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Rheinland Military Message Dump - eltt - 08-03-2011

< Incoming transmission >

Source: Schlachtschiff Mosell, Braunschweig.
Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Jonas Schmidt
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report #3

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Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren.
This patrol was a busy one. I started the patrol at Planet Neu Berlin together with Flieger Alfred Richter and the route was: Frankfurt - Munich - Dresden - Stuttgart - Hamburg.
On our way trough Frankfurt to Munich nothing happened. When we reached the Chiemsee in Munich we had 2 contacts on the scanners. The scanner showed us 1 Kurger miner and 1 IC transport. Both had copper ore in their cargo hold.

Interspace ID
Interspace Cargo
Kruger ID
Kruger Cargog

The IC transport stated, that the copper ore was accidently mined while he tried to shoot some Corsairs attacking the transporter. Because I couldn`t really prove that he wanted to buy copper ore from the miner I ordered the IC transport to drop the cargo and leave Rheinland. He complied. I also ordered the Kruger miner to leave the Chiemsee as Kruger normally doesn`t mine copper ore. Flieger Alfred Richter had to refuell at this point and I continued the patrol on my own. Back in Frankfurt, at Mannheim station, I saw a Bowex transport carrying Gaian Wildlife.

Bowex ID
Bowex Cargo

I ordered him to drop the cargo, but the transport did a run for the station and succeded.
Right when I was trying to stop that train 2 freighters passed us. A quick scan of one of the freighter showed: They also carried Gaian Wildlife.

ID freigter 1
Cargo freighter 1

When the train docked I tried to catch the 2 freighters which where heading to Munich.
I managed to catch the 2 freighter on the lane from Battleship Regensburg to the Augsburg Orbital Colony.
I ordered them to stop. When I asked whether they know they are carrying contraband both engaged their cruise engines. I disrupted the bigger freighter, but the other one managed to flee. The disrupted freighter was ordered to sell its cargo at Battleship Regensburg, but instead of followeing the orders, the freighter didn`t stop at Regensburg but was heading to Planet Nuremberg and docked there. I couldn`t stop him because I was disrupted by some Corsairs. While I waited at Planet Nuremberg I saw a IMG Hegemon carrying copper ore.

IMG Cargo

I couldn`t sanction him, because IMG is allowed to carry copper ore.. but we all know where it will be sold.
After around 10 minutes of waiting I continued my patrol, because the freighter didn`t undock.

In Dresden all was quiet.
When I entered Stuttgart I saw 2 hostile contacts at the tradelane between the Neu Berlin Jumpgate and Planet Stuttgart. It were 2 hessian Thor bomber. When they saw me they immedeately attacked me.

Hessian Thor bomber 1 ID
Hessian Thor bomber 2 ID

That was a mistake what they had to feel on their own. Both had to eat my SNAC and were destroyed.

Destruction Thor bomber 1
Destruction Thor bomber 2

After the fight nothing more happened on my patrol and I ended my patrol at Battleship Mosell in the Braunschweig system.


Flieger Jonas Schmidt
Rheinland Military

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< Transmission terminated >

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Yikagi - 08-06-2011

Source: Patrol Mission in Hamburg.

Sender: Flieger Von Stauffenberg
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report #1

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Guten Tag main Herrz,
My Patrol started from Lübeck Border Station to Alster Shipyard. Than my patrol contiune to Planet Hamburg. Bering Jump Gate checked and Planet Kiel checked too. Hudson Jump Gate was completely clear too. Hamburg System is completely safe.

Flieger Von Stauffenberg
Rheinland Military

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Yikagi - 08-06-2011

Source: Patrol Mission in Stuttgart.

Sender: Flieger Von Stauffenberg
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report #2

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Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,
My Petrol was in Stutgart System. My petrol was started from New Berlin Jump Gate, all tradelanes and bases checked. System is completely clear.

Flieger Von Stauffenberg
Rheinland Military

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Landers - 08-15-2011


[font=Impact]SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig System.
ENCRYPTION: High, port RM-JL-19-56-H


[Image: 250px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R65485,_Joachim_Peiper.jpg]
[font=Verdana]SUBMITTER: Major Joachim Landers, Rheinland Military
RECIPIENT: All pilots
SUBJECT: Hamburg


The lost of the Westfalen was a great loss at the Liberty - Rheinland front. The Hudson jump gate is under Libertonian control, the enemy broke into the Vaterland. All military forces in the area has returned to Planet Hamburg to make a protection ring around the planet. The evacuation of the civilians will start soon, but we must act. We can't let the libertonians reach Planet Hamburg (designated Hamburg or Hamburg-1), until all civilians were evacuated from Altona.

