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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Exploration - 02-09-2014

Incoming Transmission..
ID: Zoe Avant
Location: Suffolk, New London

"Afternoon Admiralty.
After collecting my thoughts I have a few key things to run through. Firstly, to clarify, I have been missing due to being captured by the Gallic Royal Navy, yesterday it was a case of do or die. I was supposed to be lined up and executed ages ago. So after beating the daylights out of the guard, stole a Lynx and made a beeline for Magellan. Trust the bloody thing to pack in half way to Freeport 4. A few patrols found me and now here I am. Sadly.." She pauses for a few moments "While I may be alive and well, Brandon Johnson of the Battleship Conqueror is not. His vessel and all hands were lost, the captain went down with the ship. You can.." She looks away "You can change the roster, MIA to KIA Admiral. We were on patrol when a Gallic Royal Navy attack group surprised us, they took out the Conqueror with the first Torpedo salvo, I never had a chance to stop them."
She sighs turning to the camera, her scars and bruises clearly visible
"I'd like to be reinstated to active service, you lot need all the help you can get and I need to get even..."
"As faithful in the Queen as ever before,

Transmission terminated

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-11-2014

Incoming transmission
Location - Planet New London
From - Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks

Good day, I am reporting the sighting of a Corsair Captain flying the "Legate" class Dreadnought. A word of warning. Do no approach alone. This is common sense anyway..... He was last seen 9 clicks to the west of Southampton Shipyard.

Take care.

Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 02-11-2014

-Incoming Transmission-
[Image: Captain_zpsa25cf4fd.png]
Rank: Captain
Name: Robert Dzeferson
Subject: Recon mission

Good day gentleman, this is Captain Robert speaking.
To be exact I am addressing myself today to Sir George Hall. Our Admiral.
And yes sir, the answer to your question is positive. The Edinburgh gate lies unprotected and it seems that Gauls give it little to none attention. I am speaking about the same gate that doesn’t even have a stationary base near it.
So to confirm once again my words, I will take another recon mission in Leeds, that is foreign territory now. And then I will inform you of the situation with accurate information’s. Until then, I send my regards.

-Ending Transmission-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Big_B - 02-11-2014

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Anthony Robson
Rank: Ensign
Subject: Ready for duty

Good day Admirals of the Bretonian Armed Forces,
yesterday i was deployed at the Battleship Harlow in Salisbury and reported for duty. They provide me with a setted up Templar. These Templars are a beautiful piece of technology, a lot better then these B-907A "Crusader's" which we use in the training. However I modified the engines and the signal lights of the ship. I dont like it if the equipment i use looks like every other..... but i hope it wont be a problem that i did that. If this is the case, i will immediately put everything back to its orginal state.
I'm now at the Southampton Shipyard and waiting for orders
Ensign Robson out

End of the Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 02-11-2014

[Image: Transmissionbar2_zps9bb440c9.png]
G'day chaps.
Today we set off an a mission into Leeds; to find the weak spots in the Edinburgh jump gate.
I was flying my fighter, which had been changed to a templar without my consent. However, I think I could get used to it.
We met little resistance, and the lieutenant commander got all the information she needed. However, I'll need to see a doctor later, as I mistook two Petrol bombs in wine bottles for vintage wine, and drank them.
When we got back to Southampton, I scanned a transport, and found some strange contraband...Nomad countermeasures and mines! We tried to hold him, but he was given permission to dock anyway! When he came out however, we stopped him. He refused to answer our questions on the contraband, and began to fire on me. So, the Captain gave the order to open fire. And we torched him. I made sure I picked up the contraband from the wreck though, and have dropped it off at Southampton.
Unfortunately, I have found that my gun-camera has failed to operate, due to the mysterious presence of a wine bottle being lodged there. I've taken it out, so it should work next time.
Well, that concludes my report.
[Image: Transmissionend_zpsd9988d45.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-11-2014

Incoming Transmission
From - Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks
Location - Southampton Shipyard
Subject - Operation Bomber Squad

Hello, today I took part in a mission consisting of:
Lt.C.Brooks (Myself)
HMS-Hurricane (Gunboat)

The patrol set off from Southampton Shipyard and headed for the Leeds hole. When we reached the other side Captain Dzeferson ordered Ensign Robson to scout out a 5 click radius of our position. In the meantime Commander Thatcher rummaged through his collection of spirits hidden in his Templar. The Ensign returned and myself and Lt.Cdr.Avant went with the Ensign to Stokes Mining Station and after that LD-14. Both of these positions were clear of Gallic vessels, although the Stations gunners opened fire on us but luckily the Frogs are bad shots..

