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Liberty Police, Inc. Feedback - Printable Version

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RE: LPI Feedback - Sarawr!? - 07-22-2015

To address mimir; you're misinterpreting the intent of rachel's message if you think it was sent as her siding with the legion. Her intent was to show that while she may not agree with every facet of how liberty is run, she still fights for it and supports it's people the RIGHT way, rather than by being a terrorist rebel who supposedly fights to achieve things that Liberty is in fact already doing for it's people.

The intent was to show that while the government isn't perfect, the rebels are still wrong, and that Rach would fight against them if they continue to refuse to see reason.

As for what you said, Tokoloshe, There is no OOC motive or intention other than enjoying RP. As I've already said here in this thread, I welcome an inRP response from the LPI, addressed at Baker, regarding her comments.

But suggesting a Court Martial because a character basically said "Well Liberty isn't perfect, but it's still better than what your (the Hellfire Legion's) leaders have planned for Liberty, so you should give up your cause, and expect me and people like me to fight you if you don't"....?

That there is a little illogical.

ANYWAYS -- this stuff doesn't belong in the LPI's feedback thread, if you've criticism to levy at me, do it in my personal feedback thread, which is easy enough to find.

RE: LPI Feedback - Tokoloshe - 07-23-2015

(07-22-2015, 11:06 PM)Sarawr!? Wrote: As for what you said, Tokoloshe, There is no OOC motive or intention other than enjoying RP. As I've already said here in this thread, I welcome an inRP response from the LPI, addressed at Baker, regarding her comments.

But suggesting a Court Martial because a character basically said "Well Liberty isn't perfect, but it's still better than what your (the Hellfire Legion's) leaders have planned for Liberty, so you should give up your cause, and expect me and people like me to fight you if you don't"....?

And as I have already said here, the only logical response would be for various groups of liberty (LPI, the Press, parts of the liberty government, and political opposition parties) to push for Rachel to be removed from her post. What Admiral Baker has done is far beyond a "how dare you Mrs Baker we really try so hard" message from the LPI.

Admiral Baker has committed 6 major political blunders in just 2 messages, of which you don't seem to realize the scale. I'll try to explain them to you, going from serious to most serious:

Blunder Nr 1: You try to reason and negotiate with terrorists, talking to them as if you expect them to have a conscience, suggesting that some of their goals may be legitimate.

Blunder Nr 2: You do it PUBLICLY. Doing so, you give them a platform to spread their propaganda, and you elevate them to an eye to eye level with the lawful forces of Liberty, landing a huge propaganda coup for them. Negotiations between enemies who consider each other terrorists do sometimes take place (for example between Taliban, US, and Afghan government), but the more powerful parties go out of their way to keep them IN SECRET, in order to not show their weakness and willingness to compromise with people who they say are terrorists.

Blunder Nr 3: You do it "as a civilian", meaning that you are not acting on behalf of, or with the consent of, the Liberty Government. By doing that, you put into question your loyalty and your oaths, and you are acting pretty much as a rogue admiral. I'd say its perfectly normal for anyone in the liberty government to "go crazy" and freak out over this, as there is no telling what else you would do. This, together with some of the things you say, could even be interpreted as the beginning of a military coup.

Blunder Nr 4: You say that if they were a political party and not violent militants, you'd support them. I'm sure that the soldiers who die fighting the Legion under Rachel's command would be thrilled to hear this.

Blunder Nr 5: You say that if you had your way, you'd evict Junkers from Liberty territory. Depending on whether you consider junkers in liberty as libertonian citizens who collect junk, or something like a foreign non-liberty cultural/ethnic/national group, this is either taking away citizens rights and expelling citizens for their line of work, or ethnic cleansing. This is something that a rambling retired admiral could write in his memoires, or something you could say to your friends in private, but in the case of an active duty admiral saying this IN PUBLIC, it's unacceptable for a republic that says it believes in human rights.

Blunder Nr 6: You say that you'd disband the liberty police force, while you show sympathy towards the murders and terrorists of the Legion for hating the LPI. Again, you say this IN PUBLIC. In front of all libertonian citizens. In front of all LPI officers. In front of family and friends of dead LPI officers who got killed by the Hellfire Legion. Why did I really have to explain how this alone makes Rachel untenable as an active LN admiral?

