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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - mtjsmith - 09-02-2011

[Image: commissar2.png]

It was then that Vladimir entered the room. A lifetime spent in the Marines, he was well decorated and was similiarly disinterested in this entire process.

"Ahh, so you're Mendal. Heard much about you, none of it good. Excellent, it's about time I was playing with worthwhile opposition. I assume I'm in the office to the left yes? Good, a left turn is always the best step on the road ahead. Now... Alicia my darling, Coffee. Black, with one sugar. I offer no excuse for my lateness you old buffoon, however someone had to make sure the airlock was shut behind that whale which exited so quickly."

He laughed evily.

"You should thank me, I just saved your pathetic life. No matter, we'll save you offering a whiff of an apology until we actually gain something out of this futile mission."

With that said, he turned on his heel to the Left Hand Interview room. He was going to have fun today.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 09-02-2011

[Image: mendel.png]

Mendel watched the over inflated meathead walk into the second recruitment office.

"Alicia, take a memo," he said leveling his finger at the shut door. "Remind me to have his children carved up for Sunday dinner and served in the Commissar's mess. Oh, and before I forget... make sure he gets his coffee."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Pacific - 09-02-2011

Vladimir Papasov landed on the Trotsky he took a number from the secretary and had a seat on the chair and he started to wait for some one to call him.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - ronald245 - 09-02-2011

-Comm Link Connected-
-Feed Open-
-Source: Freeport 1-

Hail Comrades

I am Ronald Phliipsen, I believe that my goals are the same as the coalition has. In my past I have seen the destruction of the Navies who oppress the population . I wish to free those people. I wish to bring justice to those Navies!

i know the coaliton stands for revolution and revoltion is in place

My history is not from Coalition space, it lies in bretonia and across siruis

A brief summary of my history is as follows:

Ronald philipsen was born in a workers-class family of four along with one brother, his familly thrived due to the mechanical skills his father had, when he was 12 he went to high school and finished straight a's with one b, in economics. he passed his driving test and due to his background managed to get a starflier, soon after during a bombing by the mollies . his father was killed. driven to support his family, this ship was the start of his career.. when the war with kusari started ronald, along with many others was enrolled into the navy, there he became a pilot... but he grued to kill innocents. one day when he had been ordered to murder several ships with refugees he refused, as his former buddies laid fire on his gunboat he managed to get his crew to eject and managed to climb aboard his old starflier. he had been roaming around the tau's and omega's when he saw the coalition for the first time... the dead precision and belief these attacks were held with.. from there on he knew what he wanted, he wanted to strife against the navies, against the capitalism that is as a cancer, to cut away the tumor that sickens sosciety.

my father lost his life in bretonia, if i am to honor myself and my family i need to take action, give me a chance to serve under you and i will follow the one true path of the coalition

ronald phillipsen

For Freedom, For equality For the coaliton

-comm link disconnected-
-feed closed-

For freedom, for equality, for Sirius!

-Comm Link Disconnect-
-Feed Closed-

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 09-02-2011

[Image: mendel.png]

Mendel smirked standing in his doorway.

"Oh no, no no no, this one is all Phoo-Kov's." He bowed and motioned to the other door for the applicant. "Good luck, I wish you well..."

He smiled as Alicia brought him his coffee.

"This ought to be good," he said as he looked smugly over at the other door.

"This came for you..." Alicia handed him the dispatch from Phillipsen.

Mendel rolled his eyes. "Send him the Muppet's guide to applying to join the Coalition."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - TheOrangeButterfly - 09-02-2011

Johannes Claus entered the local SCRA recruiting ship, the CPW-Trotsky, cautiously and on guard. He had heard several rumors about these places, mainly from his superiors in the Red Hessian Army. It had been a long time since he'd been in combat with the Army, mainly due to his activity with the IMG. He now wanted to once again pick up the sword and fight for a cause he believed in.

Wearing an old RHA jumpsuit with Leutnant insignias on the shoulders he gracefully walked into the office, almost as if he was walking on air, and grabbed a number from the front desk in front of the secretary and then took a seat. He wiped his blonde hair from in front of his hazel eyes and began to eye items in the room with suspicion. They were always watching... at least that's what he had been told.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - mtjsmith - 09-02-2011

[Image: commissar2.png]

Vladimir saw Vladimir Papasov, henceforth known as "The sheepish recruit", knock on the door. How pathetic.

"Get your fiendishly weak backside in here. Now. First question.."

He removed his jacket and rolled up his shirt. In the table drawer there was a box of latex gloves. He pulled one out and placed his hand in it. Rolling the glove up to his elbow, he gave the glove a satisfying snap.

"Let's see what this backside is made of shall we?"

He grinned as he lent over the table.

"What do you think eh? Haha."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 09-02-2011

[Image: mendel.png]

"A Johannes Claus to see you, Comrade," Alicia stated, motioning for the recruit to go through into Mendel's office.

Mendel inclined his head, as he walked to stand behind the high table that dominated the room. Behind him the inner workings of the Trotsky's CIC whirring and blinking as it performed the complex actions of running the Coalition People's Warship.

He swept his greatcoat off, and glanced at the small palm computer he was holding in his hand. "I have your service record here from the Red Hessians, seems they had a choice either assign you to the fighter corps, or to the local brothel... they figured they'd get more work out of you sitting up than laying down... me I am not so sure. So, Comrade Claus," He smiled a broad, and dangerous smile. "What brings you to the lion's den today?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Pacific - 09-02-2011

Vladimir blinked in confusion did this man wanted to stick his arm in his...... Vladimir although confused keept looking at him.

"Its nothing different then any other man,woman or child who has 2 hands and 2 legs."

He looked at mr Kurkov expecting to see what will happen next Will he actually request that he stick his hand inside.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - TheOrangeButterfly - 09-02-2011

Johannes flashed a grin for a brief moment, then returned back to a stoic and emotionless face.

Herr Commissar Mendel, i've heard of you. I come to see if the lion wishes to have further hunter's at its side. After serving a few tours with the RHA, I went to work for the IMG. After seeing little combat there, I believed it to be time I returned to a cause worth fighting for. That ist why I am here.

Johannes looked at the Commissar up and down, analyzing every detail. Then met his eyes. Cold. Deadly. This man had no qualms of killing at a moments notice.