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»UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Printable Version

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Tomas. - 04-24-2018

[Image: 4MK4Xm3.png]

NEURAL NET ID: Leon, Emeric H.
TOPIC: Stirring up the Northern Taus


A foreword: This report is overdue, and is going to contain logs and recordings from several different flights that have occured within the past few days.

Three other fighter units (Euphoria, Basilisk 4 and Arae 1) and myself were sent out on a probing mission to the northern Taus in order to...hmm, see what was out there. Primarily it was intended to be a mission against the Maltese, and it was one in which we succeeded beyond any expectations I personally had.

Our first contact was a smuggler belonging to some new subgroup of the Outcasts, identifying itself as D.I.E. Appropiate, since while he tried to buy his life back from us he was unsuccessful. The smuggler himself was unremarkable, but his cargo was not; a sample of this so-named 'military salvage' was delivered to Barrier Gate aboard my vessel, and can be picked up by our logistics units from storage there. The salvage appears to be similar to the scrap sourced from Texas junkers, though little else could be gleaned from a simple visual inspection.

The smuggler was able to call for help before his ship was reduced to its component atoms, however - as we entered Tau037 our flight was intercepted by another D.I.E. ship, this time a snubcraft, who was attempting to race to the aid of his transport. This fighter was engaged in a duel by Euphoria, who dispatched the attacker in short order. That recording image, provided by Basilisk, also captures an ambush by one of the D.I.E. dreadnaughts which de-cloaked on our group while his snub escort was being destroyed. It did not immediately open fire; perhaps a sign of a power plant failure or other technical fault that occured onboard? Readings were inconclusive, and the ship was driven off by combined antimatter and plasma bombing with no losses suffered. Oddly the vessel only fired back sporadically, barely managing to damage my shields before his guns went silent again.

With the threat answered forcefully, and Vertigo added to the wing, the flight continued deeper into Outcast space, entering Omicron Tau and flying towards their Genoa Base in a search pattern. There we encountered another dreadnaught, this one without armament and carrying what appeared to be refugees or wounded personel. A quick query determined this was some kind of hospital ship, and we departed without attacking it. Relevant excerpt from the logs is included here:
[21.04.2018 20:37:35] A/)-Vertigo: Hostile spotted.
[21.04.2018 20:37:46] A/)-Arae.1: B: Copy that. Arming warheads.
[21.04.2018 20:37:51] A/)-Basilisk.4: Locking arms.
[21.04.2018 20:37:56] A/)-Basilisk.4: Torpedo ready.
[21.04.2018 20:38:12] A/)-Vertigo: Powering up the AN-3. Vertigo, combat check complete. Moving in.
[21.04.2018 20:38:16] MNS-St.Alda: ?: This is the MNS-St.Alda, do not fire, I repeat do not fire!
[21.04.2018 20:38:21] A/)-Smokestack: We're ready here.
[21.04.2018 20:38:29] A/)-Basilisk.4: Why not?
[21.04.2018 20:38:36] A/)-Arae.1: B: Give us a good reason.
[21.04.2018 20:39:20] A/)-Vertigo: Check your scanners. Target is unarmed.
[21.04.2018 20:39:20] A/)-Arae.1: B: ...where are your turrets?
[21.04.2018 20:39:22] MNS-St.Alda: ?: This is Captain Elisabetta Cerra, this vessel does not have any weapons, not capable of attacking or defending itself. -
[21.04.2018 20:39:44] Tip: Armor Upgrades are permanent items which, when mounted, multiply your ship's base hitpoints. It is an essential item on any ship.
[21.04.2018 20:39:56] MNS-St.Alda: Elisabetta: This is a hospital ship with more than 600 injured onboard.
[21.04.2018 20:40:18] A/)-Arae.1: B: Damnation.
[21.04.2018 20:40:20] A/)-Vertigo: Talk about a well-armored hospital.
[21.04.2018 20:40:47] A/)-Arae.1: B: We can't do this, can we?
[21.04.2018 20:41:03] A/)-Vertigo: It's not like it's going to be charging into battle against us.
[21.04.2018 20:41:11] A/)-Vertigo: Let's go.
[21.04.2018 20:41:15] A/)-Arae.1: B: Copy that.
[21.04.2018 20:41:16] A/)-Basilisk.4: Copy.
[21.04.2018 20:41:24] A/)-Vertigo: Farewell, Captain.
[21.04.2018 20:41:26] A/)-Smokestack: Complie. Moving off.
[21.04.2018 20:41:35] MNS-St.Alda: Elisabetta: Thank you for your understanding and safe travels.

