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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 11-23-2013

Incoming transmission from...the New London military bar
Sender: Co-Pilot Phil Audre

G'day gents.
Today, we torched a Nomad! I was the co-pilot for Lieutenant Thatcher, and we were accompanied by the lieutenant commander Zoe Avant. We were patrolling near freeport 4 in Magellan, when our scanners picked up an unusual reading: A nomad! The blighter was a tough one all right, we had to pursue it into the ice field near the California jump gate. After 15 mins or so of tense fighting, it went down. It is thought that Thatcher flew us into a mine that the cheeky blighter was deploying, and blimey, it sure did us damage! It also damaged the Nomad, which flew towards Zoe, but Zoe kept her cool, and as a result, it flew into her mine and exploded.
[Image: Kharadead_zps2b78d240.jpg]
Good riddance! We sure toasted that jellie eh?
That concludes my report.

Transmission end.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 11-23-2013


The patrol departed from Planet New London at aproximately 20:00hrs and it's destination was Freeport 4 in the Magellan system.
No hostiles were spotted along the way to Magellan. Traders were coming through Magellan on a regular basis, a Border Control was set up at Freeport 4, this was also used to moniter Gallic activity by the leeds jump hole.
A Nomad Cruiser was spotted by LtCdr.Zoe.Avant and the patrol split into two, Ens.Belik and LtCdr.Zoe.Avant and Lt.Thatcher and Ens.Williams. After Belik had scanned the systems it appears it had vanished it's energy signature was to hard to follow. After meeting up with Admiral John multiple nomad vessels where spotted in. They where going into the cortez system we did not follow due to there where allready liberty vessels on the case. Ensigns Williams and Belik searched the traders cargo bays for contraband, papers were checked with every trader. A few traders had to be notified that their papers needed renewing (IFF and ID didn't match). Searching cargo bays and checking papers resumed for 30 mins before multiple slave smugglers where spotted heading out of freeport 4 Bellik and Williams along with Oregon (a BAF liberty cruiser) followed we caught them in the leeds smog cloud and the rest of the party followed along with Judges that joined in.

The slavers were handled by the patrol and it's members. BAF|MN North Star was called to pick up the slaves. One Slaver didn't comply with orders and was destroyed while the other tried to escape but yielded. The cargo was then escorted to Southampton by Ensigns Williams and Belik, the others followed closely. It was secured at Southampton when a distress message came from Magellan where a Valor had been spotted. Ens.C.Williams needed re-fueling while the rest of the patrol went to deal with the threat of the Valor. It was 1 cruiser 2 fighters and 2 bombers vs the Valor and after Belik had delivered all 70 mines into the hull of the ship the rest of the party quickly destroyed it.

Ending Transmission - Ens.C.Williams and Ens.J.Belik

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 11-23-2013

Incoming transmission from...BAF|Underestimated
Sender: Lieutenant Thatcher

'Ello Chaps. I have some interesting news.
Today I went on patrol with the lieutenant commander Zoe and two ensigns. But, as we left Salisbury I could tell something was wrong. Zoe was spouting nonsense like:"this war isn't worth fighting" and "I'd rather shoot myself". It gets worse. She was making the orders, and we went into Leeds. With the ensigns. Just like the admiral told me not to do ; "they aren't ready" he said. So I started to get worried. I was worried for the ensigns and I began to beg Zoe to go home, but she wasn't listening, she just started questioning why we were in this war. We passed through Leeds, tau-31, Edinburgh and Dundee and almost killed several times, but she had made the excuse: "the admiral will be fine when he finds the intelligence we gathered". I guess that was good. But it still wasn't right was it? If you need our ships logs, we can send them to you. Luckily as far as I'm aware, no one was killed.
Well, I guess that concludes that report.

Transmission end

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 11-23-2013


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Sparx - 11-23-2013

Patrol Lenght: 2 Hours
Patrol Members:
BAF|Ens.C.Williams -Templar
BAF|Ens.J.Belik - Templar
BAF|Underestimated - Clydesdale
BAF|HMS-Oregon -Liberty Cruiser
After a while our commanding officer Zoe(Oregon) decided to march into leeds on a mission far behind enemy lines without being spotted our patrol made there way through to the Edinburgh system destroying many valuable Gallic assets. We then patrolled round the system for hostiles and made our way to Tau-31.
There was slight disagreement between the party but Zoe being the commanding officer went forward still. We started patrolling the system with word that a french ship of importance had been spotted. We made our way to Planet Harris where Oregon re-fuelled her tanks and set off again.
After setting off to Holman Outpost we had made the discovery, to our relief, the battleship stationed there had gone (Carcassonne).
After going into dundee we did a scan no signs of important ships until we found a valor stationed by the Edinburgh JH we decieded not to engage due to lack of numbers. From there Underestimated(Thatcher) broke off and returned to the homeworlds while we pressed on to the Stirling suffering little damage. After repairing and re-stocking ammo we headed off to the Newcastle jump hole, not before spotting 2 ships on patrol in the Tau-23 system. When scanning all channels turns out the french are very bad a covering there comms as they were two systems behind us, while we cruised on through noting their defenses. We saw a Bundusch Fighter little interaction was made with him.
We then traveled back to the New London system where we disbanded the patrol.
Information gathered:
The Battleship in Tau 31 had gone - weak system easy to get through.
No Battleship through the Edinburgh jump gate from New London.
Valor stationed outside Edinburgh JH Dundee side.
Gallic are awful at tracking!
Casualities: 0
Deaths: 0
Damage: None pretty much
Transmission ended - Ens.C.Williams - Ens.J.Belik Great thanks to Jillie for giving me the report.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 11-23-2013

