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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 02-27-2014

Incoming Transmission

From - Bridge Officer Luke Miller
Location - Southampton Shipyard
Subject - Pirates

Good day Admirals. I set out from New London to Kensington and found 2 Pirates and a Gaian sitting on the lane. I questioned them and got the information I wanted. They admitted to pirating, so I issued fines of 3 million each. None of them agreed and they all ran... I chased one of them (One of the two Gunboats) to Trafalgar. Later after a long battle (Trafalgar managed to get into my hull) I managed to drop one of them.. A transport and a Gunboat remained.. Shortly after I dropped the transport. The Gaian managed to escape..
That is all.

Gun cams: [] [] []

Bridge Officer Luke Miller

Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 03-05-2014

Incoming Transmission
From - Bridge Officer Luke Miller
Location - Planet New London
Subject - Battle in Leeds

Good day Admirals, today I was called out to command a rather nice bunch of Brets into battle against the frogs. We set off from Southampton Shipyard with the following vessels:

Section Commander - Luke Miller (HMS-Sentinel "Crecy")
Assistant Commander - Tony Adams (HMS-Matilda "Dunkirk")

Callsign - Blackhunter
Callsign - Carina'sPride

Ensign Anthony Robson
'Sir' William Antioch

We proceeded to Planet Leeds where the frogs were reported to be seen. We all complained that they were obstructing the view.. We targeted a Royal Navy affiliated Kusari Battleship and my gunners tore through it's hull like a knife through warm butter.. Meanwhile the fighters were taking out a frog named some ridiculous name that I won't bother trying to pronounce. He was dispatched as well by 'Sir' William Antioch. The "Matilda" Was taking on the notorious "Valor" and managed to scare it away while myself and "Blackhunter" were targeting a Gallic Cruiser.. The "Blackhunter" got the last shot and a good one at that. We left after we scavenged all the tea they had stolen from us.. Tossers.. Other than that a rather marvellous victory for Bretonia. We expect tea and crumpets.

Bridge Officer Luke Miller - Captain of the "Sentinel"

Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Unlucky_Soul - 03-05-2014

>>>>>>>>>>Incoming Transmission<<<<<<<<<<

From - Flag Officer Tony Adams
Location - South Hampton Shipyard
Subject - Battle in New London

I had just undocked from SouthHampton expecting a lazy patrol duty around New London when I recieved an urgent call for help from the Junker Congress. Apparently some GRN had sneaked into New London. I was joined by the Arbiter Class Battleship named .:j:Claymore.O.Gordon.

We proceeded from Southhampton towards the co-ordinates C5 the location where the congress bomber scouts spotted the GRN. As we approached we saw a Valor, RNS|Gentille-Goethals, a Obstinate Class Cruiser RNS-Victoire and an out of place Kusari Battleship Yashida|KDI|Green-12 who seemed to be hand in glove with the GRN in aggression towards Bretonia. Along with the capital ships were 2 Fighters.

As we approached the Capital ships of the enemy turned and charged at us. The Arbiter .:j:Claymore.O.Gordon was taken down first but it did not go down alone. Along with it the Valor RNS|Gentille-Goethals followed suit. Next my guns hammered the Kusari Battleship Yashida|KDI|Green-12 which followed soon after. The Obstinate tried to get away but unlucky for him he wasn't too far away from me and I did the mercy of ending his pathetic struggle as he tried in vain to escape my heavy guns.

The fighters now without their heavy capital fleet support fled, their tails between their legs.

All in All the junkers lost one bomber and their Arbiter.

Flag Officer Tony Adams signing off.

>>>>>>>>>Connection Lost<<<<<<<<<<

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 03-05-2014

Incoming Transmission

From - Bridge Officer Luke Miller
Location - Southampton Shipyard
Subject - The Gauls fled!

HMS-Royal-Enfield - Bridge Officer Martins
HMS-Sentinel - Bridge Officer Miller

Good day *He sighs* A long day for me and my crew.. again. Something tells me some officers aren't bothering to show up any more.. Alas. We were called up again. To deal with these blithering Capital vessels from the Royal Navy. We searched the Newcastle system and eventually found them. Turns out they didn't fancy tasting our steel and turned around faster than the speed of light! We pursued them but they cunningly disabled the trade lanes.. Informants told us that they had fled all the way back to Leeds. How funny is that!? Anyway another victory for Bretonia!

Miller out.

Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - lIceColon - 03-08-2014

Incoming Transmission: Patrol Report
ID: Tommy Izzard
Rank: Ensign

Attached files (1) BAF Training Craft CGT Dashboard Recording

Due to commotion on the comms about Magellan and a coincidence that my patrol route was near the Magellan jump gate, I took the Patrol Route Deviation Liberty #72 to take a look of the situation in Magellan after being warned by a Judge.
When I neared Freeport 4, I came across with a GRN ship and an outcast ship on my radar, with continuous TAZ taunting the LN (I think) in the system wide comms channel, and I reached the limits of my route deviation allowance and reversed course back to Manchester.
At the Manchester gate I can across the libertonian dreadnought 5th|LNS-Cincinnati, which shortly after me came through the gate and requested passage to the Cortez jumpgate, I was assigned to escort it there. I saw it through to the Cortez gate which was a fairly uneventful escort.
Afterwards I returned to the Magellan gate and followed the BAF|HMS-Allegiance and BAF|A-HMS-Sentinel back towards New London. At the New London gate and after the two capital ships had passed through, a Pirate Transport named "Orillon" jumped in, which I scanned and found artifacts but made the tactical decision to not take action as I was ill-equipped to deal with a transport.
I informed the superiors and by then the Orillon had gone too far. I went to New London for a quick refuel, then resumed patrol.
Ensign Tommy Izzard Out

Transmission end

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 03-09-2014

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Thunderer, Cambridge System
Subject: Combat Report

Salutations, Armed Forces.