The incursion continued, into Omicron Alpha. Some silliness occured inside the wreck of the Hispania, and then while flying towards the northern asteroid field we intercepted and chased yet another dreadnaught back to Malta itself, this one with a group identifier of 'Eta'. Little was gained as we traded insults, opened fire, and forced it away as well with moderate damage. Having accomplished this task our patrol moved on, and with no further contacts returned to quarters on Barrier Gate and Inverness.

The following day Star Sentinel and I returned to the northern Taus to attempt a repeat performance of that first excursion; we were not successful at all, I am afraid, though recon photos of a Zoner Aquilon in Kusari named God.Particle were obtained here and here and we moved on, finally returning with new maps through Kusari, the upper Sigmas, and then into Omicron Beta and out to the Taus again through Outcast space, this time mostly unchallenged. On the way to the Omicron Beta jump anomaly in Sigma 19 we encountered this nestled between the twinned planets in the nebula there, hiding from naval patrols; no other noteworthy objects or incidents recorded.

This concludes my report.

- Smokestack


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Jadon King - 04-26-2018

[Image: 0ZuQd49h.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Magnus, Seline
TOPIC: Debut


This is Boss reporting in about the... rather busy day today. Might as well start off with our first operation under the Auxesia banner.
After scouts found a Cult of Technology Bustard Class carrier in the Drake system, we mobilized a battlegroup composing of the Andraste, the Eidolon Wraith, and the Cheimon. Along with the renegade Order vessels Amenhotep, and Montu, made our way deep into the wild territory, seemingly right under their noses. Once we reached a small planet on the outer edges of the system we engaged the Cultists and Terminated them with extreme prejudice through a combination of Capital class mortars and my flying as distraction against the Carriers weapons.

Then came the far more eventful operation in Sigma-19. Our reconnaissance ship the Garuda and Guardian "Atalanta" found what could only be described as a derelict research station, once the Atlas arrived and they investigated the facility they learned that was actually a cultist base. The following chase and desperate bid to protect the transport spanned from Sigma-19 all the way to Coranado. "Songbird", the pilot of the Garuda wishes to apologize for not being of more help during the engagement with Cultist pursuer drone, but in the end that monstrosity was destroyed by the Predator.

Finally, the incident in the Omicrons. Our AI controlled ship, the Stymphalia and Peitho-1 along with multiple other forces engaged a Cultist Fighter and what appeared to be a Modified Corvo recon Cruiser. after long fought battle not only were the cultists destroyed but we also came under possession a strain of Nerve Toxin, some Financial documents of all things, and a large amount of Drone scrap, currently she is waiting in Freeport 11 for the activity to die down before returning to Inverness to deposit the remains somewhere safer.

This concludes my report.

- Harpy Leader


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Nodoka Hanamura - 04-26-2018

Establishing Connection to
Connection Established.
Solving encryption challenge..

login: mugunghwa


EIDO Network Communications Compatibility Layer initialized. Ready to send traffic to EIDO.

[Image: MaA4K1B.png?1]

NEURAL NET ID: Song, Jae-un "Pale Bride"


Mugunghwa reporting in, current time 1823Z.

Last night consisted two-fold of a familiarization flight and operations against the Liberty Rogues "Torpedo" element.

