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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Landers - 10-12-2011


[font=Impact]SOURCE:[color=#FFCC00]Battleship Karlsruhe Stuttgart System.
ENCRYPTION: High, port RM-VA-19-56-H


[Image: ltamott.png]
[font=Verdana]SUBMITTER: Leutnant Viktor Amott, Rheinland Military
RECIPIENT: Rheinland Military Report Database
SUBJECT: Mercenaries and RF in Omega-11

This day started with the usual patrol in Neu Berlin, with Faehnrich Sittlingen. We called Flieger Schmitz as well, but he were late, as usual. As a punishment we went to Omega-11.

I hope after that, he learnt not to late from patrols. Not far from Solarius, a secondary fleet commander chatting with a mercenary. He was in no mood of doing anything useful but scolding the primary fleet about it's uselessness. A lonely communist appeared on our sensors, possibly he was coming out from his rock. I thought it was time for the flieger to show what he was made of. I wasn't suprised, the flieger didn't managed to deal serious damage, but he was taken. At least now he knows how is that feel, when a soldier fights for his life. No way out, die might comes every second.

[Image: screen718.png]

After I told the flieger to return to the base, the communist let him go and started shooting my ship. Bad for him I was in good shape he lost his nanobots in no time, although he was able to escape. There was no time to rest, two Reaver mercenaries showed up, and they weren't friendly. In the meantime our communist "friend" returned, but the two Reavers sent him away. Sittlingen showed outstanding performance against them, one of the Reaver vessels was blowed up by his the Fahnrich's mine. The dogfight between Silver.Reaver and Sittlingen started.

[Image: screen720.png]
[Image: screen719.png]

The dogfight between them seemed to be tie, while another mercenary was coming to help out his "buddy". We exchanged our targets, I were facing with Silver. He's not an easy target, I'd advise every pilot to be very careful with him.

[Image: screen721f.png]

Two more mercenaries came. Their intention remained unknown.

[Image: screen722j.png]
[Image: screen723.png]

One of them wanted to see me crying and feel the pain. He should have never underestimated an ex-Rheinland Agent.

[Image: screen724.png]

By the time, Faehnrich Sittlingen defeated the other Reaver.

[Image: screen725.png]

Both of us returned to Stuttgart in one piece. Omega-11 is full with Hessians, communist and Mercenaries. We should pay more attention to this system.


Leutnant Viktor Amott,
Rheinland Hauptflotte.


[font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - ChillerMiller - 10-21-2011

SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Planet Hamburg[color=#33CC00] Hamburg System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]High, port RM-CH-HC-JU-87
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Gefreiter Lukas Meier, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinland Military High Command
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Picnic with Unioners

[color=#FFCC00]Right, an eventful patrol, I spotted two Unioners today in the New Berlin system. They were busy shooting Bounty Hunters near Station Bonn, it was funny to watch the Hunters getting hunted all over the place, but the pleasure was over in no time. Leutnant Austerlitz needed my assistance against three new contacts, Unioners as well.

We decided to not waste more time and started to shoot the Unioners, starting with the easiest target, an Arbeiter. He tried his best, but got shot down quickly, even though his comrades tried to keep him alive as long as possible.

Death: AGS-U|Harold.Kane was killed by [RM]Lt.Sarah:Austerlitz (Mine)

The battle continued, one of the Unioners got blasted by the Strausberg while he was chasing a pilot of the secondary fleet. They received additional backup, another Arbeiter, this one got shot down as well, this time by myself.

Death: AGS-U|Guten.Tag was killed by [RM]Ge.Lukas.Meier (Gun)

We chased the last remaining Unioners to a base deep inside an asteroid field, there they continued to fight us. A Gunboat of the RFP entered the area at its own risk, it got blasted by the Unioners in no time, we had no chance to avoid it, but uhhhh, blame the pilot of the Gunboat. Our enemies started to retreat after some time, a shame we were not able to get more of them.

My patrol ended after this battle and I returned to Planet Hamburg.

Lukas Meier
Rheinland Military, Hauptflotte

[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 10-30-2011

----<<<Incoming Transmission>>>--- ----<Link Established>----

Source: New Berlin System, Battleship Strausberg

Encryption: Meduim

Sender: Fl.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 001

My patrol started off at Bonn Station where I was asked by Hauptmann (Hm.) Engelhard.Sulzer to help him escort a barge to Oder Shipyard. From hull scans the Barge was not carrying any cargo whatsoever. We were able successfully escort the Barge to station without any traffic accidents happening.