We were asked to head for the Edinburgh Jump Gate because Lt.Cdr.Avant needed to asses where to position the explosives to blow it to pieces! I feel Im saying too much about that... So we headed back to the safety and tranquility of New London to only find Nomad ammunition sitting on a traders cargo hold. The vessel docked with Southampton so myself and Robson patrolled to Magellan. Everything was fine until we got back to find the others firing upon the vessel possessing the Nomad ammunition. The ship was destroyed. This concludes my report.

[] [] []

Safe skies.

Connection lost

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Big_B - 02-11-2014

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Anthony Robson
Rank: Ensign
Subject: Report

Good day Admirals of the Bretonian Armed Forces,
today i took part in the Leeds Operation like described by Commander Arthur Thatcher and Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks.
After the Leeds Operation and the Patrol with Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks in Magellan we headed back but i stopped and had a talk with Tator.Salad about a smuggler who escaped in Manchester. After the talk with Tator i headed back to Southampton and most of the BAF Officers signed off. But myself and Lieutenant Commander Zoe Avant stayed and did some Patrols around New London. We stumbled across a Corsair Titan but Miss Avant took care of him in a short fight. Later after the patrol we splitted up and she gave me the order to take care of a AI Cruiser at Planet New London. I headed immediately to the Planet and took care of it. Luckily they didnt caused any trouble and left the system, under my escort, without any resistance
Thats everything for today
Ensign Robson out

Attaching Guncams: 1 - 2 - 3

End of the Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 02-11-2014

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Very High Encryption =-

Priority: Low
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Ark Royal, Newcastle System
Subject: Reply

[Image: eaps.png]
"Salutations, pilots.
Good to hear that the Edinburgh gate is so poorly defended.
And Ensign Robson, your Templar looks ridiculous with those red engines."

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 02-12-2014

[Image: Transmissionbar1_zps29acdc46.png]

Today I was on patrol throughout Bretonia, in HMS-Dreadnought. First, we spotted some chaps in Cambridge, who looked a little suspicious. One was a Junker Pirate transport called LuckyBucks , and the other was a small ship I couldn't quite make out, called Schrottsammler. I called for them to stop, but Luckybucks went on into Omega-3. I asked Mr Miller of HMS-Sentinel to scan the other chap, while I went in pursuit.
I found the chap, rather suspiciously, next to a tradelane in Omega-3. When I questioned him, he said he was "waiting for his mate". He had cardamine on board, and as I was getting suspicious, I kicked both of them out of Bretonia. LuckyBucks then offered to supply me cardamine as he left.
I then contacted Bowex, who were in Omega-7 at the time, and warned them of the possible danger. And guess what? They were pirates. Luckily, the RM turned up, and the convoy escaped, but I passing traders later told me the pirates had toasted the poor RM fellow.
Then, I started back to new London. and found a corsair Legate, Aventador, harassing the convoy! He claimed he was a freeport, but when I inquired about his corsair papers he said something like "soy Corsario" and I guessed he was a corsair. So, I called for backup, just in case, and, aided by HMS-Ranger, I took the blighter down.
Then, I had a cup of tea in celebration. And then, I went home.

[Image: Transmissionend_zpsd9988d45.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Connor - 02-14-2014

[Incoming Transmission]
[Interpreting Signal]

To: The Armed Forces
From: Heather Pearson
Message Location: Battleship Suffolk
R.E: Small Patrol

[Translating Message]
[Done; Relaying Message]

Good Morning

So, today I was sent out on a night shift patrol. I started my search at The patrol was a quick round Robin of Bretonia. Nothing much to see apart from a Trader trying to smuggle Light Arms in. Stopped him, fined him and forced him to leave. A pretty simple yet boring patrol done.

-No Attachments-

[Transmission Finished]
[End of Relay]