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Memorial thread - Printable Version

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Memorial thread - Chev - 05-13-2012

Still missing Divine. Just before my return I was hoping he'll be somewhere around... well, I was wrong.

Memorial thread - Backo - 05-18-2012


Memorial thread - Divine - 05-29-2012

' Wrote:...
Shoo. Don't be silly, nobody'll be missing me. Nobody cares.

On that note... though he was already mentioned before...
Richard D. Jameson

and Mike (Exile)

Memorial thread - aerelm - 06-23-2012

Doc Jameson, who despite all the hate tossed at him from different directions during his time here, still contributed somethin to this community both in RP and out of it.

Well, c'est la vie.

Memorial thread - darkxy - 06-25-2012

i miss my cat who was with me for 6 years:(

Memorial thread - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 07-22-2012

' Wrote:Doc Jameson, who despite all the hate tossed at him from different directions during his time here, still contributed somethin to this community both in RP and out of it.

Well, c'est la vie.

I 2nd that;)

Memorial thread - Daedric - 07-22-2012


Memorial thread - Madvillain - 07-22-2012

Bootsiuv , Tailsdoll , Febreze and Hsien.
They are great guys and totally insane:)

Memorial thread - Camtheman - 07-22-2012


Oh wait...


Lol, what a ham.

I miss Kashiwaba Tomoe.

Memorial thread - shcore22 - 07-22-2012

He never told me his forum name..but he dyed...

R.I.P..Helium|EA .. best teacher + friend