Here are your orders: Report to duty at Hamburg-1 at once.


Major Joachim Landers,
Rheinland Hauptflotte.


[font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 08-15-2011

[font=Times New Roman]

[Image: vonSittlingen.jpg]

[font=Times New Roman]TOPIC: New standing orders
FROM: Fähnrich Theoder Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen
TO: The Oberkommando


New standing orders received. Standing by at Hamburg-1 for further orders.
With the Kanzler's help the Westfalen soon shall be in our hands again!
This stain on Rheinlands honour right inside our Vaterland shall not prevail.
Not a single civilian will be hurt by these Libertonian pigs while we stand on guard!

von Sittlingen [color=#FFCC33]Ende.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - AirDOG - 08-16-2011



....Incoming Transmission....

Source: Schlachtschiff Mosell, Braunschweig.
Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Nicholas Rush
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Battle Report #1

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Guten Tag.

Yesterday i was on my first patrol with the Rheinland Military officers,Herr Fr.Theo.Sittlingen,Herr Ge.Jonas.Schmidt and leaded by Herr Major J.Landres.
We started our patrol at Planet Hamburg in Hamburg system,our first way point was at 10 k distance from Battleship Westfallen,it was clear so we headed to our next way point ,at Hudson Jump Gate,there was nothing hostile,so we headed on Patrol to New Berlin System.
At Dprtmund station, Major Landers ordered to me and to Fr.Theo to take the trade lane to the Planet New Berlin, we went there and saw on our scanners for a short time, 2 hostile contacts, we took the lane to Brandemburg Border Station and on half way we intercepted 2 Hessians with 2 bombers when a trader told us that he is in danger and there are some pirates at Stuttgart Jump Gate,Herr Major headed that way until we held the hessians ,after a few minutes Herr Major defeated the pirate from the Stuttgart JG and the pirate headed to our position,when he reached there,he and the hessians started running to Dresden Jump Gate,we went after them,jumped in Dresden system then we lost them in the Nebula.We returned to the New Berlin system when i told to Herr Major that the pirates headed to the Stuttgart jump hole in Dresden, and they must be in Stuttgart, we went to stuttgart and there we meet Rip.Van.Rorry ,a pirate with a bomber,after a few minutes he god reinforcements, another 3 pirates arrived ,2 fighters and 1 more bomber,and then Herr Major ordered us to engage them.Well,that as a refreshing battle,in a few minutes Herr Major Landers destroyed one of the pirate bomber,then after a few minutes i successfully destroyed with the Komraden's help ,the Rip.Van.Rorry pirate bomber, after that Major Landers ordered me to disengage,and we let Herr Theo and Herr Jonas to fight the remain 2 pirate fighters. They successfully destroyed the other two pirate fighters. After that we went back to New Berlin system and then to Planet New Berlin ,where i broke the formation and headed back to the base,on Planet Hamburg.There my report ends.

Flieger Nicholas Rush
Rheinland Military

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - AirDOG - 08-17-2011



....Incoming Transmission....

Source: Schlachtschiff Mosell, Braunschweig.
Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Nicholas Rush
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Battle Report #1

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Guten Tag.

Today i was patrolling in Hamburg system when a RNC officer reported that is a Liberty Battleship near Bering Jump Gate. Before i reached there, a Rheinland Battleships forced him to leave the system.After a few minutes he returned with 1 more Battleship and 1 Liberty VHF.I called all avaible forces at planet Hamburg,there was 2 Fighters,1 Fafnir bomber,my bomber and 1 Rheinland battleship.I comanded to the snubs to form on me and we headed on cruise to the Bering jump gate ,we stopped at 15 k distance from the enemy forces when they give the engagement notice, the fighters engaged the enemy snub,the bombers started launch torpedoes on LNS-Oblivios battleship,then i called the Rheinland Battleship in the battle, he successfully destroyed one of the Liberty Battleships,and after a hard battle against the other Battleship he was destroyed,he fought with honor and courage! The captain's name was Cross.The.Boss ,after that a RNC cruiser arrived and together successfully destroyed the second battleship to.We started shooting the Liberty Fighter when a IMG Carrier jumped out of trade lane ,Ge.Michael ordered me to escort him out of the Rheinland space,i took 2 Snubs with me and we escorted him into the Independent systems,during that our forces successfully defeated the Liberty fighter and we returned back to the base.

