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RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Jonathan Seabourne - 06-05-2020

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[Image: Titanic-Second-Officer-Charles-Lightoller.jpg]

ID: Jonathan Seabourne

Location: OS&C|Breezewood, Planet Curacao, Cortez

To: OS&C Directors

Subject: Barbados

Greetings friends,

I agree that with Mackinac down and Baden-Baden still reeling, and the war heating up in California affecting Curacao, we can't afford to lose Barbados. Should I attempt to make formal contact with the parties involved to see if we can ensure her diplomatic protection? I am not aware of exactly how much of an open secret Barbados is. Given that Liberty law explicitly allows for passengers to be exempted from Vespucci's embargo, I'm inclined to believe that the Liberty government (and those of the separatists) are both officially aware of her, but I might be mistaken.

Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Star Lines Division
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Orbital Spa and Cruise

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Where Angels Fear to Tread

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Stoner_Steve - 06-06-2020

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* ID: James Blackwood - Captain
* Location: OS&C|Atlantis

Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:

\Begin Message/

My Friends at Orbital,

With my shinny new title of Sub-Director of Triton Expeditions I wanted to see how best to help the department continue to excel and expand within the Omicrons. Along that front I have reached out to the .:j:.unker Congress to acquire a Pilgrim Liner. Market research indicates that while Triton Expedition Flights in the Omicrons have an unusually high passenger ticket ratio, with almost 80% of all available passages being sold, however repairs to the Liners run in excess of 30% of the routes profit. These routes are clearly profitable but the cost of repairs are beyond excessive. My hope is that with the introduction of a robust Pilgrim Liner to the Omicron Routes Triton Expeditions will be able to restore profitability to this passenger saturated sector.

James Blackwood

\End Message/

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RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 06-06-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club somwhere in the Omicrons
To:All Employes
Encryption:Neptune Spear
Subject: A bad Day for a Pirate

Greetings Friends

Yesterday the Velvet was on a Routine Tour with VIPs to Freeport 11. as we wher Intercepted in the Omicron Rho system by the Pirate ~Barbarossa~ with Auxesian IFF a quick Look at his ID proved that he was an Independent Pirate even though I thought otherwise at first. as I am are no stranger to Piracy and well "Donate" as much money as the Rest of you each month to ensure the Safety of my Passengers. I waited for his Demand at first. but as he demanded 10 Million that was to Much for a Simple VIP tour and would have left me without a Profit. so I Offered him 5 Million, in the End. considering that I paid a Gang of 4 Hessians 8 Million a couple of days ago this was a generous offer. but he then wanted 7 Million and that was still too much so I took my Chances against his Bomber and hoped to reach Durban Station, but as the fight Started it showed that this Pirate was even though he had a Bomber Fully Loaded with Torpedos a Terrible Shooter. the Velvet had an Easy Play with him and avoided almost all the Torpedos he Fired at us. while our Excellent Gun Crews Pounded his ship, the Velvet could Repair all damage at the Spot with Nanobots and Shield Batteries. and at the end of the Battle, the Core Battleship Olyana arrived and Finished the Job whit her Guns. the BS had a Superior Firing Range than the Velvet so she had an Easy Play with the Burning Bober, all in all, I would simply say a little Cost analysis would have saved the Pirate a Loot of Repair and Ammo Costs. while the Velvet only had to Replace some Batterys and Nanobots at Freeport 11 and make some Simple Repairs. as always I put the Conversation in the Attachment

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector and Head of Triton Expeditions

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: DmiRfcj.png]
[Image: kA4jnzr.png]

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Stoner_Steve - 06-10-2020

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* ID: Jim Hammond - Liner Captain
* Location: OS&C|Tierra_del_Fuego
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:

\Start Playback/

"Okay. So H.R. requested that I act more calm while submitting these reports." He set another tablet in front of him, clasping his hands "So, while thinking happy thoughts i'll tell you about today and how we literally exit the gate into Colorado and BAM. A Pirate" he glanced out the window for a moment "Not just any pirate too, a CRUISER! Liberty barely lets corporate security get flight time in gunboats and we are expecting them to take down cruisers?" He unclasped his hands and shrugged slightly. "Again, happy thoughts not quite as bad as 13 million credits for safe passage, but 10 creates of whiskey isn't nothing to sneeze at either." Picking the tablet up from in the tablet in front of him once more "Either way see attached report below. Maybe we need to bother the Police? Not that I think they can field any guns that size either."