Someone spotted a Corsair Legate named NRP-Adversary in Cambridge yesterday, just a few clicks away from the Norfolk. An excellent opportunity for an enjoyable battleship duel, I thought. I took Ensign Robson with me in case the Corsair tries to cruise away.
We arrived to the location fairly quickly. The Ensign met the target first, as planned, so his cruise disruptor would be ready when I appear with the Thunderer. I offered the target to either fight, or run away. I would not really let them escape, of course! I was merely curious of their reaction, wanting to humiliate them first and then defeat them in battle. The Corsair captain, however, reacted spitefully, threatening to split my ship in two. And only then they attempted to flee.
I was confused, but that did not render me incapable. I ordered the ensign to stop them, what he managed to do, although with a slight delay.
As soon as the Legate was in range, the Thunderer opened fire. The enemy did not return shells, but rather wasted Solaris gunfire on Ensign Robson's nimble fighter. I was not nearly as amused as I expected to be at the end. I am aware some people might find explosions of that size spectacular, but I have seen plenty already. It was too easy. Even tedious.
I returned to the Norfolk and left the Ensign to chatter with someone named William Antioch. And then I had a cup of tea.


Allied Ships Involved:
1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk Class Battlesip, Unharmed)
2) BAF|Ens.A.Robson (Fighter, Damage Presumed Light, if Any)
3) Waldorf.Salad (Fighter, Presumed Unharmed)
4) Pixel (Fighter, Presumed Unharmed)
5) William Antioch (A Small Vessel, Unharmed, Arrived When it was Over)

Allied Losses:
- None

Enemy Ships Involved:

1) NRP-Adversary (Legate Class Dreadnought, Disabled)

Enemy Losses:
1) NRP-Adversary (Legate Class Dreadnought)

Signed: Admiral George R. Hall

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 03-09-2014

Incoming Transmission

From - Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks
Location - Planet New London
Subject - Manchester and New London Patrol

Good day, I had an extremely strange patrol today... it started in Manchester which was un-eventful as always. I then went back into New London to find Ensign Robson and 'Sir' William Antioch. Everything was normal until after I stopped to re-fuel at the planet.. I un-docked to find the Commander Diana McMillan had taken command of the patrol. She seemed fine until we met a Rheinland Bomber on the lane to Southampton. We asked various questions until my scanners picked up extremely strong energy signals. Once the conclusion was made that this was probably not a human, the Commander went silent.. My eyes went blank and all I remember is being in a white cell with the Ensign and 'Sir' Antioch. Outside was the Commander talking to a strange figure.. I re-gained vision and was back in my ship. It seemed everyone else had as well. The Commander stated that "All Bretonia should die! And so should the Queen!" She opened fire on us and the Rheinland bomber uncovered it's hidden identity.. A Wilde.. 'Sir' Antioch was murdered by Commander Diana McMillan, the Ensign tractored in his pod. My ship was then de-pressurised.. I was out cold.. Apparently I was picked up by a passing patrol after the battle. I have no clue what happened to the Ensign.. But I know of what Commander McMillan has become..

Brooks out

Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Big_B - 03-09-2014

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Anthony Robson
Rank: Ensign
Subject: Commander Diana McMillan

[Image: 2v830gk.png]

Greetings Admirals,
I have bad news. It looks like we lost Commander Diana McMillan to the so called Das Wild. Lieutenant Brooks, Sir William Antioch and myself were on a patrol with her as we encountered a Rheinland bomber which turned out to be piloted by a infected pilot. That Pilot played with our minds and made the Commander attack us. She first took out Sir Antioch but i could tractor in his escape pod. Then she took out Lieutenant Brooks with the help of the infected pilot. I couldnt rescue the Lieutenant because i was under attack by the Commander but i heard she got picked up from a nearby patrol. Anyways, i could activate my cruise engine and fly to New London but after a long fight the Commander also took out my ship. My escape pod, which i had to share with Sir Antioch, got picked up and we were transported to a clinic on the Planet. I dont know what happened to the Commander but I assume the worst. I need to clear my mind from the attack on our minds from the infected pilot.
Ensign Robson out

End of the Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 03-09-2014

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Low Encryption =-

Priority: Low
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: The Loss of Commander McMillan

[Image: 9wro.png]
"Such a pity. Not a bad pilot certainly, if she could handle all of you alone. Or you need more training."
He sighs.
"We might have to find her replacement."

- Message Over -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 03-20-2014

Incoming Transmission

From - Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks
Location - Planet New London
Subject - 'Lost' Liberty Police force trainee.

Good day Admirals. Today I set out on a patrol by myself through the New London system and not a lot happened. A few traders passed through the system being obedient, annoyingly. The only 'strange' thing that happened was that I came across a trainee Liberty Police vessel. Seems he got 'lost', a good cover up.. Pfff. Anyway I escorted him out of the Bretonia. Other than that all was quiet in Bretonia, which I'm quite pleased to say for once..

Safe skies.
Brooks out.

Connection lost.