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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 02-05-2014

[Image: ZSx0wFN.jpg]

To the Captains of the Royal Forces ships Kite and Matilda,

To both of you, congratulations are in order. Having reviewed the paperwork and performance reports, i am proud to say that you filing for transferal to the Auxiliary fleet is approved. Congratulations Flag Officers.

All the paperwork is filled out and signed off by myself, all you need to do is update your communication transponders, and open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate, but don't think we can rest. You have gained this due to your excellent work in the field, I need that to continue.

Good work gents, do our house proud!

Admiral Michelle O'Brian,
CO of the Royal and Auxiliary Fleets,
Bretonian Armed Forces Command

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 02-06-2014


[Image: Carlos-Delclos-British_zpse1564d9e.jpg]

A man in palimentary robes walks through the entryway and begins to address the crowd.

"Members of the House of Commons."
"Apologies to interuptions of this session,"
"Admiral of the Fleet of Her Majesty, Queen Carina the First,"
"Wishes to make word to all Lords present."
"I present to you, Fleet Admiral Evyn Wildcat, Protege of Admiral Fraiser & Piett,"
"Servant of Her Majesty."

The crowd began to bustle in talk as a woman dressed in official garb made her way through,
taking foot before the podium within the central chamber.

[Image: 263px-1352061402.horusgoddess_chinesecat_-_Copy.jpg]

My Lords of the House.
I address you tonight not as an Admiral of Her Majesty,
But as a Citizen of the House of Bretonia.

A great man more than a millenia ago once said:
"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long
and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival."

That man was the great Winston Churchill, facing down their enemies of
the Third Reich in a time when defeat was but a breath away. I have fought
with my men and women in arms for nearly three years. In position to lead
and to not. We have all shed blood to protect our homes, and many more
are doing the same as we speak. I shall not stand here today and ask for
more than what can be given, because each day despite the tired faces
of those in the field, they give more than their predecessors before them have given.

We have faced many a trial together, from the founding of our home in Sirius,
to the Buccanneers that ravaged us, to Kusari's defiance to our claims in
the Tau's, we have fought and prevailed. But in our newest adversary, we
have gone beyond the boundaries of our limits, and despite the fall of Leeds;
Have stayed true and firm to protect our home and Queen.

Tonight. I renew the pledge I gave as a cadett those many years ago within
the Academy, as testiment to the resolve within our Armed Forces.
To my ending breath, I will do all within my power to see this great House prevail
past the twilight; to see the morning's dawn; and to see our children's children,
read with pride on how we succeeded against all odds.

Without a moment's pause, the entire congregation of Lords rise to their feet,
giving applause to her words as she stood away from the platform, giving a final nod in respect.


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 02-08-2014

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Flag Officer Sinker
Good evening gents.
We carried out another patrol in New London today, it was boring, and I'm glad to report no enemies of Bretonia were sighted (again).
So we spent the time recalibrating our gunnery systems, so that next time the Gauls show up, we can give 'em a taste of the steel!
That's all.
Transmission end

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-09-2014

Incoming Transmission
Location - HMS-Sentinel, Moored on Southampton Shipyard.
From - Bridge Officer Luke Miller

To - Armed Forces Intelligence Staff

Good day, I'm writing this report to inform you all that I saw a rather strange vessel floating around the trade lanes in the New London System. The papers on board this vessel confirmed it was a Lane Hacker ship. When I told it to halt. It cruised away before my crew could react. I'm issuing a word of warning to all traders that the Lane Hackers may be of a threat to you all.

Safe Skies.
Luke Miller - Captain of the "Sentinel"

Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-09-2014

Incoming Transmission
Location - HMS-Sentinel, Orbiting Planet Sprague, Omega 3.
From - Bridge Officer Luke Miller
To - Armed Forces Intelligence Staff

Good day, *He sighs* Another report yes I know.. Anyway. Yesterday I was called out to Omega 3 because Corsairs were making their way to Planet Sprague. The distress call came from Flag Officer Adams (HMS-Matilda) he needed assistance clearing out the Corsairs. There was one Corsair Battleship and one Legate. When I had arrived the Legate had been put out of action by the Police bombers that were assisting us. HMS-Matilda was already engaged with the Battleship; so I decided that losing a valuable Captain was unnecessary. I engaged the intruder. After a few minutes of my crew hailing pulse lasers onto the Corsair, HMS-Matilda managed to get some of her main weapons to penetrate the main engine, this created a domino effect for the Corsair. The engine was hit, when it finally went up in smoke the huge vessel was a sitting duck. HMS-Matilda fired a few more of her main armaments at the monolith of a ship and it combusted into tiny pieces. Another great victory for Bretonia.

