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RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Printable Version

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RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Lonely_Ghost - 04-24-2012

Standart procedure, when you just log in-check chat, who and where they are...
999/1000 that those corsairs players, who groupe in nearby system, will be glad to dance with your CAUless and weaponless cap.
Quote:Yay for a roleplaying server!


RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Ursus - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:This is the funniest part. By sanctioning OORP behavior, the Admins created an even more OORP situation.
Yay for a roleplaying server!
My assumption is that they were being clever--"drop them in nommie land muahaha, that will be punishment enough"--without considering that some of the corsair players would turn it into a grief buffet.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Mímir - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:Your logic is backwards. what the sair players did was act on oorp hatred and oorp knowledge. they just wanted to grief some BAF players. So now it's the BAF players fault that they walked into a meatgrinder made by some very bitter sair players?

Who's at fault here? the guys who just wanted to fly home or the guys who laid in wait to abuse the situation?

It's not about the fact that players could have left Lost at a later time. it's about what has happened when they didn't.

Excuse me, but didn't the RH+BAF+Countless random followers act OORP (even acting on OORP knowledge of the base's position for some) as well??? I'm not saying OORP counters OORP, but I am saying that this whole situation is a mess, it had consequences for quite a few of the involved people, and let's just hope everyone learned from it. In all seriousness, when all the gank was happening to begin with and the RH+BAF & Friends were having a blast holding down right mouse button, isn't it somewhat disappointing that people didn't stop for a second and asked themselves if what they were doing was really in line with the spirit of a so-called RP-server? It seems more like everyone went "not my problem, someone else deal with it" and then went on shooting.

I think it is fair that such actions had consequences, I think it is fair that it involved direct tangible losses, and I think it is fair that some 'Sairs had a chance to grieve back and recover some of their losses, although this isn't really in line with modern "pedagogy". Again I must say that every player beamed to the Omicrons had every chance to avoid getting killed. The warning could hardly be overlooked.

Anyways, hope folks learned a lesson and that that will be that, so ppl can get on with playing this game.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Rodnas - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:Personally I hoped to see a few Corsairs turn around and say "Alright we both screwed up, you shouldn't of had Hessians in group and we shouldn't of taken advantage of your sanction. We'll return your armour and lets leave this in the past." Instead its "our revenge" comments like that just prove the validity of the complaint, it was not a sanction, it was revenge.

Here, me and many other Corsairs, too! I have no grudge towards any Hessian or Baffie, to me it was simply a wierd and sad OoRP encounter (the destroying of the base). Though i never even thought about joining the CAU farming as it clearly is lousy behaviour, so i can't return anything, i know (and did it too)that folks were adviced not to do it via skype. But i guess you ca't force your opinion on everyone, as sad as it is in this case- haters gonna hate. But this is not a behaviour "The Corsairs" do, this is the behaviour of a few players with issues no matter which id they sport.

Most of the "reasonable" corsairs propably just don't post in this mess as they are not part of the problem anyways and simply want to forget this episode.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Croft - 04-24-2012

No OORP info was used to find that base, one of the BPA followed the suppliers in a cloaked liner plus the Hessians arrived quite late in the attack well after the Corsair fleet had been pushed back. I don't know how the Hessians knew we were attacking, you'd need to ask them but I do know the Corsairs attacking the fleet in Lost was completely OORP in every sense of the term.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - gafwmn - 04-24-2012

One question I havent seen asked or answered,is when the ships were beamed out there....HOW did the sairs find out about it in order to lay an ambush ?,and how did they know that some equipment was unmounted ?

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Echo 7-7 - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:One question I havent seen asked or answered,is when the ships were beamed out there....HOW did the sairs find out about it in order to lay an ambush ?,and how did they know that some equipment was unmounted ?

They read the sanction thread and planned accordingly.

Edit: Dang it, I wasn't going to post in this thread. Look what you've done...

* Echo 7-7 watches the circular arguments.

Many things about player bases are ooRP. I wonder how Corsairs acquired Cryocubes, hmm, and Xenobiotic Filters. Base construction necessitates ooRP actions, or at least very heavy metagaming, and thus base destruction brings about exactly the same results. It's a rather artificially-induced activity spike. It is yet to be seen whether the activity is good or bad, and this incident might signal which way the wind is blowing... or it could be a massive outlier. Only time will tell.

PS. Not an accusation or defense of any involved groups or individuals, just speculation.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - gafwmn - 04-24-2012

Then please explain to me just how " inRP " the sanction thread is ?

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Snak5 - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:Then please explain to me just how " inRP " the sanction thread is ?
It is not.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - JayDee Kasane - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:They read the sanction thread and planned accordingly.

This can be explained inRP just like: how Hessians knew about Sair base in Cambrige.
Due to fight after base exploded uknown worm-hole appeared and sucked all ships nearby to faraway Nomad system and collapsed right after it. this hole could be caused by heavy energy blast when many mortars was fired at base and after base exploded. after all: this is space. and space is dangerous.
To leave Omicron Lost players need to jump to Delta. Delta is Corsair ZOI. so any patrol can spot large fleet of Hessians/BAFs coming. they send a message to Yaren, and large force of Corsairs launched from there and from Crete to destroy unwanted ships. All other you already know

Or you think that only BAF/Hessians can RP their attack good? you need to use your imagination, just like I did right now. Its like Hessian Jorgs can be in Cambrige, but Corsair Legates in Delta dont? after all, that attack on Sair base was ooRP also: Bretonia dont have so large force to counter Corsairs due to war with GRN and Gaians (allies of Sair) could make a diversion as well.