Epic tunes? - Cyberanson - 09-07-2010
Raging Slab - Don't Dog Me
(Album: Raging Slab (1989), Origin: USA)
Epic tunes? - schlurbi - 09-08-2010
Soniq Vision - Electrified
Epic tunes? - schlurbi - 09-08-2010
Soniq Vision - Voices In My Head
Epic tunes? - Malexa - 09-08-2010
Bush - Afterlife
Butthole Surfers - Pepper
Epic tunes? - daimonic - 09-09-2010
Nice tunes schlurbi.
Pole Folder - Bokoto 10pm
Epic tunes? - Lord Balian - 09-09-2010
Well If you do want to hear epic (failing) tunes, you should check out the following:
Both played by a Dutch orchestra of mentally disordered people. No offence meant, it's just funny how they screw up. Badly.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mbm0mogV2k...feature=related (Josti band plays 20Th Theme
Josti band plays southpark song
I just though I'd be failing myself if I tried to place some great songs and tunes 'cause they're probably already in here
Epic tunes? - Kubotan - 09-09-2010
Masters of Reality - The Candy Song
Epic tunes? - Cyberanson - 09-09-2010
Yeah Hideki! More MoR!!
Brand New Sin - Wyoming
(Album: Recipe For Disaster (2005), Origin: USA)
Epic tunes? - Kubotan - 09-09-2010
Iranian Traditional Music
Epic tunes? - KaelanFrey - 09-10-2010
Swedish House Mafia - One