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{AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Printable Version

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RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Kauket - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 08:45 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 08:43 PM)Auzari Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 08:40 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 08:25 PM)Auzari Wrote: words

I knew you would argue about it and claim it is not solid evidence.

Because it isn't??????????

If you found us two - alone - directly talking - then that's entirely another matter, but you haven't.

Yeah I kinda did find you guys alone talking. thats the point.

No? No you haven't? I usually use a bs scanner to move beforehand.

Edit: In your comm to LH, and what you were saying ingame said otherwise.

I've never seen a ship named Automatic approaching. Ever. I'm failing to see screenshots here.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 01-05-2017

I do. Also read my edit from prior.
Me on my ship named Automatic caught you.
You can deny it all you want, but I have it.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 08:46 PM)Auzari Wrote: Edit: In your comm to LH, and what you were saying ingame said otherwise.

I've never seen a ship named Automatic approaching. Ever. I'm failing to see screenshots here.[/color]

You are lieing or just have a really bad memory.
You talked to a ship named Automatic in Inverness about missing exotic entertainer that are kidnapped. Both of you were present.
Im not going to waste my time with screenshots either, because you will just keep denying everything.

Furthermore, what makes you so sure my message to LH is related?
How do you know the exact wording of my message to LH?
You do not have the LH password to their faction account to decypher the message, so do not take that and make it fact.
Furthermore, what I said was a question to kalh. A suspicious question.

I think on several accounts you need to step back here and rethink on what basis you are accusing me.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Aristaan - 01-05-2017

For the love of all that is holy, I'm not even impacted by anything that goes on here, can everyone just grow up? Get your heads out of your dark places and have a real discussion! I can't even keep track of what people are talking about here, it's literally incoherent. So please. Stop this non-sense. If you want "feedback," here's something to chew on: Official posts from the AFC's forum account state and show the failure of an official faction group to own their mistakes and short-comings, and in the same vein turn to insults over accepting any right or role of responsibility. You could use this as an opportunity to grow, but you don't. To everyone posting here; why are you wasting your time? Clearly you speak to deaf ears, because an utter lack of maturity is apparent with both parties. Shut up and color, as it's clear that's all you should be worrying about.

Feedback threads are for ooRP opinions and advice to be heard, where input is given so a group or individuals can improve. You all are missing an opportunity here. From the looks of it, people don't want to interact with AFC because it's not worth their time, which means in the behavior of the faction, they don't offer something meaningful. If people don't enjoy working with you, which its obvious that they don't, they wont do it voluntarily. Offer something to the community that's meaningful, and you'll find yourself with more people worth playing with. I literally don't care about the minor points, this thread is evidence of an issue that needs to be fixed. Focus on what you can change, rather than what you can't, and figure out the difference. You cant control other people, so stop trying. Focus on fixing what you control, aka, yourself, then expand outward to your faction. Identify key goals and objectives, make your changes measurable. If you have a solid base to stand on, you wont have these issues. Act logically instead of impulsively, as if you don't take time to think, you'll feel like everything happens to you, rather than you having control in the first place.

Enough said I think. It's a wall of text as it is. Ya'll have fun out there, that's why we're here.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Kauket - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 08:55 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 08:46 PM)Auzari Wrote: Edit: In your comm to LH, and what you were saying ingame said otherwise.

I've never seen a ship named Automatic approaching. Ever. I'm failing to see screenshots here.[/color]

You are lieing or just have a really bad memory.
You talked to a ship named Automatic in Inverness about missing exotic entertainer that are kidnapped. Both of you were present.
Im not going to waste my time with screenshots either, because you will just keep denying everything.

Furthermore, what makes you so sure my message to LH is related?
How do you know the exact wording of my message to LH?
You do not have the LH password to their faction account to decypher the message, so do not take that and make it fact.
Furthermore, what I said was a question to kalh. A suspicious question.

I think on several accounts you need to step back here and rethink on what basis you are accusing me.
Right, but, you do realise that Inverness is still Bretonia Space - where people aren't going to shoot each other on their soil, and that wasn't a meeting, just a random encounter?

