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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 12-13-2006

Incoming Transmission_


Transmit to: Malaclypse 666, location unknown
Transmit from: High Chancellor Aeon, RAFC-Dreadnought

Greetings old boy!

Good to hear from you again, its been too long. The SCRA is of course happy to guarantee safe passage for the Gemenon Travellor. I Regret being unable to attend the meetings (there is no way im taking my dreadnought through all the asteroids on the way from gamma to '49), however, keep me aprised.

To all SCRA personnel, do not harm the Gemenon Travellor for the next three days. Scans may be taken to assure that they are not carrying illegals.

Next time, the [CR] should ask for themselves, instead of going through an intermediary. The result would have been the same.

My Regards Mal,

Transmission Ends_

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nussebull - 12-13-2006

Message to: SCRA High Command
From: Nussebull

Requesting to purchase a fighter
to house inside my Destroyer for
fighter support.

Standing by in the Stuttgart system
and awaiting orders.


End of message

(Thanks for the sig Koolmo)

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ant - 12-13-2006

Transmit to: All SCRA personnel
Transmit from: Commodore Morkis, Frigate Antarg

Quiet patrol today. CUFF ships were detected on long range scanners but appeared to be less than eager to get in our way.

The Procrastinator was observed by Nussebull in a live fire exercise(Connecticut), where it soundly defeated an OMNI Liberty Dreadnaught three times with it's massive firepower. Nussebull was in turn teaching the OMNI ship a lesson in flying, when electrical interference forced an end to the exercise.

Crew of the Antarg are currently on shore leave, soaking up the sun on a popular resort planet in Rheinland space.

Morkis out
[Image: scra_cr_004.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Space - 12-14-2006

Hmm wow lots of messages here hi all :) im a new lt

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 12-14-2006

Incoming Transmission_


Transmit to: All SCRA personnel
Transmit from: High Chancellor Aeon, RAFC-Dreadnought

Greetings, my brethren.

It is now official, we are allies of the HF. If they require combat support, or even just friendship, please oblige them. They will do the same for us, when and if we need it.

Allies are there to support each other, and I dont want to mess it up this time. I believe Grand Admiral Drake Thastus also thinks that.

A reminder to all our new members, lets get some good roleplaying going on in here. Develop your characters, and get posting! :D

Welcome Space to the SCRA, im sure he'll make a fine addition to our team. You are hereby assigned to the Eastern Sector Fleet, under that command of Commodore Greer Morkis on the Antarg.

Here is a list of who is assigned where using ship names:

Overall command: RAFC-Dreadnought

Grand Admiral ( oversees both fleets): RACS-Terra

Commodore, Eastern Sector Fleet: RACS-Antarg

Fighter Squadron East: RAHF-Nicator, RAHF-Space, RAHF-Totekopt, RAHF-Vampyre.

Command, Western Sector Fleet: vacant at the moment

Captain, in acting Command, Western Sector Fleet: RACS-Nussebull

Gunboat Squadron West: RAGB-Victory, RAGB-Warlord, RAGB-Argumentor, RAGB-Ghost

Long Range Patrol Squadron: RACS-Procrastinator, RACS-Protreptic

That is the list i can think of off the top of my head. please pm me if i forgot one of your characters.

The Western Sector Fleet comprises of Bretonia, and nearby omega systems. The Easter Sector Fleet comprises of Omicron Gamma, Rheinland, and nearby omega systems.

The people in command, act like it! The whole point of this community is ROLEPLAY. act least fake it, make it look like you are... :rolleyes:

Please respect the AW and their laws in Theta, and out. Because they are allies of the HF, we do not need to annoy them.

On another note, please treat all =CUFF= with extreme caution. Nussebull has already had one combat with them, so be careful, and terminate with extreme prejudice if they attack.


Transmission Ends_

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-14-2006

----Incoming Transmission----

Welcome Space, hope you fight with Honor.

Several things of note:

Frog is in long range patrol, that unit is actually be a flotilla, as it is composed or capships.

Totenkopt is squadron commander for eastern fleet, Ghost is squadron commander for western.

I am recomending that the fighters and gunboats be moved around to form 2 mixed squadrons, to counteract each others weaknesses. 2 foghters, 2 gunboats sounds good to me.

Nussebull, feel free to aquire a fighter, it will be assigned to your ship.

Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Malaclypse 666 - 12-14-2006

Message to: Mcintosh, Admiral, Commanding
Comm ID: Malaclypse, Maytag, Still Standing

You party poop! A little sniffle and you stand us up? Neener!

At any rate, the Ambassador and I talked Aeon's ear off, but refrained from puking on his shoes.

Thanks again for holding the dogs at bay, Mcintosh. Maple-filled Truffles to sooth your throat enroute. Cheery Bye!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 12-15-2006

'Twas good to talk with you again mal. Unfortunately, i wasnt able to be there in person, but a long range channel was opened.

We are upgrading our status with the [CR] to Unfriendly from Hostile because of recent talks hosted by [ELF] on Gran Canaria. Both sides mutually agreed to cool down and "hold their horses" when in contact with the other.

SCRA vessels are to treat the [CR] with caution, but not open hostility. Any engagements need to cleared by your superiors before action is taken.

The [CR] will be suspending policing activites in Bretonia, as was agreed in the meeting.

The [ELF] seem interested in hosting negotiations for peace between us and the [CR] for reasons as yet undisclosed. We are interested in what they have to say, but i would like all our member's input on the matter of peace, or at least a cooling down period, with the [CR] before i go any further.

Aeon out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ant - 12-15-2006

Transmit to: All SCRA personnel
Transmit from: Admiral Ant, Dreadnaught Procrastinator

Welcome to new recruits Space and Gingi.

A report in from Lieutenant Cray on the gunboat Argumentor today has suggested that NovaPG be considered hostile.
The Argumentor was engaged by two heavy fighters and badly damaged. Currently undergoing repairs in Honshu system.

A cruiser captain and two gunboat pilots being held for interrogation were taken during the engagement.
It is suggested a mission be arranged to retrieve these prisoners as they may have valuable information(and to teach NovaPG a lesson).

Long range scanners have detected NovaPG presence in Tau-63 system so any operation should consist of ships capable of navigating asteroid fields.

Ant out.


Transmit to: High Chancellor Aeon, Grand Admiral McIntosh
Transmit from: Admiral Ant, Dreadnaught Procrastinator

I have made my thoughts clear via private communication on the matter of relations with the Colonial Remnant.
[Image: scra_ad_003.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-15-2006

---Incoming Transmission---

This is Grand Admiral Mcintosh. The =CUFF= are now kill on sight. I have had enough of their petty backtalking and lack of intrest in "The Rules" Also, our allies the HF are engaged heavily with them, do not go too far out of your way to hunt them, but destroy any within our space. Respond with speed to any distress calls made by any but our enemies, this is a threat that will consume us all if it is not contained.

Admiral Ant, please submit a rough idea of the forces you think will need to be brought to bear against the NovaPG, and I will authorize a Raid, to be led by you. You may have to transfer your Flag however, as the Procrastinator is hardly suited for that sector. Argumentor, Please furnish a full report on the incident, including comm logs if avalable.

For the Revoluton! Mcintosh out.