Firstly, we were dispatched from Inverness to Cortez in order to combat a element of the Liberty Rogues that was harassing civilian elements of the Natio Octivarium, of which so far I have no information on. The Rogue was dispatched by suicide attack, killing himself and a Bounty Hunter in the process. During the fray, the Natio Octivarium element RV'd with a Allied ship and departed from the AO. Following this, we moved on to a Familiarization flight.

I apologize, but other than a standard familiarization flight throughout the Libero-bretonian borderworlds and the Kansas system, there is nothing else to report.

- Mugunghwa


Connection lost with EIDO.

Client Terminated.

RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Tomas. - 04-27-2018

[Image: 4MK4Xm3.png]

NEURAL NET ID: Leon, Emeric H.
TOPIC: Close encounters of the Nosy Kind


A quick missive to update us all on a new player sticking their nose where they should not; a ship bearing the identifier of 'ONS' attempted to stop me in Cortez without stating a reason beyond 'an investigation', and only succeeded once we had reached Inverness. Yersinia Pestis met me at the jump hole in Inverness and we, after some grandstanding, chased him out of our system without coming to blows:

[26.04.2018 14:09:19] ONS|Mason.Chandler: Good day.
[26.04.2018 14:09:30] A/)-Smokestack: Hello.
[26.04.2018 14:09:59] ONS|Mason.Chandler: Pilot, stop your ship, please.
[26.04.2018 14:10:15] A/)-Smokestack: May I ask why?
[26.04.2018 14:10:21] ONS|Mason.Chandler: No.
[26.04.2018 14:10:30] ONS|Mason.Chandler: I gave you an order and you comply.
[26.04.2018 14:10:51] A/)-Smokestack: That's not giving me much of a reason.
[26.04.2018 14:11:25] ONS|Mason.Chandler: Then you don't give me much of a choice.
[26.04.2018 14:11:36] A/)-Smokestack: That's not very neighborly.
[26.04.2018 14:12:59] ONS|Mason.Chandler: You asked to be stopped by force.
[26.04.2018 14:13:05] A/)-Smokestack: I asked for nothing.
[26.04.2018 14:13:12] ONS|Mason.Chandler: In my eyes you did.
[26.04.2018 14:13:17] A/)-Smokestack: I don't really care.
[26.04.2018 14:13:20] A/)-Smokestack: What do you want?
[26.04.2018 14:13:33] ONS|Mason.Chandler: You were asked to stop and did not obey.
[26.04.2018 14:13:33] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: Huh.
[26.04.2018 14:13:39] A/)-Smokestack: I don't take orders from you.
[26.04.2018 14:13:48] ONS|Mason.Chandler: I'm afraid you have to.
[26.04.2018 14:13:54] A/)-Smokestack: I have to do nothing.
[26.04.2018 14:14:04] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: You're clearly out of your own zone of jurisdiction.
[26.04.2018 14:14:08] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: Your argument is invalid.
[26.04.2018 14:14:08] A/)-Smokestack: I will now depart for deeper in the system.
[26.04.2018 14:14:10] ONS|Mason.Chandler: Then I don't have to explain what you were being stopped for.
[26.04.2018 14:14:24] A/)-Smokestack: That's that then.
[26.04.2018 14:14:25] ONS|Mason.Chandler: That is not how this is going down.
[26.04.2018 14:14:36] A/)-Smokestack: You come into our system.
