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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chuck Bartowsky - 07-16-2011

***Incoming Transmition***
Location:Battleship Karlusche
From:Flieger Alfred Richter
To:RM Obercomando

[color=#FFFF00]Today my patrol was rather quiet and calm. So about patrol.Systems i've patrol today:

1)New Berlin

1)New Berlin
There all was clear all traders somewhere disappeared.

When i arrived to Pirna Border Station i decide to check Liepzig Station.There all was clear.I return to Bautzen Station and fly to BS Altenburg near BS i noticed some unidentified ship,it seems to me that was trader but over 2 seconds he disapper from my scaners.

10 seconds passed and it sems hessian apper on scaners but again over 3-4 sec he dock with Vogtland base and dont fly in space again.

3) Frankfurt
There was no traders no enimies. Then i met [WRF]Tau-Wing-3 he dock with Mainz storage facility. I fly to Munich

All clear nothing unusual. 1 trader move legal commodity to planet Nuremburg.

5) Hamburg
All clear no enemies.1 contact RNC-Wallenhorst

No contacts.No traders.No enemies.I dock with BS Karlsche and end my patrol.

End of Report 002.
***Transmition Terminated***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chuck Bartowsky - 07-18-2011

***Incoming Transmition***

Location:Planet New Berlin
Target:Report 003
From:Flieger Alfred Richter
To: RM Obercomando

Hello meine daumen und herren.Today i patrol with officer Fw.Erwin.Helge.
When i met herr Helge we fly to Hamburg to start our patrol.On our way we met trader officer say hin to halt but trader didnot response he just try to run from us.In his cargo bay all was clear but he keep running.Herr Helge give order: Destroy!. I am do this.

Then we reached Hamburg.There all was clear.We return to New Berlin.When we pass planet New Berlin we received a SOS signal from Frankfurt.We quickly fly to Frankfurt and start to searching for enemie.Finally we find him.It was Bundschuh-VF)Hagen.v.Seleenburg.

Thre is his cargo bay and eguipment:
My mate herr Helge talk with him about godkanzler.Finally Herr Helge said me not engage just stay still he said that he want to destroy target himself.He almost kill Bundschuh pilot when fly on his mine.
Death of officer

Before death herr Hagen said me to not engage with enemie and return home.After Feldwebel's ship exploded pirate shoot at life-saving capsule and herr Helge die. In my wonder pirate dont follow me.
Officer's Order

I returned to New Berlin and now in spaceport on refueling and repairing ship.

***Transmition Terminated***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - RM-Marinenachrichtendienst - 07-23-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Moselle[color=#33CC00] Braunschweig System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]Medium, port RM-CH-HC-VK-3601


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Franz Leiche, Rheinland military Marinenachrichtendienst

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinland military high command
[color=#33CC00][b]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]suspicious zoner actions

[Image: b1b5deeecbf06262e7687d6aa3295c53b87422aa_full.jpg]

We have recorded doubtful Zoner action, attempt to assasinate an MND agent.
Actions taken: elimination
Suggestions: investigation of the Zoner relations towards Bundesrupublik Rheinland

[Image: 49366662.jpg]


Franz Leiche
Rheinland military marinenachrichtendienst department


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - eltt - 07-26-2011

< Incoming transmission >

Source: Alster Schiffswerft, Hamburg.
Encryption: Medium
Sender: Flieger Jonas Schmidt
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report #1
Recieving transmission - - - Done
Decrypting transmission - - - Done
Opening transmission - - -

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren.
I started my patrol in the Braunschweig system, where I recieved an emergeny call from a member of the WRF. Some member of the AGS and also some Rogues and Freelancers invaded Hamburg. When I arrived the fight was nearly over and the pirates retreated some minutes after I joined the fight. After their retreat I continued my patrol and checked New Berlin and Frankfurt withouth any incidents.
When I reached the Munich Jump Gate in Frankfurt I saw a Kusari Transport with Military Vehicles, a Recruit ID and no IFF.

Transport ID
Transport Cargo

I questioned the transport what coorporation it is working for. It didn`t react. After some minutes and 4 warnings I finally destroyed it.
[Image: deatht.png]

After that I met some miner, a Kruger and a DHC miner, inside the Chiemsee in Munich who were mining copper.
Kruger ID
Kruger Cargo

DHC Cargo

I couldn`t sanction them because there is no legal basis for that, as you have to catch them in the act of smuggling copper over the Rheinland-Liberty border. Mining it is still allowed. But beside that we should keep an eye on Kruger/DHC mining copper.

After Munich I inspected Dresden - nothing to report. But on my way to Planet Stuttgart a Nomad suddenly appeared and tried to flee when it saw me. I pusued it and called Herr Kreuzchen in as backup. We managed to intercept it some kilometers after the Stuttgart Jump Gate and engaged. The Nomad managed to dodge our fire and flew to the direction of the New Berlin sun. When we reached the sun the Nomad flew right into it. I followed, but was ordered back by Herr Kreuzchen. The Nomad didn`t survive the trip into the sun and I had to return to Alster Schiffswerft as my ship was damaged.
The sun also damaged the scanns of the nomad ship, so I can`t upload any infos about it.

