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Rheinland Military Message Dump - SgtZett - 08-25-2011

Incoming Transmission.....
Source: Battleship Straussberg

Submitted by: Flieger Samuel Heine
Subject: Battle Report 01

Guten tag meine Herren.
Today a Combat Simulation in Braunschweig took place under the command of Major Landers. During the training a Bounty Hunter informed us that 2 pirates in heavy armored Ahoudori class gunships were pirating in the New Berlin system. Their names were "Water Boy" and "Prosecution"
The last known position of the pirates was near the Stuttgart Jumpgate and Major Landers cancelled the simulation and ordered all pilots to rally at Bonn station.
The involved pilots were:
Major Landers -- Bergelmir
Hauptmann Kreuzchen -- Wraith
Gefreiter Schmidt -- Bergelmir
Flieger Heine --Wraith

We encountered the pirates near the tradelane to the Stuttgart system.
2 Bounty Hunters with 77th Tags and a Second Fleet pilot named Max Graf were already there.
We attacked the Gunships and after a short time the Prosecution was destroyed. Major Landers ordered the First Fleet pilots to cease fire and let the Bounty Hunters handle with the pirate left. But after one of them was shot down, the Major and the Gefreiter intervened and destroyed the ship.
After that we returned to Bonn Station and I docked with the Straussberg.

Flieger Samuel Heine

End of Transmission

Rheinland Military Message Dump - muratubis - 08-26-2011

Incoming Transmission

Source: Battleship Moselle ,Braunschweig.
Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Claus Müller
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 1

Opening transmission

Today on patrol with Gefreiter Jonas Schmidt. we went through , New Berlin ,Frankfurt ,Munich, Dresden, Stutgart. We started patrol from New Berlin und detected two of Hessians forces. They maked epic pirate action in.. Then i got an order from herr Schmidt und starting fire on her und she was flee first..

Then other one, maked fire on our police patrol ship Obt. Fritz:Reussner, i starting asist to him. Und this time he was destroyed by me.

After finished security in New Berlin we continue patrol. Und other systems seen clear and safety.

Transmission Ending

Rheinland Military Message Dump - muratubis - 08-26-2011

Incoming Transmission

Source: Battleship Moselle ,Braunschweig.
Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Claus Müller
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 2

Opening transmission

In this time, i was started patrol by Hamburg.. Then i got a backup from Feldwebel Otto.Von.Marck and i was jump to the group. When I went to the scene, the conflict had begun. I had an order for holding position and waiting orders. Then with order i participated to conflict. The Military opened fire as a result of the enemy retreated with heavily damaged. Then I continued over the remaining of patrol duty and there was no one another out of law action. And turning back to Battleship Moselle for writing patrol report.


Fliger Claus.Muller

Transmission Ending

Rheinland Military Message Dump - muratubis - 08-26-2011

Incoming Transmission

Source: Battleship Moselle ,Braunschweig.
Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Claus Müller
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 3

Opening transmission

I had a patrol with myself in this day... This time i went through New Berlin, Stutgart, Dresden and Frankfurt systems.. I started patrol and saw our patrol ships and they catching a out of ordered action. Our patrol fleet were: Kad.Julius.Ehrmann,Gefreiter Jonas.Schmidt, and RNC-Henrich command ship. They warned him about holding position and hearing our command but he threatened our forces about didnt listening our command.

But all warned not worked on him one more time.. And Julius.Ehrmann getting control on him and defused him.

Transmission Ending

Rheinland Military Message Dump - RM-Marinenachrichtendienst - 08-30-2011

SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Planet Hamburg[color=#33CC00] Hamburg System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]High, port RM-CH-HC-VK-3601
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Agentin Sabrina Winkel, Rheinland Military Marinenachrichtendienst

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinland Military High Command
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Operation "Maulender Esel"

Sehr geehrte Herren of the Rheinland Military High Command,

Operation "Maulender Esel" has been started and our small task force, led by Senior Agent Leiche, with me and Agentin Simone Brunn headed deep into the enemy territory, namely the California system.

We scanned the system and placed us near the most frequented areas to interdict our priority targets, enemy traders and the Liberty Navy, including assets from the LPI and LSF.

While we were aware of the threat deep inside enemy territory we did not hesitate to do our duty, the first target we spotted was a LPI officer, flying a bomber. He was immediately stopped and eliminated, however no guncams are available.

The second encounter was a Navy officer from the secondary fleet, flying the Avenger Very Heavy Fighter, an easy target for our Wraiths. He was shot down by Agent Leiche.


Our presence was of course no longer secret and soon we had an incoming fleet of capital ships headed our way, I counted one LSC, one Liberty Dreadnought, one Liberty Carrier and one Liberty Gunboat. They of course opened fire on us, but we were able to get out in time.

While Agent Leiche and Me were already on our way to the "Exit" we were told by Agentin Brunn that she was chased by the Gunboat I mentioned earlier. An opportunity we had to use. We stopped our retreat and engaged the Gunboat with full force, destroying it in no time.


We were not done after this Gunboat was shot down, the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet headed our way, with them our well known enemy, Fleet Admiral David Hale. A difficult fight occured with both sides being even, however we managed to take out the first one, or better said the poor pilot ran into the mine of his superior.


Agent Leiche called the targets and we managed to deal enough damage to force one of them to retreat heavily damaged. We took the chance and focused on Hale and we managed to shoot his ship down after some time.


They retreated after this has happened, we of course did the same as we managed to score a nice in result in this operation. We returned to Hamburg after a short time.

More results will follow in time.