So, you haven't met us during our one on one private encounters, but rather the random one, right. There was barely any talk between us, I'm looking through the logs. He's kept silent for most part of it when I was on my fighter, beyond this:

[09.12.2016 04:23:32] 5th|LNS-Amenhotep: Kalh: I will Assist the Crown in removing this rogue from her Territory.
[09.12.2016 04:23:47] DeathCollecter: do you want something?

which is stating they're in Bret space. After that, it was just really casual talk. Which is done with a lot of people, even to other enemies. That's always been a common thing, which has no strong emphasis that they're working together.

Speaking about the LH message, well, it's easy to figure out since one of the members sent a comm, and the word usage can easily be calculated. There are decypher sheets for figuring this stuff out (and the fact that people have to use this is silly lmao).

So in short, you didn't find us in one of our private exchanges. I got what I needed to know, and for what it seems, you only have a right to be suspicious, not all-knowing of the relationship. As long as you don't go beyond that with insufficient links and encounters, then everything is fine.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Shizune - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 09:10 PM)Auzari Wrote: Right, but, you do realise that Inverness is still Bretonia Space - where people aren't going to shoot each other on their soil, and that wasn't a meeting, just a random encounter?

So, you haven't met us during our one on one private encounters, but rather the random one, right. There was barely any talk between us, I'm looking through the logs. He's kept silent for most part of it when I was on my fighter, beyond this:

[09.12.2016 04:23:32] 5th|LNS-Amenhotep: Kalh: I will Assist the Crown in removing this rogue from her Territory.
[09.12.2016 04:23:47] DeathCollecter: do you want something?

which is stating they're in Bret space. After that, it was just really casual talk. Which is done with a lot of people, even to other enemies. That's always been a common thing, which has no strong emphasis that they're working together.

Speaking about the LH message, well, it's easy to figure out since one of the members sent a comm, and the word usage can easily be calculated. There are decypher sheets for figuring this stuff out (and the fact that people have to use this is silly lmao).

So in short, you didn't find us in one of our private exchanges. I got what I needed to know, and for what it seems, you only have a right to be suspicious, not all-knowing of the relationship. As long as you don't go beyond that with insufficient links and encounters, then everything is fine.

I'd like to add to this, as I told you in PM nOmnomnOm was that Auxiesa was inverness originally to come and find the 2 Order and D9 that where there. I was effectively infecting someone and I DID ask for players to log and attempt to stop me from doing such, if they logged for that, or Amenhotep, that's okay with me.

More or less to the point, the picture of that time would also show 2 Order pilots that came back to the Junker station after escaping myself and the other D9, only later did the Amenhotep arrive to the situation at hand, as to why, idk to be bluntly honest, but I can whole heartly say that Auxiesa/SR was there already and looking for the Order and D9 rather then meeting with Amenhotep

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - The Archangels Fighter Club - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 09:10 PM)Auzari Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 08:55 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 08:46 PM)Auzari Wrote: Edit: In your comm to LH, and what you were saying ingame said otherwise.

I've never seen a ship named Automatic approaching. Ever. I'm failing to see screenshots here.[/color]

You are lieing or just have a really bad memory.
You talked to a ship named Automatic in Inverness about missing exotic entertainer that are kidnapped. Both of you were present.
Im not going to waste my time with screenshots either, because you will just keep denying everything.

Furthermore, what makes you so sure my message to LH is related?
How do you know the exact wording of my message to LH?
You do not have the LH password to their faction account to decypher the message, so do not take that and make it fact.
Furthermore, what I said was a question to kalh. A suspicious question.

I think on several accounts you need to step back here and rethink on what basis you are accusing me.
Right, but, you do realise that Inverness is still Bretonia Space - where people aren't going to shoot each other on their soil, and that wasn't a meeting, just a random encounter?