Luke Miller - Captain of the "Sentinel"
Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 02-09-2014

-Incoming Transmision-
[Image: Captain_zpsa25cf4fd.png]
Rank: Captain
Name: Robert Dzeferson
Subject: Operation "Red Flames"
Operation "Hawkeye"

Good day gentleman, this is Captain Robert speaking.

I must say first that I am gratefull for promotion. But shadow is cast upon it by recent events. Yesterday I had a lovely meeting with some really nice guys. As it goes they are GRN. So they were in Magellan, I went there, found them and observed the fighting, since there were 4 more pilots on our side. I didnt felt I should rush in the battle. So it was an equal fight until more and more GRN kept coming.
In that time Mis Wildcat came and ordered me to retreat. I gave the order for our Capital ships to fall back, but the others were left behind. They simply could not retreat, or at least they fought honorly to the end. Unfortunatly I do not know what happened to them later on, since I followed my orders. And on my way back, I intercepted one Hacker. So I engaged him, and on his own misfortune, he died. Or at least his ship exploded.

Anyway the very next day, I decided to make a move. I went in Leeds system to see whats going on in there, and I brought back some camshots that are showing how does the Leeds system look now. All shots are underneath my report. So I wish you a very pleasent day.

Shots: ::1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::9::10::11::

With all due respect, Captain R. Dzeferson.

-Ending Transmision-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Exploration - 02-09-2014

Incoming Transmission..
ID: Zoe Avant
Subject: They didn't nail me yet.


Turns out my untimely abduction to the Gallic Navy caused concern among the lower ranks of the Armed Forces. So, Sinker, that's right, i'm not dead yet. After a hellish fire fight on one of their Valors and myself managing to steal a Lynx and get the hell outta dodge, I'm back with a vengeance. With all due respect Admirals, I didn't just shoot my way out of captivity for nothing. Admiral Hall, been some time since we've spoken, i'll debrief you on what's been going on these past months whenever you're ready.

She sighs tiredly

I await a reply
Transmission Terminated

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 02-09-2014

[Image: Transmissionbar1_zps29acdc46.png]

Good day gents.
Today, we flew the Dreadnought down to Dundee to deliver the poor chaps down there some tea, and to reinforce them for the day. The tea made it safely, and the day was highly uneventful. So we drank some tea aboard the Dreadnought too.
That's all for today.

[Image: Transmissionend_zpsd9988d45.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-09-2014

Incoming Transmission

Location - Planet New London
From - Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks
To - Armed Forces Intelligence Staff

Hello, today there was a rather big fight near Kensington Shipping Platform. I was called out while I was on my tea break to assist the BAF in the fight against the Wilde and K'Hara. The enemy had 7 ships in total while we had 8. I made the 8th fighter after a Judge was forced to eject from his vessel. Before I had the chance to look at the battle and pick my target, a Wilde vessel under the name of "Stefanie. Gottleib" engaged me. I reacted quickly and flew within Kensington's weapon range to buy myself some time to activate my weapon systems. I turned and managed to deplete the aliens shields after taking considerable damage myself. I fired my missiles after taking down it's shield again and I managed to penetrate it's hull. The alien was ready to go up in flames as only one shot was needed to finish it off. It was done. I had fired a rapid burst of splitters at it and the sight was magnificent. The rest of the force congratulated me for my shooting. I think this gave a good boost of morale as the rest of the enemies were dropping like flies. We chased the rest of them back into Omega 3 when they activated their alien technology and weren't seen again. Another fine victory for Bretonia!

Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks signing off.

Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 02-09-2014

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Very High Encryption =-

Priority: Very High
To: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: Planet New London, New London System
Subject: Reply

[Image: eaps.png]
"Good evening, pilots.
Captain Jizzferson, or however am I supposed to pronounce that... the gate to Edinburgh seems to be absolutely undefended on that photograph, is that true? If positive, we could halt them for quite some time if we blasted it.
I am very pleased to see you alive, Mister Mathews. For a moment I thought we've lost such a fine battleship captain!
My dear Miss Zoe, you still continue to surprise us! Your absence wasn't related to Mathews', was it?
And Flag Officer Sinker... Ts, ts, ts..."
He shakes his head in disapproval.
"You had a tea party, and I wasn't invited... Ts, ts, ts..."
George makes a malefic smile and closes the transmission.

- Message Over -