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Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - Printable Version

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RE: Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - JohnyWalker - 11-07-2016

(11-06-2016, 12:32 AM)Antonio Wrote: A couple of new updates:

Repair ship & Gallic repair ship - regens 200 -> 300
Nanotool upgrade - range 200 -> 600, turret hit points 5000 -> 70 000

Hm.... are these changes already working?... i just checked the Nanotool range and still 200 .... Confused

RE: Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - sindroms - 11-07-2016

The changes will be applied during the next hotpatch.

RE: Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - Eurobeat - 11-07-2016

(11-07-2016, 03:44 PM)sindroms Wrote: The changes will be applied during the next hotpatch.

Inb4 event for when it gets changed

No idea if it even has something to do with this update, but cruiser and battleship shields seem to be 10x EDIT: at least 2x(10 is huge i admit) more powerful than they were before it. Usually doing missions against Nammu's would be a constant spam of "shield failed" but now even lvl19 Marduks take a while to down a bs shield, and Irra's take a while to rek a cruiser shield - Molecular ones anyway, but I've always used those and they feel different.

Maybe a little too OP with the hull and gun buff. Even though I've only felt the difference when pewing NPCs, I would imagine it being slightly in PvP bomber vs cap situations.

RE: Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - Antonio - 11-09-2016

New changes:

-basic cruiser turret energy usage 8k -> 7.2k
-light trebuchet energy usage 1.2m -> 1.1m
-light mortar energy usage 1m -> 1.05m
-cruiser pulse cannon energy usage 150k -> 120k
-kusari destroyer turret damage 1500 -> 1200, refire 3.03 -> 4.00, energy 4500 -> 3750
-outcast destroyer turret damage 1400 -> 1175, refire 3.03 -> 4.00, energy 4300 -> 3700
-valor fg energy usage 2.4m -> 2.2m
-hessian fg energy usage 1.9m -> 1.8m

Will edit op later.

RE: Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - Unlucky_Soul - 11-11-2016

The Crecy needs a buff to its agility. its too easy to hit and cant last long

RE: Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - Antonio - 11-16-2016

-Libdread armor reverted to live version
-Bretonia Carrier armor 2.45m -> 2.3m
-Outcast Dreadnought armor 2.4m -> 2.45m
-Kusari BS armor 2.5m -> 2.55m
-Coalition Carrier armor 2.05m -> 2m
-Core battlecruiser armor 465k -> 440k, regens 1100 -> 1050
-Council & GRN bc armor 440k -> 420k, regens 1050 -> 1000
-Dragon GB armor 105k -> 115k
-Kusari GB guns 5 -> 6

-HFBS 4th heavy turret
-Conference arcs buffed (only 2 to the back atm)
-Scorpion arcs buffed (only 3 to left/right/top/bottom atm)
-Montante arcs buffed (only 2 to the back atm)
-Condor core light -> medium
-Asco core medium -> light
-Kusari Destroyer Turret power 3750 -> 4000
-Outcast Destroyer Turret power 3700 -> 4050

-battleship cerbs: range 1495 -> 1750
-nomad bs cerbs: range 1505 -> 1750
-cruiser mitrailleuse: range 1026 -> 1170
-solaris cruiser turret: range 1008 -> 1170

RE: Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - Epo - 11-16-2016

Quote:-Condor core light -> medium

That's an interesting change. Maybe it will make the shippie more efficient. Condor as a gunboat looks really cool, any buffs are appreciated.

Once again, thanks for your effort.

RE: Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - Inferno - 11-16-2016

Quote:-Libdread armor reverted to live version
Wait reverted as in how.

RE: Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - Black Jack - 11-16-2016

-Outcast Dreadnought armor 2.4m -> 2.45m

Now make Legate better.

RE: Discovery Freelancer Patch 4.88.6 Capital Ship Changes - Antonio - 11-16-2016

@Inferno 1.8m

@Black Jack
Legate already has better arcs and better turn rate, while the Ranseur has a tiny bit more armor. A fair tradeoff.