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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 11-03-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship York]
[CommID: Admiral Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: ijZYauE.png]

Greetings man and woman of the armed forces and colleges of the Admiralty. Today at 1800 hours along side colonial and Libretonian forces the 8th York assault fleet lead by myself, made a frontal assault on Gallic accupied Leeds in an attept to chase enemy forces from magellan. Gallic forces have occupied most of the planets orbit and perimiter. The assault began on attacking any and all targets of opportunity. We took out several defence stations and some orbital strike ships. The gallic forces managed to muster bomber squadrons and two valors. The fighters imidietly engaged and provided cover for the capital fleet to assault the enemy ships.

The Gallic Valors were bombarded from several locations, giving them a hard time to focus all that fire power. How ever the low number of Valor made me chase a objective of opportunity,and that is breaking the Leeds blockade and take away space domination of the Royal Navy on the planet. However the royal navy send a large detachment of bombers to deal with us unfortinetly we had several vessels crippled and damaged and I had to order a reatreat. How ever this proves that with our combined effort the Gallic Navy can be and it will be beaten out of Leeds Bretonia and the Tau systems. God help us all.

Davis out

Attached Files 1
Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces 8th York Assault Fleet and 1st London Defence Fleet

[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Exploration - 11-05-2013

Incoming Transmission..
ID: Lieutenant Commander Zoe Avant
Location: Planet Curacao, Cortez

Greetings chaps. Been a while since ive contacted you all, been busy.
Anyway, today I was patrolling Magellan and was called to assist the 27th Fleet in Cortez, under attack by Two Wilde Ships. One of which I have a Guncam of. Though I didn't have time to get a second due to the quickly developing mess of gunfire. After a long fight, i managed to land the kill on one of the Wilde And the second one died shortly after. Then I proceeded to continue firing at a Freelancer helping them named Rex Terron, was taken down at the hand of the 27th.

She sips from a glass of water, a large bar with open green water seen behind her.
I proceeded to land on Planet Curacao and on a break. That's all from me chaps.

Zoe out

Transmission Terminated

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 11-09-2013

Incoming transmission...

Hello sirs! This is Phillip Audre, flag commander reporting. I responded to a call today, about that bunch of rag-tag bombers known as the Punishers, messing around in Magellan. I took the Anker, and organized a small fleet of ships to engage them. This included: 2 Fighters, 3 gunboats, 1 Dunkirk (HMS-Manchester), and 1 Liberty carrier.
I took command of the fleet, and got them organized and re-grouped in Manchester. We spotted one of the scamps near Sheffield, but he scarpered, the little wimp. So we waited a little more, for everyone to get into position. After that, we went to Magellan, and made our way to the freeport. We were becoming suspicious at this point, of a freelancer, who kept popping up and looking at us, then leaving. This is important:We think the ship DragonRider is a Gallic scout or spy, or at least working for them. Anyway, then, the Punishers ambushed us. We quickly opened fire, and were able to disable (and kill) a mere Punisher cadet. But every kill counts, in war. The others rabbited, running to Leeds, and at that point I dismissed the fleet. We weren't big enough to launch an assault on Gallic-occupied Leeds.
That concludes my report.
Transmission end

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 11-11-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship York]
[Directed: Her Majesty War Cabinet]
[CommID: Admiral Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: ijZYauE.png]

Greetings supperiours from the War Cabinet I know you are occupied in survice of our great nation but I am sending this report with great consern. As you know we are taking a beating and I took steps to rearm the 8th York Fleet now Nicknamed the 8th York Assault Fleet. I have send our Merchant navy vessels to trade 24/7 in order to get funds for the war. However yesterday one of those transport returned with an intresting report. Captain Steven Gerrard Co of the Shire Sierra Madre was in Omega 7 conducting Ore Operation.

As he was on his way to leave the system,he was stopped by Rheinland Military patrols to ask about his wereabouts and why is he here. From what I know The Merchant Navy is allowed to trade in to Rheinland I could be wrong I leave you to juudge that. The Captain reported that this is indeed suspicios but he mamanaged to handle the situation well. He was escorted back to Bretonian space.But still The York Fleet needs those reasourses. I am forwarding this to you so you may bigging your investigation at your discretion. Attaching relevent logs.

