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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Recruitment! - alphadog - 06-06-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Phoenix.Alpha
Name: Paul Fisher
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): alphadog_nl

Age: 25
Height: 1.92m
Weight: 85kg
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Greenblue-ish

Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Hamburg

Background Information:
Paul was born on Planet Hamburg. His father, Mark Fisher, was a businessman for a big company, so he did not spent much time at home. His mother was a teacher at the local elementary school. She knew how to deal with kids, so Paul had a relatively normal childhood. At the age of 18, he had to decide how to start his career. Pauls parents did not want him to join the military, but the recruitment officers at school made quite the impression on him. When Paul told them he was really considering joining the army, especially his father was not amused. He started to work even more then he did to keep him busy. He just didn't want to think about his son joining the army. His mother didn't like the idea much either, but looking into her sons eyes, she saw that he really wanted to do this. Despite his fathers' effort to change his mind, Paul signed up for the Rheinland military Secondary Fleet.

The Academy was tough. Paul's mother didn't raise him as a child who could handle a lot of criticism, so he had a lot to learn. Despite being completely exhausted, he never gave up. This was his choice, and he would stick to it. Paul learned to fly, to fight, and so becoming a true soldier. He graduated slightly above average in a class which would later be known as one of the best in years.

During the years, Paul did a lot of assignments for the military. From the regular criminal-wipes, to the destruction of enemy structures. Because he was so good in what he did, he was never asked to fight in the war against Liberty. That was until he was approached by a recruit officer of the Rheinland Military Guard. They had been watching him for some time now, and invited Paul to join them. Paul didnt hesitate for a minute and accepted right away.

For the Guard, he did a lot of border patrols and anti-smuggling operations. Being so close to the border with Liberty, made him think about the war. He wanted to make Rheinland a better place, so he decided it was time for a new challenge: The Primary Fleet.

Basic Personality Traits: Strict, convincing and responsible

Ship Class:90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith"-class Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
About three months

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Looking for some distraction while learning for exams.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?
The most important ones:
LPI Officer John Smith
Luxury Liner Phoenix.Alpha
Miner Spreyton and Transport Cavenham

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?
I wanted to join a Military faction. Because of my experience in the LPI, the Liberty Navy was not an option. I tried the BAF, but the RM is more appealing to me.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Mitsuomi - 06-06-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Mitsuomi
Name: Chistian Gundlach
Rank: Recruit
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): N/A

Age: 21
Height: 1.87m
Weight: 83kgs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: blue

Planet/Station of Origin: New Berlin

Background Information: I was born on planet New Berlin. im father was a miltary officer and his mother a public sector worker on Planet Hamburg. My Mother? I never knew her. my father said she was killed, her transport was attacked by corsairs. No suvivors. I was raised by my Father until i was thirteen. Then he sent me to the Military accademy in planet Nuremberg. I Stayed there for six years which included a year's front-line service on board a Rheinland Military Cruiser. Now here I am after graduating, awaiting the response from the Rheinland Militar, weither I get accepted or not. I live to win and I will never accept defeat from those who take the life out of the helpless and innocent, day by day.

Basic Personality Traits: Cool under pressure, Patriotic to Rheinland, Intelligent, Quick Thinking, Cold and calculating at times.

Ship Class: gunship

How long have I been playing Discovery?

1 year

What made you come and play on Discovery?
A thriving FL community with a good RP.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery server?
junker slave liner name: kasumi goto

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?
I allways loved Rheinland, amazing ships, it's a really nice challenge to be in war with the Liberty Navy

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - TheOrangeButterfly - 06-07-2010

Discovery Forum Name: TheOrangeButterfly
Name: Lilli Valeska
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): Swipter88

Age: 23
Height: 177 CM
Weight: 59 kilos
Hair Color: Darker blonde.
Eye Color: Hazel

Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New Berlin

Background Information:
Lilli Valeska is a quiet, young woman who was born on Planet New Berlin during the winter months. This wintery birth reflected her upbringing, as she lived in the northern hemisphere of the Planet and was subject to harsh conditions for most of her life before she moved off to the center continent. Her parents were of the strict-type, never allowing her to slack on any task, and as such has instilled a work ethic that is to be rivalled among New Berlin's hardest working citizens.

