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A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Printable Version

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RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-29-2014

Each horse was saddled as he gave some instruction to Ashlea on how to do it.
"Just hard enough on the straps to keep it from moving but not so hard that it will chaff their skin," he explained, "the saddles are well padded but a light blanket under each will help."

He then added a rolled blanket on the back of it, a couple of saddle bags each and he added a long holster on each. The sack he had from the fire the night before containing the rifles was by the wall. He took them and loaded each and then placed it in the holster along with two extra rods of ammo for each. He then produced a much larger rifle, sliding it into a holster opposite the first.

[Image: 530-0182_DSC00185.jpg]

"A big, game gun," he explained, "Nothing you want to fire from horseback unless you want to find yourself knocked to the ground. Power and range."

He then offered the reigns of a horse to her, "I can't walk them both to the house. I need something else there."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-29-2014

She nodded, amazed that the rifle would be able to product as much power as he had said it would. She took the reins and the two of them made their way back up to the house with the horses. There was small talk between them, and both seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Once they were at the house, Ashlea stopped walking before turning and running her hand down the horses neck, commenting on how well behaved they were. "I think we'll be friends" she smiled and looked across at Doc.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-29-2014

"I have little doubt of that," he answered her with a smile. He tied the reigns of his horse to a post as he went inside, returning a minute or so later wearing a pair of chaps, his black hat and a couple of field rations which he placed in the pouches of the horses along with a couple of large canteens of water, one of which was handed to Ashlea. He also placed a small medical kit in his own bag.
He was also wearing his pistols, one at his front in his belt line and the other was holstered on his left side just below his breast. He then handed Ashlea a sidearm.
"I don't know if you'll need an extra but I have don't need this one," he stated as he handed her a Rheinland built military hand gun and two full extra magazines. He then untied his horse, climbed aboard and after giving her a moment to assemble herself, they began riding.

They rode side by side to start. The sun was up and they rode at a walk at the lake's edge. Doc didn't say much for now as he studied to see how she was taking it all in.
Slowly but surely, the house was disappearing into the distance. Doc himself was all smiles as he looked ahead. He was relaxed. He was enjoying nature and his company and although he said nothing, he felt that she was beautiful.

"It won't be long before we start seeing some big game," he explained, "we'll be passing through wood lines and clearings." For the time being, it was mostly small stuff like squirrels and rabbits.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-30-2014

She was still giving the horse her attention when Doc returned and began loading up more stuff for the ride. She nodded slightly as he gave her the handgun, hers was still in the upstairs bedroom "I haven't got mine on me, thanks." She didn't take too long to look over the gun, instead it took the place of her own one at her hip.

She mounted the horse and rode along side Doc, at first she seemed to be hesitant, unsure if she was doing what she was meant to be. It didn't take her long to relax. After he explained what the plan would be, she nodded "You are going to need to teach me how to shoot those rifles you have there." eventually she added "Despite having a hand gun of my own, I really don't know much about them." Realizing how ridiculous this sounded coming from a Rogue she just shrugged slightly.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-31-2014

Doc just smiled at her as they rode about her comments and then nodded, "It's quite easy. If you can aim the iron sights of your side arm as I'm sure you have many times, it's identical on these rifles but just further apart." He began scouting for a target to make a demonstration. In a small field was a boulder. Stopping the horses, he pointed it out as he drew the rifle, cocking the lever underneath, "Observe, Miss," he said with some swagger.
He put the butt in his shoulder, leveled the sights and fired. There was the loud "bang" and the sound of a ricochet as the bullet hit the boulder. Almost immediately, he cocked it again and fired with the same result before doing it a third time. Finally, he raised it and smiled, "it's quite easy and it will fire as fast as you dare charge it."
He then handed her the rifle with a smile, "Try it!"

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-31-2014

If you can aim the iron sights of your side arm as I'm sure you have many times

She shook her head as she moved her hand over the sidearm he had lent her. "I can easily count on one hand the amount of times I've had time to aim." after moving her hand away from her hip and she shrugged slightly and continued to speak. Not only was she explaining her statement, but also her unease when she had first set foot on Foster. "Fast reaction to a deadly situation is far more likely to save me, and it has done many times before. I often do not get the chance to line up my shots.... And ammunition is not something to be wasted."

With this, she took the rifle after watching him shoot, hoping she had noted what she would need to know to do it herself. It wasn't long before she was aiming up her shot. She wasn't far off the mark, but the bullet hit left of where she was wanting it to. As it was the first time she had shot a rifle she wasn't quite holding it right and the recoil was unexpected. She didn't comment but she raised the gun unsure of whether she wanted to try again. While it had hurt her shoulder, it was the fright which had bothered her more.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-31-2014

"And you would be right," he answered when she mentioned fast action, patting his two pistols, "that's what these are for. Quick, deadly and in short range, they have more firepower."
He then pointed at the rifle, "if you want to get them BEFORE they ever see you, that works great. Add a scope and it's better."

He watched her shoot and miss left. "Pull the butt tighter into your shoulder," he coached, "it won't hurt. Also, the fold behind your first knuckle, line that up with the trigger and you won't miss left but don't go beyond that or you'll pull it right."

He then took a deep breath, "You have time. Take a breath, relax and squeeze. I told you that I'll have you a pro in no time flat."

He just watched, hoping his coaching would work.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 08-01-2014

"I guess you are right. This would be better for longer range and timed shots. Trying to use this is a hurry.... I wouldn't want to." She lowered the gun, and using his pointers, began to line the sites up again.

This time the butt of the gun was pressed against her shoulder. As she fired she slowly exhaled, the bullet hit more or less where she was wanting it to. She couldn't help but smile while looking rather proud of herself. "Well that was better." She raised the gun and looked across at him, "thank you."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 08-02-2014

He just smiled back to her and said, "You're most welcome, Dahlin'. Told you I'd make an expert out of you."
He forgot to take his rifle from her when he kicked his horse and began walking down the trail, "We'll find some game to shoot as we get out here a ways," pointing a long way out, "Deer, elk, caribou, it's all out there. A couple or three of those and we'll have fresh meat at Foster for awhile to come."

He eventually remember to take his rifle, reminding her that she had one of her own. Still, it was peaceful out and the wind felt special. He would smile at her on many an occasion. She was happy and thus, so was he. It wouldn't take long before they would come to a clearing and start finding game animals in which they could hunt.....or just ride for a bit and hunt later.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 08-02-2014

She grinned "I'm no expert yet, but I'm sure once we are finished for the day I will be considerably more practiced." She nods as she eventually hands him back his rifle, thankful he had reminded her of the one she would be using as she had forgotten it was there.

As they rode down the trial, she took in beauty of her surroundings. Despite still being relatively close to the house in the grand scheme of things, it was almost as if they had ventured off to another ares on the planet. The lake views replaced with the green shrubbery and trees. She spoke, not necessarily talking to him, but just voicing her thoughts "I've never seen an elk or a caribou before."

They reached a clearing and she stopped just on the edge of the tree line. She wasn't sure what to expect, but noticed movement in the trees over the other side of the clearing. Despite not knowing what it was, she hadn't moved her hand to the side arm as she normally would have. Instead keeping her hands where they were, loosely holding the reins.