[10.11.2013 15:15:34] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: thank you sir
[10.11.2013 15:15:40] RMV-Dresden: your welcome
[10.11.2013 15:16:11] Death: Emilia.Zito[101st] was killed by IMG|Raymon:Lister (Gun)
[10.11.2013 15:16:14] Traffic control alert: RMV-Dresden has requested to dock
[10.11.2013 15:16:50] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: BAF ship, please halt.
[10.11.2013 15:17:12] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: gerrard: Copy that Rheinlander patrol
[10.11.2013 15:17:52] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: What is a BAF vessel doing here, in Rheinland space?
[10.11.2013 15:18:36] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: Gerrard: This is Merchant Navy Vessel I was told by my superriors that we can trade In rheinland Space
[10.11.2013 15:19:01] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: gerrard: In order to get funds for the war effort against Gallia
[10.11.2013 15:20:10] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: logistics?
[10.11.2013 15:20:11] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: The Flieger here has alerted me that your presence here could be a violation of the Omega Treaty. Would you explain that
[10.11.2013 15:20:16] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: assumption, Flieger?
[10.11.2013 15:20:44] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: In section's 3.0 of the Bretonian and Rheinland treaty.
[10.11.2013 15:20:49] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: Gerrard: Aye we are a logistics I am sorry for the Incovinse
[10.11.2013 15:21:04] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: Some one lied to my sorry ass
[10.11.2013 15:21:06] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Omega-7 is under Rheinland control, And is of our territory.
[10.11.2013 15:21:47] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: I undertand
[10.11.2013 15:21:47] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Bretonian Military and alw enforcement only control secotrs of / upto the omega-7 Jumpgate in omega-3.
[10.11.2013 15:22:17] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: Gerrard: Aye sir but we are not here for on a Military operation
[10.11.2013 15:22:25] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: In this case, you are breaching this Treaty, and could case Intersteller Relations.
[10.11.2013 15:23:00] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: Gerrard: The Nature of our Mission is Logistics alright then it seems I have a lot of yelling to do at my Superriors.
[10.11.2013 15:23:26] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madr: Gerrard: Gentlemen what do we do now ?
[10.11.2013 15:23:36] Eladio.Vuente: 6'2 240lbs!
[10.11.2013 15:23:38] Attention! Stand clear. Towing Eladio.Vuente
[10.11.2013 15:23:41] Attention! Stand clear. Towing Eladio.Vuente
[10.11.2013 15:23:56] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Hmm...
[10.11.2013 15:24:08] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: Gerrard: Helm cut engines and await further instructions from the Rheinlanders
[10.11.2013 15:24:08] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Well, i really wouldn't like to kill my own kind.
[10.11.2013 15:24:25] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: Flieger, could you point me to the relevant section in the Omega treaty?
[10.11.2013 15:24:28] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Nah mate. Don't refer to me as a Rheinlander.
[10.11.2013 15:24:39] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Yes sir.
[10.11.2013 15:27:05] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: 2.3 Military ships are given access to the intent of escorting civilian ships through from omega-3 to Freistadt.
[10.11.2013 15:27:22] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Although you are a Civilian ship, your ID says different.
[10.11.2013 15:27:35] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: So this is quite a picky bundle.
[10.11.2013 15:27:42] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: Ah, well. Since the shiptype transport is not mentioned as excluded, this is quite difficult.
[10.11.2013 15:27:44] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
[10.11.2013 15:27:52] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: Gerrard: Aye as we are part of the Logistics division of the armed forces
[10.11.2013 15:28:24] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: But you arn't really escorting ships arn't you. *Sips tea*
[10.11.2013 15:28:46] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: Gerrard: No we are not
[10.11.2013 15:28:48] Death: [ALG]-Orkan was killed by Oliver.St.John-Mollusc (Gun)
[10.11.2013 15:28:59] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: I think we will just leave it as a warning this time, no?
[10.11.2013 15:29:10] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Aye sir.
[10.11.2013 15:29:11] Death: CL}MNS-Grande.Cazzo was killed by IMG|Raymon~Lister (Gun)
[10.11.2013 15:29:24] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Hmm...?
[10.11.2013 15:29:33] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: Just .. do not repeat that unless we give you permission.
[10.11.2013 15:29:40] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Sir Permission to escort the ship back to bretonian space.
[10.11.2013 15:29:46] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: Granted.
[10.11.2013 15:29:57] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: My bretonian Citizenship also allows me certain rights in their space.
[10.11.2013 15:30:32] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: Remember that you are also a soldier for the Rheinwehr, and not only a both bretonian and rheinland citizen.
[10.11.2013 15:30:45] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: Act accordingly within those boundaries.
[10.11.2013 15:30:56] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: Gerrard: Copy that
[10.11.2013 15:31:00] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Aye sir!
[10.11.2013 15:31:05] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: So, captain, you got permission to move on, the Flieger and me will get you back to Bretonian space.
[10.11.2013 15:31:12] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Right'o, is your crew ready?
[10.11.2013 15:31:20] BAF|MN-Sierra.Madre: Gerrard: aye aye awaiting escort invitation
[10.11.2013 15:31:21] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: Next time we'd like to have a heads up before you enter Rheinland space.
[10.11.2013 15:31:35] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: Flieger, you are the front, I'm the back.
[10.11.2013 15:31:43] Death: Melissa.Sanchez[101st] killed himself (Mine)
[10.11.2013 15:31:55] RFP|Obt.Thom.Wolthers: Gut day
[10.11.2013 15:32:01] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: 'Tag.
[10.11.2013 15:32:05] RFP|Obt.Thom.Wolthers: I have smugglers in New Berlin, requesting assistance
[10.11.2013 15:32:22] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Sir, i'l take care of the bretonian.
[10.11.2013 15:32:27] [RM]Hm.Michael.Schmidt: We'll be right there. Flieger, I'll turn back. You follow as soon as the bretonian is back.
[10.11.2013 15:32:41] [RM]-Fl.Geoff.Enfield: Aye sir

