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Memorial thread - Leo - 05-01-2012

' Wrote:Leo (Mr. Onagainoffagain)

I resent that statement, mister...

I really miss Exile. His RP and mine was always fun to get going with the HG when we had it going. Miss that dude.


Memorial thread - Tabris - 05-01-2012

Koolmo, the man who helped create a faction that was so feared in his time you made efforts to steer clear of those who flew under his flag. I wasn't in the faction for very long before Alvin took over, but he was fun to roleplay with and a heckofa guy.

I salute him and all those who are nolonger with us here. *Salutes*

Memorial thread - dodike - 05-01-2012


Memorial thread - Dusty Lens - 05-01-2012

' Wrote:To Virus. A damn good man.

No he isn't. He's a total jerk and can't parse seg faults.

Memorial thread - Silver - 05-01-2012

' Wrote:No he isn't. He's a total jerk and can't parse seg faults.

And does not share corn beef sammich.


Memorial thread - Dusty Lens - 05-02-2012

' Wrote:
And does not share corn beef sammich.


And he built a deli on top of me like 8 times.

Memorial thread - Enoch - 05-02-2012


Memorial thread - Virus - 05-02-2012

' Wrote:And he built a deli on top of me like 8 times.

And I'd do it again, too.

Memorial thread - sajjukar - 05-02-2012

I really hope remembering the name corectly:

Never seen her for a long time and i know i wasnt her's best frind of comrade but she was the only reason i was an Outcast and i have larned much from her kindness and fighting skills.She and few others made me the fighter pilot i am today...tho a bit rusty because she left and i allways trained with her..i really miss her razor

Memorial thread - Leo - 05-02-2012

' Wrote:And I'd do it again, too.

Dang it, Virus, warn me when you're going to jump in and make me spit out water everywhere! That cracked me up!

Another person I really miss is Kaz. Though some of his programming jargon always made my head want to explode, he was a cool cat to fly with.

Sarah too, I see her on Skype every now and then, but I don't know if she's still around here, lurking somewhere in the shadows...

*Looks around nervously*


P.S. Speaking of shadows, has anyone seen Monstar?