Recorded Images from Partol.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 10-30-2011

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: New Berlin System, Battleship Strausberg
Encryption: Weak
Submitter: Fl.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 001

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Gutgen Tag

My patrol started off at Bonn Station where I was asked by Hauptmann (Hm.) Engelhard.Sulzer to help him escort a barge to Oder Shipyard. From hull scans the Barge was not carrying any cargo whatsoever. We were able successfully escort the Barge to station without any traffic accidents happening. That's all.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images

Confirmed Kills

Confirmed Causalities

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 10-30-2011

----<<<Incoming Transmission>>>--- ----<Link Established>----

Source: New Berlin System, Battleship Strausberg

Encryption: Meduim

Sender: Fl.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 001

My patrol started off at Bonn Station where I was asked by Hauptmann (Hm.) Engelhard.Sulzer to help him escort a barge to Oder Shipyard. From hull scans the Barge was not carrying any cargo whatsoever. We were able successfully escort the Barge to station without any traffic accidents happening.

Recorded Images from Partol.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 10-30-2011

----<<<Incoming Transmission>>>--- ----<Link Established>----

Source: New Berlin System, Battleship Strausberg

Encryption: Meduim

Sender: Fl.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 001

My patrol started off at Bonn Station where I was asked by Hauptmann (Hm.) Engelhard.Sulzer to help him escort a barge to Oder Shipyard. From hull scans the Barge was not carrying any cargo whatsoever. We were able successfully escort the Barge to station without any traffic accidents happening.

Recorded Images from Partol.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Havok - 11-02-2011

***Incoming Transmission
*** Source: Battleship Altenburg , Dresden System
***ID : Flieger Vogts
***Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Vogts
Recipient: Military High Command
Subject: Patrol Report - 1

My Patrol Started at Battleship Altenburg , From where i flew to Leipzig Station to start a sweep of the Tradelanes. After a thorough search of Dresden i moved on to New Berlin , arriving at Planet New Berlin , i spotted Two (2) Corsair Battleship's! I was able to get of a Emergency Message before i had to eject , my Wraith was almost instantly Destroyed. My Escape pod was tractored in by a Civillian Flyer , escaping the Battleships , I was returned to Altenburg, where i am now Writing this Report. The Corsairs seem to get bolder, something needs to be done about this!

Signing Off,
Flieger Niklas Vogts

Rheinland Military Message Dump - ChillerMiller - 11-03-2011

SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Planet Hamburg[color=#33CC00] Hamburg System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]High, port RM-CH-HC-JU-87
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Gefreiter Lukas Meier, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinland Military High Command
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]LSF Hunt

[color=#FFCC00]Yeah, okay. The MND spotted a group of the so famous LSF Silver wing in the Hamburg and Hudson systems. The orders were clear, search and destroy.

It started in system Hudson where we found two of them, of course they started to run as soon as they saw us. We destroyed one of them in Hudson and continued with the next one. This one, however, tried to escape via the Jumphole connection to Texas. We followed him and made sure his ship ends up in pieces.
It exploded to its own mines as far as I remember, not really that important.

The LSF got one more fighter to the location, an annoying bugger, he decided to run around a prison station, and eventually docked after some time. We managed to destroy a Gunboat and Agent Larsen had his fun with Silver 5, and that quite often...

[Image: RM42.jpg]

Lukas Meier
Rheinland Military, Hauptflotte

[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 11-05-2011

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: New Berlin System, Battleship Strausberg
Encryption: High
Submitter: Fl.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol Report 002

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

I was on Patrol as usually from Bonn Station to Planet New Berlin, I took the tradelane to Essen Station and to my surprise I meet Admiral Gunther Rall in the flesh. He was Challenging a Reaver to a Duel. I offered my assistants to the Admiral but he declined, wanted to face the Reaver one on one. The Battle was interesting, in the end the Admiral won and the reaver along with Her *freind* fled the system. As i can say for now Berlin is clear, due to the Admirals courageous work. That's all.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images

Confirmed Kills

Confirmed Causalities

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Havok - 11-05-2011

***Incoming Transmission
*** Source: Battleship Altenburg , Dresden System
***ID : Flieger Vogts
***Encryption: Medium

Sender: Flieger Vogts
Recipient: Military High Command
Subject: Patrol Report - 2

My Patrol Started on Battleship Altenburg in the Dresed System. I commenced a Sweep of the System , after finding nothing significant , i moved on to New Berlin , Checking the Lanes and gates , i found nothing Significant to report, i returned to Altenburg and Signed off.