[26.04.2018 14:14:39] ONS|Mason.Chandler: You were stopped in Cortez, clearly within my jurisdiction.
[26.04.2018 14:14:39] A/)-Smokestack: You stop our pilots.
[26.04.2018 14:15:05] A/)-Smokestack: Leave. Now.
[26.04.2018 14:15:07] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: And pray tell, why would you stop a pilot for no legitimate reason?
[26.04.2018 14:15:24] ONS|Mason.Chandler: An investigation is a legitimate reason.
[26.04.2018 14:15:51] ONS|Mason.Chandler: There doesn't have to be a committed crime or similar for me to be allowed to stop you.
[26.04.2018 14:16:01] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: I don't think LSF officers are allowed to "Investigate" civilians, let alone stopping them.
[26.04.2018 14:16:03] A/)-Smokestack: I say you are in the wrong, and you are trespassing.
[26.04.2018 14:16:05] A/)-Smokestack: Last chance.
[26.04.2018 14:16:08] ONS|Mason.Chandler: Then you are heavily mistaken.
[26.04.2018 14:16:22] ONS|Mason.Chandler: Are you trying to threaten me?
[26.04.2018 14:16:27] A/)-Smokestack: I'm not trying.
[26.04.2018 14:16:30] A/)-Smokestack: Get out.
[26.04.2018 14:16:35] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: How is this a threat? We're asking you to kiss off.
[26.04.2018 14:16:44] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: Kindly, though.
[26.04.2018 14:16:58] ONS|Mason.Chandler: Last chance indicates that if I do not use it, you will attack.
[26.04.2018 14:17:04] ONS|Mason.Chandler: Therefore, a threat.
[26.04.2018 14:17:10] A/)-Smokestack: Correct. That is a promise, not a threat.
[26.04.2018 14:17:12] A/)-Smokestack: You are not welcome.
[26.04.2018 14:17:14] A/)-Smokestack: Leave.
[26.04.2018 14:17:33] ONS|Mason.Chandler: You think you can just escape by using a jumphole to your system? You think that grants you immunity?
[26.04.2018 14:17:37] A/)-Smokestack: Yes.
[26.04.2018 14:17:38] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: It does.
[26.04.2018 14:18:02] A/)-Smokestack: In the spirit of our ceasefire you are not already dust.
[26.04.2018 14:18:06] A/)-Smokestack: That's pretty generous.
[26.04.2018 14:18:08] A/)-Smokestack: Take my offer.
[26.04.2018 14:18:09] A/)-Smokestack: Go.
[26.04.2018 14:18:23] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: If I were you, I'd comply this generous offer.
[26.04.2018 14:18:30] ONS|Mason.Chandler: I am looking forward to our next encounter.
[26.04.2018 14:18:32] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: Otherwise I'd have to inform your next of kin.
[26.04.2018 14:18:39] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: That you weren't listening.
[26.04.2018 14:18:55] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: Well guess what? We don't.
[26.04.2018 14:19:00] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: Don't show yourself here again.
[26.04.2018 14:19:04] ONS|Mason.Chandler: Too bad.
[26.04.2018 14:19:04] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: Kiss off, right.
[26.04.2018 14:19:12] A/)-Yersenia.Pestis: Chop chop!

