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Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Unofficial Factions and Groups (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=67) +--- Thread: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center (/showthread.php?tid=67636) |
RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Daumann Heavy Construction - 05-08-2014 ===Incoming Transmission=== ![]() Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Hanna Richter, DHC Secretary Good morning Mr. Paul, your previous experience is invaluable, I think that work should not be a problem for you. Proceed to The Ring, where your fist appointment awaits you. Hanna Richter
===Transmission Terminated===
RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Cris - 06-07-2014 ====Incoming Transmission====
![]() Name: Vermina Von-Wurststadt ¡Guten tag Frau Richter! I'm not sure if you remember me but in case you do and remember the certain details of our job relationship, sorry for the incident with that miner at The Ring, it was a silly joke and I never really had a chance to say sorry. I hope not many hearts were broken... ¡Anyway! it sems that my "business" down the Omicrons really didn't pay of well, you know, Zoners... It seems now I find myself in the need to return to active service as a transport captain, escort pilot, miner, whatever. Just get me out of the bounty hunters line of sight. Not that I have done anything illegal by the way. Also I lost my Heavy Tanker and my Tigershark. The former in a bet, the latter in a party in Gran Canaria. I know what you are thinking, but there is a reasonable explanation involving gaian wildlife, marijuana and silicone "stuff". Not proud, but I regret nothing. The point I'm trying to get accross here, is that I have nothing but my pilot license, ten thousand credits, a Daumann Shredder and a Pepper-Bacon synthpaste 24 pack. I require a transport ship and a fighter (preferably a bomber) I'll save the unnecesary details, as I'm sure you already have my resume in your database, and if you don't, shame on you Frau Richter, shame on you. Quote:Name: Vermina Von-Wurststadt ====Transmission Terminated====
RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Daumann Heavy Construction - 06-09-2014 ===Incoming Transmission=== ![]() Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Hanna Richter, DHC Secretary Good morning Mrs. Von-Wurststadt, You are in our database, I can see your previous eployment record. Well, naturally we always give a chance to skilled persons, but please make sure this time you don't lose entire heavy tanker *cough* Welcome back. Hanna Richter
===Transmission Terminated=== // hue Cris, you didn't have to :] RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Lifesaver6141 - 09-10-2014 Quote: It's not the ship, it's the pilot! Name: Bo Granger Age: 45 Short bio: Born on Planet Erie. Hard flyer, fighter and worker. Why do you want to work for Daumann? I liked your recruitment ad and it sounds like DHC is the way to go. Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I am dedicated and hard flying. I was a successful Bounty Hunter in the FL 1.1 and Hessians was my favorite dish. I am looking for a position in Security or Trading. I spend a lot of time in space (retired). You will get my best and many hours of work. One problem, I don't have a PC camera. I will have to make the purchase in the next week. Notes: 1- Applicants with genetic modifications (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected). 2- Applicans must have a S.K.Y.P.E account. RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Friedman - 10-04-2014 >>>Incoming Application<<< >>>Uploading Datastream<<< Name: Baldur Friedmann Age: 43 Short bio: A male of Rheinland origin, his family and himself travelled the sirus sector looking for ways to re-establish the families old mining heritage. The chance came when they found themselves in the Omega systems, and worked as temporary contractors to the various mining companies in the sector. It was during this time, that Friedmann developed the skills and experience of his trade, knowing how to find ore seams, how to extract them and how to fend off pirate raids… well, the smaller ones at least. The war with Liberty was tough on the Friedmann family. His two brothers were recruited and lost within the first skirmishes, and this had a hard effect on the man. Determined to support the war-effort as best as he could, in his spare time he began studying logistics, trading and mining theory, strategies and techniques… anything to help support the war effort as best as he possibly could. He even took a couple of security classes, but his bio-metrics weren’t in good enough condition to join any standing military unit. These were all completely from his lodging on board mining vessels and refineries; as leave could not be afforded and mobile courses were easily obtainable. Why do you want to work for Daumann? I wish to work with Daumann as they are a central core to the Rheinland industrial strength; and the mining and refining positions will put my experience and skills to good use. Why do you think Daumann should hire you? Not only will my experience in the mining industry in the Omega’s be put to good use, creating value and profit for the company, but Daumann will have also gained a contributing member who will always be looking for ways to improve and generate innovations for the company. >>>End of Application<<<
