bil limit on item cost. Please, don't confuse these.

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Grumblesaur - 02-08-2009

' Wrote:There is 2bil limit on player cash, 1bil limit on item cost. Please, don't confuse these.

I thought he was talking about the cash limit. :/