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Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Printable Version

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RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Ceoran - 05-16-2013

(05-16-2013, 04:23 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: I don't see why Kishiro and Samura are different to BMM, Kruger, IMG, DHC who have no-docking rephacks but are not hostile... just rivals. Corporate conflicts are a lot fiercer than in reality in Disco, e.g. mining factions can pirate each other, etc.

I don't mind Kishiro-Samura being able to dock at each other's bases... don't get me wrong. I just saw the parallel.

I don't mind other corporate faction in a similar position voicing their concerns as well. Also, the piracy happens - if at all - outside of house space where the law enforcement isn't looking. Under the watchful eye of government and police we are all nice and friendly towards each other.
Not to forget that the actual battlefield between most rivalling corporations is behind the scenes and not in open space.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Xelon - 05-16-2013

(05-16-2013, 03:54 PM)West Wrote:
Quote:Samura Industries
- Cannot land on Kishiro bases.

Kishiro Technologies
- Cannot land on Samura bases.

After some discussions in Kusari Gov chat we would like to ask for this to be removed. What corporations do outside house don't really change situation inhouse where government would demand open docking for any lawful kusarian on any lawful base. Also conidering that some major resources for PoB sells only on Samura bases.. it will shutdown any attempts for Kishiro to make PoB without oorp stuff.

in .86 we have that pirating line.. but nothing really changed.. yes we hate each other, but not to the point to close docking ports and watch how BD/GC destroy your ship.

Please keep in mind that with .87 PoB supplies and upgrade commodities will be of a different kind than today, Xoria said as much in his little Commodities update iirc.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - West - 05-16-2013

(05-16-2013, 05:06 PM)Xelon Wrote: Please keep in mind that with .87 PoB supplies and upgrade commodities will be of a different kind than today, Xoria said as much in his little Commodities update iirc.

it doesn't change a things since

Quote:It's also getting even stranger since the local corporations won't find shelter everywhere while foreigners do.
How you explain, gaijin on IC/other non kusari id.. landing on Samura base and half of Kusari becoming undockable for Kishiro.
It's not like we land on each other bases soo often, but in case of emergency it's simply needed.

and as was already told by Ceoran

Quote:I don't mind other corporate faction in a similar position voicing their concerns as well.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Karst - 05-16-2013

On the subject of competing house corporations landing on each others bases:

In the cases of Daumann - Kruger, or Samura - Kishiro, it does not make sense for it to be impossible.
These corporations have been established in their respective houses for centuries and I seriously doubt the house governments would allow them to ban each other from otherwise publicly accessible bases.

Sadly, in the case of Gateway - Bowex, it does make more sense since Gateway is very new and has no leverage in the Bretonian government.
From a gameplay aspect, this is very problematic for Gateway since numerous commodities and routes simply aren't available (for Bowex, it is irrelevant since the only Gateway base produces nothing but Consumer Goods).

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Evo - 05-16-2013

Quote:EDIT: Also, we VERY COMMONLY ally with lawful groups as is. It's not called "allying" because of, well, the rule. Which, I might add, makes no sense for xenos. If XA shows up to an RM/LN brawl we shoot RM. We're only targeted before RM is all dead if there's a few indies there that just don't like xenos.

Maybe a "May only ally with lawfuls to fend off foreign invaders" could be in order, specifications can be added so no loop-holes arise.

EDIT EDIT: Also.. Why did you remove the "May treat foreign vessels as combat targets" line? You realize what Xenos are right? See: "Ultranationalist terrorist group" We don't ask for cargo from say, kishiro and if they give the cargo we're like OH WELL FANTASTIC KEEP ON YOUR WAY, CITIZEN! o7

Edited my original post, just bumping so this is actually seen.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Thyrzul - 05-16-2013

Good point in the second edit, same can be said about the Maquis. Just as you, AD, described,
Quote:The Maquis are a terrorist faction

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Tabris - 05-16-2013

From what I've read there's pretty much no difference in ZOI in the regular Coalition ID and the S.C.R.A. ID despite the SCRA ID supposedly having the greater ZOI advantage.