Sabrina Winkel
Rheinland Military, Marinenachrichtendienst

[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Snow - 09-03-2011

¤¤¤Incoming Transmission¤¤¤
¤¤¤Opening Transmission¤¤¤

Pilot ID: Fw.Friedrich Lindau
Location: Planet Hamburg
Subject: Battle report

Guten tag, when the message came that there were an Liberty Fleet making itself ready to assult our frontlines i hurried to my Wraith and joined up with our Forces who where preparing to repel their assult.

Shortly after the praparations where done the battle begun.
Since i was in my fighter i engaged their 2 fighters, -=LSF=-Kappa-2 and -=LSF=-Iota-4 and an friendly bomber also joined at fighting those two.
We fought long and hard but none took any heavy damage, then when it stood clear that we had succesfully defended our lines they retreated aswell as the rest of their fleet.

[RM]-Fr.Lilli.Valeska Ordered an regroup back at planet Hamburg, while on our way there, an RFP reported an Slave smuggler nearby so we went there and found that RFP|Wach.Daniel had already stopped Gear_trader wich i found odd that he would have slaves in his cargo when he's a Zoner, shortly i was ordered to go back to planet Hamburg and check another trader that were hauling ore, i didnt find anyone so i then Docked at Planet Hamburg to get my ship fully repaired and restocked.

Freidrich Lindau out.

¤¤¤ End of report ¤¤¤

Rheinland Military Message Dump - SgtZett - 09-04-2011

Incoming Transmission.....
Source: Battleship Straussberg

Submitted by: Flieger Samuel Heine
Subject: Report 02

Guten tag meine Herren.
Today I started my first patrol in my new commissioned Bergelmir Bomber. I started in Braunschweig and went to New Berlin. Above Planet New Berlin I've met a second fleet pilot who warned me of a group of pirates at the tradelane to the Stuttgart Jump Gate. I sent a transmission to call some reinforcements.
We assembled at Bonn Station.
Due to the fact that this operation takes place at the core world and to her experience Obt. Renate Bommel of the Federal Police was the Commanding Officer of the attack.
We took the tradelane to the Jumpgate but the pirates were waiting for us. The battle started very fast.
These were the enemy ships
The.Jabberwocky Bomber

Rip.Rage.Rory Gunboat

And after a few minutes
Water.Boy Gunboat Joined the battle.

We concentrated the fire on Rorry and he was destroyed.

After that Water.boy tried to make his way into the Asteroid field but he was caught and destroyed as well.
The last pirate managed to flee while we take care of the Gunboats.

There was an additional incident. A Junker Frigate called Grease.Monkey supported the pirates with nanobots.
For that offense it was destroyed, but my guncam did not catch that.
After that we made our way back to Bonn and I docked with the Straußberg.

Flieger Samuel Heine

End of Transmission

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ram - 09-04-2011

Transmission Incoming

Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Nico Durr
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 2

Recieving transmission - - - Done
Opening transmission - - -

Today I accompanied Fleiger Samuel Heine again on a patrol through the systems of Hamburg, New Berlin, Frankfurt, Dresden, and Stuttgart. On this patrol we only came across one or two traders. This patrol was probably our most quiet one yet.

In Hamburg we split up again and Herr Heine flew near Westfalen to see if there was unusual Liberty Navy activity while i checked the Bering Gate. After we made sure the system was slear we moved through New Berlin to Frankfurt where we ran accross two traders that were passing through that took a wrong turn. We split up again and Sameul checked that the Munich Gate Lane was clear while i made sure the Sigma 13 Gate and Lane were clear. Before continuing we stopped at Planet Holstein on the way back to refuel and make sure our weaponry wasnt damaged by the small patrols of LWB ships that crossed our path.

We procceded to New Berlinand patroled the lanes and it was clear. Samuel and I then continued on to the Dresden System which had no activity on the lanes or at the Battleship. On our way back we encountered a small patrol of Hessian ships and quickly nuetralized them.

Our last stop was Stuttgart before heading back to Planet New Berlin for a few drinks after ending the shift. In stitgart Samuel and I once again split up to check the Omega 11 and Omega 7 gates and lanes. We did not encounter any patrols or ships besides one trader in the Stuttgart system and then procceded to Planet New Berlin to sign off.

Transmission Ending

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Snow - 09-09-2011

¤¤¤Incoming Transmission¤¤¤
¤¤¤Opening Transmission¤¤¤

Pilot ID: Fw.Friedrich Lindau
Location: Planet Hamburg
Subject: Patrol Report

Guten tag meine herren.
Todays patrol started from planet Hamburg,after a sweep of the system i continued to check frankfurt and Munich both systems were quiet and only a couple of traders that went by.

I then decided to go and check Dresden wich was also really quiet with just one meeting with a trader.
Then i continued into Stuttgart where i picked up a Hessian on my scanners, but before i could identify him he disapeared out of scanner range,I searched Stuttgart for abit then continued into New Berlin and did a sweep there,nothing but traders.

I then did a final sweep in Hamburg before docking on Planet Hamburg.

Freidrich Lindau out.

¤¤¤ End of report ¤¤¤

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ram - 09-11-2011

Source: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin
Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Nico Durr
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 3
Recieving transmission - - - Done
Opening transmission - - -

While patroling with Feldewebel Friedrich Lindau today we checked Frankfurt, Munich, Dresden, Stuttgart, and Omega Seven.

During the Patrol in New Berlin, Frankfurt, Dresden, and Stuttgart we encountered only a Kruger miner and nothing else in any of the system besides one or two trading vessels. In Omega Seven as we entered the system as a trader vellse was detroyed by three RF ships. We then engaged the Cruiser, Odin, and Osiriss with a RNC tagged Rheinland Battleship then Lindau and I were forced to retreat after the RNC ship was destroyed. Unfortunantly My ship was destroyed and I was taken to safety after Lindau escaped and flew to Planet New Berlin. I could not recover anything besides a few bits of information from the blackbox in my ship.

Transmission Ending