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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Apollon - 03-22-2014


Comm ID: Combat Control Center
Location: H.M.S Suffolk
Priority: High
To: Bretonian Armed forces Defense Intelligence staff
Subject: The loss of H.M.S Defiance

We have a report related to the loss of the H.M.S Defiance in Leeds system.

The said ship was under the command of Commodore Hugh Darrow, escorted with several fighters and bombers.
The fleet moved from Battleship Suffolk towards the Leeds Jump hole at 16:35:22 Sirius Mean Time.
Arrived the Jump hole at 16:42:36 Sirius Mean Time.
Communication Officer reported a Gallic Fleet consisting of a couple of 'Valor' Gallic Battleships, Three Cruisers, and several Snubs in Leeds, 16:46:46 Sirius Mean Time.
All Communication with the Bretonian fleet were lost 16:50:12 Sirius Mean Time.
Rescue mobile units were sent to the battle location, Recovered the officers in the fighters and bombers, and some of the H.M.S Defiance's crew, but no sign of Commodore's Darrow and his XO's Pod, searches has lasted for 24 hours, and still no sign for The Commodore, Both of them are presumed K.I.A.

Thank you.

[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Carina, Regina, Imparetix


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 03-22-2014

Incoming Transmission

From - Bridge Officer Luke Miller
Location - Southampton Shipyard
Subject - Patrol

Good day Admirals, this afternoon I was ordered to patrol New London system because several GRN vessels were picked up on our satellites scanners in the Leeds system. The crew performed excellently even though no danger was encountered. After 2 hours, the satellites confirmed the GRN vessels had moved into the Taus. We were delighted since none of the other officers ships were in fighting condition. Seems there was an issue with a rogue engineer.. Alas, we are re-fuelling at the moment and we intend to stand guard again once the 'Sentinel' is ready to go.

Miller out.

Connection lost.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Big_B - 03-27-2014

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Anthony Robson
Rank: Ensign
Subject: Todays report

[Image: 2v830gk.png]

Greetings Admirals,
where do i start? It started as a normal partol and ended in a long and exhausting day. Fist of we caught a "Sarissa" Outcast Battleship with the name "YAKUZA". I caught this fella the other day before and escorted him to Leeds because he wanted to take care of our enemies. I told him to stay out of Bretonia but i guess he didnt understand how seriously i was about this. It ended with the destruction of the Battleship after he didnt wanted to cooperate with us. Later we got a transmission from BPA officer Waldorf.Salad who was chasing a Order Carrier called "Saramago". After a really long chase around the whole New London system we finally caught him in Cambridge. The ship was destroyed and we flew back to New London. Everyone left and i started a little system patrol on my own. I found a CGS Bomber who didnt wanted to leave the area so i had to remove him. He called for reinforcement and so did I. It ended with a massive fight between CGS ships and Bretonian forces. I can proudly say that we had no casualties on our side but the CGS lost 3 bombers, 2 Gunboats and we even got one mercenary fighter which worked for them. And as i thought that the day was over we got a distress call from Cambridge. It was a IMG vessel which followed a Corsair Legate. We moved our forces as fast as we could to their location and destroyed the Corsair Battleship.
With that my day was finally over
Ensign Robson out

Attaching Guncams:

End of the Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 03-30-2014

Incoming Transmission

From - Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks
Location - Planet New London
Subject - A rather long patrol..

Good day Admirals *She sighs*.. It was a busy day today. It started off in a training exercise of which everyone seemed to have enhanced their fighting skills. Which is always good. I was then ordered out on a patrol to Dublin with Ensign Anthony Robson and a 'Sir' William Antioch joined us. It was all fine until we ran into a Molly force of 2 Fighters a Bomber and a Destroyer. Our small patrol was outnumbered so I went back to the Essex to call for reinforcements, luckily the 'Sentinel' was assigned to the Essex for a week. He set off and I stayed on the Essex as my ship's engine was playing up. When I flew back to the battle after the emergency engineers attended to my faulty engine I learnt that the 'Sentinel' had been destroyed and that the Molly Destroyer had fleed to patch up the holes in his vessel several times. Fortunately Bridge Officer Miller and his crew are all safe after a rescue team came to pick them up. After a long battle the Ensign had to pull out with William Antioch due to the holes in their ships. They went back to New London. I was on my own and the Mollies seemed to run away to Arranmore station. I was joined briefly with Lieutenant Commander Zoe Avant but she was called to assist the BPA with a pirate. For some odd reason the Essex command saw fit for a Dunkirk Battleship to be sent to dispatch the Mollies. Ensign Robson returned and we hunted them down. We picked up traces 20 clicks away from Arranmore Station and armed our weapons. We were once again faced witht he same force. We led them out of the field so that the 'Temeraire' could operate properly without asteroids smashing into her paintwork. After hours of fighting A second Dunkirk arrived on the scene, the infamous HMS-Kite. I retreated to re-fuel and have no intel on what happened apart from the fact that all of our vessels had been slaughtered.. In total 239 casualties aboard the HMS-Temeraire and 183 aboard the HMS-Kite. My thoughts lie with them all.

