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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Doc Holliday - 12-14-2010

[Image: ambassadorsoffice.png]

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Ambassador's Office, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin
To: Premier Katz
Subject: The Trotsky
Encryption: Unbreakable

Greetings, Premier,

In an effort to prevent another incident like what happened to the Trotsky in Baffin, I have re-calibrated all of the transponder codes for the Skyhook. I am transmitting to you the codes to upload into not only the Trotsky but to all your ships. Eris willing, this won't happen again.

Premier, I'm swamped in work these days, hence my reason for my extended stay here at Shasta. Midori and Emiko have joined me so as to alleviate these long times of separation. Once I get things done here, I am planning a trip to meet with you as you asked. Patience, my friend.

Yours in Eris,

//FYI, the FR5 was reversed by the Admin team on the Trotsky so I'm just RPing it out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jayce - 12-15-2010

Source: Senior Lieutenant Vance Medici
Location: Coalition People's Warship "Social.Credit"
Subject: Reaffirmation

[Image: vance.png]

Vance Medici here, just thought I'd pop by and reassure everyone that just because my commanding officer is a defector, does not mean I am compromised. I'll continue to command the warship Social Credit as I did when Jayce was absent.

For the Revolution, for the Red Dawn, for the Premier!

///////END TRANSMISSION///////

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Wolfspirit - 12-16-2010

COMM ID: Sub-Leutnant Walter Steiner
LOCATION: Zhukovski Station
SUBJECT: Action Report

Our forces made cleaning operation today in Omega 7 system, together with our kamerades, the hessians. We got a report about aheavy corsair strike force what is moved from Omega 5 to Omega 7. We tracked them and reached them at Freistadt. The fight just started when we switched off the cruise engines. Was there 2 Battleship and 2 Gunship with fighter escort from Corsair side, we had only fighers, but our pilots had higher skill and more experience so we destroyed 3 fighters and 2 gunship, and the 2 Battleship withdrawed with serious damages. Meanwhile the Rheinland Military arrived, guess Krugers called them for assistance against Corsairs, but as usual they was late. They thought we are the enemy so we got some surprise shot from them. Their forces was a Battleship, a Cruiser, 2 Gunboat and some fighter. We lost only one fighter, but we destroyed the Cruiser, and the gunboats, and the fighters withdrawed or destroyed. The Battleship escaped from us, before CPW-Karl Marx, what is came for back up, arrived the area. 2 Freelancer was nearby who were assisted to the Military, they died fast for it. So we turned back and returned home. I got some serious damage on my ship so just a part of the records is survived, what I placed to my report as attachment.

record 1
record 2
record 3
record 4
record 5


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 12-17-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Lt.Colonel Warner, CPW Karl Marx

"Good evening Comrades at arms, today responding to a request for aid I boarded the Karl Marx and we went to Omega-7, unfortunately the Battleship mentioned in an earlier report had already fled, however the Marx's guns claimed a foolish Rheinland Military Gunboat who attempted to shoot down our snub-craft, we remained in the area for tactical support and eventually all enemies were either destroyed or routed out of the system.

I apologize to the current CO of the Karl Marx for not going through procedures, however time was of the essence and that Gunboat would have likely ripped our Fighters apart as it was equipped for that purpose. But in the end it was a glorious victory for the Red Hessian Army and the Sirius Coalition."

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-17-2010


TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: After-Action Report

[Image: joeyn.png]

Before I begin, I must say thank you to Comrades Robert Thacker and the pilot of Troll-4, who answered my calls for help when no one else could be bothered to. Now then, I received intelligence that there was a decent sized Corsair Pirating Force in Frankfurt, when I arrived I found one Corsair Gunboat and One Titan locked in combat with a lone Rheinland Police Vessel. Almost as soon as I arrived, the Police Vessel was destroyed, they had me out-gunned for a short while before Comrade Robert Thacker arrived, the Gunboat immediately fled after it saw Thacker's revolution, leaving the Titan open for assault.

We chased him all over Rheinland, he even tried to dock on a Unioner base, but he thought better of it. He faked quite a lot, but we're no fools, and we saw through his fakes. Soon though, another Titan arrived and began to attack. Even then, we maintained chase, until an RNC vessel stepped in. Apparently, the RNC are in bed with the Corsairs. In any case, due to the distraction the RNC caused, both titans got away, though they were severely damaged. At this time, Troll-4 arrived in the nick of time, now that we had the firepower, we took down the RNC Cruiser. I have to admit, the way Thacker and Troll-4 flew in perfect unison, they made it look extremely easy. Once the Cruiser was destroyed, we were interrupted by a Rheinland Battleship. Interestingly enough, it opted to flee from us, even though we didn't have the firepower to down it. Regardless, Thacker and Myself proceeded back to Omega-5 with Troll-4 taking the scenic route back.

