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141| Internal Channel - Printable Version

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RE: 141| Internal Channel - Protton - 02-17-2013

[Image: ragm.png]

This is a report about the incident in Omicron Mu today.

"Enemy" vesels:

Order vessels:

Later then:
I got a report about a Blood Dragon battleship that was sighted in Alaska system, its cargo hold full of Nomad Remains, contacting LNS. I got this report from OCV-BRUMA. However, he cannot support any of this with some evidence.I belived it was the same man who we wanted to catch for selling nomad remains, but our trap failed (you can see more here). I noticed that Kiss_of_the_dragon was in Omicron Mu right in this moment. I called for backup on 141| skype network and undocked to question him. You can see the conversation here, right from the logs of my ship (see ship logs). (//cleared out of all server death reports)

As you can see, Kiss_of_the_Dragon confirmed that he had nomad remains on board. However, he refused to comply with my commands and deal with the situation in a diplomatic manner. They started to run away. 141|Redwolf-1 fired a CD after Doragon_no_masuta, after this, the ship opened up on our agent. Kiss_of_the_dragon then opened fire on OCV-BRUMA (see guncam) and captain d'Antoine gave the order to open fire. We did so.

After some fighting where our sekhmets with the help of
OCV-BRUMA destroyed Kiss_of_the_dragon while the other ship cloaked itself and ran off. We found it but before commander Davids could make it to possition to question the Blood Dragon, it cloaked itself again and we could not find it afterwards.

Ship logs:
Quote:141|Firefly: He is in Mu right now
141|Firefly: I am going to ask him about it right now.
OCV-Bruma: Ok, I'm inbound to Mu too
Kiss_of_the_dragon: konichiwa
141|Firefly: Kernor: Good day.
141|Firefly: you possitively saw him with the remains?
141|Firefly: In alaska?
OCV-Bruma: Yes
141|Firefly: Kernor: May I ask you some questions mister?
OCV-Bruma: Horz: Reporting in
141|Firefly: Kernor: I have a report about you...
Kiss_of_the_dragon: and ?
Kiss_of_the_dragon: was is in?
141|Firefly: Kernor: Roger that, get to Akabat
OCV-Bruma: Horz: Roger.
141|Firefly: Kernor: May I ask what were you doing in Alaska with your hold full of nomad remains?
Kiss_of_the_dragon: and waht is wiht the report?
Kiss_of_the_dragon: yes for may base sir i buld a jump drive factory
141|Firefly: Kernor: In Alaska?
Kiss_of_the_dragon: nope
141|Firefly: Kernor: You know handling with Nomad Remains is forbidden to everyone outside the Order?
OCV-Bruma: Horz: there he is!
OCV-Bruma: Horz: There he is!
141|Firefly: Kernor: It was statened by the Order High Command.
Kiss_of_the_dragon: 1 min phone
Kiss_of_the_dragon: back
Kiss_of_the_dragon: i dont handle wiht them
141|Firefly: Kernor: You had your cargo hold full of them.
Kiss_of_the_dragon: only a pair
141|Firefly: Kernor: Do you deny that you had nomad remains on board your ship? No?
OCV-Bruma: Horz: Dragon i saw you today in Alaska almost getting toasted
Kiss_of_the_dragon: i had maybe 2 bs and 5 gb form the factory sir
Kiss_of_the_dragon: for
Kiss_of_the_dragon: i mean
141|Firefly: Kernor: That is in violation of the Order rulles. They were sent to Blood Dragons as well.
OCV-Bruma: Horz: Later you were allying with a LNS vessel in Alaska and two other vessels in Manchester - Do group 17 ring a bell?
141|Firefly: Kernor: Blood Dragon Battleship Doragon_no_masuta, this does not concern you.
141|Firefly: Kernor: Move along.
Kiss_of_the_dragon: konnichiwa masutra
Doragon_no_masuta: I'll making missions
Doragon_no_masuta: konnichiwa
Kiss_of_the_dragon: and waht happend
141|Firefly: Kernor: You can make all you want Doragon_no_masuta as long as it does not concern us.
141|Firefly: Kernor: Kiss_of_the_Dragon, you had nomad remains on board.
Kiss_of_the_dragon: he will be at my site
141|Firefly: Kernor: And you admit it.
Kiss_of_the_dragon: lol
Shadowkurt: what ship u in may i ask
Kiss_of_the_dragon: and all can have normads on cargo hold
141|Firefly: Kernor: You violeted rulles of the Order. It was stated by the Order High Command.
Kiss_of_the_dragon: the order *facepalm*
141|Firefly: Kernor: Who do you mean can have nomad remains on board exactly?
OCV-Bruma: Horz: *whispers* He is behaving very strangely
141|Firefly: Kernor: Only order is allowed to have them. And zoners can have less than 10 for scientific research.
Kiss_of_the_dragon: all if there want to have witch reamins
Kiss_of_the_dragon: and the 141| dont use the remains lol
Kiss_of_the_dragon: no never no lol
141|Firefly: Kernor: We use them. Because we can use them.
141|Firefly: Kernor: We are the Order, we are here to deal with nomads.
Kiss_of_the_dragon: i can use this to
Kiss_of_the_dragon: you order *mega facepalm*
141|Firefly: Kernor: Negative, you cant. Blood Dragons are not allowed to use Nomad remains
Kiss_of_the_dragon: why you think you can only use them
141|Firefly: Kernor: Because it is stated that we can. Leaders of BD, zoners and the order stated that
141|Firefly: cut the engines!
Kiss_of_the_dragon: ahh
141|Forlorn.d'Autoine.: // where are they?
141|Firefly: Now!
OCV-Bruma: Horz: It seems this pilot have a problem with The Order but no probem to use our stations.
141|Forlorn.d'Autoine.: Merde! What is this?
141|Firefly: Kenor: Cut the engine!
Kiss_of_the_dragon: on the base are the people frendli
141|Firefly: Kernor: I am ordering you to cut your engines.
141|Forlorn.d'Autoine.: Kernor, I couldn't believe you but really... When I see it with my own eyes it's just unbelievable
141|Redwolf-1: //invite
Kiss_of_the_dragon: 141| laugths
141|Forlorn.d'Autoine.: Blood Dragons, what the hell are you doing here?
/fi 141
OCV-Bruma: //i fear those kids do not the the point regarding roleplay
Doragon_no_masuta: I'll making jobs
141|Forlorn.d'Autoine.: // location: akabat
141|Redwolf-1: ETA 2 minutes
Doragon_no_masuta: from the order
141|Firefly: Kernor: If you do not cut the engines, I will be forced to stop you.