I ended my patrol at Alster Schiffswerft.


Flieger Jonas Schmidt
Rheinland Military

Encrypting transmission - - - Done
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[color=#33CC00]< Transmission terminated >

Rheinland Military Message Dump - RM-Marinenachrichtendienst - 07-28-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Freeport 1[color=#33CC00] Omega 3 system.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]High, port RM-CH-HC-VK-3601


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Senior Agent drei, Rheinland military Marinenachrichtendienst

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinland military High command
[color=#33CC00][b]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Doubtful Zoner actions II.+IMG technology sharing

[Image: b1b5deeecbf06262e7687d6aa3295c53b87422aa_full.jpg]

Geehrten members of the Rheinland military High command,

The Rheinland military marinenachrichtendienst agents have manage to collect some interesting new guncam picture of the Zoner actions, what we have been looking for after one of their ship attacked us in the Hamburg system.

Doubtful zoner actions II:

Known pirates, murders and especially enemies of the Gottkanzler Rheinhardt are allowed to dock on the neutral ground of the Freeport eins, in order to escape justice by violating the laws of Rheinland.

[Image: 28570185.jpg][Image: 73573404.jpg]

Doubtful IMG tachnology usage:

Its not even a week we ceased fire with the Bretonians and the IMG is openly using their technology in the upper-nothern field of omega sieben. They have violated the laws by bringing a cruiser class ship into that system and also using Bretonian technology what can't be allowed.
We shall send more agents to watch them closely, we can't allow violating the peace threaty.

[Image: 51277849.jpg][Image: 39733690.jpg]


Rheinland military marinenachrichtendienst department


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Henners91 - 07-30-2011

[Complete, displaying message]

Guten Tag Meine Herren,

Attached is a report concerning a patrol undertaken on 30/04.


Patrol Route:]
New Berlin: Battleship Strausberg - Hamburg Jumpgate
Hamburg: New Berlin Jumpgate - Frankfurt Jump Hole via trade lane - New Berlin Jumpgate
Ship scanned:
Name: ICT - Vogtland
Location: Alster Shipyard
ID: Interspace Commerce
Cargo: Copper
-Details Below-
New Berlin (image bugged): Hamburg Jumpgate - Stuttgart Jumpgate
Stuttgart (image bugged): New Berlin Jumpgate - Dresden Jumphole - Planet Breislau
Ship scanned:
Name: Flegma-[HOT]
Location: Planet Hamburg - Planet Breislau trade lane
ID: Pirate
Cargo: Not recorded
-Details Below-

-Began the patrol at 17:50 (GMT) with the intention of mapping the Frankfurt Jump Hole in Hamburg.
-On the way to the Jump Hole, Interspace Commerce vessel ICT - Vogtland encountered heading toward Liberty. Vessel scanned and found to be hauling goods not amongst those permitted for IC to haul under Rheinland law (Copper). Communication Logs below:
-The target was engaged but was able to dock with Alster Shipyard. It must be enquired into as to whether or not station authorities were able to apprehend the pilot.
-After a period of waiting, decided to continue with patrol.
-The Jump Hole was mapped successfully, endeavoured to map the Dresden Jump Hole in Stuttgart.
-In Stuttgart, sighted Flieger Jonas Schmidt. The two of us grouped to patrol together, as the senior Flieger, leadership fell to Schmidtt.
-The Jump Hole was mapped successfully, a hostile contact appeared on our scopes but we were unable to get into scanning range.
-Schmidt became responsible for our route, heading toward Stuttgart, en-route we encountered another hostile blip. We were able to intercept him as he disrupted a trade lane between Stuttgart and Breislau.
-Target scanned, results attached:
-The pirate refused to cooperate and was engaged, Schmidt made the kill:
-Patrol ended with docking at the nearest battleship.

[End of Transmission]

//Apologies for using URLs rather than embed images; this board appears to hate Steam Cloud!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - eltt - 07-30-2011

< Incoming transmission >

Source: Schlachtschiff Mosell, Braunschweig.
Encryption: Medium
Sender: Flieger Jonas Schmidt
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report #2
Recieving transmission - - - Done
Decrypting transmission - - - Done
Opening transmission - - -

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren.
I started my patrol at Battleship Mosel in the Braunschweig system. My first patroled system was Hamburg, where nothing happened. My next system was Stuttgart - nothing to report. The same in Dresden.
When I reached Planet Neu Berlin I saw a small ship around 5k infront of Neu Berlin. The scans of that ship showed a civilian smuggling Synthetic Marijuana.

Civilian Cargo
Civilian ID

I tried to stop the vessel, but it was to smal and managed to dock at Neu Berlin.