Davis out

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces 8th York Assault Fleet and 1st London Defence Fleet

[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 11-11-2013

-[Incoming Transmission]-
[Image: BAF_Logo.png]

Admiral Charles Davis,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am happy to inform you that after a brief research on this incident we have found no violations committed by you in House Rheinland. The Rheinland HQ have informed us about this incident and gave us an apology. It happens that these two officers were new recruits and were not informed in detail about the permission given to the Merchant Navy, to operate freely in House Rheinland.
I was instructed to bring this to you and also inform you that the MN treaty with Rheinland is about to be renewed very soon. We can only hope that such incidents will not take place in our future cooperation with our eastern neighbours.

War Cabinet, Planet New London
Secretary of the Minister of Defence.

-[Transmission Terminated]-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 11-12-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Leviathan]
[Directed: Her Majesty War Cabinet,Armed Forces Admiralty board.]
[CommID: Admiral Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: ijZYauE.png]

Greetings superiors from the War Cabinet and colleges of the Armed forces admiralty board. I dont know where to begin so I will begin from the start. The Leviathan received a distress call from Freeport 4 that it was under attack by a Gallic Valor,we moved with haste towards the station and once we arrived two libretonian ships have already engaged the enemy ships but one was destroyed the other a gunboat was barely holding down on its own. I sounded battle stations and we proceed to assault directly the royal navy vessel. It did not stand a chance against the full battery barrage of the Leviathan,what happened after is interesting they arrived.

The Nomad Warship classified as harbinger along side a cruiser a bomber and a light fighter,it waited for a few moments and it directly opened fire on the Leviathan we moved to evasive until a libretonian carrier arrived to assault it directly wich was a mistake Harbinger managed to tear threw it like paper the carrier was gone in mere seconds but it managed to hurt the vile creature giving the Leviathan the opportunity to strike hard with its forward guns.The ship disappeared in to thin air like they always do when they are hurt.All other nomad vessels were neutralised.

Later on we received report of increased wild activity in omega-3 when we arrived how ever we found that the rheinlander have already secured the system. Wich I am great full with my permission both my fleet and the rheinlander approached each other to greet one another. Once we began to talk myself Captain of the Iowa Lieutenant Briggson. It came clear that the rheinlanders were chasing wilds from the omega 7 system.And that the Harbinger attack was a diversion to draw out my attention from the Omega systems giving the wilds free reign over the omega-3 system. quite and interesting outcome of the situation.