So, you haven't met us during our one on one private encounters, but rather the random one, right. There was barely any talk between us, I'm looking through the logs. He's kept silent for most part of it when I was on my fighter, beyond this:

[09.12.2016 04:23:32] 5th|LNS-Amenhotep: Kalh: I will Assist the Crown in removing this rogue from her Territory.
[09.12.2016 04:23:47] DeathCollecter: do you want something?

which is stating they're in Bret space. After that, it was just really casual talk. Which is done with a lot of people, even to other enemies. That's always been a common thing, which has no strong emphasis that they're working together.

Speaking about the LH message, well, it's easy to figure out since one of the members sent a comm, and the word usage can easily be calculated. There are decypher sheets for figuring this stuff out (and the fact that people have to use this is silly lmao).

So in short, you didn't find us in one of our private exchanges. I got what I needed to know, and for what it seems, you only have a right to be suspicious, not all-knowing of the relationship. As long as you don't go beyond that with insufficient links and encounters, then everything is fine.

So you openly state in public somehting that should be private by metagaming and decyphering for yourself, making it "known".
What a peice of... yeah whatever lol

Have fun playing your dumb game. Have fun causing even more drama.

It's funny becasue also you only give just a little bit of the conversation in here. I have more chat logs. More evidence. I caught what you were doing before when i was looking for the Junker. It sucks that you dont remember, but do not come here and accuse me of not having sufficient evidence to do what I do.

I 100% knew you would be arguing that i have no evidence and this is why you woudl contact me in oorp. I knew this.
This just proves what I know you are and how you will break the diplo game.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - The Archangels Fighter Club - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 09:14 PM)Shizune Wrote:
(01-05-2017, 09:10 PM)Auzari Wrote: Right, but, you do realise that Inverness is still Bretonia Space - where people aren't going to shoot each other on their soil, and that wasn't a meeting, just a random encounter?

So, you haven't met us during our one on one private encounters, but rather the random one, right. There was barely any talk between us, I'm looking through the logs. He's kept silent for most part of it when I was on my fighter, beyond this:

[09.12.2016 04:23:32] 5th|LNS-Amenhotep: Kalh: I will Assist the Crown in removing this rogue from her Territory.
[09.12.2016 04:23:47] DeathCollecter: do you want something?

which is stating they're in Bret space. After that, it was just really casual talk. Which is done with a lot of people, even to other enemies. That's always been a common thing, which has no strong emphasis that they're working together.

Speaking about the LH message, well, it's easy to figure out since one of the members sent a comm, and the word usage can easily be calculated. There are decypher sheets for figuring this stuff out (and the fact that people have to use this is silly lmao).

So in short, you didn't find us in one of our private exchanges. I got what I needed to know, and for what it seems, you only have a right to be suspicious, not all-knowing of the relationship. As long as you don't go beyond that with insufficient links and encounters, then everything is fine.

I'd like to add to this, as I told you in PM nOmnomnOm was that Auxiesa was inverness originally to come and find the 2 Order and D9 that where there. I was effectively infecting someone and I DID ask for players to log and attempt to stop me from doing such, if they logged for that, or Amenhotep, that's okay with me.

More or less to the point, the picture of that time would also show 2 Order pilots that came back to the Junker station after escaping myself and the other D9, only later did the Amenhotep arrive to the situation at hand, as to why, idk to be bluntly honest, but I can whole heartly say that Auxiesa/SR was there already and looking for the Order and D9 rather then meeting with Amenhotep

The best thing about all this is that I am only looking at what the character saw. it doesnt change anything if i know OORP the context.
In the sense, I dont care about it. My character has what he/she has seen and is deciding based on what they see.

By coming here and saying "well that is wrong becasue it is actually something else" is basically intruding on RP views using ooRP means.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - The Archangels Fighter Club - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 09:10 PM)Auzari Wrote: not all-knowing of the relationship. As long as you don't go beyond that with insufficient links and encounters, then everything is fine.


Actually I have enough evidence to be already very 90% certain.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - The Archangels Fighter Club - 01-05-2017

(01-05-2017, 09:07 PM)Erzie Wrote: to own their mistakes and short-comings

which are...

thanks for your feedback, but you are not helping anyone if you wont be specific