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Roleplay insults - darthbeck - 04-10-2009

hold on....

flame war coming.....

this topic has but hours to live....

must make a point now....

yes. my new insult against kusari will be : meatsheilds.

Roleplay insults - Guest - 04-10-2009

Speaking of RP, Balthazzar, lets hear an RP Post before this thread is inevitably locked and shoved under the carpet.

Incoming Message
Source: LPI Headquarters
Destination: A.D.M.I.N. Battlestar
Subject: Pirate Slurs Against Officers
Loading Data

Don't ask how I managed to get this transmission sent properly.

All you need to know is I have a problem and from my
understanding, your the ones that can put an end to it.
For years the pirates of Liberty have called us
Doughnut-eaters, pigs, scum, and many other slurs. Each
on its own was ignorable, but this last encounter, they
took it too far and combined two slurs, calling us
Doughnut-eating pigs. Unlike the individual slurs, this
one was very offensive to our active officers at the time.

End of Data

Roleplay insults - Xoria - 04-10-2009

' Wrote:we know very well who made the report, and i'm sure he's very proud of himself for starting such a ****storm over long standing RP.
our enemies on the other hand are frankly looking for a reason to insult us and cause us trouble OOC. Getting horribly offended in-game, and also posting in faction feedback causing ****storms (seen not long ago).
' Wrote:This is double standards, and focused attacks on BAF/QCP RP resulting from the soararse'd reports from you know who.
Alright Markam, that's twice now in this thread that you have used a personal attack against someone else to attempt to demonstrate that BAF is innocent. If the best argument that you can muster is to denigrate someone else by attacking their motives, you've lost the debate.

You are thereby also demonstrating that the ill-will is NOT an in-character matter at all, and that in fact it is a personal matter of your own directed at someone on the opposing side to your faction. You are also implicating your fellow faction members with your hostility. Your hostile attempts to defend your faction does more to prove it guilty than to protest it's innocence.

If you can't stick to the substance without indulging in personal attacks, then have the good sense to keep your fingers off the keyboard and the personal attacks to yourself, because they aren't profitable to this discussion or your faction.

Roleplay insults - darthbeck - 04-10-2009

my advice: if ANYONE CALLS YOU ANYTHING. report the hell out of them.

Quote:report the hell out of them.

whoops. guess all i have left to do is send all my money to an armoury that has no people that get played......

but really. i advise you to do this so that anyone who ever even said anything that is mildly offensive, will get perma banned, solves all the problems.

can someone remind me to start playing on the USA server?

Roleplay insults - Drake - 04-10-2009

As a tea drinker myself, I have been very offended at my character being called such by his Kusarian enemies. It's not that it isn't true, it's the way they say it. It feels like they're OORPly attacking all the real tea drinkers in the world, and the tone their text implies that tea drinkers are worthy only of contempt. It honestly hurts. One time I was nearly brought to tears of mixed anger and shame, and I seriously considered leaving the community until a friend talked me out of it.

It's just wrong.

Roleplay insults - tazuras - 04-10-2009

On topic though I think slant is a racial slur, tea-drinker has far more to do with culture than race and so does gaijin. But I think non-racial slurs should be acceptable in RP.

Roleplay insults - Primus Avatar - 04-10-2009

' Wrote:can someone remind me to start playing on the USA server?

oh come on... Both sides. Some of you are just spewing out low-quality arguments
or taking your personal disputes into this defensive and not-ill-intended thread.

Seriously, sarcasm is ok as long as its sarcasm, but some of you are implying the obvious:

"i cant call people morons anymore? bew-hew:("

"Yeah, why not just report everyone, that will fix it"

I say: Get serious! This is a valid discussion and turning it into a flame thread
will not prove the admins wrong, nor will it prove the "violators"...
Seeing another fine thread being brought under the carpet.. is that what you people want?

Roleplay insults - Eppy - 04-10-2009

...maybe I'm crazy, but isn't tea also a staple of Japanese culture?:mellow:

Roleplay insults - tazuras - 04-10-2009

It's also a staple of the Indian culture and many others I believe. And I think cultural insults are fairly acceptable in RP.

Roleplay insults - Drake - 04-10-2009

' Wrote:...maybe I'm crazy, but isn't tea also a staple of Japanese culture?:mellow:
I've actually wondered about that in the past. *shrug*

Edit: Also, why would cultural insults be any better than racial insults? One is putting someone down for their appearance and genetics, the other is putting someone down for the society/world in which they were raised. How is one worse than the other?