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Kabukicho Depot - Ironfoot - 07-11-2010

' Wrote:***Incoming Transmission***
Message to: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: Mazakatu Nagumo

Konnichiwa Brothers,

Due to a recent disability incurred on a smuggling mission gone awry, I have and will continue to be less active in our patrols and activities.

The gunship Kusari Pride has thus been re-assigned to another warrior.

Thank you. Nagumo out.

Konnichiwa Brother,

I trust I speak for all the Elders and Kobun of the society alike when I wish you a speedy recovery and a quick return to active duty, in the meantime brother, if there is anything you need then let me now.

Kabukicho Depot - Kubotan - 07-14-2010

Initiating Connection...
[color=#C0C0C0]Connection Established...

Source Unknown...
Transmitting Message...

The Yakuza - Hideki

[Image: Hideki.png]

Konnichiwa honorable Black Dragon Society. Since our respective Family Fathers have come into an agreement to work in a cooperative fashion, I believe it's only natural for me to send my action report to this communications network - where the information will be sent to both of our Families.

Since the beginning of last month, we have taken a more aggressive approach towards collecting money and smuggling various goods. However, this is not to say that we are reckless in our methods. We are very crafty in fabricating fake legal taxes to trick passing merchants as well as utilizing scouts to avoid the lawful eye during our smuggling operations.

The Yakuza Administration have constructed an economic report of this month and we have increased our daily profits by as much as seventy-three percent. Our current net worth floats around six-hundred million credits. This is still however a minor recovery of the great loss of the planned Kobe Depot which was unfortunately aborted due to attacks conducted by what we suspect to be the junkers.

On a more recent note we managed to successfully give a performance of our firepower towards a miner who acted rather greedy. After asking the pilot to stop his engines, he refused and on multiple occasions tried to escape the hand of the Yakuza. But our competent Black Bird wing was no match against this diamond-cutter.

Here is a rather humorous yet true notion of the Yakuza spirit;

[Image: 2uzx91d.png]

That is all. My deepest respect to the Family Fathers.

[color=#000000]Hideki Inagawa of the Yakuza Family.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#C0C0C0]Transmission Terminated...
[color=#999999]Connection Lost...

Kabukicho Depot - Ironfoot - 09-26-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
Message to: The Black Dragon Society
Comm ID: Tomodachi

Konnichiwa Brothers,

I have just returned to our New Tokyo base after taking another shipment of food using my contaner transport to our friends on planet Crete, on this mission two of our Gopnik Hogosha brothers offered to provide me with an escort for this noble deed without hesitation, a selfless act worthy of much praise.

[Image: shipment.jpg]
The only problem we encountered is from a freelance Bounty Hunter named "RIP", flying an Orca, who was foolish enough to attempt to stop the starving children of Crete from getting their share of our Kusari delights.

The planets defence force with the assistance of my two Hogoshan escorts soon despatched this fool.

Kabukicho Depot - Not Espi - 09-26-2010

Konnbonwa, honored Brothers.

I was taking my Raba for a stroll yesterday, when I was contacted by a 'Gopnik' Hogosha associate. He informed me an Outcast capital vessel was seen in Kusari space. Immediately after hearing this message and confirming on long-range scans, I called for backup via our private communications network. Tsubaki came to help with his Kunai Mamoru, and we proceeded towards Kyushu. At the Capital, we encoutered yet another Outcast ship. a Trident. It wasn't too hard to dispatch. At least not for 3 fighters. He babbled something about 'rules', and diminished in a fume of antimatter. As if we wouldn't make the rules in Kusari.

[Image: trident01.png]

[Image: trident02.png]

Additionally, I managed to land the final blow myself.

[Image: trident03.png]

After that was done, we - again - were on our way to find the other Outcast. Sensors indicated this was a rather big object, and we spread out to be as fast and efficient as possible. The Outcast was found near a jumphole (10K) to Tau 23, where he would surely call for reinforcements. We had to be swift and precise.