How ever things keep turning strange on my risk I decided to ask the rheinland officer what they fill like if they were with us on the front line with gallia. They said they will have to have peace with the Libretonians first. I asked if said thing is desirable,they said they would how ever they could not speak on the behalf of the government of rheinland but I am positive they are not alone in these thoughts. On suggestion from mr Briggson the commanding officer of the HMS-Iowa. Bretonia can be a neutral spot for the ending of this long war between the Rheinlanders and the Libretonians . So that they could join us by the estimates of my military strategists if we involve the Rhineland fleet we can turn the tide of this war in less time.

So I write this last not as a soldier but as a peace keeper as a husband and father to a lost family.The Rheinlanders wait for us the Peacekeepers of Bretonia to end this dreadful conflict between rheinlanders and libretonians so we can focus on the common enemy the Kingdom of Gallia. If peace is possible between these two nations and to have yet another ally to our cause isn't it worth the try,for the sake of our families culture and history.Once we bleed and died together against a common enemy lets work to honor these alliances and sacrifices made by hundreds of people.And in hopes that my words reach you and even the queen herself I stand in your mercy with a simple request. Aid The Federal Repiblic of Rheinland and the Republic of Liberty to find their common grounds.

With utmost respect to all parties included, Admiral Charles William Davis of the 8th York Assault Fleet and the 1st London Defence Fleet.
[Image: BAF_Logo.png]

Attached files.

Davis out

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces 8th York Assault Fleet and 1st London Defence Fleet

[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 11-12-2013

-[Incoming Transmission]-
[Image: BAF_Logo.png]

Greetings again, Admiral Charles Davis.
Your report was sent to the War Cabinet for further deliberation. The delegation that is currently in Rheinland was also informed about your ideas. As far as I know they will make sure to clear all possible scenarios which may lead to problems between our Houses. There is also a possibility for them to bring something similar to your ideas. Nevertheless, considering the heat during all these years between Liberty and Rheinland, there is a huge chance for them to stay as far as possible from each other.
The board will be informed in details once the diplomatic meeting is over.
Thank you again for your further cooperation and efforts to bring peace to Bretonia and the nearby Houses.

War Cabinet, Planet New London
Secretary of the Minister of Defence.

-[Transmission Terminated]-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kiith - 11-18-2013

Message Type: After-Mission Report
From: Ensign Karlsson, Marylin
Location: Battleship Suffolk, New London system

[Image: tve62997-20050916-1646.gif]

Ladies and Gentlemen,

this is Ensign Marylin Karlsson, handing in the latest report.

Today, while I was out for the usual solo-patrol within the New London system, I had an encounter of a kind that surely does not happen that often. When arriving at Kensington from the Cambridge Jumpgate, I just spotted a vessel, as proofed later a Pirate Train, with Junker identification protocol, heading towards the Manchester Jumpgate. While in general it is not forbidden to pilot this kind of vessel while belonging to the Junkers it indeed made me suspicious, seeing how easily faked ID protocols can be set up very easily nowadays. Wanting to at least check the registration number of the ship and the papers of its captain, I kindly asked him to stop the vessel. But as the pilot decided to just ignore me and continue I could not help but get the feeling that something smelled fishy there.

Even though the vessel was a bit ahead of me I managed to catch up to it with a good bit of luck after entering Manchester. Sadly, I was still not close enough to place a perfect shot with a cruise disruptor at the engine section. So a chase started and led us both into close proximity of Holmfirth base. There he finally stopped the Train, giving me a moment of relief and a chance to run a ship scan. And indeed there was a big fish in the cargohold: a solid amount of almost 4300 artifacts, probably intended to be sold at the Libertonian black market!
Sadly, being alone against a quickly growing force of Gaian station defenders I was not in the position to force the smuggler to drop its cargo. A short discussion developed in which he tried to bribe me into letting him go, but of course that neither was an option. So as nobody responded to my call for additional units the inevitable happened and he used the cover of the Gaian pilots to moor with Hilmforth, leaving me alone with a horde of angered terrorists and visual footage of the ship's identification and cargo.