>>>Archiving Data to flightbox<<< RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Benoit - 10-07-2014 ![]() DHC - Human Resources Department
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: DHC HRD. Good evening Herr Granger I write to you today on behalf of Miss Richter who is momentarily unavailable. You have not passed the hiring process so far. We would like to know more about you and your C.V. Furthermore, please do not forget to fill in your S.K.Y.P.E. frequencies in the form. Yours faithfully, The DHC - Human Resource Department. RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Benoit - 10-07-2014 ![]() DHC - Human Resources Department
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: DHC HRD. Good evening Herr Friedmann I write to you today on behalf of Miss Richter who is momentarily unavailable. You have passed the hiring process, congratulations. Your talents and experience as a mining ship pilot speak for themselves. Please contact Captain von Hageland from the hauling division for further instructions. Yours faithfully, The DHC - Human Resource Department. RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Strichev - 10-12-2014 *** INCOMING TRANSMISSION *** ID: Gottfried Henkel LOCALE: Solarius Station PURPOSE: Restoring lost information Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! I am writing this to renew my long-lasting employment contract with the DHC. Apparently all information on me is lost; as if I've never been a part of this company and, unfortunately, the local office had not found any proof of my employment either. I've been thus advised to re-send all my data, having faith that this unfortunate mistake will be recognised and all benefits I've become entitled to in these years will be renewed. I am hereby enclosing my biography and other information required. *** ATTACHMENT 1: BIOGRAPHY *** I was born on Planet Stuttgart where I also graduated from agricultural studies on the local university. Feeling no urge to work on a planet I subsequently partook space mining and transportation courses with Daumann Heavy Construction, being delegated to an auxiliary transport pilot position in 812 A.S. In 818 A.S. I was trusted with piloting a transport full-time; the post I've been holding ever since. S.K.Y.P.E: andre-sokol I am looking forward to your reply, which will, beyond doubt, bring a swift and much needed resolution to this rather unusual situation. Hochachtungsvoll, Gottfried Henkel *** TRANSMISSION ENDS *** // I was in DHC when Chris attempted to recreate it, but never posted in a recruitment thread RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Benoit - 10-13-2014 ![]() DHC - Human Resources Department
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: DHC HRD. Good evening Captain Henkel. It is with great surprise that we did not found any trace of you in our archives. The matter is being taken care of as we speak. Expect a call from our department soon for the situation updates. In the meantime, we would like to welcome you back on board captain! If you need anything, please contact captain von Hageland from the Hauling division. Yours faithfully, The DHC - Human Resource Department. RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Aereon - 10-21-2014 Name: Sascha Kurzmann Age: 23 Short bio: Born and Bred on Planet New Berlin, Family are Stock Market Consultants specializing in Ore, Knowing how to Conduct Business and Supply and Demand I Decided to Follow a More Supply Oriented Path,Namley that of a miner.I Then Acquired my Self A Hedgemon, Usually I find my self working the Diamonds field's in O-11,diamonds are a girls Best friend after all(yes despite the meaning of my Last name,I am in fact a 1.8M Femal,ironic right?)I can Mine whateverRheinland has to offer,not just the Shiny Diamonds ![]() Why do you want to work for Daumann? Being Able to Read the Demand and then Supply it is a Sound and Profitable Business, and I would like to Offer my Skills and work for the Wat I feel is the Best Mining Company in Rhineland. I Don't Fully Trust Kruger. Why do you think Daumann should hire you? Well If my Résumé Above hasn't Got you attention I Shall Also add im a Good Miner, Have my Own Personal Hegemon and even mined Ore for a Mr. DHC-Einheit I believe he found my Services "Very pro!" |