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System Ideas - Nightfall - 03-01-2007

mine is not spinning as the one in their script either:P

System Ideas - Commodore - 03-01-2007

But mine will be like no other black hole, not even a real black hole. It will be like the one in the title. No copying. The black hole will be in Xi-79, one of my new systems. This will be the only kind of that black hole, since it is my idea, and only Igiss has(will have) the right to add more of these black holes in.

And anyone care for a 2200x2200 system? or 1800x1800? OR 1600x1600.

System Ideas - Nightfall - 03-01-2007

I doubt your Black Hole would be so special but whatever rocks your boat friend... [sarcasm]unfortunately, it's a free country[/sarcasm]

System Ideas - Commodore - 03-01-2007

It wont be that special, just nice looking unlike most BH's....... Not really a black hole. Note: I highly suggest fixing your rep with order and taking the Hyperion Warp Generators around. They help A LOT.

System Ideas - BestFlyerHere - 03-02-2007

OK... what the hell are you talking about? You've mentioned these "Hyperion Warp Generators" about 5 times. Is this an attempt at RP, or are you modding?

System Ideas - Commodore - 03-02-2007

Its just a nomad gate surrounded by some random nomad objects that leads to another part of the system.

Long after the Nomad war The Order developed a new type of jump gate technology, based off of nomad technology. Because of this they were able to warp anywhere in a system instantly. It was basicly an is system jump gate.

System Ideas - Nightfall - 03-02-2007

hehe, nice, I like that

System Ideas - BestFlyerHere - 03-02-2007

Nice... Will Igiss even allow that though?

System Ideas - Commodore - 03-02-2007

dont know. the nomad gates will help get around

System Ideas - endlessvoid - 03-05-2007

Well, based on my weird ideas of making highly dangerous, high-paying bounty systems, I've been messing around with Freelancer Explorer (I want to contribute with a few maps).

These maps will have a size of 100,000:
- Alamo (Liberty Navy** - Lane Hackers* - Unioners),
- Nagasaki (Kusari Naval Forces** - Blood Dragons* - Farmers Alliance),
- Sigma-9 (Rheinland Military** - Gas Mining Guild* - Bundschuch) and
- Falkland (Bretonnia Armed Forces** - Mollys* - Gaians).

** Factions will have 2 Non-dockable Battleships and * Factions will have 1 (House systems are supposed to be more powerful than pirates, righty? plus, im not abusing them since it's only one for the rare seen pirate BS. Since it's a highly dangerous system, I guess that's an explanation why there's that number of BS stationed on those systems - GMGs will have their BS [Thanks to Dab:D])

- Tau-84 (Outcasts, IMG)
- Tau-39 (Hogosha, Xenos)
- Omega-72 (Corsairs*, Red Hessians*)

Each one of those systems are accessible throught faction's Guard Systems. Hopefully that covers most factions (Except Junkers, The Order and Bounty Hunters - Other factions can choose entering these systems going throught their allies Guard Systems [House Police, LWB, Rouges, GC]). The systems will have the same ship's weapon layout as the Guard System's Patrols.

I've got most stuff (even the base's names), thought I tried making some Jump Gates to make the new systems accessible only to that Faction-friendly players, but I think some ships can't enter those Gates... plus the "Claw" animation doesn't shows up for me:(.

Here's something I did (sketch) to show up what I'm planning:
[Image: discoverymapje3.png]

What do you guys think about them?