RE: LPI Feedback - Wildkins - 07-23-2015


I'm not going to attempt to argue whether or not this is a smart decision, inRP or ooRP. I'll say that it was done with my full consent, and that, as of right now, there will be no ooRP consequences. InRP, it is being handled as follows:

What I will say is this. Admiral Baker (as a character) has and always will be an incredibly opinionated individual who, if I'm honest, couldn't care less what the rest of the Admiralty thinks. She may get into trouble for it, only time will tell. Honestly, I think this is incredibly overblown and that these comments are nowhere near as severe or as damning as you are taking them to be. But, if you still have a serious concern with how the [LN] is handling this "incident", we have a feedback thread for that. No need to clog the LPI-'s feedback thread with it, it's not their problem and it hasn't been for a page now.


RE: LPI Feedback - Sarawr!? - 07-23-2015

1. Rachel was not trying to negotiate with anyone, she was attempting to get the message out that their cause is not a good one, and that they should surrender while they have the chance.

2. Rachel's sending a public message was a direct response to the "Declaration of Independence", issued by "The Commonwealth of House Liberty", also issued on a public frequency. Her message was sent out as a counter to that.

3. Rachel did not act as a civilian, merely as an individual not intending to speak for the entire Liberty Navy, although it's clear who she is, and whose side she is on. There was no "Rogue act".

4. Rachel said that she MIGHT support some of their ideals (The social equality stuff, etc), that is in no way an acceptance of their stance of "armed resistance" against Liberty, and it in no way makes her a supporter of their agenda in it's current state.

5. Rachel wanting to evict the Junkers from Liberty is very much justifiable, in that it's the removal of a KNOWN CRIMINAL SYNDICATE, or a group that aids and shelters known criminals -- don't forget for a minute, the Navy, and people in it, have every reason to be hostile toward Junkers inRP, stemming from the Junkers' suspicious actions, and even outright hostility against The Navy in the past. It's not at all anything like ethnic cleasning lol...just stop.

6. Rachel did not show any sympathy toward the Legion or their cause, she merely agreed that yes, Liberty isn't perfect, and corporate control over everything isn't a good thing either, but you'll note that she also swore to defend that same imperfect system against the Legion, because she believes that Liberty is worth fighting for.

Rachel committed no crime inRP, and she certainly was not taking the Legion's side.

Why exactly do you care so much about this, anyway? Is there a need for you to be so aggressively opposed to RP?

AND AGAIN; post this crap in MY feedback thread, not in here -- the LPI feedback is not a battlefield on which to slay the evil monster that is Sarawr.

RE: LPI Feedback - Tokoloshe - 07-23-2015

(07-23-2015, 01:41 AM)John Wildkins Wrote:



We thought so.

Thank you for illustrating the reason why there are more OORP crapstorms than RP posts here.

Discover the "RP".


p.s: The word "scum" in a government statement. Awesome.

RE: LPI Feedback - Corile - 07-25-2015

I can't help but notice when one particular person sees my character name pop up in the player list, they instantly log a gunboat. It happened six times already, can't be a coincidence.

Then again it would be a nice thing if you stopped bringing solaris gunboats into snub fights.

Have a nice day.

RE: LPI Feedback - thisDerius - 08-12-2015

I am just going to say that LPI should have a real reason for attacking the rogues. I did not attack anyone, I just created that char and the first thing you do? Destroy me because you think I would do something. GG that is all I am going to say


RE: LPI Feedback - The Liberty Rogues - 08-12-2015

(08-12-2015, 06:45 PM)Dozerua Wrote: I am just going to say that LPI should have a real reason for attacking the rogues.

LPI have real reasons for attacking the rogues.

RE: LPI Feedback - thisDerius - 08-12-2015

Quote:(5 minutes ago)Dozerua Wrote:
I am just going to say that LPI should have a real reason for attacking the rogues.

LPI have real reasons for attacking the rogues.

They thought I was going to do something and killed me. Is that a real reason?

RE: LPI Feedback - Mephistoles - 08-12-2015

Yes. Openly flying the Liberty Rogue colours is proclaiming to the world that you are part of a drug-dealing, murderous, armed and spaceborne organised criminal group. It's therefore the job of law enforcement to neutralise the threat you pose before you can harm a civilian.

If you were a Freelancer IDed player with no previous inrp criminal history and the LPI destroyed you without reason, then fair enough, that's reason to complain. However, screaming out to the world that you're a bad guy is a sure fire way to get the good (and maybe not-so good, too) guys shooting at you.

Had I encountered you on my aggressive zealot of a bounty hunter, I would've attacked you, too.