When myself and Thacker jumped into Omega-5, we were immediately and silently attacked by a Bretonian Gunboat. I gave the weapons-free and we engaged. He was easy enough, but our previous battles had left us devoid of Cruise Disruptors. The Gunboat slipped away, but not before we gave it one hell of a black eye. When we returned to Omega-52, Robert docked and and signed off.

I myself proceeded to prepare the Krasny Oktyabr for an excursion to Dublin, along with BAAL who had just recently activated itself. Almost immediately after we jumped into Dublin, an unknown contact began taunting us. He foolishly gave us his location and we proceeded. It seemed that the contacts friend had abandoned him, so he was alone. BAAL informed me that he had intercepted Bretonian Transmissions and that they were preparing a strike force.

Thankfully, the Junker attacked me first, so it saved me time in explaining why he was about to die. I teased him a bit and flew around him before he somehow managed to destroy his vessel with his very own Nova Torpedo. We would of stuck around, but BAAL detected a Bretonian Battleship, and as we know, where there's one Battleship there's five. Together we proceeded back to Omega-52 where we safely docked. All in all, a terrific day.

[ATTACHED FILES: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 12-17-2010

[Image: RThacker.png]
From: Major Robert Thacker

Comrades, today we bring news of victory. After I left to begin a patrol, I received a message from Comrade Steele requesting assistance in Frankfurt. When I arrived, I found him engaged with one of the Sails, id'd as Vito|Sails. Comrade Steele instructed me to keep him from cruising. He eventually slipped away from us, beginning a pursuit across Frankfurt and Munich. We eventually caught up to him and began the engagement again. This time, we had the assistance of Troll-4.

This time, we managed to prevent Vito from escaping. He was eventually reinforced by another Corsair, id'd as Bartolo_del.Torro. At this point, myself and Troll-4 opened fire. Vito himself eventually escaped by entering a trade lane. He closed it behind him, leaving his companion behind to face us. No honor among cannibals, it seems. Things like that are the reason we'll eventually be victorious.

During the fight with the second Corsair, a Rhenland Cruiser (RNC Victoria Luise) appeared on the scene. After a bit of back and forth discussion between ourselves and the cruiser's captain, he made this interesting remark.

Quote:[17.12.2010 00:43:26] RNC_Victoria_Luise: Herr Del Torro, you may break contact towards this vessel.
Either this Captain is a rogue working with the Corsairs, or the Rheinland government has ties to the Corsairs. I can think of no other reason why a Rheinland Military vessel would offer shelter to a Corsair. At this point, we got tired of the fascist's interference, and turned our attention to him. After a short battle, and a show of excellent tactics, the cruiser was an expanding cloud of dust and debris with no losses and only minor damage on our side.

Guncam Image 1-1612-818

From there, we encountered a Rheinland Battleship under the command of the rather incompetent Admiral Albert Wesker. After some back and forth where he proved himself to be an pompous windbag, he turned tail and ran away from Steele in a Hybrid Odin and myself in a Revolution bomber. We couldn't have scratched his shields, yet he still ran home leaving a trail of urine in his wake. As a parting shot, he claimed to have only aimed at disrupting our operations, and succeeding at that. Such idiocy in the upper ranks of our enemies is another reason we'll eventually be victorious.

With supplies running low, we all turned around and cruised for home. The trip was mostly clear except for an ambush by a Freelancer in a stolen Bretonian Gunboat. Just after we jumped into Omega-5, Comrade Steele found himself under fire from the aforementioned gunboat, ID'd as HeartsFear. Once we realized what was happening, we quickly turned the tables on him. Apparently, he was unprepared for an actual fight (or didn't know how to properly operate his stolen ship) because we began to put a real beating on him. Sadly, I ran out of Cruise Disruptors from the protracted series of engagements, and the idiot escaped with his life, though he certainly left the last of his pride on a rock in Omega-5.

With our spirits high, and our resources exhausted, we finally returned to Omega 52. Two titans heavily damaged, a Rheinland Cruiser destroyed, a battleship routed, and another gunboat routed, all with just two bombers and a fighter, and no losses on our side. Definately a great victory, and another step closer to the Red Dawn.

I certify this report complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge

Major Robert Thacker
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

Майо́р Робэрт Текер
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-17-2010


TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Major Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: Ha-Fracking-Vana

[Image: joeyn.png]

Today, a glorious day for the Revolution. Under my command, the Trotsky proceeded to Dublin. Almost immediately, I encountered a great deal of hostiles. I set a course away, but four of them maintained pursuit.

I ran a large circle around the Omega-49 Jumphole, trying to figure out a way to defeat my pursuers. They managed to disrupt my cruise engines once, but I managed to re-activate them. Soon after, I received word that the Havana itself was en-route. Unfortunately, it was a large distance away.

