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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Connor - 01-25-2014

[Incoming Transmission]
[Interpreting Signal]

To: The Armed Forces
From: Lieutenant Commander Heather Pearson
Message Location: Battleship Suffolk
R.E: Death of Captain Mathews

[Translating Message]
[Done; Relaying Message]

Good Evening

I have some bad news to tell and share with the High Command. Captain Daniel Mathews fell today, along with his crew and the Carrier Valentine. They were fighting a Valor in Leeds when all of a sudden, another one apeard from no where. It charged and fired it's Forward Cannon and the shell tore straight though the Valentines hull. The Carrier split into two. There were no survivors. Daniel and his crew will be missed, and always remembered. Lest We Forget.

Pearson Signing off

-No Attachments-

[Transmission Finished]
[End of Relay]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 01-25-2014

Incoming Transmission:

Bridge Officer Luke Miller

Connected - 100%

Good day, today I led a small force consisting of the Sentinel (Crecy), Ensign Ferb Flynn and an Armed Forces AT named "Hurricane". We set off to Leeds with intentions of rescuing some refugees. When we arrived in the hostile system a Council Battleship was hidden in the gas clouds. We had a brief conversation before I ordered Ferb Flynn to scout out the planet for hostiles. He returned safely and stated that the planet was all clear. We moved out of the gas cloud and met a freelancer. His name is irrelevant; he said he wanted to see the frogs lose against us. I told him to leave for his own safety. We carried onto the hidden satellite that housed the refugees ready for departure. Ferb Flynn was only able to get one cargo hold before the frogs began to realise what we were doing. I gave the order to "Bug out". We managed to get to the Jump Hole before the frogs found us. Of course we taunted the frogs... Its only necessary. Everyone made it safely back to Southampton alive. Including the 52 refugees we rescued.

This mission didn't go to plan however I'm pleased to say that the refugees are enjoying life on Planet New London!

Signing off.
Transmission ended.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Connor - 01-26-2014

//Delete this

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - razorviper - 01-29-2014


ID: Cpt. Ryan McCroskey
D/T: 28-01-821AS | 15:35
LOCATION: Battleship Kite, G4, Cambridge system

TO: Bretonian Amred forces Defense Intelligence staff

Subject: Unfamiliar foreign vessels in Omega 3 system.

Greetings Sir/Madam,
This is my first report after being sworn in as the captain of HMS-Kite, so my sincere apologies for any errors that you may encounter along your reading. Now coming to the topic.

It was bright , quiet and no sign of any hostile activity in Cambridge. So I along with my crew decided to move to Omega 3 system for a brief patrol as the ship's long range scanner was able to spot some unknown ships. Upon entering the system, the area around the Jump gate showed no signs of any activity. So we decided to take the tradelane and move to Freeport 1. When we started to advance towards the Freeport, our scanners picked up unknown unknown neutral ships 24K away. When we got to the Freeport 1, we saw a huge gathering of Zoner Capital ships. There were three Zoner Nephilm dreadnoughts each with Armour upgrade and hyperspace equipment. In the meantime I was joined by BRF|HMS-Sentinel and BRF|HMS-Matilda at Freeport 1. Upon being asked about the licence for using hyperspace equipment in Omega 3 space, Mr. Fisher denied that such a licence was required and that BPA or BAF had no business here. I made a quick search over the database and and found that none of the ships were registered to use jump equipment in Omega 3 space.And when questioned further, one of them went on to dock with the Freeport.

A few days ago corsair Osiris was found taking advantage of the NFZ near Freeport 1 and now the three zoner capital vessels with suspicious activity. Chances are that they could be hijacked zoner vessels supplying corsair ships with ammunition. We are yet to be clarified about their intentions with such heavily armed ships and rare equipment.

Also running a second search on the database I found that Rabbit has requested for a licence but the registration office is yet to grant a licence, but the other two Dreadnoughts show no signs of formality. I also ask for permission to issue orders to engage the foreign vessels if found anywhere outside Freeport vicinity. Also I am attaching some scan reports that support my above described report.

Flarecam-Areaview #97

[Image: xc3u.png]
Ryan McCroskey,
Captain, BRF|HMS-Kite

[Image: cgmj.png]
Miranda Campbell,
Executive Officer, BRF|HMS-Kite

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 01-29-2014

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Low Encryption =-

Priority: Low
To: Flag Officer Ryan McCroskey
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: Planet New London, New London System
Subject: Reply

[Image: eaps.png]
"Extraordinary service, Mister McCroskey! I doubt Miss Campbell's role here is any lesser!
Just don't get so close to the Freeport with your battleship next time, it seems they have something against it."

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 01-29-2014

Incoming Transmission.

Location: Omega 3, orbiting Planet Sprague, BRF|HMS-Sentinel, Control Bridge.
From: Bridge Officer - Luke Miller

To: Bretonian Armed Forces High Command.

Good day. I have a rather strange request Sirs/Ma'am s. I'm afraid Omega 3 has been having pirate issues the past few months. In particular two vessels named "Love.Joy" and "Bonaventure"; these ships have both committed piracy however "Bonaventure" has admitted to High Treason. I met both of these vessels on my daily patrol through the system with BRF|HMS-Kite (Dunkirk class). While The "Kite" resupplied its fuel tanks I was forced to engage the "Bonaventure" because of insults and admitting High Treason. The "Bonaventure" then hired "Love.Joy" to help destroy my vessel. A corsair also joined in however I forgot his name, he was piloting a fighter and caused no threat. I led the three ships out of the NFZ and out of the asteroid field so I could maximize my firepower without hitting those lousy rocks. They had the upper hand for the first half of the battle, I conflicted a lot of damage towards "Love.Joy". However "Bonaventure" was causing my gunners a real problem to hit. Luckily before my time was up the "Kite" came to my aid and evened out the numbers. "Bonaventure" fled after tasting the "Kite's" lasers. This left "Love.Joy" he fled tot he asteroid field and tried to cruise away. We weren't finished so we disrupted the pirate. Somehow he managed to escape but was on minimal hull percentage. We were pleased that our presence caused the pirates to flee. We hope to perform more patrols assisted by fighters as well.

Anyhow. My request. "Love.Joy" and "Bonaventure" are eligible for the 'Kill on sight'? They have been causing a lot of disruption in recent months and have destroyed several BAF vessels. Please get back to me on this matter.

Luke Miller - Captain of the "Sentinel"

Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - razorviper - 01-31-2014



ID: Cpt. Ryan McCroskey
D/T: 31-01-821AS | 07:53 hrs
LOCATION: Battleship Kite, D3, New London System

TO: Bretonian Armed forces Defense Intelligence staff

Subject: Leeds patrol and repair expenses report.

Greetings Sir/Madam,
Due to ongoing conflict regarding NFZ with zoners in Omega 3 system, it has been decided that Kite will not be patrolling the Freeport route for the next 48 hours and instead has been positioned near the Leeds jump hole in New London system.After scanning some Junker ships incoming from Leeds system, it was decided that the vessel was to be taken for a quick patrol to Rayburn station in Leeds. After docking with Rayburn, the ship was refueled with mox and other necessary commodities. While the Kite was docked at the station, the long range scanners of Rayburn picked up some frequencies which are known to be used by Gallic transponders.Sensing there was a threat not far away, we decided to make a patrol deep inside enemy territory. The crew prepared the ship well keeping in mind there could be a fight ahead and everyone was mentally prepared to face any kind of situation. Without wasting another moment we left Rayburn and cruised deep into the Leeds system.

As we moved out of the West Leeds smog cloud, the view became much clear and we kept proceeding towards the planet. Especially with Battleship Oubli on guard, it was impossible to move further towards the planet. In the same time the Rayburn was with constantly in touch with us, help us track the source of the unknown frequency. It was supposed to be coming from somewhere between planet Leeds and Stokes mining station. The time had come to make the ship invisible. the cloak generator were engaged and the ship started slowly melting with the background. While cloaked, we moved closer to Oubli and took a close inspection at the Leeds satellite. After this we took the tradelane to Stokes mining station, and that was the time when we came in contact with a Valor class battleship( call-sign RNS-Freedom). We broke away from the lane and slowly advanced towards the Valor with impulse speed. The ship was running low on cloak fuel so I decided to deactivate cloak while still 8K away from the Valor. I warned the Captain of the RNS-Freedom that he was the war enemy of Bretonia and has been acting as a constant threat to Rayburn and that he still has time to surrender and save the lives of his crew. Not surprisingly he refused to do so, but I must admit that captain Henry of RNS-Freedom was young, brave and intelligent and one of those few who was prepared to face the death for his motherland. It didn't take too long for our gunners to engage each other and the consequences were fatal for RNS-Freedom. Our effective warheads breached its hull in no time. Our crew congratulated each other on the Victory. We took in several life pods and started moving back to Rayburn for repairs.

While on our way back to New London system our scanners picked up another hostile bomber ( call-sign Punisher|SL.Touraine.). The bomber piloted by Guillaume was loud, harsh and called Bretonia as a nation of cowards. Him coming to know that Kite was a 'Dunkirk' class battleship, immediately docked with Battleship Oubli and then sent another Valor class battleship( call-sign Punisher|SL.Poseidon). It was time for a second fight, and the ship was already damaged from the cannons of RNS-Freedom. The Valor opened fire on us after issuing a brief warning. Our gunners were ready for counter attack and so another fight took place. I ordered to steer our ship into the smog clouds which drastically reduced the visibility for the Valor. Not only Kite was small and agile , but also hard to be seen within the clouds. Our ship successfully dodged most of the heavy cerbs and at the same time was able to inflict maximum damage to the enemy battleship. Punisher|SL.Poseidon was turned into ashes in a matter of minutes.

We were heavily damaged, lost one thruster, two heavy guns and above all lost two brave gunmen. We pray for their souls to rest in peace. Some of our crew that suffered minor injuries are being treated at Southampton medical bays. It was a memorable day for the entire crew of Kite. The repair work is being carried out at Southampton Shipyard and the total expenses are estimated to be around 12.5 million Sirian Credits. Furthermore, all the expenses are being met from the ship's account, but unfortunately we are falling short by an amount of 1.83 million credits. In the recent days the government has been very supportive in terms of funding and we hope it continues this way. We are requesting the Admiralty Board for 1.85 million credits to be transferred to the ship account for the successful completion of the pending repair work so that services can be resumed ASAP and Kite can continue to serve the crown. Thank you for your time.

Here are the camera stills I am attaching below which further justify the above described incident.

Full Conversation Log ░▒▓█▓▒░

IronCam™#2599-Engaging Cloak 15 clicks away from the Planet.
IronCam™#2600-RNS-Freedom spotted between planet Leeds and Stokes Mining Station.
IronCam™#2601-Engaging RNS-Freedom
IronCam™#2602-RNS-Freedom put out of action.
IronCam™#2603-Engaging Punisher|SL.Poseidon
IronCam™#2604-Punisher|SL.Poseidon was put out of action.

[Image: McCroskey_render.png]
Ryan McCroskey,
Captain, BRF|HMS-Kite

[Image: Miranda_render.png]
Miranda Campbell,
Executive Officer, BRF|HMS-Kite

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-02-2014

Incoming Transmission

Location: Planet New London, "Sentinel", The Bridge.
From: Bridge Officer Luke Miller

To: Bretonian Armed forces Intelligence staff.

Good day. I am sending this report to enlighten you about our patrol to Leeds yesterday. We set off from Southampton shipyard, where myself and McCroskey (Captain of the kite) were stationed. Once entered Leeds we swiftly made it to Rayburn station. A few molly's came in for a surprise attack and managed to disable the "Sentinel's" main thruster. I sent Ashton and his team out in the pods to fix this issue. After a few minutes he confirmed that everything was good to go. We set off once more. Our new objective was to ensure the Satellite was in-tact and working fine. It was. McCroskey, encountered that ions had overloaded his systems and had to head back to New London. The "Sentinel" stayed guard for a while before a Valor patrol found us. I dispatched of this lump of hopeless metal and tractored in the Captain for interrogation. After this, we headed back to New London.

Here is the Conversation log: [][][][][]

Signing off: Bridge Officer Luke Miller - Captain of the "Sentinel"

Transmission ended.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 02-05-2014

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
To: The Bretonian Armed Forces
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: Planet New London, New London System
Subject: Promotions

[Image: eaps.png]
"Good evening."
He's frowning.
"But only because I am being formal.
The high command made me promote some of you worthless, clumsy sluggards. The lucky pilots are:
- Miss Wildcat, Evyn, is promoted to Puss of the Fle..."
George gapes in surprise, swallowing a noodle.
"I'm... I'm terribly sorry, Fleet Admiral Wildcat! Really, terribly sorry!"
Starting to feel warm, he loosens his collar.
"Uh... So:
- Miss Wildcat, Evyn, is promoted to Admiral of the Fleet.
- Miss O'Brian, Michelle, is promoted to Admiral.
- Mister Darrow, Hugh, is promoted to Commodore.
Fight as if you've deserved them. Excluding our dearest Fleet Admiral Wildcat, of course."
He manages to force a polite, but nervous, somewhat shaky smile on his face upon mentioning the Fleet Admiral.
"Good bye."

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 02-05-2014

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Flag Officer Sinker
Good evening gents.
We carried out a small patrol in New London today, and I'm glad to report no enemies of Bretonia were sighted.
However, that is not all I have to report...
I was testing out different Curacao teas, when I discovered that pyramid shaped tea bags are indeed better than standard ones. This information may be useful for our tea convoys and storage teams, as they could ensure that the better bags are bought, to help the war effort.
On a more sad note, Dr O'Farrel down in the medical bay was murdered today by a deranged psychopath we'd found injured aboard some wreckage. The bugger died moments after, when the medical bay collapsed on him. We should probably look into getting that fixed. But for now, the crew and I sit down for a cup of tea, with pyramid shaped bags of course.
That's all.
Transmission end