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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Big_B - 02-15-2014

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Anthony Robson
Rank: Ensign
Subject: Report

[Image: 2v830gk.png]

Good day Admirals of the Bretonian Armed Forces,
today i took part in the patrol around Newcastle, New London, Manchester and Magellan with Lieutenant Commander Jack Briggs and Bridge Officer Luke Miller. The HMS-Matilda took also part but had to fly back to Southampton due to Tradeline failures.
We started our Patrol in Newcastle. We headed to Battleship Grimsby within the restricted zone.
I must say i heared rumors and read in the manual about this place but i couldnt really believe it. A nomad base in the middle of Bretonia, which prepares worry me but the Lieutenant Commander says that it is under control.
Anyways, we continued our patrol and headed back to New London, from there we took the lanes to Manchester and then to Magellan.
In Magellan the Lieutenant Commander had to leave us so he putted me under direct command of Bridge Officer Luke Miller.
We headed to the Leeds Jumphole but after the jump we were ambushed by a Gallic Valor and a Bomber. Luckily we could activate our cruise engines and escape the valor. We immediately cruised to the New London Jumphole and then we flew back to Southampton.
Suddenly, after our arrival at Southampton, two Molly Scylla's and two Molly Rogue Gunboat's apeared but the defence systems of the Station was able to strike the Mollys back. The Molly's runned and we docked at Southampton.
Thats everything for today
Ensign Robson out

End of the Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-16-2014

Incoming Transmission
From - Bridge Officer Luke Miller
Location - The Bridge,The "Sentinel", Orbiting Planet New London, New London System.
Subject - Patrol No.2345

Good day, Here are the participants of this patrol:
HMS-Matilda (Dunkirk)
HMS-Sentinel (Crecy)

So. We started at Planet New London. The plan was to head into Newcastle, patrol around the restricted zone and then head for Magellan through Manchester and into Leeds. We would then head for the New London Jump Hole and sip tea aboard Southampton Shipyard.

We departed at Planet New London at around 20:00 hrs and we got straight underway with scanning the civilians for contraband etc. Nothing was seen until we got the Battleship Grimsby. I'd say we all were wetting our lovely frilly nickers when we saw the alien construction... Of course the whiskey wasn't used.. Alas... We then hastily headed back to New London where HMS-Matilda had to depart us because of some Lane activation thingy.. So again 'twas boing and nothing much happened... The odd trader, but that was all.. We made it to the Freeport again with nothing happening.. It felt strange.. As if people knew something was about to happen.. Our section commander then left us because I think he needed to speak to someone apparently very important, so I was then placed in charge of the Ensign. We moved on towards the Leeds Jump Hole and I told the Ensign that Leeds was a dangerous place and that anything can happen. "Robson, If anything happens to myself and my crew. Head straight for the New London Jump Hole." So we went through only to find a 'Valor' named 'La.Fayette'.... Stupid name really. A smaller vessel I think was a bomber classed vessel had a strange name that I didn't bother noting down. We didn't stop to find out what they wanted as the Ensign was now at a large risk so we quickly cruised towards the New London Jump Hole. A quick " 'Ello " and we were gone... A rude Frog was speaking on the system comms and was hurling insults at myself and the Ensign.. I told the Frog that I was taking our newest Ensign out for a tour of Leeds.. He didn't approve and threatened to kill me.. Lovely... We reached the Jump Hole and Southampton safely... For a long patrol not much happened really.. Experience for the Ensign I suppose... Anyhow.. Admirals.. I reccomend the tea at Southampton.. Has a nice tang to it..

Bridge Officer Luke Miller - Captain of the "Sentinel"

Connection Lost

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 02-17-2014

-Incoming Transmission-
[Image: Captain_zpsa25cf4fd.png]
Rank: Captain
Name: Robert Dzeferson
Subject: Hunting

Good day gentleman, this is Captain Robert speaking.

Uhm yesterday was joyfull. I had some talking with my dispetcher who didnt want to allow me to bring tea on my ship, with the security guard who didnt want to let me get on the landing platform since I forgot my ID card in the other suit, even he did recognized me.. So yes I am in a good mood.

After taking off, which was a miracle by itself with that petty officer, I got a call from Admiral Hall, who needed a hand in Cambridge. So I was on my way with my Challanger. I must say he is quite well, but I heard some buzzing in my front gun on my left side. Could it be from the fusion part where particles are in the process of fusion within the intermittent plasma making the bond necessery to produce the antimatter shot? Ah never the less, I will check that out later. Oh yes, to continue.
When I got there, there were Waldorf Salad, Necket and me. We danced a bit, and we had a very good time. Oh its so lovely song. And then Admiral flew by me and said to make my way to Norfolk. He was in a hurry, and as I could see from my ship he was sipping tea all over the place. I mean cockpit. I feel so sorry for that tea, he could have been used for so much better purposes. Went there, been there, killed all enemies is the storry of my life! We had 3 enemies, and we killed all of them, loosing Amiral Hall's ship, but then I tractored his pod and placed him in my back part of the ship with as much tea as I could get. When I think about it, that could be the reason why he felt nocious later that day, and why he vomited too.

Darn, I need to check that tea, its imposible he could have drank all of it?! Is it?
My teaaaa. Noooo...

With all due respect, Dzeferson out.

-Ending Transmission-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Exploration - 02-18-2014

Incoming Transmission
ID: Lieutenant Commander Zoe Avant

Heya', seems i have some information for you folks.