She comes from the poor-lower class, yet due to the public school system was afforded a way out. Her intelligence allowed her to graduate in the top 25% of her class in primary education. She pursued this education further with secondary schooling at the University of New Berlin where she was in the Military's ROTC program for all 4 years of school. During the last two years of her University experience she gained entrance to the Military Space and Aeronautics training school, she took part in this until she graduated. At first she was not able to join the Primary fleet full time, due to her fathers illness and was given the nod by a certain Admiral to join the reserve fleet until such a time that she could devote herself full to the Primary fleet. Now that her father has passed away, she has time to fully emerge herself into the Primary fleet. As a reserve pilot she had served in many combat actions from Bremen, to Bering, all the way to the Texas system.

She is currently on-call in the Stuttgart system due to the rising threat of the Neo-Viking Hessians and its extreme threat to the commerce in the region. She is based out of Battleship Karlsruhe.
Due to the shortage of Primary fleet pilots, she has put in an application to be moved from Reserve status and into the Primary fleet of the Rheinland Military.

Basic Personality Traits: Disciplinarian, due to her parents upbringing, although can be sympathetic at times. She strives for perfection in all she does, and as such is a fairly decent fighter pilot.

Ship Class: N/A

Other: N/A

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Nearly a year now.
What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
I wanted another RP server, I played on one a while back.
What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?
Too many to name - Important ones are these:
[RHA]Johannes.Claus (And all associated ships),[LMC]Cpt.Jack.Johnson (And all associated ships),
Kruger|Garren.Claus (And all associated ships), Eric.Jacobson (And all associated ships)

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?I lead an RM clan at one point in time, and I want to join one again. I also have a few friends within the faction.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Kanzler Schulte - 06-07-2010

Hallo applicants:

Frau Lilli Valeska und herr Paul Fisher, the recruit questionairre has been sent to you via private comms neural net.

Christian Gundlach, the Rheinwehr Recruitment Bureau has decided that your background story is not sufficient enough in details. Please attend to this, then you will be sent a questionnarie evaluation test.


Feldwebel Jorhei Gunther [5th Fleet Recruitment Officer]

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - alphadog - 06-07-2010

I filled out the questionairre and returned it. I hope it arrived in one piece. The connection was pretty bad when I hit the send button. Please contact me if something went wrong.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - tutuna - 06-09-2010

Discovery Forum Name:Jumadia
Name: Tengo
Rank: Recruit
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username):tengo.romanadze

Age: 14
Height: 1.50
Weight: 42
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Planet/Station of Origin: New Berlin

Background Information: Was born in a middle classed family... parents died in a ship head on collision. Been on his own since he was 17, is poor, has no money and is trying very hard to succeed in his life.

Basic Personality Traits: Listens well, always completes orders and has 2 years of flying under his belt.

Ship Class: Wraith

Other: Is often on duty always looking for overtime

Discovery Forum Name:Jumadia
Name: Tengo
Rank: Recruit
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username):tengo.romanadze

Age: 14
Height: 1.50
Weight: 42
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Planet/Station of Origin: New Berlin

Background Information: Was born in planet New Berlin. In a middle classed family... parents died in a ship head on collision. Been on his own since he was 17, is poor, has no money and is trying very hard to succeed in his life.

Basic Personality Traits: Listens well, always completes orders and has 2 years of flying under his belt.

Ship Class: Wraith

Other: Is often on duty always looking for overtime

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - aznremix416 - 06-09-2010

Phoenix.Alpha and TheOrangeButterfly

Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"

Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - CzeReptile - 06-11-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Reptile
Name: Hans Bl?cher
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): metalheadps

Age: 24
Height: 6 feet 0 inches
Weight: 180 pounds
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Planet/Station of Origin: Nuremberg

Background Information:
Hans was born on planet Nuremberg as second child in worker family. His father is still employed by the company making Military vehicles on the planet. While this business is quite lucrative, mother could stay at home to look after the growing family.
After finishing schools and the entire education process, Hans was wondering about path to take. His older brother J?rgen took a place in the Rheinland Federal Police, despite the huge disagreement of parents. In such dangerous times, they did not want their first-born son to go into deadly situations, that might arise during daily duties of policemen in these days. Other option was to follow his father steps and become a regular worker in one of the many factories on Nuremberg planet. While this looked safest of all possible options, Hans felt it is not really what he wants to do. The daily routine is not what he likes.
As a young kid, he was dreaming much about stars and the space. From all the holiday travels to all corners of Sirius, a lust for adventure silently grew inside young man?s heart. So when the time came, a decision of a life rather dangerous and rewarding was the option, instead of calm, silent life on the planet or a station in space.
Once again, against wishes of his own parents, Hans silently packed his stuff one night, leaving a small note saying : "Haben sie keine Angst, I will return. " and got on a shuttle headed for New Berlin planet. From there, his steps were firm and with one direction - the closest Military recruitment post. Brother is already in force, being a good policeman. So why not join the big guns? thought Hans when he was entering the building with the recruitment office. After a deep breath and last quick evaluation of the whole thing, he moved forward to the officer at the desk... *guten Tag, I want to apply for the Rheinland Military Navy as a pilot*