[Image: sarissa01.png]

We made several bomber runs, but the Sarissa managed to dock the Outcast base - Cali. Despite our failure to rid Sirius of this scum, we headed home with the knowledge, that the damage we made will cost them greatly.

[Image: sarissa02.png]

We returned home after the encounter.

Your humble servant, Masaki Kobaiashi of the Yakuza.

Kabukicho Depot - Tarik30 - 10-03-2010

konnichiwa bds and hogosha brothers.
gopnik|matrosik here.
it came to my attention that resently several new gopnik| tag pilots uppear in kusari and naboring space. they act rude, unhonorable, braking rules and attacking hogosha allies. as a leader of gopnik| group i must say that they are not part of us and their actions are not ordered by us. it seems that our (bds) war or img and outcasts makes some of our enemyes so pissed at gopnik| that they desided to fight us "derty" way. i hereby give the rightfull permittion to any bds member hogosha or not to track and destroy those scums. you can always make sure that they are not real gopnik| by their actions: rude chat, attack without worning, killing allied fractions. if you know how to deal with this situation exept killing em, then please advise.

i also request update on our war situation with img. we stoped so many niobium runs that img now starting to hire other traders to do deliveries for em. how gopnik| should react on zooner or any other fraction that are comming from tau 23 with niobium ore? also please advise how to deal with kruger or any other fractions that are carrying silver ore to kusari. right now we stop and tax em but we are not even half agressive to em as to img.

arigato for your time brothers.

Kabukicho Depot - Ironfoot - 10-03-2010

' Wrote:konnichiwa bds and hogosha brothers.
gopnik|matrosik here.
it came to my attention that resently several new gopnik| tag pilots uppear in kusari and naboring space. they act rude, unhonorable, braking rules and attacking hogosha allies. as a leader of gopnik| group i must say that they are not part of us and their actions are not ordered by us. it seems that our (bds) war or img and outcasts makes some of our enemyes so pissed at gopnik| that they desided to fight us "derty" way. i hereby give the rightfull permittion to any bds member hogosha or not to track and destroy those scums. you can always make sure that they are not real gopnik| by their actions: rude chat, attack without worning, killing allied fractions. if you know how to deal with this situation exept killing em, then please advise.

i also request update on our war situation with img. we stoped so many niobium runs that img now starting to hire other traders to do deliveries for em. how gopnik| should react on zooner or any other fraction that are comming from tau 23 with niobium ore? also please advise how to deal with kruger or any other fractions that are carrying silver ore to kusari. right now we stop and tax em but we are not even half agressive to em as to img.

arigato for your time brothers.

Konnichiwa, brother Hogosha.

It is disturbing to hear that you may have a set of imposters in Kusari space, masquerading has Hogosha.

It seems to me that we may have a case of spies in Kusari, if you could forward on any identification tags you have we can pass the information on to our sources and see what we can find out.

Also if we see these imposters, we can all help capture one of them for further interrogation. I would like to know if these are geniune Hogosha or from which house they originate.

Tomodachi, Fuko-Honbucho of the Black Dragon Society

Kabukicho Depot - Tarik30 - 10-04-2010

to Ironfoot
from gopnik|matrosik

// it seems that when we go online as gopnik| they log out, but i saw em from other chars. they just ignore my pms...

hai. as soon as i see em il make documents (screens) proving their names, but im not sure il be able to document their ships on close range scans. il try thouh.


Kabukicho Depot - Tarik30 - 10-04-2010

konnichiwa again

i think i found out from where those legs are groing from. gmg|john.kallon - that could be our trouble maker. im not 100% sure he got that imposter gopnik on same account but look at those screens and deside if my suspicions are correct. i olso hereby offer a bounty from gopnik|kamikadze on this gmg|john.kallon that will be payable 1mill for evry kill of him until 20 of october. kill him as much as you like hogosha brothers and you will get 1mill for each kill on 20th. as evidense all you need is a screen of his death and date. (/time). the lucky hogosha who will make more kills will get 5 mill extra


Kabukicho Depot - Tarik30 - 10-04-2010

more screens


Kabukicho Depot - Tarik30 - 10-04-2010

