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Discovery Economy Reformation - Saronsen - 04-03-2010


Oh quit it Loyd.

I like Battleships. I don't like trading. Even if trading was bumped up to 100million an hour (which it wont), I'll trade for a maximum of 45 minutes.

The common trend for the economy has been to punish everyone who trades and mines.

I would buy several battleships if I had the money, yes.

I own a Battleship right now, and two cap 7's. Guess what? I didn't trade one bit for them. It was all given to me for free.

I can barely trade for a Gunboat nowadays, because trading is simply too boring. If not bump the income of current routes, make more. More routes, more diversity, less boredom.

I also like having money to make other ships. Like Fighters, Bombers, Transports, Freighters, Gunboats, Cruisers, Liners. You know, some ships that are expensive?

EDIT: To make it clear why I made this thread.

Trading is boring. BORING. B O R I N G. And not worth the mind wrenching boredom.

Maybe if there were profitable short route trips, or just a whole lot more trips, or more trips for factionalized traders, it'd be less boring.

But there isnt.

Discovery Economy Reformation - Exsiled_one - 04-03-2010

there's 10 000 route trips around for you to do. I see your point of view, however:

Get a smuggler and go smuggle. there's 35 smuggling routes I know of.
Your faction could help you too, if they actually grouped with you and convoyed with you.
Head of the factions should really animate their traders better and make it more fun. Kishiro arranged a race.
Out of like... 8 trading factions in see only 3 actually trading in convoys. It seems people aren't interested.
Of course problem is that it's boring, but you can go and enjoy your pirating experience for 5 mil. You just won't be as skilled.
Your and half of the people's here problem is that they're lazy and they want to have equal benefits as those who put more effort in it.
Ass for the more routes for the true factions, maybe it would be better to simply tweak the ID's to give more profit or at least discount when buying the items.

It seems there's tons of things to do once you see the light.

Discovery Economy Reformation - Dantrithor - 04-03-2010

' Wrote:I can barely trade for a Gunboat nowadays, because trading is simply too boring. If not bump the income of current routes, make more. More routes, more diversity, less boredom.

I also like having money to make other ships. Like Fighters, Bombers, Transports, Freighters, Gunboats, Cruisers, Liners. You know, some ships that are expensive?

EDIT: To make it clear why I made this thread.

Trading is boring. BORING. B O R I N G. And not worth the mind wrenching boredom.

Maybe if there were profitable short route trips, or just a whole lot more trips, or more trips for factionalized traders, it'd be less boring.

But there isnt.

To be honest, my most fun last month was trading in Kishiro. Three of us convoyed, and it was hell of a trip, with profits, pirates, escapes, privateers, and anything you can imagine.

Discovery Economy Reformation - William Frederick Cody - 04-03-2010

' Wrote:<snip> because trading is simply too boring. If not bump the income of current routes, make more. More routes, more diversity, less boredom.

Trading is boring. BORING. B O R I N G. And not worth the mind wrenching boredom.

Maybe if there were profitable short route trips, or just a whole lot more trips, or more trips for factionalized traders, it'd be less boring.

But there isnt.

1. We have more various equally profitable trade routes, that i couldnt imagine before 4.85. Dont fly only one route over and over again, try others. Fly from here to there, and look for new routes. There are lots of them.

2. No. Trading is fun for me.

3. Though we have short runs too, they are hard to find. Maybe use FLcompanion.

4. You are kidding, obviously.

Let me say this: I LIKE this trading system, it is 100x better, than any other economy, we have had before. Ever.





It is on you; dock, where you are allowed to do so, list the bases, and than OF COURSE you will see a lot of trade routes.

Discovery Economy Reformation - Saronsen - 04-03-2010

Shift + W, F3, Shift + W, F3, Shift + W, F3.

Yeah that sure is fun.

Discovery Economy Reformation - Elsdragon - 04-03-2010

Time. That is my main objection to this. People have -lives-, they dont have time to trade at such a glacially slow rate. And when they do, running into a single pirate takes away from time that was already at a premium.

If effort is Shift+w, F3, for five hours on end, then something is wrong

Discovery Economy Reformation - Strichev - 04-03-2010

Perhaps the only problem is that Discovery has capital ships. And people like to fly around in big ships. It has to have something in relation with human nature.

If there would be no capital ships ,that everyone wants to have, then you would trade much less. Unless if someone would say: "too many VHF lol wuts! Lets make VHFs cost 900 million, so everyone will use LFs).

So if there is no other way to limit the number of people that fly battleships than making them only reachable to someone who has whole day time to trade, nothing will change.

Do what I do. Fly around in small ships. No need to trade then.
If you want to have CAPITAL SHIP then face the dreaded tradeing.

Think what has better percantage of fun involved.

But this is nothing new.

Discovery Economy Reformation - William Frederick Cody - 04-03-2010

' Wrote:Shift + W, F3, Shift + W, F3, Shift + W, F3.

Yeah that sure is fun.

Or: Trade a route, that seems fun. I may be an idiot, but i trade for fun. I dont think always about the best trade route. I like to choose good routes, and there are lots of it.

Edit: Also /signed the post above mine

Discovery Economy Reformation - Elsdragon - 04-03-2010

I have no capital ships, at all. I do not want them.
Do you know why I have to trade for so long? Factions take money to run. Lots of it.
I spend most of my free time tradeing, because i need the money. So please, people, dont take this to a personal level, the level of " IF YOU WANT MORE MONEY U PVPVWHORELULWHUT". People arent as static as you make them out to be.

Discovery Economy Reformation - Leo - 04-03-2010

' Wrote:Do what I do. Fly around in small ships. No need to trade then.
If you want to have CAPITAL SHIP then face the dreaded tradeing.

Not true. Sure, the less amount of money you'll be able to use to keep your VHF or Gunboat afloat, but your Cruise disruptors, mines, and other ammo and batteries and bots will eventually run out, and you'll have to use that cash to re-supply yourself. As I said, sure, they'll last longer, but you WILL eventually run out of money.

I don't remember who said to get convoys, but that's all well and good, but it's hard to find people to convoy with, espically smugglers in this day and age. I have friends, but they're all busy doing their own things (like Boss out killing people in Iota on his Marduk). Or, if you ask in system, you get an lolwut moron who doesn't know the difference between RP and know.