Basic Personality Traits: A wacko. Enjoys fast firing fancy guns and big brawls. Tends to be annoying sometimes.

Ship Class:

Other: Nope.

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ? Year and 3 months

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ? Well I was playing Starlancer and after finishing I was searching more of the -lancer games, so I came across Freelancer. Done SP in that and then I thought ill take a peek in the online community. And because I am much used to the mods in general gaming I searched around to find some. I have downloaded quite few, but they all miss the playerbase of discovery, so eventually I have been glued to the place. Valid reason to start playing here is missing, but I do not regret it.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server? 6 =CR=, [LN], Repex, huge group of indies and shared vessels

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM? When it comes to fighting, I have only battleship on Rheinland side. I believe official tagged wraith is good option number 1.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - KuuN - 06-11-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Kuun
Name: Hartmut Salvenmoser
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): piotrek12005

Age: 28
Height: 1.87 m
Weight: 77 kilos
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Planet/Station of Origin:

Planet Stuttgart

Background Information:

H,S was born in 14.06.789. He comes from a rich family Salvenmoser which has a property on Planet Stuttgart. He started his education when he was 4 years old and by the age of 20 he joined flight school. After 4 years of hard work and many hours on the flight simulator he was given his first contract as an escort pilot. His first mission was to escort 2 armord transports carrying high-tech weapons for the Rheinland Military. He did well and after speaking with Military pilots he decided that he wishes to serve the Rheinland and protect its people. Now he is grown man , he has some experience and goals he want to achieve. HS will do anything for the Rheinland , he is strong , loyal and brave. Thats why he decided to join the Primary Fleet of Rheinland Military and become a true defender of Rheinland and soldier of the Kanzler!


Basic Personality Traits:

friendly , honest , polite , quiet , relaxed

Ship Class:

90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

For 1 year

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

Because my good friends play here and It's nice and role-playing.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?





*Not all of them because I don't use others very often.

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

Because Rheinland is my favourite world in the sirius. In the first time , when I saw " Donau " and Valkyries , I almost fell in love with the rheinland ships design. Also , because Rheinland is strong and very good organized.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Harus - 06-12-2010

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Discovery Forum Name: Harus
Name: Rheinhart Weiss
Rank: - Independent Military Vessel
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): sebassf1

Age: 27
Height: 1.87 meters
Weight: 90kg
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue

Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Nuremburg, Munich

Background Information:Rheinhart was born into a Military family on Nuremburg. His father retired as a General, and his mother was just a mere secretary working aboard the Regensburg. This is where his parents met. After marrying, Rheinhart was soon to follow a year later. He did not grow up like any normal child. His father was very strict, and wanted Rheinhart to follow in the same path as him, to join the Rheinland Military and to be a high ranking officer, but that is not what Rheinhart wanted. He pushed to be the exact opposite of his father, which eventually his father shunned him from the family, and even denied his existence. Several years since then Rheinhart had taken many odds and ends jobs just to make things meet. Spent a lot of time shipping freight for a merger profit, and has grown to miss his father, and his mother. He wasn't allowed contact with neither, and he missed them, and turned himself around, and has been trying to proof his worthiness to his father, and by joining the military, he would be completing the first step, of a long road ahead of him.

Basic Personality Traits: Patient, Diplomatic, Sometimes quick to Anger, Quick-witted.

Ship Class: Wraith, VHF.


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

2 Months or more.

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

After my long time off of Freelancer (some 4ish years) I came back to Lancers reactor to find Discovery as the most popular mod, so I tried it out, been hooked ever since.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?


and a few others concerning the above factions. (Note: I am looking to get out of Liberty, so any liberty tied characters listed above may be removed soon.)

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

I am looking for a less idiotic start in Discovery. My first choice of Sirus was Liberty, was a first bad choice. Authorities there just make me want to pull my hair out. I am hoping the RM will bring a fresh new start for me that is more positive.

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