Once I was sent out again to send them to hell, the BPA had arrived with Lieutenant Commander Angus Graham to lend a hand. We managed to de-pressurise one of them. Unfortunately the BPA officer was shot down; we quickly tractored in his pod and fled to Battleship Essex. One of the Mollies followed but the others fled. We shot at the stalker (Molly that followed) and he eventually ran away, we believe his name was Blodwyn.O'Driscoll..

It wasn't over yet and we didn't get out the tea because the Royal Navy showed up to ruin the view. They followed the Lieutenant Commander into the New London system. I went through the New London Jump hole as one of their vessels was guarding the Jump Gate. Outwitted *She winks*. We met up at Southampton Shipyard a freelancer decided to join us along with another BPA officer. The two Royal Navy pilots attacked us and we targeted one of them and managed to run him low on his nanobots and shield batteries. Suddenly out of the blue, Lieutenant Commander Angus Graham blew up! We were outnumbered as another Gaul had shown up. Shortly after the Freelancer exploded.. The BPA officer seemed to drift away from me so the Gauls targeted me three against one.. I gave them hell and had one in flames before my ship was de-pressurised. Myself and Lieutenant Commander Angus Graham were collected by a rescue team sent from Battleship Suffolk.

That was my day summarised to the maximum *She smiles* I hope you are still awake. The guncams that weren't destroyed are uploading now. *She salutes and the screen turns black*

Uploading files.... 60%... 80%... 100%

[] [] []

Lieutenant Charlotte Brooks
Connection lost

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Big_B - 04-12-2014

Incoming Transmission from:
Ensign Anthony Robson
[Image: 2v830gk.png]

Subject: Quick report

This is just a quick update from today.
I wanted to bring my ship from Kensington to Planet New London. I took the long way over the Cambridge Gate to look if everything is quiet but it wasnt. I encountered a Molly Barghest and a Molly Werewolf, both attacking Kings Cross. The Barghest flew away and i fought against the Werewolf. After some problems with my Mine Launcher i had to draw back but after the repairs i headed back and pushed the Molly Werewolf back to Cambridge. He then decided that it would be a better death to burn in Planet Sarums atmosphere then die through my hand. His ship got destroyed in the atmosphere and i flew back to New London.
Thats everything for now, Ensign Robson signing off.

Opening Attachments.....

End of the Transmission

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 04-13-2014

[Image: ZSx0wFN.jpg]

Ladies and Gentlemen, Officers and Soldiers of Her Majesty's Armed Forces.

It is with great pleasure I stand here today to present this to our distinguished protectors of Bretonia. We have three Officers that must be recognised today.

  • Ensign Robson, Anthony - Your time as a standard pilot is over. After much discussion, and much time spent reading over reports and de-briefs, the Board has decided to award you the rank of Lieutenant. As an Officer now, you are expected to set an example, and teach the other Ensigns. Report to the local Fleet Headquarters for an appointment with the Quartermaster. You will be handed your new uniform.

  • Lieutenant Brooks, Charlotte - Your extensive reports into your many patrols have kept the board more than adequately up to date on the goings on within Bretonia proper, and your work has not gone unnoticed. As of today, you hold the rank of Commander. Do me proud, Commander Brooks. Report to the local Fleet Headquarters, the Quartermaster will give you your new uniform.

  • Lieutenant Commander Pearson, Heather - Lieutenant Commander. Your name has crossed my desk many times. I have heard of the many battles you have fought, and how you have coordinated some of our more Junior Officers, as well as Ensigns, in the heat of battle. It appears your rank is not befitting of this, so the Board has agreed the rank of Commander would suit you better. Keep up the good work, do us proud, and i expect many reports keeping me up to date on the many exploits made under your command.

