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Bretonian Base Registration - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Base Registration - ALG Classic - 05-05-2015

[Image: DjGjJ0B.png]

To whom it may concern;

I'm Magdalena Atzenbruck, president of ALG Waste Disposal.
Our continuing efforts to clear the Southampton debris field have reached a point which necessitates a base of operations of our own, with the shipyard being under high workload already and Trafalgar simply not possessing the necessary docking and storage capacity.
ALG Waste Disposal's financial advisory team has assessed the feasibility of constructing a new installation within the debris field and has concluded that the endeavor is doable.

The planned location lies at the edge of the field, and would form a triangle with Trafalgar and Southampton, being around 13k south of the former, and 16k west of the latter. If necessary, a recording of the location is available.

The installation would be fully owned and operated by ALG Waste Disposal. The primary function would obviously be as a staging point for scrappers, and a storage facility for recovered scrap.
The planned name for the installation would be Danzig Depot.

The 50 000 000 deposit has been transferred from the [ALG]-Bank. The remaining registration fee of 300 000 000 credits will be transferred if the project gains preliminary approval.

Thank you for your time.
[Image: 9JwWorU.png]

RE: Bretonian Base Registration - Bretonia Police Authority - 05-09-2015

Magdalena Atzenbruck,

We have discuss, at length, your request and have great pleasure in allowing your Company the correct Permissions to carry on with your latest venture.

Once you have forwarded the full amount for the Licence your Company may commence the construction.

We have included a Link to the Bretonian Laws for your perusal. Please make note especially of Chapter 5 of said Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law

RE: Bretonian Base Registration - ALG Classic - 05-09-2015

[Image: DjGjJ0B.png]

Greetings again.

Thank you for your positive response. We hope our project will serve to improve the local economy.
However, there is one small issue. The funds are ready to transfer, but all three designated accounts return overflow errors upon attempting to transfer the sum. We will initiate the transfer as soon as this is rectified.

Thank you for your time.
[Image: 9JwWorU.png]

RE: Bretonian Base Registration - Bretonia Police Authority - 05-09-2015

Magdalena Atzenbruck,

We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. The Accounts are controlled by the Bretonian Government and we have no access to them. We will inform the relevant Department of your problem and hopefully it will be resolved soon.

RE: Bretonian Base Registration - ALG Classic - 05-09-2015

[Image: DjGjJ0B.png]

Greetings once more.

In accordance with the conversation I had on private channels, the remaining 300 000 000 credits have been sent to the BPA)Gerald.King[CCD] account from the [ALG]-Bank.

Thank you for your time.
[Image: 9JwWorU.png]

RE: Bretonian Base Registration - jammi - 05-29-2015

Incoming Transmission from Planet New London, New London system
29/05/822 A.S.

[Image: Hs7pHuJ.png]
To: BPA Licensing Department.
Priority: High
Topic: Modular Base Construction Registration.

Dear Sir or Madam

Borderworld Exports would like to formally register the structure known as "Canary Wharf Station" for registration as prescribed by the Bretonian legal charter.

This structure will operate within and with respect to all of the terms, conditions and regulations applied by the Crown, as noted in this channel.

A transfer fee in light of a previous registration has been forwarded to the QCG|HMS-Endeavour, as evidenced below.

[Image: FEVAy7F.png]

Yours in service to the Queen

James Cromwell KBE.
Special Advisor and Consultant
Borderworld Exports

RE: Bretonian Base Registration - Iro_Spot - 08-04-2015

--Incoming Recorded Transmission--
Caller ID: Joe.Vonrome.
Affiliation: Freelancer.
Request: Base Construction

Greetings Great Bretonia. I am here for requesting construction of a foundation we use to run in Omicron 74.
This foundation is now going to be placed within Newcastle, Middle C6.
I'm aware of how close this base is to a Mollie base, but they never really bothered us to much.

The base will be called: Vonrome's Foundations

My reputation with Bretonia is Neutral. As seen here:
The following factions will have docking rights on the base will be: BAF|, BPA), BIS| BMM- Gateway| Bowex)
The following Factions will be neutral do the base: Basically all other Bretonian Factions, along with Supplyers
The following Factions will be hostile to the base: Basically all Anything Gallic.

The base is intended to be a bar for any local ship in the area.
We will also Supply the forces of Bretonia with Docking modules and Cloaking Devices. We require imports of Nomadic Material, we people have used these things to make cloaks before, we know what we are doing with it.
Cloaks will not be open to the public. Just the forces of Bretonia.
Docking modules will be sold to the public.
We prohibit selling anything to unlawfuls under any circumstances.

We also request a 5k no fire zone around this station. If we can not have this, we will not.
We request weapon platforms for the sake of defence. You never know when that Corsair battleship might come out of no where.

I myself will pay the price of the construction when we get the cash. For us money isn't that easy to get a hold of.

RE: Bretonian Base Registration - Proxyeee - 08-05-2015

check next post please

RE: Bretonian Base Registration - Proxyeee - 08-05-2015

Dear sirs and madams,

my name is Proxyee, I am born on Planet Cambridge and I am currently working as a freelancing IMG miner.

I am requesting permission for a small base installation in the Cambridge system, Sector 2F, named Anglesey Abbey . The installation will be finished as a core 2 installation and the main purpose is to provide a home for me, my family and our Shetland Sheepdog named Luke, as well as being a harbor for my mining ship.

Of course I am going to grant BAF|, BPA) and BIS| so that they cam visit for a cup of tea and some scones.

Here the proof of the deposit:
[Image: 45p69pye.png]

Thank you for your time,

RE: Bretonian Base Registration - Bretonia Police Authority - 08-16-2015

Joe Vonrome,

We have reviewed your request and a few things will need clarification before permission will be given.

1) We will require you Base to adhere to all Bretonian Laws with respects to Base Building and Operation. These can be found here:

Chapter 5 deals with Base Building Regulations.

2) Permission for a 5k No Fire Zone (NFZ), around you installation, will not be granted. Your statement of 'If we can not have this, we will not' seems to be unfinished. We would like clarification on what you 'will not'.

3) Once your Base has been built you may apply for Weapon Platforms as laid down in Chapter 5, Sub-Section 5 of the Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law (the link has been supplied above).

4) The Transportation of Nomadic Materials will require a Licence and the application for this can be found here:

5) Once you have satisfactorily clarified the above points and sent the require Fifty Million (50,000,000) Credits to QCG|HMS-Endeavour we can start processing your Request.