Flieger Nicholas Rush
Rheinland Military

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....End Of Transmision....

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - AirDOG - 08-19-2011



....Incoming Transmission....

Source: Schlachtschiff Mosell, Braunschweig.
Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Nicholas Rush
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Battle Report #1

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Guten Tag.

Today,flying a bomber,during my patrol in New Berlin system i got a report from a rheinland officer,he saw a Liberty battleship and something smaller (unknown vessel type) at Westfallen, i called for assistance then i headed there with full speed,but all what we find was a Liberty Carrier, i give the engagement notice ,he started shooting at me,i did some evasive then i started launching torpedoes at him,he managed to take the trade lane but he jumped out near Hudson Jump Gate, another friendly unit arrived,a bomber,and we started bombing the enemy battleship,we managed to take his shields down when 2 Rheinland battleships jumped out of hiperspace and opened fire.The enemy vessel was successfully destroyed and we returned back to the base.

Liberty ship burning:

[Image: booomt.png]

Flieger Nicholas Rush
Rheinland Military

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....End Of Transmision....

<div align="right]1111111111000000003333333

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Landers - 08-22-2011


[font=Impact]SOURCE:[color=#FFCC00]Hamburg-1 Hamburg System.
ENCRYPTION:High , port RM-JL-19-56-H


[Image: landers.png]
[font=Verdana]SUBMITTER: Major Joachim Landers, Rheinland Military
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Report Database
SUBJECT: Minor victory in Hamburg

Guten tag, Major Landers reporting in.

Today, the Liberty Navy attacked Planet Hamburg, Altona was in great danger as well as our base on the planet, Hamburg-1. The Liberty Navy brought capital ships and a fighter wing against our defence forces in Hamburg orbit. They true purpose for the attack remained unknown, we didn't detect any landing crafts in the enemy fleet.

[Image: screen682.png]

One of our battleships tried to attack the Sacramento, but the enemy fleet destroyed it in 2 minutes. The crew managed to land at Planet Hamburg and reach Hamburg-1. We attacked the fleet with 2 figher and 2 bomber wings. Leutnant Carl von Manstein led the fighter, I led the bomber wing. I'm very satisfied about the leutnant's performance as a wing leader. The Sacramento was under heavy fire by our bombers, unfortunately, it returned to the Westfalen.

[Image: screen683.png]

While Manstein's wing cleared the path from enemy fighters, the bombers under my command attacked the liberty dreads, and we were able to eliminate a few of them.

[Image: screen687.png]

I'm suprised that a member of the Volksfront, who betrayed his land, our Kanzler and all people of Rheinland, decided to fight against the liberty intruders. It's a nice attitude, however in my eyes they are still nothing more than traitors, they can do anything.

[Image: screen688.png]

We pursued the enemy fleet to the Westfalen, only 2 maybe 3 capital ships made it. In the meantime, the Sacremento returned to the battlefield, but it couldn't fall back to the Westfalen again.

[Image: screen684.png]
[Image: screen686.png]
[Image: screen690.png]

All fighter and bomber vessels returned to Hamburg-1 in one piece, I'm not aware of any casulties in Manstein's nor in my wing. There's no time to celebrate, we are still in war, and the enemy is at the gates.


Major Joachim Landers,
Rheinland Hauptflotte.


[font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ram - 08-22-2011

Transmission Incoming

Source: Battleship Moselle ,Braunschweig.
Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Nico Durr
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 1

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Opening transmission - - -

Today on patrol with Flieger Samuel Heine we went through Stuttgart, New Berlin, Frankfurt, and Hamburg. In Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart we encountered a few traders, all whom had legal cargo with them. In New Berlin, we did pickup something on the communications but it turned out to be nothing. On the trade lanes we did though encounter a few (NPC) LWB partols which we quickly disposed of. Other than that, Both Flieger Samuel Heine and I had a safe first partol in the Military. Almost immediatly after our patrol we were called by Major Joachim Landers to Braunschweig for training.

Transmission Ending