Officers, Ensigns, members of Her Majesty's Armed Forces many branches. These three Officers have stepped up and proved themselves ready. They have been brought to our attention. Work closely with them, and you will do the same. Good luck every one, fight strong, fight hard, and keep buggering on.

Admiral Michelle O'Brian,
CO of the 1st New London Command and 5th Suffolk Defence Fleets,
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 04-13-2014

==Incoming Transmission==


Commander Charlotte Brooks

Good day Admirals, first of all I would like to thank you all for my recent promotion and I will continue to do what I have done before which was to do my best in all situations.

Now for my patrol brief. The Officers involved were Lieutenant Anthony Robson, BPA Vessels: Horizon.One, Jade Callahan and Waldorf Salad. There was also a few more Salad vessels: Ham.Salad and Salad.Suprise (Crecy).

First of all the BPA vessels came across a Synth Foods vessel carrying the wrong papers and trading illegally with them. Myself and Robson went to see what the issue was but simply let the BPA handle it as they specialise in that area.

After the illegal trader was dealt with we were contacted by the Armed Forces Satellite in orbit with Planet Leeds that a Valor class battleship was heading towards the New London Jump Hole. We quickly assembled a force of bombers and headed for the Leeds Jump Hole, while other pilots docked on stations to get into bomber classed vessels. The first three there was myself, Robson and 'Horizon.One'. We managed to intercept the Valor before it left for the Jumphole and quickly engaged it, after 10 minutes we had it down to no repairs and the other bombers had arrived to help finish it off. It took us another 5 minutes to puncture enough holes in it for it to de-pressurise. I have to say all of the pilots performed excellently out there and It was a pleasure flying with them.

Uploading Gun Images....60%....80%....100%

Commander Charlotte Brooks signing off.

Connection lost

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 04-16-2014

[Image: Miller_zps5af68fa7.jpg]

Good day Admirals, It was a quick patrol and not a lot happened. Myself and my second in command of the 'Sentinel', Mr.Smith, arranged our tea cups in a different arrangement. I have to say they look rather marvellous. The crew performed well, which is unusual. Even the new engineer didn't break anything. I shall have to buy him a cup of tea.. Yes.. Maybe green.. Te-a.. Oh sorry. So yes a very productive day for the crew and of course the tea cups.

Bridge Officer Miller

==Transmission Terminated==

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Abolisher - 04-17-2014

Incoming Transmission
Subject:A Commanders' Disappearance

This is a report on the disappearance of Commander Arthur Thatcher.

We first grew suspicious of his absence after he stopped turning up to well, anything. It was common-knowledge among interviewees that Mr Thatcher was a drunkard, however, upon inspection of his favourite bars no evidence as to where he has gone has been found. We also found that he hadn't attended any of these bars for at least a month, which is suspicious because of his reputation as an alcoholic. As a side note, the beer served at these bars was of a high quality, I'd highly recommend them.

Later, we moved on to inspecting his housing and belongings for any evidence. His apartment was deserted and there were no signs of any recent activity there. Upon questioning the land owner, we found no further information, apart from that Mr Thatcher had not been seen for several weeks. The search of his belongings was also fruitless. I found however, that Mr Thatcher had acquired a substantial sum of credits. I, naturally, sent them immediately to my...I mean the BAFs' treasury, however they were mysteriously lost in transit. Also, Mr Thatchers' wine proved quite delicious; I took extra care when examining that.

A̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶b̶o̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶w̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶h̶o̶m̶e̶.̶ After that, we concluded that we could find no further information or clues as to where Mr Thatcher has gone, (or when, or why, or how) and so I advise that you just update the database and say he's dead. Nevermind, he was an idiot anyway.

Well, that's all we have on this case,
Thanks for your time.

Transmission Terminated

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 04-20-2014

[Image: CommanderBrooks_zps7074512e.jpg]

Good day Admirals, I set out on my patrol today at 16:00 Hours (Sirius Mean Time). I had a brief chat with a Junker about scrap metal which was incredibly boring.. I say brief.. I kept it as brief as possible, but you know what these Junkers are like. I then travelled to Planet New London and enjoyed the view of the marvellous planet. Nothing happened only a few traders which were scanned and checked for contraband. It was coming up to 17:00 Hours so I decided to do a round trip of the system, again everything was quiet and calm. Which is good I suppose. I then headed back to Battleship York.

Commander Charlotte Brooks signing off

Connection lost