Trying to bide for time, I stopped my Cruise Engines near the Omega-49 Jumphole and began chatting with my pursuers. I'm fortunate they chose not to attack me immediately, for I would of been defeated. It seemed the enemy let their guard down a bit, with a Cruiser and a Hussar leaving the scene. I suppose they figured a Battleship and Gunboat could deal with the Trotsky should it become aggressive.

That was their critical mistake however, one which I exploited. I stalled for time by telling the story of the Two Cows, and discussing our ideology. Of course, I left a few parts out, as I didn't want to anger a Battleship sitting just 1 Kilometer away. Eventually, we got to the subject of comradeship. I said to them, "For you see, the Coalition always watches each others backs."

Perfectly timed, the Havana jumped in as soon as I had finished saying those words. The enemies panicked, not knowing what to do. We took advantage of the confusion and let loose on the Battleship. Mortar after Mortar from the Havana ripped its shields off, the Trotsky's own mortar assisting as well. Together, we brought down the Bretonian Battleship with minor damage. The Gunboat that accompanied it never stood a chance either. For some reason, it had opted to stay extremely close to the Havana. A fatal mistake.

Proud of our new victory, but weary that the Bretonians would mobilize even more vessels, we proceeded to Omega-49. When we arrived, we encountered a Zoner Jinkusu, the captain was level-headed and we had no issues. We did, however, have issues with a certain Gaian Gunboat that went by the name of Pyranja. It insulted both myself and Colonel Alvarez. We grew tired of it, and Havana quickly silenced him with a volley of weapons fire.

With the Havana needing slight repairs after the encounter with the Battleship, we set a course for Omega-52. The trip was uneventful, and we moored without issue.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 12-18-2010

COMM ID: Junior-Lieutenant Joshua Jimenez
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok
TARGET ID: Coalition High Command

[font=Century Gothic]
Comrades, today was a good day for the coalition!
Myself, Major Thacker, Major Steele and Commissar-Colonel Bethune went for a raid in Gamma and after searching the place we found one lone Corsair Cruiser near planet Crete, he fought bravely I must admit, but he was no match for the mighty coalition force and we took him out with no trouble.

When we were returning to Omega-52, we received intel from our long range scanners that there were one Rheinland Battleship in Omega-7, Immediately after that we went to Omega-7 to hunt him down, after we engaged him, he activated his Cruise engines and started to run away, unfortunatly our Cruise Disruptors couldn't stop him, it's a shame to see that the Rheinland Millitary hired such a coward captain.
We finished our patrol after that.
That's all for now.
For the Revolution, for the Premier!

[font=Century Gothic]ATTACHED FILES: File-1 / File-2 / File-3 / File-4 / File-5

[size=small][font=Century Gothic]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 12-19-2010

[Image: BAAL.png]

-Activating Interface...Stand By-

"Unit BAAL reporting in on Tau-23 Patrol, Unit dispatched by Commissariat and Premier Alvin Katz to initiate Anti-Outcast Operations, Unit arrived to a battle in progress, destroyed a Bomber attempting to join the fray and aided in the destruction of a Gunship that also attempted to join the battle.

Afterwords unit BAAL delivered the message from Coalition High Command concerning diplomacy, after Ambassador Razin arrived Unit BAAL headed on patrol with a Colonial Republic Unit.

Unit intercepted and destroyed 3 Outcast Gunships with aid of Colonial Fightercraft and the third one was destroyed by joint Botev, BAAL and Colonial weaponsfire.

Afterwords Units Botev and BAAL intercepted and destroyed a BHG Gunship, hostile was unarmoured and easy to kill. We also encountered a member of the Secondary Forces of the Liberty Navy doing a Cargo Run, we intercepted and destroyed the ship, denying vital supplies to enemy troops and likely any agents aboard the vessel.

Finally units encountered an Spatial with Outcast weapons and a Freelancer ID, target refused to answer the Colonial officer's questioning on the origin of the weapons and attempted to flee, units BAAL and Botev along with the colonial fighter eliminated the target."

=Guncam Images= (OC Bomber Killed) (OC Gunship Destroyed) (OC Gunship Destroyed) (OC Gunship Destroyed) (OC Gunship Destroyed) (BHG Gunship Destroyed) (Secondary LN Transport Destroyed) (OC-Aligned Spatial Freelancer Destroyed)

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 12-19-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier '€“ Omega-52


[Image: premcom2.png]


Cardamine... Cardamine, Cardamine... everyone wants Cardamine...

It is our duty to stop it, to persecute it and to drive this plague into the ground.

To this end, this morning Ambassador Razin and Director Starwind of the IMG signed an Alliance agreement to fight side by side against the Outcasts and those that perpetuate their filth.

Destroy any Cardamine cargos you intercept, escort the ships to the Freeports 10 or 6 that are close at hand, and ensure that the Captains dock there. Where we have set up a seminar for them to bear witness to the horrors of Cardamine.

Do not let the cargo pass through! No exceptions!

That will be all pilots.
oh and Merry Christmas.
Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса