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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 02-01-2007


From:Cpt. Red Bear of Texas Squadron

Re: Worse Case Scenario


Well the possibilty of losing the sector is close upon us, though there are hints of possible reprieve. However, we must take into consideration the worse possible scenario, as we do in our battle exercises. I putforth our unit consider moving to the Blue Knight Sector if the worst should happen. I have an agent already in place in a x-shuttle stationed in their Honshu system, its my little brother OsoRojo.

Your thoughts gentlemen?

My compliments
Cpt. RedBear

ooc: If the worst happens it has truly been a joy and honor serving with all of you:) Sorry everyone, I guess was not clear. I am refering to the possibility of losing the Server. I am in this for long-haul I am enjoying our project.

Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 02-01-2007

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Just because we don't get the system does not mean we can't be a faction, mate...

I'm all for starting a branch in the BK Server, but I am NOT leaving Discovery!


Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 02-01-2007

OOC: I am refering to possible loss of Server not our hopes for Virginia. Granted I would be extremely disappointed if we lost our bid for her, but I am SA. We shall adapt and overcome, gentlemen.

Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 02-01-2007

Alright, I've looked around, and I have to looks bad.

I'm not one to abandon Discovery, but I'd like this faction to say in one piece if we do have to move.

I gave OsoRojo my email, and I suggest that Thor, Nussebull, and Tannik do the same.

Nussebull, get in touch with CABAL, and keep in touch with him.

Remember, that I expect ALL of you to stay. You are all a good bunch, and disco could use it right now.

Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 02-01-2007

I'll be here until they pull plug. God willing and the creeks don't rise. However, Fortune favors the bold and prepared, my friends.

Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 02-01-2007

---Incoming Transmission---
Comm ID: Gurney, H.
To : ALL

There is a maniac on the loose. If ANYONE sights a certain Dr. Artifice, he is to be brought under custody immediately!!

More in next message!

Gurney out.

---Transmission end---

Liberty Forces Message dump - Craines - 02-01-2007

Pardon me, gentlemen, but I have information concerning the maniac Doctor Artifice.

He was born in Rheinland over 100 years ago, orbiting planet Munich on the Space Station there. He was diagnosed with being schizophrenic and, moreover, a genius of the highest degree; some sources would say he was one of the lead designers of the cloaking devices used by Rheinland Military and the Order, although both groups deny this. His IQ has been estimated anywhere from 140 to 302, but we cannot find any definitive information concerning it. We do know, however, that he has Ph.D's in many schools of science, although the exact number and disciplines of science are classified.

He was an extremist, even as a child, trying to make a world that was entirely equal, and to eliminate greed. Even so, his latent schizophrenia slowly morphed his ideas, making him into the terror that he is today.

Because of his (albeit unconfirmed) association with Rheinland Military, and possibly Liberty, Kusari, and Britonian Military forces as well, he has the United Systems of Sirius (USS) Battle Station, the Ska Ralla. It is nothing to take lightly; it was a prototype for the Rheinland Military, and during preliminary testing it was determined that nothing short of being thrust into a star could eliminate it. However, that was 50 years ago, and technology has advanced since then. Nonetheless, caution is advised.

Doctor Artifice is a brilliant man, and his work can, from a sheerly scientific and morally neutral position, be classified as such, too. However, he has broken more laws than there is in a single system, and so we have no choice but to bring him in. The reward is only valid if he is brought in alive, which is why the 150 billion credit bounty is for INFORMATION ONLY. Attempting to bring him in alone, even with the aid of one or two battleships, would be catastrophic. When it comes to defense, you'd be hard pressed to find someone better prepared.

That's all I have, gentlemen. Thank you for your time today, and I hope I didn't bore you all to death. GNN will be posting more information as it is found, but I thought I'd share what I know with you first-hand before telling the Galactic News Network. Good luck, and God's Speed.

Captain Fiona "Harlequinn" deLuna
Trade-Captain of the Large Train [KNT]_Harlequinn

Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 02-02-2007

---Incoming Transmission---
Comm ID: SA High Command


[Image: cm1.jpg]

Greets, men.

The Discovery server is not shutting down, but we will continue to create and expand our presence on the BK Server, for now.

I've been glancing at your posts, filled with terror, and I must say...There is not much to be afraid of.

I thought you men were soldiers!


Oh, and by the way, Captain Red Bear...It's stuffed-suits, not stuffed-shirts...

Personally, I prefer shadowy figure.

Transmission end.

Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 02-02-2007


What?! is it crewman....spit it out man...uhhh...*cough*.."slurp(coffee)"..what time is it?...Doesn't he know our time rotation..he times this on purpose the bast.....



From: Cpt. RedBear of Texas Squadron

Re: "Pep-talk"


Received "eyes only" communications from SA High Command and will continue along lines stipulated.

My compliments
Cpt. RedBeard

.............................Transmission ends

......frakking stuffed-shirt, tell me what to call him...waking me up mid-sleep cycle....*grumble*......tapping my personal coms......I'll shadowy figure his a..........

Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 02-02-2007

...Captain?....what? crewman...couldn't we shoot just one? How about that nice fat juice one...what's it name? George...oh ya, the Planet Killer....*cough*..what?! Belay that nonsense we are still at weapons-cold. I don't want to hear anymore of that.

....ah, just like my dream, facing off against the Planet Killer....Now that would be a feather in your cap....President RedBear...Mr. President...Yes, I like the sound of that. I'd show that "shadowy figure" what's, what and drag his stinkin' carcass into the light....



From: Cpt. RedBear of Texas Squadron

Re: Weapons-cold


It is getting extremely hard refraining from toasting some HF, Helghast, and AW garbage scows. The nerve of them tromping through Liberty with their dirty slippers. Especially the Planet Killer, which just waltzed by my screens as if he built the lanes. My crew is biting at the bit and I can't blame them. We need to shoot something and the militia variety just doesn't cut it.

My compliments
Cpt. RedBear

.......................Transmission ends