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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 10-29-2019

Your name: Officer Andrew Wilson (LPI-SWAT-Fort.Dix)

Where the money is going: GalacticBank

Kills: Julian4ikTrader


A trader was spotted at the restricted military zone in Virginia around planet Columbia. After he was intercepted, he refused to stop his vessel and tried to flee and then opened continuous fire at me. He had restricted gallic weapons lying in his cargo. He was successfully arrested and delivered to prison, from which he escaped without reaching his cell (Materials attached).

What a surprise I had when I stopped his engines second time when he accused me of being a pirate. I answered him, that I'm an officer on duty, while he is a criminal a told him all the laws he was able to break, including espionage. He was really surprised too, he was not able to recognize my Liberty Police Gunboat, with big Reg-Blue flashing lights, with police IFF module and ship name with official police designations.

When I told him how much he must pay for his crimes, he decided to overpay just fo sure and transferred 7 mlns. He looks very new to Space, being Freelancer with small class transport. But still keep an eye on him, in case he is a gallic spy.

Violated laws of liberty by Julian4ikTrader:
  • 1.3 Assault.
  • 1.4.2 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.
  • 1.4.9 Military Espionage
  • 3.1 Restricted Technology

Attachments for the spy-civilian:
Payment owed:
10mln for smuggler (LPI-doubles).

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 10-29-2019

Your name: Officer Andrew Wilson (LPI-SWAT-San.Quentin)

Where the money is going: GalacticBank

Kills: LR-Budsie.&.Louie


The next case starts with my system detecting cloaked transport nearby, which was fool enough to have its cloak dropped in a visible range, which helped me to reach it and disrupt engines. It appeared to be Liberty Rogue transport with multiple hostages on board, including our officers, civilians and bounty hunter pilots. She laughed all the way starting from being under the cloak and until her ship was disabled and all hostages rescued, probably she was on drugs. Funny enough, when she had cloak lights veiling around her ship to escape me, I fired a wrong gun, instead of anti-engine missile sending Light Mortar shot disabling her ship in a half a second after cloak lights were seen again.

Violated laws of liberty by LR-Budsie.&.Louie:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.4.2 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.
  • 1.4.5 Flying whilst intoxicated or under the influence.
  • 1.7 Known Criminals.
  • 1.2 Ship-board Technology.

Attachments for the cloaked liberty rogue transport:
Payment owed:
10mln for known criminal (LPI-doubles). A little bit missed with timestamp though, but I hope I have enough proofs.

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 10-29-2019

Your name: Officer Andrew Wilson (LPI-SWAT-San.Quentin)

Where the money is going: GalacticBank

Kills: LR-Broken.Beyond.Repair


New day, new criminals. My new shift after being promoted to Detective begins with repair ship LR-Broken.Beyond.Repair traveling our trade lanes. Belonging to a criminal organization was enough to apprehend him and deliver to Fort Bush. He tried to escape justice by trying to bribe me, but it didn't work. Take note, that since Liberty Rogues started to acquire repair ships, it's a sign of more possible encounters with enemy capital vessels. They invested in equipping the repair ship with Heavy Armor Mk IV(48mlns$).

Violated laws of liberty by LR-Broken.Beyond.Repair:
  • 1.7. Known Criminals.

Attachments for the repair ship:

Payment owed:
10mln for known criminal (LPI-doubles).

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 10-29-2019

Your name: Officer Andrew Wilson (Alex.Sparrow)

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: Paciencia


Sneaky smugglers decided to be really sneaky today. After TLAGSNET signaled about one of them in a close approach to NY systems, he was waiting for a few hours before trying to smuggle himself to NY. I can't even find words to tell everything that he did, I marked with red color, all fishy things about him in a black box for you, but in essence, he triple times switched his ship for scout one before flying his transport. The criminal Paciencia was finally caught, after I guessed right that he could be at Rochester base, he was stopped right after he undocked from it. He complied with dropping cargo but decided that paying fine is not suited for him.

Violated laws of liberty by Paciencia:
  • 1.1. Contraband possession and restricted commodities..

Attachments for the junker-smuggler

Payment owed:
10mln for sneaky smuggler (LPI-doubles).

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-01-2019

Your name: Dragon_Tooth

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: [SCC]Vadim.YolchenCuv:

Today near planet Manhattan was noticed coalition military bomber with a police officer as a hostage in his cargo. He refused to stop his vessel and started to attack our officer, but police answer in the size of two simultaneous torpedos became a first and final argument in this case.

Violated laws of liberty by [SCC]Vadim.YolchenCuv:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.3 Assault
  • 1.7 known criminal

Proof for the red alert:

Payment owed:
10mln for coallition bomber (LPI-doubles).