I thought we had an understanding with Liberty? Neither of us were carrying anything that Liberty would consider illegal. Whatever the reason, there would seem to be a need for more caution when flying around the border worlds.

This concludes my report.

- Smokestack


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Zephyranthes - 04-28-2018

[Image: G6N94D6h.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Firmitas
TOPIC: Uncharted Space - Recon


Preliminary reconnaissance of the Uncharted Kusari system has been conducted in preparation for Operation Argos. Task Force Lambda-5 is moving assets in place as we speak for the op.

The following images showcase various areas of interest within Uncharted space (Note: Most celestial bodies are unnamed, and have been given names by Theletos for convenience):

#1: Aegis Nebula - This cloud has no name, but for the sake of ease, we'll refer to it as the Aegis Nebula. We have yet to run scans to determine its composition, but it does appear to suppress most sensors. This is where we have hidden the Temple of Auge after our initial blind jump in.

#2: Planet Athena and The Moon - The home territory of The Defilers, Planet Athena and the orbiting asteroid installation (Codenamed: The Moon) is hazardous territory for us. We have yet to observe any activity from the Defilers, but we assume their presence is undoubtedly strong here.

#3: Planet Hephaestus - A molten world that may serve as a pivotal staging ground for future operations against Defiler and Pioneer entities. It is on the opposite side of the sun from both of their respective stations.

#4: Pioneer Freeport - The Pioneer Freeport remains isolated in a thicker portion of the rocky field surrounding the whole system. The presence of heavy capital ship-type weaponry on their defense platforms prevented closer examination. We remained a safe, respectful distance away to not garner attention.

#5: Planet Hades - A likely terrestrial planet with a thick atmosphere, not much could be gleaned from Planet Hades. We initially thought scans were obscured by the nebula surrounding it, but this planet still remained inscrutable to sensors. It is the most remote celestial body in the system.

With basic intelligence now gathered about this system, Task Force Lambda-5 will begin sending out snub assets to assess the political situation in the region.

- Firmitas


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 04-28-2018

[Image: ph8SC9s.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Revenant


At approximately 19:25 SMT at Invergordon Station, two Crayterian vessels were caught handling Nomadic Battleship remnants. The targets are: Deathbringer - Crayterian Cruiser, Reagle.Egale - Stargazer.

[Image: iE7wEi1.png][Image: s6deQbG.png]
[Image: iugX8T6.png][Image: IXZJ2yG.png]

Unfortunately, the suspects quickly withdrew from the sector upon the scheduled visit of the Wraith. Interrogate those subjects whenever possible, though keep in mind they are not priority.

A convoy with the Arcturus delivering Deteurium to Omicron Delta, Freeport 11, was reported as a success, despite the scouts discovering a Core blockade at the Kappa hole. The Core was sufficiently distracted via social conversation, and the transport managed to divert around through uncharted space. Good work.

[Image: d7VDhDC.png]

Images of the blockade.

[Image: RyMo9Dm.png][Image: IXxxOx0.png]

Arcturus successfully making the run.

[Image: nueJk06.png]

It was noted during our visit there that a Blood Dragon infectee, indentified as Sakurai Augus - previous communicator between Auxo and the Blood Dragons - was sighted and heard through the system-wide comm, what was most notable was their affection for an individual named Megaera. Friendly language such as 'sister' or sharing hostile rhetoric was witnessed being mutual amongst the two, including being defensive about the infested subject.

[Image: SOBaRgG.png]

Sapient Megaera was seen suspiciously flying off the grid, possibly to attempt a private encounter with the bio-organism. The pilot was later to be discovered at the world orbiting the star, alone. We initiated an interrogation attempt and asked them to surrender themselves for peaceful questioning. They declined and spouted hostilities as their response. Subject dropped a nuclear mine on my vessel and tried to escape.

[Image: IwuhCqk.png]
[Image: 16tWkZS.png]

Audio logs are attached here.

>>Full audio recordings of Omicron Delta
>>Attempted interrogation of the Freelancer

She was put down due to the attempted assault on me. Their wreckage was partially reclaimed, but most of it was ash. No life-signs were detected, but that may be due to the ionic disturbance from the nearby disabled Dabadoru that suffered a 'NEMP' bomb.


According to Guildkeeper Daniels, this one is a supporter of Golanski. Due to this scenario, they are to be placed on the suspects list. The friendly remark from the Order vessel may support this claim,
Quote:[27.04.2018 20:04:02] Order|CV-Deceres: Mark: Lady Megaera, I suggest you stand aside before you are hurt.
Quote:[27.04.2018 19:33:12] Core|WV-Anassi: Oi, Raven.
[27.04.2018 19:33:29] Core|WV-Anassi: That chick, Meg, she admitted she's working for our favorite degenerate, Golanski.

Initiate Leon,

Many intel organisations have been attempting to prod our kind for any form of information to use against us. Hold harsh prejudice against all intelligence operatives, it is their game to manipulate and to ultimately destroy us. Observe them, be alert, and if needed, be ready to fight. Our data is our own to keep, not theirs. Do not allow them to compromise our secrecy.