So i began a patrol in New London, with Captain Miller of the Sentinel and Ensign Robson. Just general scanning, searching. Usual jazz. When i come up on Southampton, i find Judge Justin tailing a Coalition. I immediately ordered the Coalition to stop. After failed attempts i decided it best be destroyed for the integrity of the house. Myself and the Judge engaged the Coalition. Sadly enough, i don't really know why. Judge Justin unexpectedly suffered a hull breach and was forced to Eject. Robson collected the pod and delivered it to Southampton safely while i finished the Coaliton. After the pesky flea dodged and fired Nova Torpedos at me, i finally landed the final blow. Though i maintain all credit to be given to the Judge. He found and did most of the damage after all.

We continued the patrol and ended seeing no more action.

Might want this one added to the list of known hostiles. Data attached below.

Images Found: (1) (2) (3)

Zoe out.

Transmission Terminated

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-20-2014

Incoming Transmission
Sender - Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks
Location - Battleship York
Subject - Omega 9 advance reconnaissance mission

Patrol Commander - Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks
Ensign Anthony Robson
Privateer William Antioch

Good day, I led a patrol into deep territory today. Where not many BAF pilots have flown before. The patrol set off in New London and we traveled into Omega 3 safely. There was a little mis-match with the coordinates turns out the Jump Hole is in G6.. Anyway. We first flew through the Bretonian Corridor that was recently claimed into the first field. We discovered a base named "Cameron Solar Port", it was hostile to us however we were able to get a nice close look at it because it had no defense platforms. Gun cams will be uploaded to the data base below. We then traveled to Freeport 101 to make plans on where to head next. We decided that we should patrol through the Bretonian claimed fields. Nothing was found so we left for Planet New London.

That is all. I hope this has helped for future patrols ect. Also I must say the Ensign did exceptionally well today under stressful conditions.

Gun cams: Cameron Solar Port, Cameron Solar Port Close Up

Brooks out.

Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 02-21-2014

PILOT ID: Admiral of the Fleet - Evyn Wildcat
LOCATION: Planet Cambridge--Cambridge
DETAILS: Omega Nine Incident
[Image: 263px-1352061402.horusgoddess_chinesecat_-_Copy.jpg]

Ladies and Gentlemen.

I will be brief in my words as I know on how the situation came through into our recon of Omega 9. Therefore the Admiralty Board and I have concluded, That until further notice, all activities in the Omega 9 system are suspended.

That is all.


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 02-22-2014

- Incoming Transmission -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: Very High
To: Bretonian Armed Forces
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: Southampton Shipyard, New London System
Subject: Omega-9 Ventures

[Image: 9wro.png]
"Good evening, pilots.
I must inform you that the last transmission you have received was actually a disinformation. Namely, its author wasn't Miss Wildcat, but a Glaswegian badger. Yes, a Glaswegian badger. If you wonder what the devil that is, find out on your own, but don't expect to be pleased. And have in mind that any damage to your psyche will be your responsibility.
Why, for who and how did the blasted thing manage to get trough the security without any traces of heavy weapons usage is unknown, as is its superficial physical similarity to Miss Wildcat. Might be because of all the fur and...
Anyways, we are venturing again in Omega-9, tomorrow at the same time. We have been defalt a stinging defeat today, as you might have heard, but we will not quit so easily, if at all!
Start assembling the fleet at once - such huge fleets need time to be amassed.

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-22-2014

Incoming Transmission
Location - HMS-Sentinel, Orbiting Planet Sprague, Omega 3
Sender - Bridge Officer Luke Miller
Topic - Greenlight

Good day Admiral Hall. Myself and my crew have been preparing for the up coming... Hmm What's the word... Anyway the Omega 9 mission... That'll do.. So we are all ready and waiting for the green light. For safety precautions we even loaded extra tea.. The crew felt this was a necessary commodity to have aboard the ship in a fleet battle... Anyhow.. We are ready and waiting for the green light. Just a question.. Is there actually a green light in HC?

Bridge Officer Luke Miller

Connection lost

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Big_B - 02-26-2014

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Anthony Robson
Rank: Ensign
Subject: Todays Report

[Image: 2v830gk.png]

Good day Admirals of the Bretonian Armed Forces,
i will make this short. Today we caught two smugglers who were smuggling black market munitions. We met with the HMS-Sentinel after we dealt with the smugglers and then we destroyed a Corsair Gunboat. After that we regrouped with the BAF fleet at Southampton. We regrouped with the HMS-Matilda, the HMS-Hammerover and the HMS-Royal_Enfield. There was a Liberty Dreadnought at Southampton but it paid the fine and leaved after a short discussion. I cant say the same for the Council Redemption, which refused to cooperate with us and was destroyed. We decided to move to Leeds with the fleet. We rescued many Refugees and Casualties, we even scared a Valor of which was under attack by the Judges. After the Rescue mission the fleet splitted up again at Southampton and i did some Patrols with Sir William Antioch. Sadly a Smuggler slipped through your fingers and escaped. But i was able to note down the ship name, which is Arki, a Hegemon Asteroid Miner. We should keep an eye out for him. The day ended for me with a little escort for a Council transporter through New London.
That was everything for today
Ensign Robson out

Attaching Guncams:

Note: The libertonian Bomber showed to be very effective in different combat situations, that is why i will continue to use it

End of the Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-27-2014

Incoming Transmission

From - Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks
Location - Planet New London
Subject - Patrol No. 762

Good day, I set off today into the Manchester system and encountered no hostiles. I then returned back into New London. Overall nothing was spotted on my short patrol. I'm glad to say that Bretonia was a safe place this evening. Im sorry Miller is calling me to make him tea... *She sighs*

Brooks out.

Connection lost.