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-02-2019

Your name: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Where the money is going: GalacticBank

Kills: rasta

Disturbing news in Colorado. A very fresh pilot was caught with a full cargo of especially dangerous, genetic changing Liquid Cardamine. He was speaking in a language I didn't understand, he dropped cargo but decided to jettison himself in escape pod instead of paying fine. Liberty Navy officer Chuch.Harris told me, that it could only be obtained from nomads in Omicron Systems. *Rest of information is classified*

Violated laws of liberty by rasta:
  • 1.1. Contraband possession and restricted commodities.


Payment owed:
10mln for smuggler (LPI-doubles).

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Kalhmera - 11-03-2019

Your name: LPI-SWAT-Ft.Dix, and LPI-BW-Leavenworth

Where the money is going: LPI-Bank

Kills: HFB-Dominatrix and Manfred_Richthofen_Jr
Circumstances: Standard patrol I came across these two jokers today in New York and a chase ensued to Colorado where the Pirate Gunboat was taken down. Then a Legion Arbiter had a death sentence and was taken out infront of Manhattan.

Identification for Legion Battleship
Destruction for Legion Battleship
Payment owed: 30.000.000 : 15.000.000 Battleship, LPI- Double Bonus

Identification for Pirate Condor
Destruction for Pirate Condor
Payment owed: 10.000.000 : 5.000.000 Base Rate , LPI- Double Bonus

In Total, Amount owed 40.000.000

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-06-2019

Your name: Peaceful.Trader

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: TheCardamineRunner


I received a call from officer Alban Jankowski about a drug dealer approaching NY. I noticed it's two minutes late, but I was stationed at Manhattan and right after I undocked I noticed and restricted his docking access immediately. His ship name TheCardamineRunner is seriously asking for trouble. Being caught with 2805 cargo units of Cardamine, I think is already enough to outlaw him. Though he already is, his papers for the ship are having a match in a database of known criminals.

He tried to escape flying to Fort Bush and then navigating to Colorado JumpGate or Junker base, but immediately even near Planet Manhattan friendly-foe system was already triggered and everything was firing at him.

by launching disruptor missile I accidentally triggered friendly-foe system too and had some problems navigating. All the fire made a breach in the cargo of the drug dealer to drop all his goods into space. To resolve the problem with friendly-foe system I cloaked myself, while finally arrived Alban Jankowski blasted remained cargo to pieces.

Violated laws of liberty by TheCardamineRunner:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.7 Known Criminals


Payment owed:
10mln for smuggler (LPI-doubles), if you don't mind that he died from NPC units. My actions were to prevent his docking and to disrupt his engine and trade lanes which led to his death because he was not able to get away quick enough from everything that fired at him.

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-07-2019

Your name: Ghost.Train, LPI-SWAT-Florence

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: TheCardamineRunner, SystemError


Once again I was able to meet TheCardamineRunner, he changed his ship to Borderworld Very Heavy Fighter(which looked like Outcastish saber), and still, his ship matched pirate documents as yesterday. He refused my calls to stop his ship and honestly, I had very little hope to defeat him because I was flying a bomber at the moment. So I didn't even bother to get photo materials again, and just to chase it away I launched simultaneous torpedos from 2k far away. What a surprise it was when they were able to connect with the target. He probably thought it was a disruptor missile. In the moment of destruction, he said he didn't stop because he was fleeing away from every other attacking him. Hilarious, fleeing without any evading maneuvers.

Violated laws of liberty byTheCardamineRunner:
  • 1.4 Fleeing from an officer when stopped.
  • 1.7 Known criminals
  • 3.1 Restricted technology.


Well, then I patroled NY for some time. Encountered a freelancer SystemError with a lot of drugs on board, and he also had friendly contact with a SHF equipped criminal. Together they were disrupting trade lanes between For Bush and West Point academy. Being under cloak bomber I decided it's a good time to change my ship, and flew to a nearby police base to switch my ship for something more appropriate to meet two criminals at the same time. Encountered the Freelancer again at trade lane near Fort Bush. He appeared to be having bomber actually and decided to refuse submitting his drugs willingly and foolishly attacked me instead of fleeing away. Quickly he got disabled after that while I was still having full nanobots and shield regenerators.

Violated laws of liberty by SystemError:
  • 1.1 Contraband possession and restricted commodities.
  • 1.2 Piracy
  • 1.3 Assault
  • 1.7 Known Criminals.


Payment owed:
20mln for two generic pirates(LPI-doubles),

RE: The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - darkwind - 11-08-2019

Your name: Ghost.Train

Where the money is going: LPI-SWAT-Florence

Kills: [R.D.]-Ispanez


Detected near Manhattan Outcash SHF Warhammer. I tried to start speaking with him, but he opened fire immediately. So I decided to greet him with my double photon torpedoes.

Violated laws of liberty by [R.D.]-Ispanez:
  • 1.7 Known criminals
  • 3.1 Restricted technology.


Payment owed:
10mln for known criminal(LPI-doubles)