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where are the pirates? - Printable Version

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where are the pirates? - ian - 07-05-2008

after just starting a new Gaian pirate operating in Leeds today i actually only demanded them to drop cargo, instead of asking for money, that i know is going towards LD-14 (which is mainly Boron) or unless they dont want to i would arrange for a voluntary donation to the Gaian cause

surprisingly i actually got a few donations from just asking politly "would you care to make voluntary donation to the Gaian cause?" and a few people agree'd even when they wasnt anywhere near me who then came to meet me at a predefined spot :s and got a trader to propose a supply deal for the Gaians ^_^

only problem i can see is that the Advanced Train cannot be stopped while in cruise, i fired about 15 or 16 Mosquito's at a BMM trader who was in one and even though all of them hit not one actually stopped him:(

where are the pirates? - chovynz - 07-05-2008

' Wrote:only problem i can see is that the Advanced Train cannot be stopped while in cruise, i fired about 15 or 16 Mosquito's at a BMM trader who was in one and even though all of them hit not one actually stopped him:(

Use the "Train" CD.

where are the pirates? - ian - 07-05-2008

' Wrote:Use the "Train" CD.

didnt see it for sale last time i was at Glendale but i'll check there again, probably missed it haha

thanks for the tip

where are the pirates? - Armageddon - 07-06-2008

I have an idea for all us piarates out there when they say "kill me" use the subtarget. Take out the shields, cargo pods, thrusters and the guns (if the hull allows) Main point is the shield. Shoot them till they is flaming and follow them for a bit to make sure they aint gonna suicide :crazy:

I also have a second idea for the kill me point. Up the price of all commodities while keeping the profit the same so they make the same profit while instead of having 500k in cargo they have 5mil or so that way even the oorp traders will give you your tax :yahoo:

where are the pirates? - jammi - 07-06-2008

' Wrote:Oh, and be sure to not let you be catched while transferring IDs, if you can't get Zoner IFF, who do you get ID's then without breaking any server rule?

Unfortunately the Zoner ID is sold as soon as you buy a single Zoner bribe... It should be moved to IFF reputation, i.e. ful rep needed, to solve some of this problem. When I first started on the server, I'm afraid to say I was a trader that used the Zoner ID:$I always paid tax though, and got rid of it as soon as I realised the error of my ways. Now I sport a Smuggler ID.

Armageddon's idea is good, but it will adversely impact on new players just getting into trading without any other established characters to set them up. I suppose of the plus side, it would make mining ludicrously profitable...

where are the pirates? - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 07-06-2008

' Wrote:Unfortunately the Zoner ID is sold as soon as you buy a single Zoner bribe... It should be moved to IFF reputation, i.e. ful rep needed, to solve some of this problem.

*coughs* WHAT? You serious? THIS Zoner ID SHOULD be sold the same way as all other ID's, mean you need to have them FULLY repped out.

Oh, and for ian: what about joining NLH?

where are the pirates? - ian - 07-06-2008

i want to be an indy pirate for now untill i can learn more of the ropes and such plus i dont think i have seen many NLH members online for a long time

where are the pirates? - Exile - 07-06-2008

Unless you can band together sevral indi's, i wish you good luck.

Most of the traders these days go "Lulz, no muniez for joo nub. pew pew. " Just get a buncha bombers together and convince them, and supernova point. Works quite damn well. So well, that i had my own faction kill my trader today.:dry:-points at Treewyrm-

where are the pirates? - ian - 07-06-2008


well my latest donations received have actually been very nice, i stopped a trader and asked for a donation, they asked how much and so i let them decide and he gave me a million and now he is voluntary paying me a million each time he enters the system ^_^

although had a nasty experiance with a train:(nothing to do with RP as it was all good but fighting wise i couldent even scratch his shields even with several Paraliser missiles hitting at once didnt do nothing so i was forced to let him go on account that i literally couldent do anything to him

still sorting out a good RP for now as the one i have now isnt anything special and as for the terrorism part of a Gaian i am doing that in RP-ways such as demanding Gaian prisoners being released in return of of several rookie BPA, BAF and civilian pilots (the BPA and BAF were sent on a training mission but i intercepted them on-route) etc if that is allowed that is as i know we cannot act like a terrorist such as shooting anyone at anytime

edit: howcome Gaians cannot have Bombers? i wouldent mind them having bombers instead of Cruisers or even a Battleship

where are the pirates? - Exile - 07-07-2008

Get a civi bomber. The Preagle.
Mount a supernova and a Train CD. That should help you out.