[Image: screen176.png]

Agent Kernor out.
[Image: endpw.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 02-22-2013

[Image: v6jhmt.png]

Bonjour, this is Forlorn d'Autoine speaking.

I am transmitting this message so that I am able to forward the report concerning yesterday's fight in Omicron Zeta.
To sum it up, mes amis. We faced a large scale battle against a nomad fleet accompanied by Outcasts forces which directly assisted it in the battle.

Our fleets were alarmed by a number of hostile signals appearing on our scanners, this made us mobilize our forces and we had a great number of 141 tagged ships in space as well as ships belonging to the primary fleet and also support from other independent divisions.

Investigations revealed that the hostile signals was actually a Bounty Hunter Core ship, however, more we encountered more contacts which proved to be Rheinland Ships. Suspicions made us to target the Rheinland Ships as Wilde. Those very suspicions proved to had been true later.

That being said, a major organization maneuver was staged in hopes of preparing for the worse. All our ships mobilized at that moment of speaking regrouped in the asteroid field surrounding Meskenet. This was also the point where we decided to wait for the enemy as the location gave us a considerable advantage.

Moments passed and we finally got visuals on the Nomad Fleet. At first sight, it was composed of one Marduk Battleship classed Nomad and three Cruiser classed Nomads. But the nomad fleet had considerable reinforcements at its disposal. Reinforcements which were composed of Outcast, Samarran, and the Rheinland Ships I mentioned earlier which proved that they were Wilde indeed. Two Bounty Hunter Core fighters approached, one of them was the one we also encountered earlier. They offered us their assistance in eliminating the nomad threat. Considering that the fleet was possibly wanting to attack our home system... It makes me almost feel bad for destroying them afterwards, but like I said back then, there is nothing personal, but business, non?

Biensur, as the nomad capital vessels, especially the Marduk were hindered by the asteroid fleet, our group took the opportunity and engaged them. The Bomber squadron fell into the midst of battle launching salvos of torpedoes on the enemy marduk while the fighter escort was providing protection for us... Well ,,it" .