After some minutes of waiting I recieved an emergency call from the Battleship RNC-Feldheim in Frankfurt.
The Flieger Hubert Gruber and a member of the RFP, callsign Minotaur, formed up with me to help the RNC.
When we jumped to Frankfurt we saw the RNC being attacked by 3 pirate bombers and 1 Freelancer. Another Freelancer helped the RNC. We joined the fight. After some minutes the RNC had to retreat to Neu Berlin, because it was heavily damaged. The pirates followed it and tried to destroy it finally, but the RNC managed to dock. We of course followed the pirates and engaged them infront of Neu Berlin together with a member of the secondary fleet. The Freelancer helping the pirates already fled.

Pirate 1 ID
Pirate 2 ID
Pirate 3 ID

We managed to destroy 2 of them. The last pirate fled.

Destruction of Pirate 1 and 2

After that I ended my patrol, because me and Herr Gubert were called back to Braunschweig for the Flieger Training.


Flieger Jonas Schmidt
Rheinland Military

Encrypting transmission - - - Done
Closing transmission - - -

< Transmission terminated >

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Khelric - 07-31-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Moselle,[color=#33CC00] Braunschwieg System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]Medium, port RM-CH-HC-VK-3601


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Leutant Heinrich Kraus, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinwehr High Command
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol Report

I will keep this brief, for I know your time is precious and equally limited. It has come to my attention this evening, as I patrolled the dusty expanses of Omega 7, that several IMG vessels have found it more profitable to mine within Daumann fields than their own. Upon questioning, they claimed it was an accident and after a stern talking to, I made them return to their designated field. Our relationship with the IMG as of lately is tenuous at best and rather than inflict fines or other forms of punishment, I leave it in your diplomatic hands to deal with as you see fit. Contained within the following pages are photographic evidence and audio dialogue picked up from my Wraith.

Audio Log

Photograph 1

Photograph 2

Leutant Heinrich Kraus,
Einsatzleiter des Rheinland Militärs.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Yikagi - 08-02-2011

Identification: Von Stauffenberg
Receive: RM Reporting Station
Subject: Defens of Planet Hamburg

***Transmission Received...***
***Transmission Decrypted...***
Opening Message...

My day was started as a regular day. When i reached the Planet Hamburg, my scanners were showing 8 Liberty Ships. They were mostly Cruisers. I directyl reported that to High Command. Backup arrived nearly 5 minutes. They tried fall back to Hudson. But i cut the all tradelanes and they had nowhere to run. Our bombers anc cruisers blowed up most of them. But a few of them runned to Hudson. When we jumped to Hudson, there was only one fighter left. The last standing man was a light fighter. I tried to kill it but it was running fastly. I've got ordered to disengage. We go back to Hamburg. Liberty got lost one more time.


Flieger Von Stauffenberg
Rheinland Military

***Transmission Encrypted***
Closing Message...

Rheinland Military Message Dump - eltt - 08-02-2011

< Incoming transmission >

Source: Schlachtschiff Mosell, Braunschweig.
Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Jonas Schmidt
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Battle Report #1

Recieving transmission - - - Done
Decrypting transmission - - - Done
Opening transmission - - -

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren.
Yesterday the day started quiet normal with a training in Braunschweig. Mainly dodging and groupfight were trained. While the training we recieved a report about a Corsaifleet invading Stuttgart. The fleet had already destroyed some RNC when we switched to our bombers and headed to Planet Stuttgart to group with some other RNC.
After grouping we were heading to the Omega 7 Jumpgate where the fight took place.

Our force consisted of:
Vizeadmiral Gunter Weissmann (Bergelmir)
Hauptmann Wenzl Kreuzchen (Bergelmir)
Fähnrich Theo Sittlingen (Bergelmir)
Flieger Jonas Schmidt (Bergelmir)
Flieger Von Stauffenberg (Wraith)
[WRF]Beta.Wing-1 (Wraith)
RNC-Hindenburg (Schlachtschiff) (joined the fight later)
RNC-Konstanz (Kreuzer)
RNC-Pommern (Kreuzer/Korvette (not sure)) (joined the fight later)
RNC-Freya (Korvette)

And stood against:
2 Osiris type Battleships, 1 equipped with Solars type turrets
2 Corsair Cruiser
1 Corsair Gunboat
1 Bomber
1 Titan VHF

We managed to take down all enemy vessels without further losses. The Osiris without Solaris was the first ship which was destroyed.
[Image: 43562786.png]
The next one was the other Osiris.
[Image: 74767268.png]
The RNC-Hindenburg had to retreat because of the damage it took, but the destruction of the Osiris was followed by the destruction of the 2 Cruiser and the GB.
[Image: 44762444.png]
After that the fighter was destroyed fast.
[Image: 71433460.png]
The bomber survived a bit longer, becasue our bomber did some shooting practise on it with SNAC, but in the end the bomber had no chance and did kamikaze into a Kreuzer without inflicting damage.
[Image: 83168608.png]

The battle was won and we returned to Braunschweig and Hamburg for some rest.


Flieger Jonas Schmidt
Rheinland Military

Encrypting transmission - - - Done
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< Transmission terminated >