(11-23-2013, 10:05 PM)BlazingAngel Wrote: Patrol Lenght: 2 Hours
Patrol Members:
BAF|Ens.C.Williams -Templar
BAF|Ens.J.Belik - Templar
BAF|Underestimated - Clydesdale
BAF|HMS-Oregon -Liberty Cruiser
After a while our commanding officer Zoe(Oregon) decided to march into leeds on a mission far behind enemy lines without being spotted our patrol made there way through to the Edinburgh system destroying many valuable Gallic assets. We then patrolled round the system for hostiles and made our way to Tau-31.
There was slight disagreement between the party but Zoe being the commanding officer went forward still. We started patrolling the system with word that a french ship of importance had been spotted. We made our way to Planet Harris where Oregon re-fuelled her tanks and set off again.
After setting off to Holman Outpost we had made the discovery, to our relief, the battleship stationed there had gone (Carcassonne).
After going into dundee we did a scan no signs of important ships until we found a valor stationed by the Edinburgh JH we decieded not to engage due to lack of numbers. From there Underestimated(Thatcher) broke off and returned to the homeworlds while we pressed on to the Stirling suffering little damage. After repairing and re-stocking ammo we headed off to the Newcastle jump hole, not before spotting 2 ships on patrol in the Tau-23 system. When scanning all channels turns out the french are very bad a covering there comms as they were two systems behind us, while we cruised on through noting their defenses. We saw a Bundusch Fighter little interaction was made with him.
We then traveled back to the New London system where we disbanded the patrol.
Information gathered:
The Battleship in Tau 31 had gone - weak system easy to get through.
No Battleship through the Edinburgh jump gate from New London.
Valor stationed outside Edinburgh JH Dundee side.
Gallic are awful at tracking!
Casualities: 0
Deaths: 0
Damage: None pretty much
Transmission ended - Ens.C.Williams - Ens.J.Belik Great thanks to Jillie for giving me the report.

No problem, seems we had a little misunderstanding.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Exploration - 11-29-2013


--ID: Lieutenant Commander Zoe Avant--
--Location: Planet New London, New London System--


I have some information for the defense board. Today i came across two Punisher vessels in New London. Despite being outgunned i engaged guns blazing. I forced one to run then held off the other and then Lieutenant Thatcher Arrived to support. I ended up in a battle where we were outnumbered, big surprise there. GRN had massed a large Snub force today and multiple gunboats. I figured i'd jump in there and assist the 27th Fleet regardless of my combat before hand. Evidence of this below

File Attached

So the fighting went on for an hour or so And i eventually landed the kill on one of those gauls. Took some effort as i was under fire from a gunboat and alot of patrols. Not to mention the Punisher vessel's falling back and rearming during the combat, that made things difficult since friendly forces had their own supplies and no more was going to arrive. I made sure all our pilots used ammunition sparingly, a good technique to master in situations like that.

File Attached

From the evidence there, you can probably see i was dangerously low on ammunition. Though through gritted teeth we kept fighting. When our capital support was put out of commission, i gave the order to fall back. It was far too hot and i had barely anything left to fight with.

We returned to Freeport 4 and as i write this, i'm enjoying a cold drink to celebrate those who survived and commend those who were lost. Cheers chaps

Zoe out


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 11-30-2013

Incoming Transmission...
From: Southampton Shipyard
Sender: Lt.Thatcher

Today we destroyed a pirate super heavy fighter! I went out in my Paladin with the Ensign C Brooks. We responded to a report of a Molly super-heavy fighter near the lane from Kensington to the Manchester jump gate. We quickly engaged the brute, and together, we took him out. Brooks shot the finishing shot. Unfortunately I was unable to obtain an image of this.
I'd like to say that the ensign did quite alright out there, most impressive flying.
Well, that's all I have to say for now chaps,

Transmission end

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 11-30-2013

Incoming Transmission...
From: HMS-Anker
Sender: Flag Officer Sinker

Today we destroyed a pirate liner, which was disrupting shipping from planet New London to Southampton shipyard. I was in command of the gunboat HMS-Anker, with the Ensign C Brooks to assist. We stalked it through the system, and chased it through Dublin. The chase finally ended at the Molly gold field, where we gunned the blighter down. Proof. Well, we left the pod for the Mollys, who were getting too close for comfort, but we tractored in the remains of a tea crate.
That tea didn't taste great, I'm afraid.
This concludes my report.
Flag Officer Sinker signing out.

Transmission end

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Exploration - 12-02-2013

--Incoming Transmission--

ID: Lieutenant Commander Zoe Avant
Location: BAF|A-HMS-Conqueror

Greetings chaps,

I bring alarming news. Over the last few days, the situation in Magellan and New London is dire. Recently i have been in combat assisting Captain Brandon Johnson Aboard both the Oregon and Conqueror to suppress them as much as possible. However as shown in the files attached. They have advanced and staging attacks in New London despite our efforts. In short, we are failing and need some support. The Conqueror has been forced to fall back to California after an attack was staged to destroy the vessel. I have the defense system logs for Planet New London which were relayed to the Oregon, i managed get copies of these before i had to abandon her.

Files Uploaded:
File 1

File 2

As you can see. They have even managed to advance Gunboats to attack us. Both the Oregon and Braising were disabled. We were forced to abandon ship. Currently the Oregon is in Southampton to be repaired. I suggest we step up our actions a notch. They should not be allowed to kill us in our home. Fight harder people, get our defense fleets in formation. This is an embarrassment to the Kingdom of Bretonia and to her majesty herself.

We can do better.

Zoe Out.

--Transmission Terminated--