\End Playback/

End File
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RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Jonathan Seabourne - 06-10-2020

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[Image: Titanic-Second-Officer-Charles-Lightoller.jpg]

ID: Jonathan Seabourne

Location: OS&C|Breezewood, Planet Manhattan, New York

To: Captain Jim Hammond

Subject: Cost of Doing Business

Greetings Jim,

Where there is an interplanetary economy wealthy enough to support luxury travel, there will be pirates looking to prey on that wealth and prosperity.
You should certainly report the incident to the police and to Spa-Sec's bounty board, but truth be told a few crates of hooch to a pirate vessel is the cost of doing business. Paying reasonable demands to reasonable pirates keeps everyone flying.
Taking out the reasonable pirates just opens up their patrol routes for the true radicals. We negotiate with pirates. We're destroyed by terrorists.

So write up some interesting reports, we'll publish them in Wanderlust to boost ticket sales for the customer looking for a "real pirate" experience. So long as our ships make it to their destinations safe and sound, the company prospers. If it helps you to think of these things as a tax rather than a ransom, go for it, but I find that our spreadsheets are indifferent to their labels.

It's frustrating, and heaven knows I've almost blown a gasket with pompous pirates looking to scratch the paint on the Breezewood, but an OS&C captain is capable of taking those deeper breaths and reacting in a way that keeps our people safe. Long term profits can absorb a few missing crates more readily than they can afford a lost liner. Trust me, I've had to make those grim calculations too many times as of recent.

We keep our birds flying, no matter what. If you have a financial hardship from these attacks, I'm happy to put my money where my mouth is and cover your losses. Otherwise, we just have to grin and bear it when lesser factions have us at a temporary disadvantage.

Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Star Lines Division
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Orbital Spa and Cruise

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Where Angels Fear to Tread

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Stoner_Steve - 06-13-2020

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* ID: Jim Hammond - Liner Captain
* Location: OS&C|Tierra_del_Fuego
* To: Caitlyn Cross
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:

\Start Playback/

"Caitlyn, the rumors from the breakroom is you had your own run-in with LPI a few days ago" he waved a tablet in front of the camera "And now it looks like now they are using our liners for target practice in retaliation for you pointing out their shortcomings." He looked genuinely upset now "And its not about the damages, but its the general disregard for human life." He waved the tablet at the camera again. "It's a sad state of Liberty when the goddamn Rogues treat the average citizen with more regard than the utter contempt displayed by" he formed a pair of air quotes "Liberties Finest."

He paused for an uncomfortably long period of time.

"Its one thing to have the odd pirate fire on a vessel, its another entirely to have a trigger happy pilot at the helm of enough firepower to not only drain the strongest shield array on the market but also cause enough secondary damage to warrant a trip to the shipyard wear a shiny badge and literally play god with thousands of lives under the guise of protecting Liberty." He raised his voice slightly. "I don't know what should be done about LPI's continued police abuses but you should talk to Seaborne about issuing an Orbital Travel Advisory for Liberty, not for pirates, but for the Police"

\End Playback/

End File
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RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 06-13-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Luxury Liner Hawaii System Sigma 19
To:Jim Hammond
Encryption:Neptune Spear
Subject: WTF LPI