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - ONIKS - 05-01-2018

[Image: 9k5bMDK.png]

NEURAL NET ID: Joerg L. Zitronberg
TOPIC: New project proposal


Reporting in. Going to be as brief as possible. I relocated L-584-B Oasis-class Liner, re-fitted into mobile laboratory with proton synchrotron in it, previously known as "Copenhagen", on Elgin gravity well, where other capital ships are parked. And to embrace this small "defection", this ship has new name. I'd like to introduce you ASV Erinyes. Mobile laboratory unit. This is going to be my main base of operations, unless we do have another plans on that vessel. Anyway, nothing special about that ship. Its sole purpose - high energy particle experimentation and other quantum physics sophistication. All scientific equipment can be stripped and moved down on the planet surface. So, ship is all yours. And now, the main thing I do want to report.
[Image: FDr8jzn.jpg]

After week being part of Covenant, I made some personal observations during my recon flights with strike groups. To remain on peak of technological advance it is necessary to update and renew armaments we currently have. There is no meaning in stretching our focus - we do afford starting from the basics of military technology. Missile armaments. I do want to propose kickstarting project of researching and engineering new missile weaponry for all our gunboat-class vessels. This, presumably, is going to push our gunboat vessels performance to it's extreme and missile gunboat extreme efficiency is upper hand in pretty much everything that is related to warfare. Predator showed it's great effectiveness in dealing with small crafts.
This might be new model from scratch, maybe deep modernization of existing missile model. It's just an idea. Subject for discussion. Only thing I am confident about right now is codename for this project. Project "Stymphalia". I am waiting for command officers' reply, to begin my research or to scrap that idea.
[Image: zrGDMsN.gif]
- Onyx Wing


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 05-05-2018

[Image: FJWFvSf.png]

Venator Alan Stacker has been awarded the title of Star, for an outstanding display of courage in the face of insurmountable odds. His actions protected a valuable operation in the Sigmas and Kusari from near destruction.

Initiates Zitronberg, Leon, Conway, Daniels, Frye and Alberts have surpassed - and in some cases, exceeded expectations in their capabilities, and have moved on to the rank of Warden. Congratulations.

In addition to the above, Paladin Spiteri has returned to active duty. We welcome him back into service.

Warden Zitronberg,

The Inner Phalanx is in the midst of discussing your idea, and someone from the Research and Development section will likely be in contact with you soon. Do not be alarmed if you are re-assigned, as this is simply the allocation of resources that will confirm your project's status as a positive development possibility, and will grant you access to new options and assistance in your efforts. The Inner Phalanx is always delighted to see such initiative shown in the newcomers to our society, and it speaks well for your future here. Continue with our praise.

The Inner Phalanx

RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 05-14-2018

[Image: ph8SC9s.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Revenant


Inner Phalanx,

Doctor James E. has resurfaced once more to bring us a request for sanctuary and brought forth suspicion of a possible breach. Take note that his vessels and his crew are authorised for refuge at Elgin. Immediate investigation of the embassy in the Wichita sector is required. In light of this scenario, all further IRG personnel will have to go through an extensive check should they request a transfer from the laboratory.

>>Audio logs

On an additional note, the defensive forces are to be reinforced due to the recent increase of incursions, notably some of the involved vessels bared a Lane Hacker transponder.


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Gulryz - 05-29-2018

[Image: JZVf5g9.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Masaru Akiyama
TOPIC: Patrol Report


As usual I flew beside my squadron to patrol Inverness star system. Everything seems quite, a clam before the storm it seems. After doing my regular patrol duties in Inverness star system. I proceeded to Cortez to check for any potential threats. Later I joined fellow pilot and made my way to Omega-49. A long trip indeed but totally worth the beauty of space. On our way back we tracked down a smuggler carrying cardamine into Liberty via Cortez. We forced him to drop all of his cargo. I transported all of that cardamine to Citadel.That was all for today.


- Masaru Akiyama