I propose adding either Kusari (RP reasoning: The Coalition views it as a Gallic Puppet put under the facade of a democracy and seeks to topple with hit-fade strikes against it's Military/Police assets.) or the Gallic Borderworlds (Obvious reasons, we wouldn't be able to hit the core naturally, but due to our NAP with Bretonia establishing Fuel/Supply lines is less annoying so our ships can go a bit farther however not far enough to hit the heart of Gallia itself.).

The Omicrons would be the 'Third Choice' as the Coalition has always had an IRP interest in the Nomads and we have friends in Rheinland which we can use to launch expeditions into the Omicrons to bring back data to Mykolaiv for our scientists to analyze and compare to samples collected from the Wilde.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - GrnRaptor - 05-16-2013

Liberty Navy/Liberty Security Force IDs Wrote:- Can engage and destroy any ships within Alaska, Ellesmere or the Zone-21 Minefield system that do not belong to either the LSF or Liberty Navy.

I thought Ellesmere was the LSF Guard system, and given the server rules that LSF had every right to blow up anything there anyway, much as LN does with Virginia. Will these systems no longer be considered Guard systems such that we need this included, and if so, why not include Virginia? If Ellesmere/Virginia are guard systems then this seems redundant.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Landers - 05-16-2013

(05-14-2013, 04:57 PM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: ; dsy_license_fc_u_grp
Unioners ID


The Unioners are a criminal faction who frequently attack Republican ships. They focus mainly on piracy and smuggling. They cooperate with both Corsairs and Red Hessians.

Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Unioners who:

- Can demand cargo and credits from lawful and unlawful ships, and attack them if they do not comply within their Zone of Influence.
- Can hunt pirates, terrorists and lawfuls within their Zone of Influence.
- Cannot ally with any lawfuls.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo, except for the Pilgrim Liner and Pirate Train.

Zone of Influence: Rheinland, Bering, Hudson, Texas, Minnesota, Sigma-13
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers

Unioners don't have their own cruiser, but they could use their allies' with nerf. I think it's a fair deal for a - mainly - small pirate faction (compared to hessians or LRs).

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - HassLHoFF™ - 05-16-2013

(05-16-2013, 03:34 PM)Duvelske Wrote:
(05-16-2013, 11:19 AM)HassLHoFF Wrote:
(05-14-2013, 05:00 PM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: ; dsy_license_helghast
Artificial Intelligence ID

Artifical Intelligence ID

The AI ID signifies the character an Artificial Intelligence. Most AI's descend from Planet Gammu, where environmental conditions caused human settlement to fail, leaving only sentient machines behind, who then continued to evolve. AI's are fully selfaware and autonomous, and not under the control of any other faction.

Vessels carrying this quasilawful ID are controlled by an Artificial Intelligence, who :

- Can attack pirates, terrorists and lawfuls in self-defense or in defense of another AI ship.
- Can actively hunt pirates, terrorists and lawfuls in systems that do not contain a jumpgate.
- Cannot attack transports and freighters, except in selfdefense.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo.
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.

Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, AI Cruiser

I have to say especially as the leading part of the AI Consensus logistic division that changing the max. cargo to 3,600 is quite unfair.
The 4,2k restriction has allowed us for SRP 4 Akegatas and myself AI is installed in a Renzu liner.
Setting the ID predominant for autonomous & and independent AI's is also unfair, for parties like the consensus that are on their way for unifying the most AIs, and offering a new interesting RP based on AI ID only.

I have also to say creating some infrastructure by building a base in omicron kappa is enormous exhausting, even though we currently have the 4,2k transports. I really don't like to think how killing this would be by just being allowed to use 3,6k transports.

Furthermore RPing an AI in an AI faction results often an automated unwelcome that possibly could be seen as kinda like RepHack.

i think i know why they have done this. As AI has even only 1 YES 1 rephack. It would just be used as some powertrader id as you could dock everywhere with a 4200 cargo ship. in and outside house space. I guess this is the reason WHY.

Was is it used as a powertrader ID in 4.86 that often?! I don't think so...