Greetings Jim

well as I read what happened to you I couldn't believe it that the LPI didn't Confiscate the Pilots License of this Officer. and let him handle Parking Tickets or be a student pilot managing a Crosswalk. I already Contacted a Friend of mine who is lieutenant in the LPI. I know this was done by a Beginner Officer. but a pilot should be able to handle the ship he is flying without incidents, so this one surely needs more training. or an other ship than a Bomber these ships have Simply too much Upsy Potential in the hands of unexperienced Pilots. so dont worry we will not let this gonna stay as it is. i also opend you the Comm Chanell I wrote my Complaint about this officer, in case you want to Join in and submit your Case to the LPI directly. the codes for the new Neptune Spear Encryption are in the Attachment.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector and Head of Triton Expeditions

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: DmiRfcj.png]
[Image: kA4jnzr.png]

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Jonathan Seabourne - 06-13-2020

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[Image: Titanic-Second-Officer-Charles-Lightoller.jpg]

ID: Jonathan Seabourne

Location: OS&C|Breezewood, Harrisburg Station, Pennsylvania

To: All Employees

Subject: Loss of the Blitzburgh

Greetings friends,

I was ferrying some VIPs from Curacao to connecting flights out of Bethlehem when I passed LNS-Blitzburgh taking it to a squadron of Rogue gunboats and a cruiser. Sadly, the Rogue firepower proved too much for the mighty warship and she ended up getting lit up like a Christmas tree. It was a spectacular site, though one with no survivors. I failed to recover any of the crew on subsequent SAR. I only managed to pick up 10 or so Rogue pilots, still in their escape pods with signs of initial processing as Liberty's prisoners. Seems the detention cell on board the Blitzburgh was the safest place to be. I made pickup on the Rogues and turned them over to the authorities on Harrisburg. I transferred the resulting bounties to the Blitzburgh's accounts, I hope it'll find its way to the families of the fallen.

Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Star Lines Division
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Orbital Spa and Cruise

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Where Angels Fear to Tread

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Stoner_Steve - 06-14-2020

-- Start File --
-- Video feed --
* ID: Jim Hammond - Liner Captain
* Location: OS&C|Tierra_del_Fuego
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:

\Start Playback/

"Afternoon folks, another day, another pirate" he waved a set of tablets in front of the camera "But as a testament to the power of a well stocked bar we once again were able to skillfully negotiate our way into a mutually beneficial solution." He looked slightly giddy. "Furthermore there is a chance" he held his hand in front of him, holding his index and thumb together "about that big of a chance, but a chance none the less that we might be able to export booze to the LR-. And we all know pirates won't shoot a party barge filled with booze let alone one bound for them." He set all the tablets down on his rapidly filling desk "Oh and food for thought, Gin apparently is what the cool kids drink. Make sure you're well stocked."

\End Playback/

End File
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RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - UllaJensen - 06-14-2020

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ID: Cpt. Jack Ashton
[Image: Cpt-Jack-Ashton.jpg]
Location: Freeport 11
To: All Employees

Subject: Nomad-spotting in Omricon-delta

Hi everyone, I decided to cut my vacation short as I got an offer I simply could not resist. A very small group of wealthy unnamed individuals contacted me asking to rent the Boundless Pleasure for a trip to Freeport 11 in Omricon Delta for some up 'whale-spotting'. After a lengthy ride there we were very lucky to arrive when we did. As we approached the freeport we saw two massive Corsair and Zoner ships almost dwarfing the station. After a short pit stop I managed to enlist the crew of Barbarosa The One Eyed to take us Nomad spotting and man did we get lucky. Flying straight through an active battle between Zoners, Corsairs and Rogues we saw both Nomad gunboats, cruisers, and various other vessels.

Here are some pictures from the trip, I hope they can be used for our next installment of Wanderlust.

[Image: Freeport11-Crazy-ship-sightings.jpg]

[Image: Freeport11-Crazy-ship-sightings-3.jpg]

Cpt. Ashton

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[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Have a pleasant flight!