We also had two Osiris Battleships in our force pool, whose captains made the fatal mistakes of directly facing the Nomad Fleet in the asteroid field. That made them victims of the disadvantage we were trying to exploit as well. Needless to say, the Battleships got destroyed pretty fast as they were swarmed by the nomad cruisers.

Still, one of them gave enough damage to the Marduk, and so, with a few other blows, the bomber squadron managed to rip the Marduk apart. This came with a cost however, around half the size of the bomber squadron got lost because of the Cruiser escort the Marduk had.

At this moments, the balance was in the favor of neither sides. Our attention was faced towards the Cruisers but the fighter escort provided by the Outcasts, Samarrans and the Wilde gave us a hard time. Still, a SCRA cruiser vessel came out of no where in hopes of aiding us in combating the alien threat. I dare say, the cruiser support managed to give us an upper hand. We managed to greatly damage a cruiser or two until the SCRA cruiser honourably fell down, outnumbered by the enemy.

Still, it created a breach which we gladly used. Our forces swarmed the nomad cruisers which were ultimately destroyed as well. By the end of the destruction of the nomad fleet, there was almost nothing left of the bomber squadron. Just moi, and maybe one or two more agents from the Primary or the Independent fleet.

I took the decision to withdraw and comission a fighter vessel as the bomber became useless as the enemy had only fighters. That being said, I managed to use our well organized fighter escort as a distraction and fled combat. Back on docks, I took the liberty of piloting Hemuset-9 , something which I hope Commander Davids has no problem against heh heh, and came back into combat with the same efficiency I left.

The Outcast and the Wilde force was thinning but so was our force as well. We decided that it was best to turn against the Core et eliminate it now before it will prove a problem to us later. And so we did!

Now we started fighting the Core as well. It didn't take long before we slowly drew our victory. The Wilde and Outcast force was destroyed, with one Outcast ship left which managed to escape. Only the Core squadron remained.

We tried taking it down, but their skills proved more than matching, we lost Interceptor-2 which I do not know how, but he crashed into his own mine destroying his own ship. Moreover, Monsieur Golanski also couldn't withstand the Core anymore and his ship got destroyed as well, again, to a pile of mines...

By then, one Core fighter got taken down. There was only one Core fighter left which fought until the end. On our side however, from the fleet we had, only two fighters remained. Moi in Hemuset-9 and a member from the Primary Fleet, Grease was it? Or Greer?

Meh, negligeable...

Anyway, with his assistance, we managed to take down the Core fighter and so, the battle was over. There were no more enemies on our scanners and thus, I had decided to call it a victory. Still, it was a victory which came at a grand cost considering the losses we also sustained, only moi and that monsieur left the battlefield with our ships intact... mostly, but you get the point.

Also, mon gun camera managed to take data of the battle, for the curious ones, you will get the data attached together with mon report.

Before I end, I would also like to forward a suggestion, s'il vous plait. It would be tres bien to have training session between our own pilots the next few days if possible. Even though you rose up to the expectations and achieved victory, mes amis, we can still use a little training here and there to hone our discipline, organization, and moreover, fighting capabilities.

This was Captain Forlorn d'Autoine.
Au revoir!

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 02-26-2013

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Damen and Herren,

seems like times will become interesting for us.
I will not say much about it now,
but I need two volunteers for ein special mission.
I think that you, Agent Kernor, shall be one of them...

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Protton - 02-27-2013

[Image: ragm.png]
This is a report about a woman named Anna McCarthy.
Commander Davids met this woman yesterday. She is young, but she stills knows a lot. She reavealed a lot to me. I will share the most important parts with all of you.

She is a friend to Aurora. She knows a lot of her companions. And she told me about nomad society. A lot.

The most important thing is about us dealing with Aurora and nomad morphs.
Aurora: She believes in coexisting with humans. But she will help only those she sees worthy. To see you worthy, she must see you have no fear or prejudice about her. She is not Khara. She is Aurora. She is not agressive and she only defends herself.
Morphs: Morphs are NEVER agresive when they are born. They are just curious about everything. They seek to learn. And what will they do next depends on you, how do you treat them. Shoot them, make them afraid. And they will seek defence and revenge. They will join with Harbinger. Killing them is not an option, you cant kill a nomad. Just cant. Believe it.
If you treat the morph nice and it will turn out to be nice. It will join Aurora. That is what we want, that is what we need. That is the only way to defeat Harbinger. Help Aurora, teach the morphs.