All I can do for now is to put the mentioned ship and its owner on Bretonia's wanted list, looking out for him in the future.
Mentioned visual footage and communications log are attached to this file

Subject's Ship's identification

Ship's cargohold and class

Subject's confession

Log Pt.1

Log Pt.2

Log Pt.3

Log Pt.4

|| Field Testing : Enfield PB4 - TheDoctorIX - 11-21-2013

Sender: Ensign - Tavington, William

- For the Attention of the Admiralty and Officers of the Bretonian Armed Forces -

Today whilst on patrol, I had several engagements with Gallic Gunboats and their escorts, along with many Mollies and such.
My Templar Class Very Heavy Fighter is outfitted with 1x Improved Debilitator Mk I and 5 of BMM's new 'Enfield PB-4' Particle Blasters. This report is to bring light to this new weapon, with it's extreme efficiency.

I have to take my hat off to BMM and their efforts to bring us this weapon, it is truely a cannon. With very little struggle, myself and a Lt. Commander tag teamed Gallic Gunboats and found the 'Enfield PB-4' is a remarkable weapon. With it's increased fire rate can be easily adjusted if your shots are peering off target. Ripping the hulls of the Gunboats with ease.

I'd strongly advise any Officer whom may read this report, give them a chance..outfit them on your vessels and reap destruction down to our foes.

I thank you all for taking the time to read this,

Faithfully yours,

Ensign - William Tavington.

-||- Report Ends...-||-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Exploration - 11-23-2013

Incoming Transmission...
ID: Lieutenant Commander Zoe Avant
Location: BAF|HMS-Oregon, Magellan


I have quite alot of details to rattle through so bare with me chaps.

She pauses for a moment

Yesterday, i decided a patrol to Magellan would be appropriate to introduce both Ensigns Willams and Belik to the enviroment of a warzone. This was successful and both Ensigns performed everything i said to the letter. Good job to both of you.

She smiles

However, as we were waiting at Freeport 4, by now i had changed vessels to the Oregon. Johnson as acting captain as always and myself directing the comms. Two Smugglers under the identification as V.O.C, both loaded to the bulkheads with slaves. Immediately i felt rage thinking those were human beings being treated like dirt..

She coughs, composing herself

Anyway, with the two Ensigns under my command, we pursued the transports to Leeds where we did eventually stop them both. VOC Batavia and VOC Hazewind were the vessels in question. And from the data attached, i'm sure you can see the problem here.

However this was no simple task of unloading slaves to a BAF transport inbound as the GRN was massing a fleet to engage us, we we're running out of time and then the transports attempted to run. The transport Batavia was destroyed by the Oregon, it was attempting to run towards the Gallic Battleship Oubil and alert thier forces. Estimated 3000 Casulties. The Oregon collected as many as we could however there simply was too many. The other transport Hazewind was stopped again, then we had word a RNS Valor was headed toward us. I made the call to transfer as much cargo as possible to the BAF transport, all all availible assets under my command was to escort both the BAF transport and Hazewind to Southampton as fast as the damn things could go. Tuna Salad, Senior Judge Yohance and Supreme Judge Logan set about covering the Jump hole so my group could proceed through safely, narrowly avoiding the Gallic forces. My thanks to those chaps, couldn't have done it with you.

Once the cargo was collected, Estimated saved was around 6000 Slaves who made it safely to Southampton, Hazewind was fined and case closed.
Then we were called to assist the Navy in Magellan, which both Navy Capitls were destroyed before we reached them. Baring in mind my attack group consisted of only two fighters and a cruiser. We didn't have sufficient forces to handle the Valor in theory. But we all decided to move anyway, and through some serious firing, command yelling and guns blazing. We eventually burned the Valor RNS Thiath; Data Attached

May i note, that was some extreme bravery Ensigns, personally i commend you for it and have my respect. And i don't say that often, and the fact by the end of the fight we had caused the Valor a hull breach with such a little force. I'd also like to forward my thanks to the BPA Vessel Tuna Salad and Judges Hawk, Yohance and Logan for all the help during that mess. Couldn't have pulled this off without you. Everyone played a major part in stopping this turning into absolute chaos. Good job everyone.

Well. Thats all for me chaps
Zoe out

Transmission Terminated