I would like to tell you even more, but I cant just now.
Kernor out.
[Image: endpw.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Narcotic - 02-27-2013

[Image: lemuria.png]
SHIP ID: 141|Ares
SOURCE: Icarus Hangar
SUBJECT: Kernor's Report

Oh this really doesn't look good. Tell me agent, when did the doc last checked you? I'd suggest you to report to him as soon as possible. Something tells me that your mind was manipulated. Obviously bears the signature of the Nomads, "Aurora" or that woman you've been speaking of. Seriously, take this as wise hint: There exist no peaceful beings within their ranks. It was proven many times. Don't trust their words - never.

Can't you see the obvious? Why should they even seek peace after we've woke them up, claiming their space and reducing their numbers to a minimum. It's highly unrealistic that there are rebels who try to sympathize with us. I'm convinced that there never will be such. The only motivation for them to pretend peaceful intentions would be a higher plan for a full-scale extermination of humanity. We had such situations before, and we to scraped through.

Next time you'll see that Miss McCarthy, you should detain her for observation or destroy her vessel if she resists arrest, since she's probably infected by an incubus, sent by the Nomads to gain our trust. But their plans shall fail. I hope you understand the seriousness of this matter.


Aaron Lemuria
[Image: End.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 02-27-2013

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Commande Davids again.

Agent Lemurias has it explained quite properly. Don't trust the words of a nomad
worshipper at all. Right now we don't know the full scale of Aurora's intentions.
And until we know, stay cautious.
There is one thing though where you are wrong, Aaron. I was informed by
Admiral Golansky himself, that this Anna McCarthy is not infested by nomads.
She has passed such test.
That does not mean we should accept everything what she tells us.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Narcotic - 02-27-2013

[Image: lemuria.png]
SHIP ID: 141|Ares
SOURCE: Icarus Hangar
SUBJECT: Kernor's Report

Mhm. But with all due respect - what if the Admiral himself was infected by her already?
Oh hell, I probably won't sleep well tonight. Those Nomads are truly evil.


Aaron Lemuria
[Image: End.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Protton - 02-27-2013

[Image: ragm.png]

Good day gentlemen,

I have read your statements. Commander Davids prooved it, she is not infected. I tested her, Admiral Golanski tested her.

To my physical state, I believe her. I believe what she said. You may call me mad, but I am possitive on her statements. There is truth in that. I have met nomad morphs who only wanted to learn things. He was not hostile. I sent him off, maybe I made a mistake.

You are free to believe what you want agents, I have said what I believe in. That is on my mind. I have met more times with her, just to make me belive the things she said. And I believe them now.

Kernor out.
[Image: endpw.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Narcotic - 02-27-2013

[Image: lemuria.png]
SHIP ID: 141|Ares
SOURCE: Icarus Hangar
SUBJECT: Kernor's Report

I've got a bad feeling about all this. You're seriously trusting a Freelancer's words? And your talking about her opens my eyes. "You believe her. You've met more times with her? You've 'tested' her?" This turns out to be a nightmare. Tell me, you didn't had oral contact with her by chance?

Can't you see the obvious? She's abusing you as tool for their will. So do those unexperienced 'morphs' as you call them. Of course you wouldn't put a gun into a child's hands. But one day, you'll be sorry for not having killed their organic vessels. Of course they might appear sympathic, since they weren't brainwashed yet. I bet they're sent out to collect informations about our plans! Damn it, this is a too high risk. Have you ever wondered what they'd do if we'd sent a human baby into their controled space? I doubt that they'd let it alive. Not to mention - teaching it about their culture! What is happening here? Whatsoever, we should better discuss this issue somewhere else in private.


Aaron Lemuria
[Image: End.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Protton - 02-27-2013

[Image: ragm.png]

Agent Lemuria

I take personal offence in that. I would not tell you info I will not believe in. There are people who can know more than we do. I found such a person. You can believe it or you dont have to believe it. But listen to this:

Morphs are not linked to their mindshare. They are to young. The Harbinger can not control them. But if you rage them, they will want to destroy you. They will open themselves to Harbinger and he will control them.

However, if you treat them nice, they will see that Aurora is right. That we can coexist. And they will join her.

Say all you want, but dont hurt morphs. You dont have to tell them any information! You will just teach them. About life, about love, about all there is good in humanity.

Kernor out.
[Image: endpw.png]